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The heart’s a field

Why should men tame arid infertile fields

To sow in furrow some favoured seeds
To reap end seasons’ harvests cursed with weeds
And clip branches in 96 degrees

Hearts are fields abundant in thorns and reeds

Where bougainvilleas’ bracts attract the bees
Poincianas compete with ‘cusha’ trees
And stinging nettle grow beside sweet berries

Where Life’s torrent river scatters into streams

Dampen some royal palm’s ambitious dreams
Overcast pristine shores await moonbeams
That watch over till dawn breaks out with screams

Till man plows his barren heart as right seems

He forfeits the zenith sun for gloom and gleams
Trapped in a valley of shadow regimes
Yet hope still returns and life redeems
Created on the 09/01/09 by Leon Noel. Taken from ‘Heart to Heart Series’.

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