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ZK Installation Guide
For ZK 6.5.0
ZK Installation Guide 1
Before You Start 1
New to Java 1
New to Java Servlet 2
Quick Start 3
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio 3
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven 8
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with NetBeans and REM 17
Create and Run Your First ZK Application Manually 21
ZK Background 23
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 3.0 23
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.4 24
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3 26
The Content of ZK Binary Distribution 27
Setting up Servers 29
Tomcat 30
JBoss 31
JBoss Cluster 32
WebSphere 33
WebSphere Portal 37
Oracle Server 40
WebLogic 41
WebLogic Portal 42
WebLogic Cluster 47
Google App Engine 48
Heroku 52
Red Hat OpenShift Express 57
Liferay 60
Pluto 84
Jetty 87
Resin 87
Setting up OSGi 88
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits 88
Setting up OS 93
Linux 93
IOS 94
Setting up IDE 95
Eclipse with ZK Studio 95
Eclipse without ZK Studio 96
Maven 98
Setting up Maven on Eclipse 99
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven 101
XML Editor 108
Article Sources and Contributors 109
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 111
ZK Installation Guide
ZK Installation Guide
Documentation:Books/ZK_Installation_Guide <comment>http:/ / books. zkoss. org/ wiki/
Before You Start
Before developing a Web application in Java, you have to install Java Development Kit (JDK) and a Servlet
container. Here we will guide you through the installation of JDK and the content of ZK binary distribution.
New to Java
You don't need to know Java to use ZK, since all rich user interfaces can be implemented in a HTML-like markup
language called ZUML. However, to complete a Web application, you or your teammates need to write some Java
code to glue UI and services together. It requires some Java knowledge.
If you haven't installed the following applications on your computer, please download and install them first.
Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
JDK is a software development for writing application in Java.
Note : we suggest you install this first even some web server already contains one
Web Server
A Web servlet is used to host the Web application you developed
ZK Framework
ZK is an Ajax framework simplifying the development of Web applications
Java Tutorials
Here are some good Java tutorials.
Java URLs
Language Basic
Class and Object
New to Java
Install Java SE Development Kit
ZK supports JDK
5, 6 and later
. You could visit the Java website to download and install the version you want.
Download: http:/ / www. oracle. com/ technetwork/ java/ javase/ downloads/ jdk6-jsp-136632. html
Installation Instructions: http:/ / www. oracle. com/ technetwork/ java/ javase/ index-137561. html
Download: http:/ / www. oracle. com/ technetwork/ java/ javase/ downloads/ index-jdk5-jsp-142662. html
Installation Instructions: http:/ / java. sun. com/ j2se/ 1. 5. 0/ install. html
[1] http:/ / docs/ books/ tutorial/ java/ nutsandbolts/ index. html
[2] http:/ / docs/ books/ tutorial/ java/ concepts/ index. html
[3] http:/ / docs/ books/ tutorial/ java/ javaOO/ index. html
[4] http:/ / docs/ books/ tutorial/ java/ IandI/ index. html
[5] Java SE Development Kit
[6] For Java 1.4, please use ZK 5 instead.
Version History
Version Date Content
New to Java Servlet
You don't need to know Java Servlet to use ZK, since ZK encapsulates the HTTP requests to higher-level concepts,
such as ZUL pages and executions. However, it is helpful if you have some Java Servlet concepts
Java Servlet Tuturials
A Web container
is a server to serve HTTP requests. A software developer who wants to add dynamical content
usually implements a so-called Java Servlet
A Java Servlet
is a Java class responsible for processing HTTP requests and then generating the corresponding
HTTP response (usually in the format of HTML), based on the requirement of your applications.
A Web container is also known as a Servlet container. Tomcat
is one of the most famous Web containers.
Rich Java
offers a good tutorial about Java Servlet.
New to Java Servlet
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / richjava.wordpress. com/
[2] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Web_container
[3] http:/ / www. google. com. tw/ search?q=define:Java+ Servlet
[4] http:/ / tomcat. apache. org/
Quick Start
This chapter describes how to quickly start your first ZK application.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with
Eclipse and ZK Studio
ZK Studio
is an Eclipse plugin to simplify the development of ZK applications with Eclipse.
If you prefer to install it manually or use with other IDE, please refer to Create and Run Your First ZK Application
Prepare Eclipse
Install Eclipse
1. Visit Eclipse download page
and download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
2. Uncompress it to a proper directory
3. Then, eclipse is ready to start for use.
For example, you could double-click eclipse.exe to start Eclipse under Windows.
You can follow ZK Studio Installation Guide
to install ZK Studio. There are prerequisites you have to set up
before installing ZK Studio:
Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
Java SE Development Kit version 5 or 6 is required in order to run Eclipse, you can download either of them from
the links below:
http:/ / java. sun. com/ javase/ downloads/ index. jsp
http:/ / java. sun. com/ javase/ downloads/ index_jdk5. jsp
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio
For detailed information on JDK installation, please see http:/ / java. sun. com/ javase/ 6/ webnotes/ install/ index.
, or http:/ / java. sun. com/ j2se/ 1. 5. 0/ install. html
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
ZK Studio is an Eclipse Plug-in so you must install Eclipse in advance. The following Eclipse IDE for Java EE
Developers packages are recommended:
Eclipse v3.6 (Helios)
http:/ / www. eclipse. org/ downloads/ packages/ eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/ heliossr1
Eclipse v3.5 (Galileo)
http:/ / www. eclipse. org/ downloads/ packages/ release/ galileo/ sr2
Please also see WTP Tutorials Building and Running a Web Application
for details.
Application Servers
Before developing web applications in Java with the ZK Ajax Framework, you need to install an application server.
Apache Tomcat is one of the most popular Web containers. Tomcat versions 6 and 7 are compatible with ZK Studio
and can be downloaded from the link http:/ / tomcat. apache. org/
Download the zip file of Tomcat distribution and extract it into a proper location (with no illegal characters or space
in the pathname). Tomcat requires configuration before it works with Eclipse, please see ZK Studio Essentials for
Installing ZK Studio
Please follow the installation guide for your Eclipse version:
Eclipse v3.6 (Helios)
Installation Guide for Eclipse v3.6 (Helios)
Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)
Installation Guide for Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)
Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)
Installation Guide for Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)
Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)
Installation Guide for Eclipse 3.3 (Europa)
Defining a Server Runtime
Before deploying and testing your application, you have to install a Web server (such as Tomcat) and specify the
server in eclipse. For more information on how to install a server, please also see ZK Installation Guide/Setting up
To specify the server in eclipse, please do as follows.
1. From menu goto Windows > Preferences...
2. Select Server > Runtime Environments, then click Add
3. Select Apache > Apache Tomcat v6.0 and then click Next
4. Browse to and select the root directory of the Web server installed in your computer
For example, the root directory of Apache Tomcat might be C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
For how to install Tomcat, please refer to this section
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio
5. Click Finish
Create a "Hello World" application from scratch with ZK Sutdio
Create a new "ZK Project"
With the release of ZK Studio you no longer have to create a new Dynamic Web Project and configure the settings
for ZK! You can create a new ZK Project, choose your ZK Package and sit back while ZK Studio does the rest for
The following swf demonstrates how to create a new ZK project using Eclipse 3.4 and ZK Studio: <gflash
width="945" height="685">Zk_studio_094_new_zk_project.swf</gflash>
For detailed steps, please refer to Create a New ZK Project
Create a new ZUL file
1. Right click on the WebContent folder in the Project Explorer view or the Package Explorer view and
select New > ZUL.
2. Type test.zul in the File name textbox and click Finish.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio
3. The newly created ZUL File will be opened in the ZUL Editor.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio
Run the application
1. Right click on the MyApp project in explorer and in the Menu dialog select Run As > Run on Server
2. Select Apache > Tomcat v6.0 Server in the server type dialog and then click Finish
3. View the result in your browser.
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / www. product/ zkstudio
[2] http:/ / www. downloads/
[3] http:/ / www. downloads/ download. php?file=/ technology/ epp/ downloads/ release/ ganymede/ SR2/
eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR2-win32. zip
[4] http:/ / books. zkoss. org/ wiki/ ZK_Studio_Essentials/ Installation
[5] http:/ / java. sun. com/ javase/ downloads/ index. jsp
[6] http:/ / java. sun. com/ javase/ downloads/ index_jdk5.jsp
[7] http:/ / java. sun. com/ javase/ 6/ webnotes/ install/ index. html
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio
[8] http:/ / java. sun. com/ j2se/ 1. 5. 0/ install.html
[9] http:/ / www. downloads/ packages/ eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/ heliossr1
[10] http:/ / downloads/ packages/ release/ galileo/ sr2
[11] http:/ / webtools/ community/ tutorials/ BuildJ2EEWebApp/ BuildJ2EEWebApp. html
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with
Eclipse and Maven
is the first and most mature of the projects aimed at integrating Apache Maven
within the Eclipse
Prepare Eclipse
Install Eclipse
Please follow the installation guide for your Eclipse:
Install Eclipse
Install M2eclipse
Please follow the installation guide for your M2eclipse:
Install M2eclipse
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
Add ZK Maven Archetype
[Window] -> [Preferences] -> [Maven] --> [Archetypes], click Add Remote Catalog and type in the catalog file
as illustrated:
Click Verify and then OK to add the catalog.
If the Remote catalog is empty.
[1] http:/ / www. m2e/
[2] http:/ / maven. apache. org/
[3] If an error message appears stating that the Remote catalog is empty, this is most likely due to a bug in the m2eclipse plugin in v0.12.x,
MNGECLIPSE-2757 (https:/ / issues. browse/ MNGECLIPSE-2757). Until m2eclipse 0.13.x or newer versions are released
and available, there are two possible workarounds:
1. Install the "older version" 0.10.x from the Installing m2eclipse (http:/ / m2eclipse. sonatype. org/ installing-m2eclipse. html) website.
Users will first need to uninstall m2eclipse 0.12.x, restart, and then install 0.10.x available from the following site:
http:/ / m2eclipse. sonatype. org/ sites/ m2e/ 0. 10. 2. 20100623-1649/
2. Install the newer version from the following site: http:/ / download. eclipse. org/ technology/ m2e/ releases You first will need to
uninstall m2eclipse 0.12.x, restart Eclipse before you can install the newer version from the website above. (Please note: the newer
version of M2eclipse plugin is not compatible with the old Maven Project. Therefore you must enable your maven project with the latest
M2eclipse plugin from the Installing m2eclipse website.)
