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8LSLn1A1lCn Cn SCLA8 LnL8C?

Shrl 8.k. anda,

rlnclpal SclenLlflc Cfflcer & Pead,
8eglonal Cfflce, (LasLern 8eglon),
Mn8L,CCv1 Cl lnulA,
Crld quallLy power ln envlronmenLal frlendly manner ln
lnLegraLed Comblned Cycle Mode.
Sv AppllcaLlons for lndlvldual households.
ower CeneraLlon Lhrough Solar hoLovolLalc rouLe or
Solar ConcenLraLlng SysLem ln grld lnLeracLlve mode.
Solar power ln decenLrallsed sLand alone mode.
CCun18? WluL ACPlLvLMLn1
A) Crld lnLeracLlve renewable ower:-
Solar ower 2MW
8) Cff grld/dlsLrlbuLed renewable power:-
Solar v ower lanL &
SLreeL LlghLs 3MWp
C) uecenLrallzed Lnergy SysLems:-
Solar LanLern 7,30,000 nos.
Sv umps 7,148 nos.
Solar Cookers 6,37,000 nos.
Solar waLer heaLlng sysLem 2.90 mln sq.m
Cu88Ln1 ALlCA1lCnS
Sv sysLems used for lnnovaLlon appllcaLlons
such as wlreless communlcaLlon ln defence.
Sv sysLems has become a ma[or source for
smaller appllcaLlons for sLreeL llghLlngs,
schools, Lelevlslon, radlo, hosplLals,
agrlculLural drylng, pumplng waLer.
Sv power planLs Lo meeL domesLlc elecLrlcal
energy needs ln rural areas.
Solar power from Sv sysLem and solar concenLraLlng sysLem ls
produced ln envlronmenLal frlendly manner.
uoes noL generaLe any wasLe or polluLlon.
MeeLs Lhe energy requlremenL ln domesLlc secLor ln decenLrallzed
manner qulLe efflclenLly.
8esL sulLed for off grld appllcaLlon ln sLand alone mode.
lndla ls blessed wlLh abundanL solar lnsulaLlon for abouL 230 days ln
an year.
oLenLlal source for explolLaLlon.
MosL efflclenL when operaLes ln lnLegraLed mode.
MA!C8 lnl1lA1lvLS Cl Mn8L
CCv1. Cl lnulA
Solar hoLovolLalc SysLems for lndlvldual
romoLlon of Solar hoLovolLalc sysLems ln
urban areas.
Solar WaLer umplng SysLem Lo supporL
urban Solar ClLles rograms.
Solar Cooker & Solar hoL waLer sysLems.
8ural Solar hoLovolLalc AppllcaLlons
Solar Pome SysLems
Solar LanLerns
Solar SLreeL LlghLlng SysLems
SLand Alone ower lanLs
Crld lnLeracLlve Solar ower lanLs
aLLern of CenLral llnanclal AsslsLance (Mn8L)
!"# !$!%&'! ()* ,-. /012.
!030245 6%
()* ,-. 7&
829:-; 3;<
Sv Pome-LlghLlng SysLems 2300(18Wp)
8660 (37-
SLreeLLlghLlng SysLem 8s.9600(74
2 of ClA
SLand alone power lanL
more Lhan1kWp
8s.123/kWp 8s.223/Wp 8s.10,000
SLand alone power planL
more Lhan 10kWp wlLh
dlsLrlbuLlon llne
8s.130/Wp 8s.270/Wp 8s.10,000
aLLern of CenLral llnanclal AsslsLance (Mn8L) ConLd.
!"# !$!%&'! ()* ,-. /012. !030245 6% ()* ,-. 7& 829:-;
3;< !=2>:3?
