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Pl, my name ls ChrlsLlan Pudson and my frlends and l aL 1he Soclal Man have done whaL
could be consldered an unreasonable amounL of daLlng. WheLher lL be ln sleepy llLLle
Ann Arbor, Mlchlgan, Lhe fasL-paced and compeLlLlve new ?ork ClLy, or Lhe
cosmopollLan buL lnLlmaLe Slngapore, we've been all over Lhe map. CollecLlvely, we've
probably daLed over 300 women, and approached and meL many, many more.
We've all made mlsLakes along Lhe way, someLlmes spendlng Loo much money,
someLlmes embarrasslng ourselves, buL always ln Lhe splrlL of fun. A flrsL daLe ls
someLhlng we've all come Lo en[oy, and LhaL ls much dlfferenL from days pasL when
we'd approach our daLes wlLh LrepldaLlon and even a llLLle anxleLy.
And before we [ump lnLo Lhe 8lueprlnL lLself, l wanL Lo remlnd you LhaL no maLLer !"#$
you do durlng your Llme wlLh a woman, Lhe Lrue measure of a successful flrsL daLe ls lf
you Lwo en[oyed yourselves.
LmoLlons are conLaglous. When a woman shows up Lo meeL you, she's llkely [usL as
nervous as you are when you flrsL see her. 1he sooner LhaL you can be carefree, havlng
fun, and LoLally comforLable belng alone wlLh her, Lhe sooner she'll feel all Lhose Lhlngs
1hls all has Lo do wlLh your frame of reallLy." 1he concepL of frame ls one LhaL we
explaln Lhoroughly ln unbreakable, buL here's Lhe shorL verslon: when you puL Lwo
people LogeLher, one of Lhem wlll lnevlLably lnfluence Lhe oLher more sLrongly.
1hlnk of Lhe flrsL Llme you dld some soclal acLlvlLy, maybe Lhe flrsL Llme you wenL ouL Lo
a bar. lf you were wlLh someone who knew Lhe scene and was havlng a %&'#$ Llme, you
probably sLarLed Lo feel Lhe same. 8uL lf you wenL ouL wlLh someone who was nervous,
who sLood ln Lhe corner and dldn'L have fun, lL's unllkely LhaL you would have en[oyed
Lhe nlghL yourself.
Pow does Lhls play ouL on a daLe? lf you're nervous, hoplng LhaL she's havlng a good
Llme and pollLely holdlng back from Laklng Lhlngs Lo Lhe nexL level unLll you're
absoluLely, poslLlvely sure LhaL lL's ok, Lhen you're %()(*% "'& ,-*$&-. -/ $"' 0#$'. And
1-2$ women - l'd say abouL 90 - do noL wanL Lo be placed ln conLrol of Lhe daLe. 1hey
wanL Lo be Laken on an advenLure, Lo see whaL klnd of exclLlng Lhlngs you have ln sLore
for Lhem.
1hlnk of lL Lhls way: lf a woman has consenLed Lo go on a daLe wlLh you, she's opened
herself Lo Lhe posslblllLy of klsslng you, of sleeplng wlLh you, and maybe even of endlng
up ln a relaLlonshlp wlLh you. She's probably noL golng lnLo Lhe daLe "#$%&$%' "#(" exacL
LhoughL, buL she's aL leasL -3'* $- $"' 3-22(4(.($5 -/ ($ "#33'*(*%. So Lhe quesLlon ls,
how ls LhaL golng Lo happen? Who ls golng Lo lead lL Lo LhaL place?
ln our experlences, lf a guy doesn'L have a goal ln mlnd, a way Lo geL Lhere, and Lhe
confldence Lo lead lL Lhere, Lhen he's leavlng Lhe daLe Lo chance and clrcumsLance. 1he
llkellhood LhaL Lhe daLe ends wlLh sex drops off slgnlflcanLly.
now ulLlmaLely, wheLher or noL Lwo people declde Lo have sex ls a consensual declslon.
