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Cheyanne chapman

The Death Penalty
The death penalty is illegal in some states but not all of them, do you think it
should ! think it should be legal in all states, here are the reasons "hy ! think they
should be legal in all states# $y main points "hy are %if somebody kills one person and
you don&t kill the murderer, that murderer might kill more people' ("""#"c)b#com*#
%+upporters of death penalty argue strongly that e,ecuting offenders in china sa)es
people&s li)es' ("""#capitalpunishmentuk#org*# %terrorists should be killed because they
fight us so they can take o)er the "orld%("""#danielpipes#org*# $y statement is death
penalty is right and if someone comet&s a killing crime then they should be killed
because if they aren&t killed they might try and kill another )ictim#
$y first main point is %if one person kills one person they should be killed
because they might try to murder more people if they are still ali)e' ("""#"c)b#com*#
This "ebsite talks about ho" if a person goes on a killing spree they should be killed-
you kno" the death penalty so they don&t try to strike another )ictim to the gra)e# .
person can also break out of /ail if you don&t kill them, so this is one reason the death
penalty should be allo"ed in all states#
$y ne,t main point is %supporters of death penalty argue strongly that e,ecuting
offenders in China sa)es people&s li)es'("""#capitalpunishmentuk#org*# !t talks about
ho" if you kill an offender in China you are sa)ing another person from getting killed#
0or this reason the death penalty is allo"ed in China#
$y last main point is %terrorists should be killed because they fight us so they can
take o)er the "orld' ("""#Danielpipes#org*# it /ust talks about ho" terrorists are taking
o)er and it tells ho" "e should fight back by using death penalty# The terrorists use
death penalty on us to get rid of us so they can take o)er our "orld# +o ! think death
penalty should definitely be mainly used on terrorists so they cant take o)er our land#
!n conclusion those are the reasons "hy ! think the death penalty should be legal
in e)ery state# 1ithout the death penalty "e "ould ha)e a lot of murderers and a lot of
killed )ictims in many states and communities#
%3oston 4e"s, 1eather and +ports 5 $assachusetts 4e"s 5 1C63 Channel 5#'
WCVB # 4#p#,n#d# 1eb# 21 .pr 2714#
%Capital Punishment 89 :omepage#' Capital Punishment UK Homepage.
4#p#,n#d# 1eb# 21 .pr# 2714#
%Death Penalty#' 4#p#,n#d# 1eb# 1ed .pr# 2714#

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