3. Create the plugin from the archetype using the Maven command line tool mvn, then use import existing maven project to add the
generated project to Eclipse. For more details, please refer to Use the command line version of Maven to create a project.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
Create a "Hello World" application with ZK Maven Archetype
Create a Maven Project
[File] -> [New] -> [Other] --> [Maven Project]
Make sure Create a simple project is unticked in the first screen of the New Maven Project wizard and click Next
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
From the Select an Archetype screen, select ZK Maven Archetype from the catalog dropdown list.
Select zk-archetype-webapp from the list. (At the time of writing this is at version 6.0).
Next, fill in details for group id, artifact id, version number and package name.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
If the property zk-version-since is missing.
Click Finish and the Eclipse status bar should say ' Creating zk-archetype-webapp ' and ' Updating Maven
Dependencies '. If this is the user's first time dealing with ZK libraries, Maven will download the necessary
dependencies to compile and run this example, and would be stored in .m2/repository in the user's home directory.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
[1] Users who are running this wizard for the first time, ZK Archetype would not have been downloaded into m2eclipse yet, and as a result may
not populate the zk-version-since property correctly, leading to an error message like the following:
Unable to create project from archetype [org.zkoss:zk-archetype-webapp:6.0 ->], Archetype org.zkoss:zk-archetype-webapp:6.0 is not configured property
''zk-version-since'' is missing. The simple workaround for this problem is to just try again after clicking Finish to
end the ZK Maven web project wizard. When re-running the wizard, the zk-version-since property should appear in
the list this time.
Run the application
1. Go to Run As > Maven build...
2. In the goals field, enter jetty:stop jetty:run and tick Skip Tests then click "Apply" then "Run".
3. View the result in your browser.
http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/index.zul (http://localhost:8080/mywebapp/index.zul)
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
Packaging your porject into a Web Application Archive (WAR)
1. Go to Run As > Maven install
2. The project will then be packed into a war file and a zip file with source code.
Use the command line version of Maven to create a project
Create a Maven project
For instructions on how to set up maven, please refer to Maven (http:/ / maven. apache. org/ guides/
getting-started/ maven-in-five-minutes. html).
Go to the folder in Eclipse workspace, then run the following command:
Calling archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http:/ / mavensync. zkoss. org/ maven2/ '' - the plugin will first
ask to choose the archetype from the zk catalog, please just enter the number of the archetype.
It will then ask users to enter the values for groupId, the artifactId and the version of the project to create and the
base package for the sources.
It will then ask for confirmation of the configuration and perform the creation of the project.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
In the following example, webapp archetype (number 3) is selected and groupId is set to, artifactId to
mywebapp, version to '0.8.0 and package to'.
$ mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'archetype'.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Default Project
[INFO] task-segment: [archetype:generate] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Preparing archetype:generate
[INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
[INFO] [archetype:generate {execution: default-cli}]
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] No archetype defined. Using maven-archetype-quickstart (org.apache.maven.
Choose archetype:
1: -> zk-archetype-component (An archetype th
at generates a starter ZK component project)
2: -> zk-archetype-extension (An archetype th
at generates a starter ZK extension project)
3: -> zk-archetype-webapp (An archetype that
generates a starter ZK CE webapp project)
4: -> zk-ee-eval-archetype-webapp (An archety
pe that generates a starter ZK EE-eval webapp project)
Choose a number: : 3
Define value for property 'groupId': :
Define value for property 'artifactId': : mywebapp
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: 0.8.0
Define value for property 'package':
[INFO] Using property: zk-version-since = 6.0.1
Confirm properties configuration:
artifactId: mywebapp
version: 0.8.0
zk-version-since: 6.0.1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 29 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Fri Jun 22 16:55:27 CST 2012
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/150M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
Import a Maven project into Eclipse
[File] -> [Import] -> [Maven] --> [Existing Maven Projects]
After this, the user should now get a new project in the Package explorer.
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven
Version History
Version Date Content
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with
NetBeans and REM
is a NetBeans module for ZK application development contributed by Mr. Sotohiro Terashima.
Install NetBeans REM
Install NetBeans
1. Download the latest NetBeans IDE from here
2. Follow the installation wizard
Install REM plugin
1. Download the latest REM plugin from here
2. Start NetBeans
3. On NetBeans' main menu bar, select Tools > Plugins.
4. Click on the "Downloaded" tab, followed by "Add Plugins" to open the file explore
5. Navigate to where REM is downloaded and select the REM plugin
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with NetBeans and REM
6. Click "Install" and follow the NetBeans plugin manager prompts
Create a New ZK Project
1. On NetBeans main menu bar, select "New Project"
2. On the New Project wizard under "Categories", select "Java Web"
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with NetBeans and REM
3. Confirm and create a new ZK project.
4. Select the ZK project folder, and right click "Run" to deploy the project on Glassfish
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with NetBeans and REM
Deploy the ZK Demo Project
1. On NetBeans main menu bar, select "New Project"
2. On the New Project wizard under "Categories", expand the "Samples" folder and select "Java Web"
3. Select "ZK505 Demo Project" under "Projects"
4. Select the ZK demo project and right click to select "Run" to deploy the ZK demo
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with NetBeans and REM
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / rem1.sourceforge. net/
[2] http:/ / www. downloads/ index. html
[3] http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ rem1/ files/
Create and Run Your First ZK Application
Prepare the server
Install Tomcat
First, you have to prepare a Web server. You can use any Web servers that support Java Servlet (2.3 or later). Here
we introduce the installation of Tomcat
. For other servers and more information, please refer to Setting up
1. Visit Tomcat Official Site
2. Select the correct binary distribution for your environment and download
For Windows, you might download and execute 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer
, and then follow
the instructions
For any download/installation problems, please refer to http:/ / tomcat. apache. org/ tomcat-6. 0-doc/ index.
Download ZK Libraries
ZK libraries can be downloaded from ZK Download
and then save it to a proper location.
Create your first application
Here shows you how to create a web application manually without IDE or other tools.
Create Web application
ZK Web Applications use a standard directory structure defined in the Servlet specification.
When developing ZK web applications, you must follow this structure so that the application can be deployed in any
J2EE compliant web servers.
All you need to do is create a web application directory with related files.
Now i create one for example named myZK
Create and Run Your First ZK Application Manually
Install Library Distribution
1. Unzip (the x.x.x is the latest version)
2. Copy JAR files under following list to myZK/WEB-INF/lib
Create Deployment Descriptor(Web.xml)
web.xml is called the web application deployment descriptor. This is an XML file that defines servlets, servlet
mappings, listeners, filters, welcome files etc.
The deployment descriptor is a heart of any J2EE web applications, so every web application must have a web.xml
deployment descriptor directly under WEB-INF folder.
For the content of web.xml, please refer to Sample of web.xml for Servlet 3.0, Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.4
or Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3, depending on your Web server support.
Create First ZUL file
Here is a simple zul file named hello.zul.
<window title="My First ZK Application" border="normal">
Hello World!
Pack your project
1. Compress the myZK directory(e.g.
2. Rename to myZK.war
3. Done!!
Confirm your ZK Web Archive (WAR) file


- lib
Create and Run Your First ZK Application Manually
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / tomcat. apache. org
[2] http:/ / apache.stu. edu. tw/ / tomcat/ tomcat-6/ v6. 0. 29/ bin/ apache-tomcat-6. 0. 29. exe
[3] http:/ / www. download/ zk. dsp
ZK Background
This chapter describes the information of ZK installation, such as the sample of web.xml and the content of the
binary distribution.
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 3.0
ZK 6 supports Servlet 3.0 Pluggability, so you don't have to configure WEB-INF/web.xml at all.
<web-app xmlns=""
<description><![CDATA[My ZK Application]]></description>
On the other hand, if metadata-complete=true was specified in WEB-INF/web.xml (i.e., the support of pluggability
is disabled), you have to configure ZK servlets and listeners manually as described in the Sample of web.xml for
Servlet 2.4.
Version History
Version Date Content
6.0.0 December 2011 The support of Servlet 3.0 Pluggability was introduced.
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.4
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.4
After the ZK libraries have been deployed to a Web application, we have to configure web.xml to install the required
Servlets, listener and mapping: DHtmlLayoutServlet
, DHtmlUpdateServlet
, and HttpSessionListener
Here is the sample web.xml for servers that support Servlet 2.4 and later.
Notice that if you are using Servlet 3, you generally don't need to set up web.xml unless you'd like to configure
it different.
Notice that the ZK demo distribution has several web.xml files under the MyApp/WebContent/WEB-INF
directory: web.servlet-3.xml (for servers supporting only Servlet 3), web.servlet-2.4.xml (for servers
supporting Servlet 2.4 or later), and web.servlet-2.3.xml (for servers supporting only Servlet 2.3). You could
copy one of them instead of creating from scratch.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.4" xmlns=""
<description><![CDATA[My ZK Application]]></description>
<description>ZK listener for session cleanup</description>
<description>ZK loader for ZUML pages</description>
<!-- Optional. Uncomment it if you want to use richlets.
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.4
<description>The asynchronous update engine for ZK</description>
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / www. javadoc/ latest/ zk/ org/ zkoss/ zk/ ui/ http/ DHtmlLayoutServlet. html#
[2] http:/ / www. javadoc/ latest/ zk/ org/ zkoss/ zk/ au/ http/ DHtmlUpdateServlet. html#
[3] http:/ / www. javadoc/ latest/ zk/ org/ zkoss/ zk/ ui/ http/ HttpSessionListener. html#
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3
Here is the sample web.xml for servers that support Servlet 2.3 only.
Notice that the ZK demo distribution has two web.xml files under the MyApp/WebContent/WEB-INF
directory: web.xml (for servers supporting Servlet 2.4 or later), and web.servlet-2.3.xml (for servers
supporting only Servlet 2.3). You could copy one of them instead of creating from scratch.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
<description><![CDATA[My ZK Application]]></description>


<!-- Optional. Uncomment it if you want to use richlets.
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3
Version History
Version Date Content
The Content of ZK Binary Distribution
Directory Structure
The content of the ZK binary distribution is as follows.
This directory holds the documents including release notes and license.