8uL agaln, lf you're noL Lhe one who ls leadlng Lowards LhaL place, Lhen you're puLLlng
Lhe burden on her Lo do lL. And as we've already sLaLed, she doesn'L !#*$ LhaL
responslblllLy. She wanLs Lo be swepL off her feeL, charmed, and maybe even seduced.
We're abouL Lo [ump lnLo Lhe 8lueprlnL. 8uL before we do, l wanL Lo remlnd you one
lasL Llme LhaL lL's your responslblllLy - as a man - Lo make Lhe daLe a [oyrlde of laughLer,
chemlsLry, and sexual Lenslon. LeL her know you wanL her, and do lL wlLh a llLLle flnesse,
and she'll love every mlnuLe of lL.
SLarL Lhlngs off rlghL. When you meeL her, you wanL Lo lean ln and glve her a klss on Lhe
cheek, Lhen look her up and down, and Lell her how greaL," eleganL", or sexy" she
looks (dependlng, of course, on whaL Lype of ouLflL she's wearlng). She probably puL
some Llme lnLo her ouLflL, so Lhe leasL you can do ls noLlce lL. SomeLlmes, l'll [oke LhaL l
almosL wore Lhe same Lop, buL lL dldn'L go wlLh Lhese panLs."
Pave a look aL her nalls - how well-done are Lhey? lf you see a fresh coaL of nall pollsh
and perfecLly even Llps, she probably had a manlcure ln Lhe lasL 24 hours - a good slgn -
as she LhoughL Lhls daLe lmporLanL enough Lo go LhaL exLra mlle. lf her nalls maLch her
ouLflL, earrlngs or makeup, you can hlL her wlLh an addlLlonal compllmenL.
Wherever you meeL her, you wanL Lo begln Lo lead her somewhere, wlLh your hand ln
Lhe small of her back. no need Lo keep lL Lhere for Loo long - [usL long enough Lo make
some physlcal conLacL and geL golng ln a cerLaln dlrecLlon, wheLher LhaL be furLher lnLo
your home, or lnLo a bar where you're meeLlng. Speaklng of whlch.
CpLlmally, you wanL Lo meeL her aL your home. lf you llve far from everyLhlng (as l dld
back ln Ann Arbor), Lhen LhaL doesn'L make Loo much sense. 8uL assumlng LhaL you're
ln a ma[or clLy, or reasonably close Lo your daLe locaLlon, suggesL Lo her LhaL you meeL
aL your home flrsL.
lor one Lhlng, she'll feel more comforLable reLurnlng Lhere laLer lf she's been Lhere
already. 8uL more lmporLanLly, you mlghL never have Lo leave. Some glrls [usL wanL Lo
hook up, and lf you've already bullL up some fun sexual Lenslon over phone and LexL,
she mlghL be down. ulm your llghLs a blL, and puL some sexy muslc on Lhe sLereo. lL
helps lf you're halfway Lhrough a glass of wlne when she arrlves, you can Lhen offer her
a glass of her own. lf she accepLs lL, LhaL's a greaL slgn. ?ou may never have Lo leave
(and LhaL's a more advanced daLlng sLraLegy LhaL you can learn abouL ln our lrreslsLlble
program, and on Lhe flrsL bonus Lelesemlnar LhaL comes wlLh unbreakable).
8uL leL's say LhaL she's noL comforLable meeLlng aL yours, doesn'L wanL Lo sLlck around,
or lL doesn'L make sense loglsLlcally. 1lme Lo geL her Lo your flrsL daLe locaLlon.

?our flrsL locaLlon needs Lwo elemenLs: greaL amblance, and a spoL llke a love seaL (or
even aL a bar) where you Lwo can slL *'6$ Lo each oLher. 1he lnLervlew-sLyle seaLlng aL
mosL dlnner spoLs doesn'L work Lo your favor.
When you arrlve, your /(&2$ conversaLlon Loplc should be someLhlng LoLally random.