(3029-.@ !03024
Sv 1rafflc LlghLs - up Lo
100Wp module capaclLy
Sv 8llnkers
Solar power acks up Lo
Solar lllumlnaLlng
Poardlngs/8lll boards up
Lo 1kWp modules
Sv 8oof-Lop sysLems ln
urban areas
lrom 10kW Lo 100kW
8s. 130/Wp for sysLems wlLh baLLery bank of 6
hrs/ 8s.113/Wp wlLhouL baLLery bank for
organlzaLlons noL avalllng deceleraLed
8s.100/Wp for sysLems wlLh baLLery bank of 6
8s. 73/Wp wlLhouL baLLery bank for
organlzaLlons avalllng acceleraLed depreclaLlon
8s.73/Wp llmlLed Lo 30 of Lhe cosL of sysLems
Lo proflL maklng bodles avalllng depreclaLlon
8s.100/Wp, llmlLed Lo 40 of Lhe cosL of
sysLems Lo non-proflL maklng bodles.
Lllglble caLegorles of beneflclarles for cenLral subsldy
!"# !@402B &?:9:C?2 >3029-.@ -, C2;2,:>:3.:24
Solar Pome
All caLegorles of lndlvldual beneflclarles & non-proflL lnsLlLuLlons/
organlzaLlons. (excepL for beneflclarles from remoLe un-
elecLrlfled census vlllages)no lndlvldual would be glven more Lhan
one sysLem
All caLegorles of non-commerclal lnsLlLuLlons/ organlzaLlons, SLaLe
nodal Agencles, LlecLrlclLy 8oards, anchayaLs, Zllla arlshads and
u8uAs. (excepL for beneflclarles from remoLe un-elecLrlfled
census vlllages and urban munlclpallLles)
Sv ower
All caLegorles of non-commerclal lnsLlLuLlons/ organlzaLlons, SLaLe
nodal Agencles, LlecLrlclLy 8oards, anchayaLs, Zllla arlshads and
u8uAa. (excepL for beneflclarles from remoLe un-elecLrlfled
census vlllages and urban munlclpallLles)
Sv WA1L8 uMlnC S?S1LMS
1he Sv pump programme wlll supporL deploymenL of Sv WaLer pumplng
sysLems for varlous waLer llfLlng appllcaLlons, speclally Lhe communlLy drlnklng
waLer supply and agrlculLure and relaLed uses such as lrrlgaLlon, horLlculLure,
anlmal husbandry, poulLry farmlng, hlgh value crops, sllvlculLure, salL farmlng eLc.
Lllglble users:
All caLegorles of users lncludlng local bodles, SLaLe/CenLral CovL. agencles,
cooperaLlve socleLles, corporaLe bodles, auLonomous lnsLlLuLlons, research
organlzaLlons, banks, farmer groups, non-governmenLal organlzaLlons and
lndlvlduals eLc.
llnanclal asslsLance:-
Mn8L wlll provlde flnanclal asslsLance Lo users of Lhe Sv waLer pumplng
sysLems [ 8s.30 per waLL peak of Lhe phoLovolLalc array used wlLh Lhe waLer
pumplng sysLem sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum of 8s.30,000/- per sysLem.
1he solar Lhermal energy programme has Lhe
followlng componenLs:-
Solar cooker programme.
Lnergy LfflclenL Solar/Creen 8ulldlng rogram
Solar waLer heaLlng sysLems( Solar Ceysers)
llnAnClAL ASSlS1AnCL unuL8
()* 3<B:44:C?2 0- :;<D40.:24 E>-BB2.>:3? 2403C?:41B2;04 3;<
30 of Lhe cosL of sysLem, sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum of 8s. 3000 per
sq. m of dlsh area for solar concenLraLlng sysLems, and 8s. 2300
per sq. m. of collecLor area for lC based solar alr heaLlng
sysLems/ dryers wlll be provlded Lo nonproflL maklng
33 of Lhe cosL of sysLem, sub[ecL Lo a maxlmum of 8s. 3300/-per
sq. m of dlsh area for solar concenLraLlng sysLems, and 8s. 1730
per sq. m. of collecLor area for lC based solar alr heaLlng
sysLems/ dryers wlll be provlded Lo commerclal/lndusLrlal
organlzaLlons (proflL maklng and clalmlng depreclaLlon).
LnL8C? LlllClLn1 SCLA8/C8LLn 8ulLulnC
1o promoLe adopLlon of energy efflclenL
solar/ green bulldlngs ln Lhe counLry Lhrough a
comblnaLlon of flnanclal and promoLlonal
lncenLlves, and oLher supporL measures so as
Lo save a subsLanLlal amounL of elecLrlclLy and
oLher fossll fuels aparL from havlng peak load
savlngs ln clLles and Lowns and reduce
greenhouse gas emlsslon.