This directory holds the ZK libraries
Filename Description License Shipped
zcommon.jar ZK's common library that ZK depends on (org.zkoss.*) LGPL All
zweb.jar ZK's Web library that ZK depends on (org.zkoss.web.* LGPL All
zk.jar ZK core functions, such as ZK Loader and Update Engine. (org.zkoss.zk.*) LGPL All
zul.jar ZUL components (org.zkoss.zul.*) LGPL All
zhtml.jar ZK HTML (ZHTML) components (org.zkoss.zhtml.*) LGPL All
zkbind.jar ZK Bind, including data binding and MVVM. LGPL All
zkplus.jar ZK extra utilities integrated easily with other frameworks. (org.zkoss.zkplus.*) LGPL All
zel.jar ZK's implementation of EL 2.2. It is based on Apache Tomcat 7's EL 2.2 implementation. Apache All
zkex.jar ZK professional ZUL components and utilities (org.zkoss.zkex.*) Commercial ZK PE and EE only
The Content of ZK Binary Distribution
zml.jar ZK XML components for generating XML output (org.zkoss.zml.*) Commercial ZK PE and EE only
zkmax.jar ZK enterprise components and utilities (org.zkoss.*) Commercial ZK EE only
This directory holds the additional components and libraries. It is optional depending on whether you need
There are three kinds of binary distributions: CE, PE and EE. If not stated explicitly, it is shipped in all
Filename Description License Version Shipped
sapphire.jar Required if you want to use the sapphire theme. LGPL 6.0.0 All
silvertail.jar Required if you want to use the silvertail theme. LGPL 6.0.0 All
ckez.jar Required if you want to use ZK CKeditor component. LGPL All
timelinez.jar Required if you want to use ZK Timeline component. GPL 2.3.1_50 ZK PE and EE only
timeplotz.jar Required if you want to use ZK Timeplot component. GPL 1.1_50 ZK EE only
gmapsz.jar Required if you want to use ZK Google Maps component. GPL 2.0.52 ZK EE only
zuljsp.jar Required if you want to use ZK JSP Tags. GPL 2.0 ZK EE only
This directory holds the external libraries required to run ZK. Since these libraries are common, you might have
already installed them in your Servlet container. These jar files are optional. You can choose whether to copy
depending on your requirements.
Filename Description License Version Shipped
Required if you want
to upload files with
Apache Commons Fileupload 1.2.2
Commons IO 2.1
Required if you want
to use ZUL's chart
LGPL JFreeChart 1.0.14
JCommon 1.0.17
ZK PE and
EE only
Required if you want
to use the jasperreport
Jasper Reports 4.5.1 (itext: 2.1.7, commons-collections:
3.2.1, commons-logging: 1.1.1, commons-digester: 2.1,
jxl: 2.6.12, poi: 3.7)
Note: poi.jar is required if you want to use Apache POI to
generate Microsoft Excel format. And, jxl.jar is required
only if you want to use JExcelApi to generate the
Microsoft Excel format.
ZK PE and
EE only
bsh.jar Required if you want
scripting in Java
LGPL BeanShell 2.0b4 All
Filters.jar Required if you want
to use the captcha
Apache JH Labs Java Image Filters ZK PE and
EE only
The interpreters for Groovy (groovy.jar), Ruby (jruby.jar), Python (jython.jar), JavaScript (js.jar), MVEL
(mvel.jar) and OGNL (ognl.jar) are not shipped with the binary distribution since ZK 6. You could get them from
The Content of ZK Binary Distribution
their websites, or from ZK's Git repository (https:/ / github. com/ zkoss/ zk/ tree/ master/ dist/ lib/ ext).
This directory holds the source codes in JAR format. These JAR files are used for debugging in IDE, such as Eclipse
and NetBeans. You cannot build the binary libraries from these. Rather, download and uncompress
This directory holds the XSD files that might be useful to develop ZK applications.
This directory holds the sample configuration file (web.xml and portlet.xml) and the TLD files. These TLD files are
part of JAR files so they are loaded automatically. We put them here mainly for your reference only.
Version History
Version Date Content
Setting up Servers
If you are new to Web servers, you could start with ZK Installation Guide/Setting up Servers/Tomcat.
Install Tomcat
1. Visit Tomcat Official Site
2. Select the correct binary distribution for your environment and download
For Windows, you might download and execute 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer
, and then follow
the instructions
Any download/install problem, please refer to http:/ / tomcat. apache. org/ tomcat-6. 0-doc/ index. html
Deploy ZK demo application(optional)
The simplest way to test drive ZK existed application is to download and install the ZK demo application.
This step is optional. You could skip it if you prefer to start creating your own application directly.
1. Download the lastest zkdemo at http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zk1/ files/ ZK/ (e.g.
2. Unzip
3. Copy zkdemo.war under the zk-sandbox-6.0.0 directory to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps.
4. Start/ReStart the tomcat services (In some cases, you may need to restart your container if it is running.)
5. Visit http:/ / localhost:8080/ zkdemo, and then play around with the demo application
Deploy war file to Tomcat is very easy but there're something you need to know
Tomcat will unzip the war file to filename\ directory automatically
You can NOT modify the content of filename\ directory unless you remove the war file, or your modification
will not work.
For more information about Tomcat's deployer, please refer to http:/ / tomcat. apache. org/ tomcat-6. 0-doc/
deployer-howto. html
Deploy your application with IDE
When developing an application, we usually use IDE to deploy it. For more information, please refer to the
document of your IDE.
If you are new to Java IDE, you might take a look at Setting up Eclipse with ZK Studio.
Version History
Version Date Content
JBoss 4.0 and above
1. Download Jboss from http:/ / www. jboss. com/ downloads/ index and install it,if you haven't installed it.
2. Test the Jboss using link http:/ / localhost:port, if it's OK stop the server.
3. Unzip or zk-demo-XXX.tar.gz
4. Copy dist/lib/*.jar and dist/lib/*/*.jar to the $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/lib
5. Copy zkdemo.war to $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy
6. Start the server.
7. Browse to http:/ / localhost/ zkdemo/ userguide or http:/ / localhost:8080/ zkdemo/ userguide depending on you
configuration for JBoss.
by Juan Jose Buendia Mardones (Chile)
JBoss 3.2.2 + tomcat 4.1
1. Follow the instruction to install ZK Ajax on tomcat 4.1.
2. Download the following files and copy them to the lib directory under default.
3. Change the web.xml so that it will fit servlet 2.3 specifications.
4. We are still working on some problems and I will update this record when I'll have the full solution.
When I tried the solution given by Mars Chen some of the components built upon the Jboss platform didn't function
anymore. When doing my solution however one of the ZK components (the upload file) didn't work. But for now I
did a workaround to use tomcat 5.5 in the background.
by Yaniv Ran (USA)
2.1 There I got another simple solution: using ZK distribution's bsh.jar into JBoss lib directory to replace
Please refer BeanShell official site. == http:/ / www. beanshell. org/ download. html == The bsh-version.jar
containas all files in bsh-core-version.jar.
by Mars Chen (Taiwan)
Version History
Version Date Content
JBoss Cluster
JBoss Cluster
Before You Start
You have to configure the following setting for Web and JBoss.
According to JBoss' tutorial, it is required to add the following settings in WEB-INF/web.xml if you are doing
clustering in JBoss.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web-app xmlns=""

Create jboss-web.xml file under under XXX/WEB-INF folder(XXX is like ZKsandbox in the war file) if
fileupload component is used in your app.
For example,
<context-root>warFileName</context-root> <!-- context-root should be the same with war file name -->
JBoss Cluster
Setting up JBoss 5.1.0 Clusters with Apache Load Balance
After you have done the settings above, please follow JBoss' official document to set up a JBoss Clustered Server
[1] http:/ / docs.jboss. org/ jbossclustering/ cluster_guide/ 5.1/ html-single/ index. html
IBM WebSphere
1. IBM offers a websphere application server community edition. Please go to http:/ / www-128. ibm. com/
developerworks/ downloads/ ws/ wasce/ ?S_TACT=105AGX10& S_CMP=WASCE to download it.
2. Follow the instruction to download, you might need to register for an account if you don't already have one.
3. Under downloads, choose Server and 32bit IBM SDK 1.4.2 SR4-1, procees to download.
4. Start the installer and accepts all defaults.
5. Once installation is completed, go to All Programs->IBM Websphere->Application
Server->Profiles->Default->Start the Server, this will start the server.
6. Browse http:/ / localhost:9060/ ibm/ console/ secure/ logon. do to deploy application
7. After deployed, applications can be access via http:/ / localhost:9080/ myapp
8. For additional documentation and tutorials, go to http:/ / publib. boulder. ibm. com/ wasce/ Front_en. html
ZK supports Servlet 2.3, 2.4 and later. The only difference is the content of WEB-INF/web.xml is a little
bit different. Please refer to Sample of web.xml and Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3.
IBM WebSphere 7
Import war file
1. Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications -> Click install button
2. Select war file to import
3. Select Fast Path 4. Go through Steps, in Step 4, input Context Root 5. Save configuration 6. Start application
Find web application port
1. Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> Click "server1"
2. Communcations -> Click on "Ports"
3. Check WC_defaulthost
View Web application
Version History
Version Date Content
WebSphere Portal
WebSphere Portal
Setting up Websphere Portal
Download Websphere Portal from IBM
Follow the installation guide here
to install
Browse http:/ / localhost:10039/ wps/ portal and set up admin account and password
Create ZK portlet project
since 6.0.1
Create a ZK project by ZK Studio
Add the following portlet.xml file under /WEB-INF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portlet-app version="2.0"

<value>/index.zul</value> <!-- the main page of portlet -->
WebSphere Portal
Export the project as a war file
Deploy ZK portlet in WebSphere Portal
Browse http:/ / localhost:10039/ wps/ portal and login with admin account
Click Administration tab at the top of the page
Select Web Module then click the install button.
Click Choose File button to select the war file then press the Next button.
Check the war information and choose Start application, then click the Finish button.
Go back to Home page
Add a new tab page by clicking Action -> EditPage
Click New Page then enter "Page name" and "Friendly URL Name"
WebSphere Portal
Add the deployed portlet to the created new page by clicking Action -> EditPage.
Click Customize -> All -> in the search box, enter the portlet name defined in portlet.xml
Drag and drop the portlet into the created new page and click Save & Exit button.
ZK project is now deployed in a Websphere Portal
WebSphere Portal
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / com/ webapp/ download/ byproduct. jsp?pgel=ibmhzn1& cm_re=masthead-_-supdl-_-dl-trials
[2] http:/ / www-10.lotus. com/ ldd/ portalwiki. nsf/ dx/ Installing_wp7
Oracle Server
Oracle OC4J and Oracle OPMN Release 3
OC4J 10.1.3 (release 3) is the first production version of Oracle Containers to support J2EE 1.4 specification
(Servlet 2.4).