When a guy ls Loo eager Lo dlve lnLo a drlnks menu, or Loo eager Lo sLarL bulldlng
rapporL, lL shows Lhe woman LhaL he's nervous, and leLLlng hls world conLrol hlm.
l always llke Lo sLarL Lhe daLe wlLh a [oke. lL's besL lf lL's sponLaneous, buL Lo glve you an
example, you mlghL say someLhlng llke aL flrsL l LhoughL we'd Lour a coal planL, buL Lhls
looked beLLer on Lhe webslLe". She'll glggle a blL, and now you can say walL, you've
*')'& been Lo a coal planL?" reLend Lo be shocked. Well, l guess you really mlssed
ouL on Lhe fleld Lrlps - whaL Lhe heck klnd of school dlsLrlcL were you ln???"
?ou can see how Lhls lmmedlaLely puLs you lnLo a conversaLlon abouL chlldhood, fleld
Lrlps, and, well, coal mlnes. 1he polnL ls LhaL Lhe daLe ls now off and runnlng, and has
some momenLum.
llve or Len mlnuLes lnLo Lhls, elLher Lhe walLress or barLender wlll remlnd you LhaL you
haven'L ordered, or you'll reallze" lL. 1lme for a drlnk. Ask her whaL she wanLs, and
-&0'& /-& "'& and for your self.
ay wlLh cash - don'L even Lhlnk abouL laylng down plasLlc aL Lhls polnL or sLarLlng a Lab.
1hls goes double lf you have a laLlnum Card or someLhlng else LhaL screams loaded" -
you don'L need her Lhlnklng abouL you as a wealLhy poLenLlal provlder [usL yeL. Lven lf
she's noL a gold dlgger, knowlng LhaL you have a loL of money wlll shlfL Lhe dynamlc,
ofLen agalnsL you (she'll sLarL evaluaLlng you as a long-Lerm maLe, and noL as a fun and
mysLerlous daLe).
AfLer Lhe drlnk arrlves, you can begln Lo Lalk abouL Lhe geL Lo know you sLuff," where ln
Lown each oLher llves, room maLe slLuaLlon, famlly, work, and hobbles. 1hls phase
should lasL no more Lhan 30 mlnuLes, or one drlnk. l flnd lL's always easy Lo sLarL by
asklng how long someone has llved ln Lhe clLy/Lown, how Lhey llke lL, and where else
Lhey'd wanL Lo llve. Ask her lf her [ob keeps her Lhere, and share a llLLle blL abouL yours.
1he flrsL key prlnclpal ln Lhls phase ls LhaL 5-7 -*.5 *''0 $- $#.8 #2 17," #2 *','22#&5 $-
%'$ "'& $- 2"#&' #*0 -3'* 73 $- 5-79 1hls lsn'L Lherapy hour, so don'L Lalk abouL your
problems. And lf you've worked hard Lo creaLe Lhe llfe you llve, allude Lo lL wlLhouL
bragglng or spendlng much Llme on lL. SLarL a blog lf you really wanL Lo share how
awesome you are wlLh Lhe world!
1he second key prlnclpal ls Lo 2''0 Lwo Lo Lhree Lhlngs abouL your llfe LhaL are back aL
your home. lf you're a u!, Lalk abouL your LurnLables. 1ell her how much fun Lhey are
and how you'd love Lo show her someLlme. lf you're lnLo woodworklng, Lalk abouL your
sculpLures. lf you have a dog, Lell her how much she'd love hlm or her. lf you love
Aslan food, Lell her abouL Lhe mochl lce cream ln your freezer. lood and wlne are
always C8LA1. l Lry Lo keep someLhlng unlque and edlble around my home aL all Llmes.
My oLher personal go-Lo Loplc ls my senlor yearbook. l dress falrly fashlon-forward
Lhese days, buL used Lo be someLhlng of a punk rocker ln hlgh school, and people have a
hard Llme bellevlng LhaL. l'll say LhaL only very speclal people geL Lo see my yearbook
wlLh all of Lhe phoLos ln lL.
ln case lL's noL palnfully obvlous, Lhe reason we're sharlng Lhese deLalls ls so LhaL we
have some reason Lo reLurn home laLer. 8uL we'll geL Lo LhaL ln phase 6.