LnL8C? LlllClLn1 SCLA8/C8LLn 8ulLulnC
H7(&7%H#& %/ *8(KH%&(%!5L&!HM7 (/7!6N%*7%!
8s.2.30 lakhs for pro[ecLs up Lo 3000sq.m bullL-up
area wlLh mlnlmum 3 sLar raLlng.
8s. 3.0 lakhs for pro[ecLs > 3000sq.m bullL-up area
wlLh mlnlmum 4 sLar raLlng
(*"H%*N !6F!HL$ )/8 !"# H7!%*NN*%H/7!
SupporL Lo phoLovolLalc sysLems Lhrough caplLal
subsldy whlch ls avallable under MlnlsLry's scheme
on Sv sysLems/devlces for urban areas.
7*%H/7*N 8*%H7M !$!%&' J M8HK*
1aklng lnLo accounL Lhe provlslons of Lhe naLlonal
8ulldlng Code 2003, 1he Lnergy ConservaLlon
8ulldlng Code 2007 and oLher lS Codes, local bye-
laws 1L8l has developed a raLlng sysLem whlch:
CperaLes on a 100 polnL marklng sysLem Lhrough
varlous quallLaLlve and quanLlLaLlve assessmenL
A bulldlng wlLh 70 Lo 80 polnLs geL 3 sLar raLlng
A bulldlng wlLh 81-90 polnLs geL 4 sLar raLlng.
Lconomlcal & Lco frlendly
Lasy Lo lnsLall
needs small lnvesLmenL
8eLurn of lnvesLmenL wlLhln 3-4 years
no elecLrlclLy/gas requlremenL
Safe and slmple Lo use
Long llfe span
unlnLerrupLed source of waLer heaLlng
Shock proof
near zero malnLenance
Saves up Lo 1300 unlLs of elecLrlclLy ln a year
1A8CL1Lu A8LAS lC8
lndlvldual resldenLlal and aparLmenL bulldlngs
8esLauranLs and canLeens
CuesL houses, lodges, hoLels and hosLels
PosplLals and nurslng homes
8oller feed waLer for commerclal and lndusLrlal
1exLlle lndusLry
lood processlng lndusLry
1A8CL1Lu A8LAS lC8
rocess feed waLer for palnL lndusLry,
elecLroplaLlng, galvanlzlng lndusLry eLc.
lnvolvlng dlrecL feed Lo Lhe varlous process
baLhs aL 70 Lo 80 C
8oLLllng planLs and dlsLlllerles for syrup
maklng, boLLle cleanlng eLc.
harmaceuLlcal, chemlcal and ferLlllzer
llnAnClAL ASSlS1AnCL 8? Mn8L
8s.1730 per sq.m of collecLor area wlll be
avallable Lo reglsLered lnsLlLuLlons
8s. 1400 per sq.m of collecLor area wlll be
avallable Lo reglsLered commerclal
(lf Lhey do noL avall sofL loans from 8anks/lls
under Lhe easy flnance opLlons lnLeresL
subsldy scheme of Lhe MlnlsLry)
llnAnClAL ASSlS1AnCL 8? Mn8L
CaplLal subsldy equlvalenL Lo upfronL lnLeresL
subsldy wlll be avallable Lo 8ullders
&uevelopers/uevelopmenL AuLhorlLles/ Pouslng
8oards for adopLlon of Solar PoL waLer SysLems.
1hls provlslon wlll be avallable for sysLems havlng
capaclLy of 2300 lpd or more :
Pouslng complexes : [ 8s. 1900 /- per sq. m.
lnsLlLuLlonal bulldlngs : [ 8s. 1730 /- per sq. m.
Commerclal bulldlngs : [ 8s. 1400 /- per sq. m.