1. Download OC4J 10.1.3 or later from http:/ / www. oracle. com and install it.
2. You must setup OC4J to run with the -userThreads parameter at the command line (oc4j.cmd, on OPMN this is
done inside the opmn.xml <data id="oc4j-options" value="-userThreads" />)
3. Unzip or later version
4. Copy dist/lib/*.jar and dist/lib/ext/*.jar to the $OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/applib
5. Start OC4J server and enter a new oc4jadmin's password if prompted or restart the server if it is already up
6. Open "Enterprise Manager" application - just browse to http:/ / localhost:8888/ em/
7. Login as oc4jadmin and go to Applications --> Deploy page
8. Deploy zkdemo.war (follow the on-screen instructions)
9. Browse to http:/ / localhost:8888/ zkdemo/ userguide
Substitute "/zkdemo" with the context uri you entered in EM during deployment
Start OC4J Server:
bin/oc4j -start
10.1.2 and earlier
Prior versions, supports only J2EE 1.3 (with Servlet 2.3), WEB-INF/web.xml shall be replaced
with Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3.
Notice that ZK supports Servlet 2.3 but the web.xml configuration file is a bit different. Also notice that ZK 6 and
later no longer support Java 1.4.
Version History
Version Date Content
1. Download Weblogic 9.1 from [1]
2. Start the Weblogic installer and accept all defaults.
3. Once the default installation is complete, create a weblogic domain by clicking Start->Programs->BEA
products->Tools->Configuration Wizard.
4. Select "Create New Weblogic Domain" and click Next.
5. Accept the defaults on "Select Domain Source" and click Next.
6. Enter a password in "Configure Administrator Username and Password" and click Next.
7. Accept all defaults on "Configure Server Start Mode and JDK" and click Next.
8. Selct No on Configure Environment Setting and Services" and click Next.
9. Accept all defaults on "Create Weblogic Domain and click Create.
10. Once the domain is created, check the check box labeled "Start Admin Server" and click Done.
11. The server will start up.
12. The HTTP port is default to 7001 unless you change it.
The easiest way to deploy your application is to copy your war/ear (it could be in an exploded format) to the
autodeploy directory under the weblogic installaton directory. If you followed the instruction above that
directory is located at C:\bea\user_projects\domains\base_domain\autodeploy. When you place your war/ear
file in that directory, weblogic will detect it and do a hot deployment.
If you want to copy ZK libraries to the domain, put them under c:/bea/user_projects/domains/base_domain/lib
Libraries that have to be copied include bsh.jar, commons-fileupload.jar, commons-el.jar, pxcommon.jar, pxweb.jar,
zk.jar, zul.jar, and zhtml.jar.
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / commerce. showproduct.jsp?family=WLS& major=9. 1& minor=0
WebLogic Portal
WebLogic Portal
Weblogic Portal provides several types of portlets, if you want to convert an existing zul page into a portlet, you can
consider using a JSP portlet.
Add JSP/HTML Portlet
1. Right click on portlet folder > [New] > [Portlet]
2. Give a file name then click Next.
WebLogic Portal
3. Select JSP/HTML Portlet then click Next.
4. Check Minmizable and Maximizable and you can define title and zul page location then click Create.
WebLogic Portal
Add Zul page to your webapp
Create myZulPage.zul in the WebContent/portlet/myzulpage folder.
WebLogic Portal
Add portlet to portal page
1. Drag myZulPage.portlet to "Page 1" in the index.portal.
2. Done.
WebLogic Portal
Run the weblogic server
Run the server and access your application in the following link, http:/ / localhost:7001/ myPortalWebProject/
index. portal
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / localhost:7001/ myPortalWebProject/ index.portal
WebLogic Cluster
WebLogic Cluster
Before You Start
You have to configure the following setting for ZK and Weblogic.
Turn on Serializable UI Factory for ZK, please refer to this documentation.
<!-- clustering environment, since ZK 5.0.8-->
Add a weblogic.xml under XXX/WEB-INF folder(XXX is like ZKsandbox in the war file)
For example,
<!DOCTYPE weblogic-web-app PUBLIC "-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 8.1//EN"
As mentioned in Weblogic's document
replicated Same as memory, but session data is replicated across the clustered servers.
WebLogic Cluster
Setting up Weblogic Clusters
After those things done above, please follow the official document to set up a Weblogic Cluster Server here
Version History
Version Date Content
5.0.8 June 2011 Add ClusterSessionPatch listener to zk.xml for enforce Weblogic to write session.
[1] http:/ / download. oracle. com/ docs/ cd/ E12840_01/ wls/ docs103/ webapp/ weblogic_xml. html#wp1071982
[2] http:/ / download. oracle. com/ docs/ cd/ E12840_01/ wls/ docs103/ cluster/ setup. html
Google App Engine
Get Your App Engine Account Ready
First, you have to sign up an App Engine
account and download the App Engine SDK. Refer to the official
for details.
To use Google App Engine for Java, you have to take one additional step: sign up here
In addition, since GAE is a clustered platform, your application must be ready for clustering, such as
implementing serializable. For more information, please refer to ZK Developer's Reference:
Clustering/Programming Tips.
Configure Your App Engine Project
Here we assume you created a App Engine project. If not, please refer here
There are three files that you have to configure: web.xml, zk.xml and appengine-web.xml. They all reside
in the WEB-INF directory.
The web.xml File
The content is similar to other ZK application except the AU engine has to be mapped to /zkau, too (in additions to
/zkau/*. Otherwise, AU requests won't be sent to the AU engine. Here is is an example.
<web-app xmlns="" version="2.5">
<description>ZK listener for session cleanup</description>
Google App Engine
The zk.xml File
Google App Engine is a cloud service, so you have to enable the clustering: disable event threads and use
serializable UI factory. In addition, Google App Engine doesn't allow users to create a working thread, so we have to
disable the resend mechanism.
Here is an example.
<!-- clustering environment -->
<!-- clustering environment (available since ZK 5.0.8)-->
<!-- [Required if ZK 5] disable the use of LogManager (prohibited by GAE). -->
Google App Engine
<!-- GAE doesn't allow user's thread -->
With ZK 6 or later, you don't have to specify the library property called org.zkoss.util.logging.hierarchy.disabled.
Rather, just not to configure the logging at all (i.e., do not use any feature specified in ZK Developer's
Reference/Supporting Utilities/Logger). Then, java.util.logging.LogManager won't be used (which is prohibited by
The appengine-web.xml File
App Engine requires one addition configuration file named appengine-web.xml. It resides in the WEB-INF
<exclude path="/**.zul"/>
<exclude path="/**.zhtml"/>
<include path="/**.zul"/>
<include path="/**.zhtml"/>
More Information
Due to the way App Engine serializes sessions, you have to use ZK 3.6.2 or later. In additions, there are some other
You cannot define functions in zscript, since BeanShell's method can not be serialized correctly
You cannot use captcha due to the limit support of AWT
[1] http:/ / code. google. com/ appengine/
[2] http:/ / appengine. google. com/ promo/ java_runtime
[3] http:/ / code. google. com/ appengine/ docs/ java/ gettingstarted/
[4] It runs correctly locally but not if uploaded. It could be done by specifying as a library property to disable the serializing of zscript methods
for the whole application.
[5] You will see a warning, ... Component captcha ignored., in the application log.
Memory Limitation and Solutions
GAE limits the session memory to 1 mega bytes. If a user visits several pages (with different URLs) in the same
browser session, there would be several desktops created and stored in the session, and it might run out the 1 mega
bytes. To avoid this, you can implement DesktopInit (http:/ / www. zkoss. org/ javadoc/ latest/ zk/ org/ zkoss/ zk/ ui/
util/ DesktopInit. html#) to remove other desktops in the desktop cache and specify it in WEB-INF/zk.xml as a
listener. For example,
Google App Engine
public class MyDesktopInit implements DesktopInit {
public void init(Desktop desktop, Object req) throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
//Remove old Desktop
String oldDesktopId = (String)
WebAppCtrl ctrl =
DesktopCache dc = ctrl.getDesktopCache(desktop.getSession());
//Add new Desktop
Download (http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zk1/ files/ ZK for Google App Engine/ ) a sample application named
You can visit it at http:/ / zk-gae. appspot. com/ hello. zul (http:/ / zk-gae. appspot. com/ hello. zul).
In additions, you could visit Bitbucket (https:/ / bitbucket. org/ antiso/ zktest/ src/ 143186a3ae8b/ src/ main/ ). It is a
sample project developed by Vladimir Sosnin, and the working demo is here (http:/ / tags42. appspot. com/
borderlayout/ borderlayout. zul).
Version History
Version Date Content
5.0.8 June 2011 Add ClusterSessionPatch listener to zk.xml for enforce GAE to write session.
5.0.9 September
In 5.0.7/5.0.8, we introduced a feature allowing developers to log the serialization. Unfortunately, it broke one of GAE
restriction: java.util.logging.LogManager is not accessible. It is fixed in 5.0.9 but specifying a library property called
org.zkoss.util.logging.hierarchy.disabled in WEB-INF/zk.xml.
Get Your Heroku Ready
Refer to Getting Started with Heroku
for getting Heroku ready. You should have Ruby, Git, and Heroku Gem
installed and have applied for a Heroku account.
Deploy ZK Project to Heroku
Heroku only allow Maven Projects. Follow this guide
to create a ZK-Maven Project. After you have created a
ZK-Maven project, you can decide to run with either Jetty or Tomcat.
ZK Maven Project With Jetty Server Embedded
1. Modify pom.xml to add embedded Jetty web container for running on Heroku.
3. Create a file named Procfile in Project root to tell Heroku how to execute the application
web: java $JAVA_OPTS -jar target/dependency/jetty-runner.jar --port
$PORT target/*.war
ZK Maven Project With Tomcat Server Embedded
1. Create in src/main/java with package launch to start embedded Tomcat server.
package launch;
import org.apache.catalina.startup.Tomcat;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String webappDirLocation = "src/main/webapp/";
Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat();
// The port that we should run on can be set into an
environment variable
// Look for that variable and default to 8080 if it isn't
String webPort = System.getenv("PORT");
if (webPort == null || webPort.isEmpty()) {
webPort = "8080";
tomcat.addWebapp("/", new
System.out.println("configuring app with basedir: " + new
File("./" + webappDirLocation).getAbsolutePath());
3. Modify pom.xml.
a) Remove <package>war</package> line to make Main.class work
b) Add embedded Tomcat web container for running on Heroku.
