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Sip N Chat Fridays

Come sitdong Margot at deh waterfront

At deh baas or under deh flamboyant
Wear yoh Sunday-best or wah yoh wok in
Wear sometin dat yoh feel comfitable in

Sip N Chat Fridays is about talent
A display of colors N sounds so vibrant
Hear a story, a joke come dance and sing
Dont be shy, whether youre fat, slim or trim

Sit dong or walk about wid a drink in hand
Just move to deh groove of deh local band
Den grab some lohkrey, lobster, fish or soups
Wid friends while enjoyin deh dancin troups

While the boats come and go to Anguilla
Dance a beguine, reggae, slow or salsa
Etchings, Ceramics, canvas, glass and wood
Come get some fresh air; it will do some good
Created by Mr. LEON NOEL on the 26
May, 2014 Saint Martin

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