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1/2 - GGSB Internship Report Postgraduate programs


The Internship Report should look professional and should be about 2000 words 10
pages (appendixes not included).

The company must check the content of the report before it is given to GGSB, in
particular for confidential information. If the report is confidential, the company must
tick confidential on the company evaluation form.

Evaluation will take into account the content and the form of the Internship Report
as well as the evaluation made by the company in the end of the internship. The
companys evaluation must be handed in the same time as the Internship Report.
Content of the Internship Report

Title page
Title of Internship Report and the name of the company
Students name, position within the company and dates of internship
Name of tutor within the company
The title page should be well designed, made attractive and professional

Second page
Executive summary of the internship (skills acquired during the internship -1 to 2
lines, summary of the internship - 10 lines)

Third page
Contents table of the report including page numbering

Present the company (1 to 2 pages maximum) and your objectives for the internship
(primary mission and any secondary objectives)

Description & Analysis (2 pages)
Results (qualitative and quantitative)
Recommendations to the company (constructive and adapted to the context)

Learning experience (3 pages)
Relationships within the company, personal development during the internship
2/2 - GGSB Internship Report Postgraduate programs
Your propositions for personal improvements
Challenges, coping with problems
Link with training at GGSB between academic learning and the real life
experience in the company


Summary of appendixes, with page numbers
Appendixes must be numbered
Make reference to appendixes within the report and any internal documents used
during the internship.
Presentation of the Internship Report

Use the spell check on your computer.
Use a professional style of writing.
Number all pages.

Design your report to be pleasant to the eye and easy to read.
Hand in a bound hard copy with the company evaluation form to your coach.

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