<!-- <packaging>war</packaging> -->
<!-- The following three dependencies are used for JSP. If you application doesn't contain JSP, simply remove them -->
<!-- Add the plugin to start ''Main.class'' -->
7. Create a file named Procfile in Project root to tell Heroku how to execute the application
web: sh target/bin/webapp
Deploy to Heroku
Once the server is ready, we can deploy to Heroku.
1. Initialize git repository.
cd projectName
git init
3. Create a .gitignore file to ignore all the files under target folder as these files are unnecessary to be managed and
included by git repository.
5. Commit project source code to git repository.
git add .
git commit -m "CommitMessageNote"
7. Create Heroku app on Cedar stack and Heroku will create an app with a random AppName that can be changed
heroku create --stack cedar
9. Deploy the code
git push heroku master
11. Rename the AppName (Optional)
heroku rename newname
13. Visit the application
heroku open
Update Source Code changes to Heroku
If you wish to make changes to the app deployed on Heroku, follow the steps below:
1. Commit project source code to git repository.
git add .
git commit -m "CommitMessageNote"
3. Deploy the code
git push heroku master
5. Visit the changes
heroku open
the sample maven project named
Sandbox sample is deployed on Heroku at http:/ / zksandbox. herokuapp. com/
[1] http:/ / devcenter. heroku. com/ articles/ quickstart
[2] http:/ / books. zkoss. org/ wiki/ ZK_Installation_Guide/ Setting_up_IDE/ Maven/ Create_and_Run_ZK_Application_with_Maven_Archetype
[3] http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zkforge/ files/ Small%20Talks/ ZK%20Sandbox%20for%20Heroku/
[4] http:/ / zksandbox. herokuapp. com/
Red Hat OpenShift Express
Red Hat OpenShift Express
Get Your OpenShift Ready
Apply a new OpenShift account if you don't have a Red Hat Network (RHN) account.
If you prefer to use Eclipse, you can install Eclipse plugin to create OpenShift domain and application without
following the prerequisites and steps listed below. Here is the video
that demonstrates how you can use Eclipse
plugin to do so. If you are doing so, you do not need to follow the next a few steps.
Refer to OpenShift User Guide
for required client tools.
1. Prerequisites for Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora:
RHEL 6 and up or Fedora 14 and up.
Express repo file openshift.repo
View video walkthrough
2. Prerequisites for Other Linuxes:
Root access
Ruby 1.8 or higher installed or available to be installed
Install the required packages: git, ruby, rubygems, and the ruby 1.8 development package.
3. Prerequisites for Mac:
4. Prerequisites for Windows:
with the following optional components:
Create an OpenShift domain name
Run rhc-create-domain command to create an unique domain name for your application.
$ rhc-create-domain -n DomainName -l rhlogin -p password
-n DomainName specifies the domain that you want to create. This must contain a maximum of 16
alphanumeric characters.
-l rhlogin your OpenShift Express or RHN account.
-p password your OpenShift Express or RHN password.
Red Hat OpenShift Express
Create a Maven Application
Run rhc-create-app command and OpenShift will create a maven project with default page automatically.
$ rhc-create-app -a AppName -t Type -l rhlogin -p password
-a AppName The name of the application to create (maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters).
-t Type The framework type to create. OpenShift Express currently supports the following application types:
php-5.3 for PHP applications
wsgi-3.2 for Web Server Gateway Interface applications
rack-1.1 for Ruby Webserver Interface applications
perl-5.10 for Perl applications
jbossas-7.0 for JBoss AS applications (used for ZK project)
raw-0.1 a raw cartridge type used to create applications of no specific type
-l rhlogin your OpenShift Express or RHN account.
-p password your OpenShift Express or RHN password.
Once it is done the application is on the cloud, you can visit http:/ / AppName-DomainName. rhcloud. com/ to see
the default OpenShift page.
Import into Eclipse IDE (Optional)
If you wish to use Eclipse,
Run the following command to support Eclipse.
$ mvn eclipse:eclipse
Refer to here to import into Eclipse.
Deploy changes to OpenShift
Once you have created an OpenShift application in your local machine following the steps above, the application is
at the same time deployed to the cloud. To update and make changes to your application, you have to make changes
in the git directory specified during the application creation process.
There are two options to deploy the changes:
Option 1: Upload contents in a Maven src structure
This option is simple and recommended. Just push the source code with "git push" command.
$ cd AppName
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m "Commit Message"
$ git push origin master
Then OpenShift will build your project on cloud. Once it's done you can visit http:/ / AppName-DomainName.
rhcloud. com/ to see your application.
Red Hat OpenShift Express
Option 2: Upload prebuilt contents
If you do not wish OpenShift to build your project automatically, you have to remove pom.xml file and all the
source code.
$ cd AppName
$ git rm -r src/ pom.xml
Then, copy the pre-built war file into deployments folder and rename it to ROOT.war
$ cp target/prebuilt.war deployments/ROOT.war
$ git add .
$ git commit -a -m "Commit Message"
$ git push origin master
Once it's done you can visit http:/ / appName-domainName. rhcloud. com/ to see the result
[1] https:/ / www. redhat. com/ openshift/ community/ blogs/ deploying-java-apps-to-the-cloud-with-the-openshift-eclipse-plug-in
[2] http:/ / docs/ en-US/ OpenShift_Express/ 1. 0/ html/ User_Guide/ index. html
[3] https:/ / openshift. redhat. com/ app/ repo/ openshift.repo
[4] http:/ / www. watch?v=KLtbuvyJFFE
[5] http:/ / www.
[6] http:/ / rubyforge. org/ projects/ rubygems
[7] By default the warName is ROOT within the pom.xml file. This will render the webapp contents at http:/ / app_name-namespace. rhcloud.
If you change the warName in pom.xml to "app_name" or if the warName in deployments folder is "app_name.war", then your base URL
would become http:/ / app_name.
Download (http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zkforge/ files/ Small Talks/ ZK Sandbox for OpenShift/ ?) the
sample maven project named
Sandbox sample is deployed on OpenShift at http:/ / zksandbox-zksupport. rhcloud. com/ .
Setting up Liferay
There are several ways in which an application can be set up within Liferay, the first one being to simply go to
and download the pre-bundled liferay tomcat bundle (other app server bundles are also available but
experiences indicate that other ones might be trickier to begin with as the configuration is usually more lengthy),
however, this option is not ideal if the user already have an existing tomcat server.
If the user already has a tomcat server on hand and does not particularly feel like deploying another one, the second
option would be to download "liferay war". Typically, Liferay's installation removes the ROOT folder from the
server, to avoid this situation, please stick to the following steps closely.
Download the non-bundled liferay war (Liferay Portal Professional 4.2.1 WAR) from Liferay
Download the additional file called Liferay Portal 4.2.1 Dependencies, and unzip it to shared/lib
In order to keep the ROOT folder, extract the contents of the war into a folder, call it 'myportal' for instance.
Under the WEB-INF folder, create a 'classes' folder, in this folder create a file called '', and in
this file place the following (note that users may of course change the portal.ctx and/or the lucene and jackrabbit
directory depending on later configurations):
Go back to the WEB-INF folder and edit the web.xml - change the root_path to have a param value of '/myportal',
so that the top of the web.xml will look as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.4">
<filter-name>Auto Login Filter</filter-name>
Now go into the META-INF folder and add a file called 'context.xml' and add the following (configure this
according to own specifics, just make sure that the context path attribute is '/myportal', if the user does not use
mysql database and wants liferay to use hSQLdb, strip out the first Resource element):
<Context path="/myportal" reloadable="true" >



Now for the real trick, liferay 4.2 has a small bug when changing the context to something other than the ROOT.
In the folder html/portal, find a file called load_render_portlet.jsp, open the file up and go to line 55-56 and it
should look like the following:
function <%= namespace %>loadPortlet() {
var path = "/c/portal/render_portlet";
however it should look as follows:
function <%= namespace %>loadPortlet() {
var path = "/myportal/c/portal/render_portlet";
If the user wishes to use mySQL, modify the context.xml to the user's own configurations, the user will also need
to download the liferay-mysql script file and run it against the user's database.
Now, in the ROOT folder (i.e. C:\ for windows, / for UNIX/LINUX), create a 'home' folder (if it doesn't already
exist) and in that folder, create a 'liferay' folder. Make sure tomcat has permission to modify the folder.
Now, re zip the folder and rename the zip file to myportal.war, drop it into tomcat's webapps deploy directory and
(hopefully) a working liferay portal will appear.
Deploying a ZK portlet
Here, this guide assumes that users are familiar with and have created a ZK war.
First, in order to tell liferay about the portlet, create a class that looks like this:
* Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Liferay, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.GenericPortlet;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* @author Brian Wing Shun Chan
* @modified Glenn Keith
public class JSPPortlet extends GenericPortlet {
public void init() throws PortletException {
editJSP = getInitParameter("edit-jsp");
helpJSP = getInitParameter("help-jsp");
viewJSP = getInitParameter("view-jsp");
public void doDispatch(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res)
throws IOException, PortletException {
String jspPage = req.getParameter("jspPage");
if (jspPage != null) {
include(jspPage, req, res);
else {
super.doDispatch(req, res);
public void doEdit(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res)
throws IOException, PortletException {
if (req.getPreferences() == null) {
super.doEdit(req, res);
else {
include(editJSP, req, res);
public void doHelp(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res)
throws IOException, PortletException {
include(helpJSP, req, res);
public void doView(RenderRequest req, RenderResponse res)
throws IOException, PortletException {
include(viewJSP, req, res);
protected void include(String path, RenderRequest req,
RenderResponse res)
throws IOException, PortletException {
PortletRequestDispatcher prd =
if (prd == null) {
_log.error(path + " is not a valid include");
else {
prd.include(req, res);
protected String editJSP;
protected String helpJSP;
protected String viewJSP;
private static Log _log = LogFactory.getLog(JSPPortlet.class);
Next, create a 'liferay-display.xml' file that looks like the following in WEB-INF:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE display PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Display 4.0.0//EN" "">
<category name="category.test">
<portlet id="portletone" />
Now, also in the WEB-INF, create a file called 'liferay-portlet.xml' that looks like the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE liferay-portlet-app PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Portlet Application 4.1.0//EN" "">
<role-link>Power User</role-link>
Liferay 5.2.* : Liferay 5.2 adds cache filters to users' web.xml when deployed on the liferay server. These,
however, blocks the zk javascript (*.js) communication. To avoid this, add the property
"speed-filters-enabled=false" in the file in the WEB-INF directory.