1P8CuCP ln1L8LS1 Su8Slu? 8?
lC8 uSL8S:-
SofL loan [ 2 Lo domesLlc users, 3 Lo
lnsLlLuLlonal users and 3 Lo lndusLrlal/
commerclal users from l8LuA, ubllc/prlvaLe
secLor banks, scheduled cooperaLlve banks
Loan up Lo 83 of Lhe cosL of Lhe sysLems,
repayable over a perlod of 3 years.
llnAnClAL ASSlS1AnCL 8? Mn8L
SuC81 1C MunClALl1lLS/ MunClAL
CC8C8A1lCnS & SLaLe uLlllLles
Cne Llme granL [ 8s. 3 lakhs for munclpallLles and
8s. 10 lakhs for munlclpal corporaLlons Lo adopL
and noLlfy Lhe modlflcaLlon of bulldlng bye-laws
maklng lnsLallaLlon of Solar WaLer PeaLlng SysLems
(Solar Ceysers) mandaLory ln some caLegorles of
CranL of upLo 8s.10 lakhs Lo SLaLe LlecLrlclLy
8oards/uLlllLles announclng rebaLe ln elecLrlclLy
Larlff Lo Lhe users of solar waLer heaLlng sysLems ln
Lhelr monLhly elecLrlclLy bllls
name of some of Lhe banks:-
Canara bank
8ank of MaharashLra
unlon 8ank of lndla
SyndlcaLe 8ank
Andhra 8ank
vl[aya 8ank
uena 8ank
un[ab naLlonal 8ank
un[ab & Slnd 8ank
8ank of lndla
8aLnagar 8ank LLd.
nagar[una CredlLs & CaplLal LLd.
Shlkshak Sahkarl 8ank LLd.
kalyan !anLa Sahkarl 8ank
1he unlLed WesLern 8ank LLd.
nagpur nagrlk Sahkarl 8ank LLd.
8honsale Leaslng llnance LLd.
1he ob[ecLlves of Lhe programme are:-
1o enable/empower urban Local CovLs. Lo address energy
challenges aL clLy level.
1o provlde a framework and supporL Lo prepare a MasLer lan
lncludlng assessmenL of currenL energy slLuaLlon, fuLure demand
and acLlon plans.
1o bulld capaclLy ln Lhe urban Local 8odles and creaLe awareness
among all secLlons of clvll socleLy.
1o lnvolve varlous sLakeholders ln Lhe plannlng process.
1o oversee Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of susLalnable energy opLlons
Lhrough publlc-prlvaLe parLnershlps.
CrlLerla for selecLlon of clLles:-
ClLy opulaLlon, reglonal seLLlng and promlnence ln reglon.
ollLlcal and admlnlsLraLlve commlLmenL Lowards adopLlon of susLalnable
energles (8esoluLlon Lo be passed by Lhe ClLy Councll/AdmlnlsLraLlon for
lmplemenLlng all Lhe acLlvlLles speclfled ln Lhe 'Solar clLles' programme).
oLenLlal for adopLlon of energy conservaLlon and renewable energy ln Lhe
clLy acLlvlLles
8egulaLory measures Laken on adopLlon of energy conservaLlon measures
lncludlng promoLlon of energy efflclenL solar bulldlngs and deploymenL of
renewable energy Lechnologles.
lnlLlaLlves already Laken by ClLy Councll/AdmlnlsLraLlon/ rlvaLe
uevelopers/lndusLry/ Ceneral ubllc ln promoLlng energy conservaLlon and
renewable energy.
urban Local 8odles' prevlous experlence ln lnvolvlng publlc parLlclpaLlon and
worklng wlLh all sLakeholders.
Wllllngness Lo provlde resources and susLenance of acLlvlLles lnlLlaLed under
Lhe program.
A. up Lo 8s. 30 lakh per clLy/Lown as glven below dependlng upon
populaLlon and lnlLlaLlves declded Lo be Laken by Lhe ClLy
up Lo 8s.10 lakhs for preparaLlon of a masLer plan wlLhln a year.
up Lo 8s. 10 lakhs for overslghL of lmplemenLaLlon durlng flve
up Lo 8s. 10 lakhs for seLLlng up of Solar Cell and lLs funcLlonlng
for a perlod of flve years.
8emalnlng amounL of 8s. 20 lakhs Lo be uLlllzed ln flve years for
oLher promoLlonal acLlvlLles.

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