Now again in WEB-INF create a 'portlet.xml' file that looks as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<portlet-app xmlns="" version="1.0"

<display-name>Sample JSP Portlet</display-name>
<title>Sample JSP Portlet</title>
<short-title>Sample JSP Portlet</short-title>
<keywords>Sample JSP Portlet</keywords>
Note that the /view.zul reference in this file is the 'index' file of the portlet, and all these files have been
referenced as 'portletone', please change this as the name of the war file.
Finally, at the top of the web.xml file after <web-app> add the following (followed by the typical ZK stuff):
Notice that company_id is left as is because changing the value would also mean digging around
the liferay database and it would be hard to find all the places to modify the values.
Deploy the resulting war into /home/liferay/deploy directory,
Access and sign in to the user's portal, click on 'Add Content' link, under the category 'Test' add 'Sample JSP
Running ZK 5 with Liferay 5.2
Version: Liferay: 5.2.1 and ZK 5
1.Download Liferay-Tomcat bundle (this example uses liferay-portal-tomcat-6.0-5.2.1)
2.Create a ZK 5 Project
3. Inside the WEB-INF folder, in order to run the ZK application, set up the following four xml files in Liferay.
In order to integrate Liferay with ZK, add the following settings to the portlet.xml setting:
And create a zk_page called hello.zul
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?page title="Hello"?>
<window title="My First window" border="normal" width="200px">
Hello, World!
<button label="Hi" onClick='alert("Welcome")'/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portlet-app version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description xml:lang="EN">HelloZK</description>
<display-name xml:lang="EN">HelloZK</display-name>
<title>HelloZK Portlet</title>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE display PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD DISPLAY 2.0.0//EN" "">
<category name="category.sample">
<portlet id="HelloZK" />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE liferay-portlet-app PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Portlet Application 5.2.0//EN" "">
<role-link>Power User</role-link>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plugin-package PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Plugin Package 4.3.6//EN" "">
<name>Hello ZK</name>
<tag>Hello ZK</tag>
Hello ZK
Initial Deployment
<license osi-approved="true">GPL</license>
4.Add library-property setting to zk.xml for Liferay
Reason: under IE, using Liferay with ZK will cause HTML Parsing Error (KB927917)
Solution: use jQueryPatch and set appropriate time delay value for browser.
5. Export war file
Export a war file called DEPLOY_TO__HelloZK.war, and put this war file under the deploy folder
Liferay deploys war files by its name, when the name DEPLOY_TO__HelloZK.war is used, liferay will deploy
this war file to folder HelloZK
Running ZK 5 with Liferay 6
Version: Liferay: 6.0+ and ZK 5
1. Download Liferay version bundled with Tomcat from Liferay
2. Create a ZK 5 Project
3. Inside the WEB-INF folder, in order to run ZK, users need to add four xml files to set up Liferay.
JQueryRenderCachedPatch needs to be added to the zk.xml setting
The main difference between Liferay 5.2 and Liferay 6.0 is liferay-portlet.xml and zk.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" version="2.4" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<filter-name>Cache Filter - Resource</filter-name>
<filter-name>Cache Filter - Resource JSP</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter - JSP</filter-name>
<filter-name>GZip Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<param-value>max-age=315360000, public</param-value>
<filter-name>Header Filter - JSP</filter-name>
<param-value>max-age=315360000, public</param-value>
<filter-name>Language Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Minifier Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Minifier Filter - JSP</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Header Filter - JSP</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>ETag Filter - JSP</filter-name>
<filter-name>Cache Filter - Resource</filter-name>
<filter-name>Cache Filter - Resource</filter-name>
<filter-name>Cache Filter - Resource</filter-name>
<filter-name>Cache Filter - Resource JSP</filter-name>
<filter-name>GZip Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>GZip Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>GZip Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>GZip Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Language Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Minifier Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Minifier Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Minifier Filter - JSP</filter-name>
<description>ZK listener for session cleanup</description>
<description>ZK loader for ZUML pages</description>
<description>The asynchronous update engine for ZK</description>
use JQueryRenderCachedPatch
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[since 5.0.11]
use NonRootContextJQueryRenderPatch instead of JQueryRenderCachedPatch if the home page of Liferay
is not under the root(/) path
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
add this to the setting <header-portlet-javascript>/zkau/web/js/zk.wpd</header-portlet-javascript>
<role-link>Power User</role-link>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE display PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD DISPLAY 2.0.0//EN" "">
<category name="category.sample">
<portlet id="HelloZK2" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plugin-package PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Plugin Package 4.3.6//EN" "">
<name>Hello ZK2</name>
<tag>Hello ZK2</tag>
Hello ZK2
Initial Deployment
<license osi-approved="true">GPL</license>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<portlet-app version="1.0"

<description xml:lang="EN">HelloZK2</description>
<display-name xml:lang="EN">HelloZK2</display-name>
<title>HelloZK2 Portlet</title>
Please download the following war file to view this example in detail
Download DEPLOY_TO__HelloZK2.war
See also
http:/ / devenphillips. blogspot. com/ 2009/ 04/ developing-liferay-portlets-with-zk. html
ZK 5 / Liferay Integration - jquery conflict
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / www.
[2] https:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zkforge/ files/ Small%20Talks/ How%20to%20Install%20ZK%20on%20Liferay/
DEPLOY_TO__HelloZK. war/ download
[3] http:/ / www.
[4] https:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zkforge/ files/ Small%20Talks/ How%20to%20Install%20ZK%20on%20Liferay/
DEPLOY_TO__HelloZK2. war/ download
[5] http:/ / www. forum/ listComment/ 11051
Deploy a ZK Porlet
Define the definition of porlet in web.xml
<display-name>ZK Portlets</display-name>

<description>ZK loader for ZUML pages</description>
<load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup><!-- Must -->


<description>The asynchronous update engine for ZK</description>



Define a ZK portlet in portlet.xml.

<description>ZKloader for ZUML pages</description>
<display-name>ZK Portlet Loader</display-name>




How to resolve Session Timeout
The cause of this problem is that ZK cannot find the desktop from its session. Why? ZK desktop was stored in the
session of pluto instead of ZK webapp because pluto pass its session to ZK webapp while doing cross-context in
Tomcat. This breaks the spec of servlet. So far, there is no good solution. But here is a workaround that ZK stores
desktop in application scope instead of session scope to avoid the problem. Please add the following lines in your
Version History
Version Date Content
1. Download Jetty from http:/ / www. mortbay. org/ jetty/ index. html and install it, if you haven't installed it yet.
2. Stop Jetty.
3. Unzip or zk-demo.x.x.tar.gz
4. Copy dist/lib/*.jar to $JETTY_HOME/lib
($JETTY_HOME is where you installed Jetty)
5. Copy dist/lib/ext/*.jar to $JETTY_HOME/lib
6. [Optional] Copy dist/lib/zkforge/*.jar to $JETTY_HOME/lib
(It depends whether you need component from ZK Forge)
7. Deploy demo/bin/zkdemo.war to Jetty by copying it to $JETTY_HOME/webapps directly.
8. Start Jetty.
9. Browse to http:/ / localhost/ zkdemo/ userguide or http:/ / localhost:8080/ zkdemo/ userguide, depending on your
Version History
Version Date Content
1. Download Resin from http:/ / caucho. com/ download/ index. xtp and install it, if you haven't installed it yet.
2. Stop Resin
3. Unzip or zk-1.0.0.tar.gz
4. Copy dist/lib/*.jar to $RESIN_HOME/lib ($RESIN_HOME is where you installed Resin.)
5. Copy dist/lib/ext/*.jar to $RESIN_HOME/lib
6. [Optional] Copy dist/lib/zkforge/*.jar to $RESIN_HOME/lib (It depends whether you need component from ZK
7. Deploy demo/bin/zkdemo.war to Resin by copying it to $RESIN_HOME/webapps directly.
8. Start Resin.
9. Browse to http:/ / localhost/ zkdemo/ userguide or http:/ / localhost:8080/ zkdemo/ userguide, depending on your
by Peter Manchev
Version History
Version Date Content
Setting up OSGi
Setting up OSGi
This installation guide will lead you through how to run ZK in OSGi environment. If you are not familiar to OSGi,
following are some useful references:
OSGi official home page
OSGi Service Platform Release 4
OSGI Service Platform Release 4 Java API
Hello, OSGi Part 1
, Part 2
, Part 3
Apache Felix OSGi Tutorial
[1] http:/ / www. osgi. org/ Main/ HomePage
[2] http:/ / www2.osgi. org/ Release4/ HomePage
[3] http:/ / www2.osgi. org/ javadoc/ r4/
[4] http:/ / www. javaworld. com/ javaworld/ jw-03-2008/ jw-03-osgi1. html
[5] http:/ / www. javaworld. com/ javaworld/ jw-04-2008/ jw-04-osgi2. html
[6] http:/ / www. javaworld. com/ javaworld/ jw-06-2008/ jw-06-osgi3. html
[7] http:/ / site/ apache-felix-osgi-tutorial. html
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits
Prepare OSGi running environment
EclipseRT Web Starter Kit
Download EclipseRT Web Starter Kits
Click the latest stable version (currently link and download Jetty Server (cross platform)
and unzip the file.
Rename the unzipped folder name from EclipseRTWebStarterKit-version.timestamp to
Import this project to Eclipse by Import wizard: General -> Existing Projects into Workspace as illustrated
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits
ZK OSGi bundles
since 6.0.2
Download ZK OSGi
Unzip all zk osgi jars into any folder.
Double click file.
Click Add button -> choose Directory -> Select the folder that contains zk osgi jars.
Click Set as Target Platform link to make it a default target platform to run OSGi Framework.
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits
Run up OSGi environment
Right Click EclipseRTWebStarterKit project -> Run As -> Run Configuration -> OSGi Framework -> Start
EclipseRT Web Starter Kit
Click Add Required Bundles button-> click Run button.
If you see osgi console, then it is correctly installed. You can type help command to check all osgi command
Type close command in the console to shutdown and exit OSGi environment.
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits
Create a Hello World project
Follow eclipse wizard to create a new Plug-in project
1. File -> New -> Other -> Plug-in Project
2. Type the project name (here I use helloZKOSGi) and in the Target Platform choose an OSGi framework as
standard and click Next.
3. In Properties panel, type ID (helloZKOSGi), Version (1.0.0), Name (Hello ZK OSGi) and Provider (leave
blank) information. In Options panel, uncheck Generate an activator since we do not need Activator here.
Then, click Next.
4. Uncheck Create a plug-in using one of the templates since we do not need it here. Click Finish.
Create a folder called WEB-INF under the project root.
Create web.xml file under WEB-INF folder.
Create zk.xml file under WEB-INF folder.
Create a hello world zul page under project root.
<?page title="Hello ZK OSGi"?>
<window title="Hello OSGi!!" border="normal" width="200px">
<label value="You are using: ${desktop.webApp.version}"/>
Open MANIFEST.MF file to edit necessary information.
1. You will see six tabs: Overview, Dependencies, Runtime, Build, MANIFEST.MF and
2. In Dependencies tab, add Required Plug-ins for all zk jars
4. In Build tab, remember to check WEB-INF folder and index.zul file that were created earlier.
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits
6. In MANIFEST.MF tab, add the following content to the last line that will treat this plug-in project as a web
Web-ContextPath: /osgi
Right click on helloZKOSGi project -> Run AS -> Run Configuration
Click Add Required Bundles button and make sure that helloZKOSGi bundle is checked
Visit http:/ / localhost:8080/ osgi to check the result.
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / download. jetty/ updates/ jetty-rt-3. 7milestones/
[2] http:/ / sourceforge. net/ projects/ zk1/ files/ ZK/ zk-6. 0. 2/
Setting up OS
Setting up OS
Here is the information related to the OS environment that some ZK components might depend on.
Here is the notes to set up the environment of Linux that some ZK components depends on.
Chart and Captcha
Chart and Captcha depends on Java Swing. To make Swing works correctly under Linux, you have to install
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
[1] The default installation includes only openjdk-6-jre-headless and openjdk-6-jre-lib.
Jasperreprot is based on the JasperReports project (http:/ / jasperforge. org/ projects/ jasperreports). To make it run
correctly under Linux, you have to make sure all fonts that you use are installed.
sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
The procedure to install fonts might depend on the version you use. Please refer to this discussion (http:/ /
stackoverflow. com/ questions/ 3218732/ jasper-reports-pdf-generation-issue) for more information.
Version History
Version Date Content
Here is the notes to set up the environment of iOS.
Columns Menu
Several components, such as Columns Menu, will adjust the position of popup to make sure it is on the left side of
the right edge (so that it is totally visible). On the other hand, iOS Safari assumes the width to be 980px by default.
Thus, if your web page is designed to have a different width, the calculation might be wrong. To solve this issue, you
could specify the width in a meta tag called viewport as follows:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1190" >
For more information, please refer to Safari Developer Library
onClick Event
In IOS device (ipad/iphone) you have to specify the following CSS (cursor:pointer) to make it work with onClick
<component style="cursor:pointer">
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / developer. apple. com/ library/ safari/ #documentation/ AppleApplications/ Reference/ SafariWebContent/ UsingtheViewport/
UsingtheViewport. html#/ / apple_ref/ doc/ uid/ TP40006509-SW24
Setting up IDE
Eclipse with ZK Studio
Install Eclipse
1. Visit Eclipse download page
and download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
2. Uncompress it to a proper directory
3. Then, eclipse is ready to start.
For example, you could double-click eclipse.exe to start Eclipse under Windows.
Install ZK Studio
Follow ZK Studio Installation Guide to install ZK Studio.
Defining a Server Runtime
Before deploying and testing your application, you have to install a Web server (such as Tomcat) and specify the
server in eclipse. For information of installing a server, please refer to ZK Installation Guide/Setting up
To specify the server in eclipse, please do as follows.
1. From menu goto Windows > Preferences...
2. Select Server > Runtime Environments, then click Add
3. Select Apache > Apache Tomcat v6.0 and click Next
4. Browse to and select the root directory of the Web server installed in your computer
For example, the root directory of Apache Tomcat might be C:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 6.0
For how to install Tomcat, please refer to this section
5. Click Finish
Eclipse with ZK Studio
Create and Run Your First ZK Application
After installing Eclipse and ZK Studio, please take a look at Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse
and ZK Studio.
Version History
Version Date Content
Eclipse without ZK Studio
Prepare Eclipse
Install Eclipse
1. Visit Eclipse download page
and download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
2. Uncompress it to a proper directory
3. Then, eclipse is ready to start.
For example, you could double-click eclipse.exe to start Eclipse under Windows.
Setting up Eclipse without ZK Studio
Here is the description of using ZK with Eclipse without ZK Studio. However, it is recommended to use ZK Studio
for Eclipse
, which is much more powerful and easier to use.
How to setup the zul.xsd schema into Eclipse
1. You should have setup Eclipse to work with ZK. The details is in the above smalltalk.
2. Execute the Eclipse SDK.
3. Select Window/Preferences... from the menu and the Preferences dialog popup.
4. Select Web and XML/XML Catalog from the left sidebar tree menu and the right side is the XML Catalog
5. Select User Specified Entries in the XML Catalog Entries field and press the Add... button.
6. The Add XML Catalog Entry dialog now popup:
In URI field, type in http:/ / www. zkoss. org/ 2005/ zul/ zul. xsd'''. Or, type in
ZK_HOME/dist/WEB-INF/xsd/zul/zul.xsd (ZK_HOME is the directory where ZK's zip file was unziped).
In Key Type field, select Schema Location.
In Key field, type in http:/ / www. zkoss. org/ 2005/ zul/ zul. xsd'''.
Press OK button.
7. Now you should see a new entry http:/ / www. zkoss. org/ 2005/ zul/ zul. xsd''' under the User Specified Entires.
8. Done.
Eclipse without ZK Studio
How to generate ZUL files from the ZUL schema using Eclipse
1. You should have setup the zul.xsd schema into Eclipse.
2. Select File/New/Other... from the Eclipse SDK menu and the New dialog popup.
3. In Select a wizard page, select XML/XML from the tree menu and press Next > button.
4. In Create XML File page, select Create XML file from an XML schema file and then press Next > button.
5. In XML File Name page, type or select a proper parent folder for your project. It is generally under the
WebContext folder of your project. Then type in the ZUL file name you want to create(e.g. helloworld.zul) and
press Next > button.
6. In Select XML Schema File page, select Select XML catalog entry option. You should see the http:/ / www.
zkoss. org/ 2005/ zul/ zul. xsd''' in the XML Catalog list. Now select the entry and press Next > button.
7. In Select Root Element page:
In Root Element field, pick a proper root element. In most ZK applications, it is generally a window or an zk
In Content options field, you can leave as it is.
In Namespace Information field, you can select the entry and press edit... button to take out the prefix or
change the prefix.
Press Finish button.
8. The ZUL file is created and opened on an XML editor window.
9. Now you can start editing your ZUL file. Press Alt-/ to open the Content Assist popup window to help you fill
up proper ZUL elements and attributes.
10. Done.
Add Schema to ZUL Manually
Instead of using Eclipse's XML wizard, you could specify the schema directly in your ZUL document, such that the
validation and Content Assist will be enabled automatically. Here is an example.
Notice that you have to specify the schema location in the root element, and the root element could be any valid ZUL
component, such as window.
How to setup Eclipse to work with zhtml
1. Select Window/Preferences... from the Eclipse SDK menu and the Preferences dialog will popup.
2. Select General and Content Types Catalog from the left sidebar tree menu and the right side is the Content
Types panel.
3. Select Text and XML in the Content types and press the Add... button .
4. Add *.zhtml or such as *.zul, *.jsp, *.html etc.
5. Finally, you can press the RightClick on your file and choose the XML editor in the Open With menu.
6. Done.
Eclipse without ZK Studio
How to setup the Rational Application Developer RAD version of Eclipse to
work with zhtml
1. Select Window/Preferences... from the SDK menu and the Preferences dialog will popup.
2. Select Workbench/File Assocations then click on the top Add to add a file type *.zhtml
3. Click on the lower Add and select HTML Source Page Editor and set it to be default
4. Done
See Also
Develop ZK Applications with Eclipse
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / www. product/ zkstudio. dsp
[2] http:/ / www. smalltalks/ eclipse/ ek.html
If you don't know what Maven is, please take a look at the following URL(s):
Maven Apache
http:/ / maven. apache. org/
Maven in 5 Minutes
http:/ / maven. apache. org/ guides/ getting-started/ maven-in-five-minutes. html
Setting up Maven on Eclipse
Setting up Maven on Eclipse
Setting up on Eclipse
Here describes how to set up Maven
on Eclipse
Java 5 or above is required to run Eclipse and Embedded Maven (you can still use any Java version as default
in Eclipse and run external Maven using Java versions required by Maven)
Make sure Eclipse is running on JDK and not on JRE
Eclipse Related
Eclipse : 3.6 or later
Go to Eclipse Downloads
Choose Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (It included WTP
Eclipse Plugin, which can be installed by using the Eclipse Update Manager. The Eclipse Update Manager can be
found by selecting Install New Software... from the Help menu. Then, click Add... to add the URL as a new update
1. M2eclipse
Update Site :
Eclipse 3.6.* and 3.7.*: http:/ / download. eclipse. org/ technology/ m2e/ releases
Eclipse 3.5.* and 3.6.*: http:/ / m2eclipse. sonatype. org/ sites/ m2e
(Please note: This version includes a
Maven Archetype Bug. Therefore it is suggested to download and install a "newer" version of M2eclipse
plugin to avoid this unresolved error.)
Install Maven Integration for Eclipse (core feature)
2. (Optional but recommend) Run-Jetty-Run
Update Site : http:/ / run-jetty-run. googlecode. com/ svn/ trunk/ updatesite/
An amazing plug-in which enables you to run web applications in Eclipse using its embedded Jetty
distribution. You will enjoy the awesome redeploy speed.
Installation and usage documentation Run-Jetty-Run - Getting Started
3. (Optional) M2eclipse Extra
Update Site : http:/ / m2eclipse. sonatype. org/ sites/ m2e-extras
Install Maven Integration for WTP
Setting up Maven on Eclipse
4. (Optional) Eclipse IAM, formerly Q for Eclipse:
Eclipse Integration for Apache Maven
Q4e on Google Code
5. (Optional) Subeclipse
Get the latest subclipse plug-in as per plug-in instructions here
(use this http:/ / subclipse. tigris. org/
update_1. 6. x)
Note: For 64-bit Windows & 64-bit Eclipse installation you will need to install Silksvn client download
avoid JavaHL binding error.
[1] http:/ / www. downloads
[2] http:/ / www. webtools/
[3] Official installation step
Eclipse 3.6.* and 3.7.*: (http:/ / m2e/ download/ )
Eclipse 3.5.* and 3.6.*: (http:/ / m2eclipse. sonatype. org/ installing-m2eclipse. html)
[4] http:/ / download. technology/ m2e/ releases
[5] http:/ / sites/ m2e
[6] http:/ / run-jetty-run. svn/ trunk/ updatesite/
[7] http:/ / code. google. com/ p/ run-jetty-run/ wiki/ GettingStarted
[8] This plugin should be installed when you use WTP as your development server.
[9] http:/ / sites/ m2e-extras
[10] http:/ / com/ p/ q4e/
[11] http:/ / subclipse.tigris. org/ install.html
[12] http:/ / www.sliksvn. com/ en/ download
Version History
Version Date Content
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
How to Use ZK Maven Repository
This chapter describes how to use the Maven repository hosted by ZK. Here introduces you a simple example for
using ZK maven repository in your maven build environment.
Add ZK Maven repository to your pom.xml file
By default while resolving project dependencies Maven will only look into Maven central repository [1]. In order to
use ZK Maven repository add following <repositories> element into pom.xml under the root <project> element.
<id>ZK CE</id>
<name>ZK CE Repository</name>
Note that ZK Maven repository URL is http:/ / mavensync. zkoss. org/ maven2
Adding ZK library dependencies
Depending upon your project requirements your project might depend on various ZK libraries. You can declare these
dependencies in pom.xml file and Maven can resolve them by automatically connecting to ZK Maven repository
Here is how you can declare a dependency for main ZK library and zul library for your project.
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
In order for Maven to successfully resolve these dependencies groupid and artifactid must match with those
published on ZK Maven repository as they constitute what is known as Maven repository coordinates. For a
complete list of all ZK library groupid and artifactid combinations please take a look at a sample pom.xml file that
lists dependencies for all publically available ZK libraries on ZK Maven repository.
Sample of pom.xml
Here is sample pom.xml for a simple Java project that uses the ZK maven repository.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
<id>ZK CE</id>
<name>ZK CE Repository</name>
<id>ZK EVAL</id>
<name>ZK Evaluation Repository</name>
Sample of Dependencies
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
Download / Customize pom.xml
Download directly
Download Latest CE pom.xml
Download Latest PE pom.xml
(Evaluation Only)
Download Latest EE pom.xml
(Evaluation Only)
Customize your own pom.xml
ZK POM Customizer
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
How to Choose the Right ZK Maven Repository for a ZK Package
ZK has three editions: : CE, PE and EE. They are hosted in different Maven repository. I will guide you through
how to choose the right edition, and set up the right ZK Maven repository.
Steps for choosing the right edition
Here are the steps for choosing the right edition of ZK:
Decide which edition to use:
There are three editions of ZK: CE, PE and EE
For more information, please refer to description about ZK Editions
Add to your Maven projects
Choose the edition you want and add to you Super POM
1. CE (Freely avaialable under LGPL)
http:/ / mavensync. zkoss. org/ maven2
Sample Config
<id>ZK CE</id>
2. PE-eval / EE- eval (60-days free evaluation)
http:/ / mavensync. zkoss. org/ eval/
Sample Config
<id>ZK PE/EE Evaluation</id>
3. PE / EE (premium users only)
Notice : Need Login authentication
If you are our customer or ZOL licensed user you can apply for a premium account to use ZK PE/EE maven
repository. To use ZK PE/EE maven files you have to add both CE and EE repositories as illustrated as follows,
http:/ / mavensync. zkoss. org/ maven2
https:/ / maven. zkoss. org/ repo/ zk/ ee
Sample Config
<id>ZK CE</id>
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
<id>ZK EE</id>
Login authentication
According to the official doc
of Apache Maven, users can create global settings for maven.
Location (if not existed, you can create it manually)
The Maven install: $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml
A user's install: ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
Servers Element
If you add ZK PE or ZK EE as your repository, you need to add login authentication like following example
<settings xmlns=""
<id>ZK EE</id><!-- Same as your repository name -->
<!-- Your premium user name and password -->
Summary of JAR files
There're something you need to know about ZK's edition and package(s).
CE PE EE Description
zk.jar V V V ZK core functions, such as ZK Loader and Update Engine.
zul.jar V V V ZK XUL components (
zhtml.jar V V V ZK XHTML components (
zcommon.jar V V V The common library that ZK depends on
zcommons-el.jar V V V ZK EL expressions
zweb.jar V V V The Web library that ZK depends on
zkplus.jar V V V ZK extra utilities integrated easily with other frameworks.
zkex.jar V V ZK additional components and features for PE
zkmax.jar V ZK additional components and features for EE
zml.jar V
(only ZK 3)
V V ZK XML components for generating XML output
This will be helpful when you modify your dependencies of projects. 'Italic text'
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven
Version History
Version Date Content
[1] http:/ / repo1.maven. org/ maven2
[2] http:/ / mavensync.zkoss. org/ maven2
[3] http:/ / www. services/ maven/ zk/ ?d=true& l=0& v=latest
[4] http:/ / www. services/ maven/ zk/ ?d=true& l=1& v=latest
[5] http:/ / www. services/ maven/ zk/ ?d=true& l=2& v=latest
[6] http:/ / www. services/ maven/ zk/
[7] http:/ / www. product/ edition.dsp
[8] http:/ / www. sonatype. com/ books/ mvnref-book/ reference/ pom-relationships-sect-pom. html#pom-relationships-sect-super-pom
[9] http:/ / maven. apache. org/ settings. html#Servers
XML Editor
If you are using a XML editor, you could specify the schema directly in your ZUL document, such that the
validation and Content Assist will be enabled automatically. Here is an example.
Notice that you have to specify the schema location in the root element, and the root element could be any valid ZUL
component, such as window.
Version History
Version Date Content
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
ZK Installation Guide Source: Contributors: Flyworld, Tmillsclare, Tomyeh
Before You Start Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Tomyeh
New to Java Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char, Flyworld, Tomyeh
New to Java Servlet Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char, Tomyeh
Quick Start Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Tomyeh
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and ZK Studio Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char, PJ li,
Peterkuo, Tomyeh
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with Eclipse and Maven Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Jimmyshiau,
Southerncrossie, Tomyeh
Create and Run Your First ZK Application with NetBeans and REM Source: Contributors: Sphota, Tomyeh
Create and Run Your First ZK Application Manually Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char, Flyworld, Jumperchen, Tomyeh
ZK Background Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 3.0 Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.4 Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char,
Sample of web.xml for Servlet 2.3 Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char,
The Content of ZK Binary Distribution Source: Contributors:
Ashishd, Benbai, Char, Flyworld, Jeanherb, Jimmyshiau, Jumperchen, SimonPai, Tomyeh
Setting up Servers Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Tomcat Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char, Flyworld, Jeanher, Tomyeh
JBoss Source: Contributors: Char, Jimmyshiau, Tomyeh
JBoss Cluster Source: Contributors: Jeanher, Vincent
WebSphere Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Samchuang, Tomyeh
WebSphere Portal Source: Contributors: Jeanher, Vincent
Oracle Server Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
WebLogic Source: Contributors: Jimmyshiau, Tomyeh
WebLogic Portal Source: Contributors: Jimmyshiau, Southerncrossie
WebLogic Cluster Source: Contributors: Jimmyshiau, Jumperchen, Tomyeh
Google App Engine Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Benbai, Jeanher, Jimmyshiau,
Peterkuo, Southerncrossie, Tomyeh
Heroku Source: Contributors: Jeanher, Southerncrossie, Vincent
Red Hat OpenShift Express Source: Contributors: Jeanher, Southerncrossie,
Liferay Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Benbai, Jimmyshiau, Samchuang, Southerncrossie, Tomyeh,
Pluto Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Jetty Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Resin Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Setting up OSGi Source: Contributors: Southerncrossie, Vincent
EclipseRT Web Starter Kits Source: Contributors: Southerncrossie, Vincent
Setting up OS Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Linux Source: Contributors: Asuka, Tomyeh
IOS Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Jimmyshiau, Jumperchen, Tomyeh
Setting up IDE Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Eclipse with ZK Studio Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Char, Tomyeh
Eclipse without ZK Studio Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Tomyeh
Maven Source: Contributors: Alicelin, Flyworld, Tomyeh
Setting up Maven on Eclipse Source: Contributors: Jimmyshiau
Article Sources and Contributors
Resolving ZK Framework Artifacts via Maven Source:
Contributors: Alicelin, Ashishd, Char, Flyworld, Jeanher, Jimmyshiau, Jumperchen, Tmillsclare, Tomyeh
XML Editor Source: Contributors: Tomyeh
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:NewZULFileRightClick.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Tomyeh
Image:NewZULFileWizard1.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Peterkuo, Tomyeh
Image:testZUL.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Peterkuo
Image:runOnTomcat.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Tomyeh
Image:testZULinBrowser.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Peterkuo
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Create_and_Run_with Eclipse_and_Maven.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_New_project-01.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Maven_Archetype_step1.png Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_New_project-02.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_New_project-03.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_New_project-04.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_run_project-01.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_run_project-02.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_maven_Archetype_pak1.png Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_package_project.png Source:
License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_Quick_Start_Maven_import.png Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Jimmyshiau
Image:ZKInstallationGuide_NetBeans_AddPlugins.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
Image:ZKInstallationGuide_NetBeans_InstallPlugin.png Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Sphota
Image:ZKInstallationGuide_NetBeans_SelectNewZKProject.png Source: License:
unknown Contributors: Sphota
Image: ZKInstallationGuide_NetBeans_CreateNewZKProject.png Source: License:
unknown Contributors: Sphota
Image:ZKInstallationGuide_NetBeans_RunZKProject.png Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Sphota
Image:ZKInstallationGuide_NetBeans_RunZKDemo.png Source: License: unknown
Contributors: Sphota
File:J2EEWebApplication.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Flyworld
File:wb7-step1-installApplication.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-step2-importWarFile.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-step3-fastPath.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-step4-goThroughSteps-setRoot.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-step5-save.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-step6-startApplication.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-checkApplicationPort-1.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-checkApplicationPort-2.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-checkApplicationPort-3.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:wb7-zkdemo.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Samchuang
File:websphere01.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
File:websphere07.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
File:websphere08.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_01.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_02.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_03.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_04.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_05.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_06.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_07.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_WebLogic_Portal_08.png Source: License: unknown Contributors:
Image:eclipse_osgi01.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
Image:eclipse_osgi02.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
Image:eclipse_osgi05.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
Image:eclipse_osgi06.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:eclipse_osgi07.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
Image:eclipse_osgi08.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Vincent
File:install_ios_viewpoint.jpg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Jimmyshiau
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_m2e.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Flyworld
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_m2e_extra.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Flyworld
File:ZK_Installation_Guide_pomgenerator.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Flyworld

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