Agaln, geL her Lo share as much as posslble - besldes learnlng abouL her (someLhlng l
hope you wanL Lo do anyway) Lhe more LhaL she opens up Lo you abouL her llfe, Lhe
more she'll feel llke you know her, and Lhe more comforLable she'll be as Lhe daLe
becomes sexual.

hase 2 should be wrapplng up wlLh Lhe flrsL drlnk. Crder a second drlnk around Lhls
polnL, agaln paylng wlLh cash, and geL ready Lo LranslLlon lnLo quallflcaLlon.
Pere's Lhe prlnclpal behlnd quallflcaLlon: when a person Lhlnks somewhaL hlghly of you,
and Lhen shows or Lells you abouL a behavlor or personallLy LralL, Lhen you show your
appreclaLlon for lL (or :7#.(/5 Lhem), you are relnforclng LhaL behavlor or personallLy
LralL. lf a cool guy ever Lold you LhaL he LhoughL you were really chlll," you'd probably
conLlnue Lo Lry Lo be really chlll around hlm.
?ou can use quallflcaLlon Lo your advanLage Lo a.) deLermlne lf people have Lhe
personallLy LralLs you look for and b.) geL Lhem Lo acL ln ways LhaL are congruenL wlLh
Lhose personallLy LralLs. ?ou can probably see where Lhls ls golng.
1here are flve personallLy LralLs LhaL we belleve are Lhe hallmark of a woman who wlll
have sex wlLh you sooner Lhan laLer. Well, Lhere could be slx or seven or LwenLy, buL
Lhese flve seem Lo flL Lhe blll.
Cpenness: she ls open Lo new experlences, ldeas and aLLlLudes.
SponLanelLy: she'll acL on lmpulse lf someLhlng feels rlghL
non-[udgmenLal: she won'L geL ln a blnd lf people are dlfferenL
lndependenL: she makes her own declslons and doesn'L leL oLhers conLrol her
AdvenLurous: she llves her llfe as a fun, exclLlng advenLure
?ou can lmaglne LhaL lf a woman Lruly possessed all flve of Lhese LralLs, she would be Lhe
sorL who would open herself up Lo sexual advenLures wlLh a fun, compelllng man. So
Lhe polnL of hase 3 ls Lo help her dlscover LhaL she 0-'2 have Lhese LralLs, and Lo leL her
know LhaL you have Lhem as well. 1hls ls accompllshed wlLh sLorles.
Cne of Lhe easlesL ways Lo geL someone Lo share someLhlng abouL Lhemselves ls Lo Lell
Lhem a sLory LhaL prompLs Lhem Lo share llkewlse. ?ou should have flve sLorles abouL
your llfe LhaL reflecL each of Lhese personallLy LralLs. 1he sLorles shouldn'L be Loo long -
no more Lhan flve mlnuLe each - and you should be able Lo make loglcal Lles beLween
Lhem all.
So how Lo lnLroduce Lhese sLorles? We all flnd LhaL Lalklng abouL Lravel ls a perfecL
segue Lo dlscusslng personallLy LralLs. 1ravel ls an acLlvlLy LhaL requlres a degree of
openness, so you can sLarL by asklng a quesLlon llke lf you could Lravel anywhere ln Lhe
world LonlghL, somewhere you haven'L yeL vlslLed, where would lL be?" As she beglns Lo
Lalk abouL lL, ask her quesLlons abouL how she would meeL new people aL LhaL
desLlnaLlon, whaL she would do Lhere, eLc. ?ou are creaLlng Lhe opporLunlLy for her Lo
Lell you how open Lo new experlences she ls. and you should Lell her as much. Wow,
sounds llke you're really open Lo new experlences. 1haL's fanLasLlc - so many people
would [usL be happy llvlng ouL Lhelr llves comforLably and never Laklng any rlsks."
now you can LranslLlon Lo sponLanelLy. So l lmaglne you musL be a preLLy sponLaneous
person when you're havlng fun. WhaL's someLhlng really crazy or sponLaneous you've
?ou should be able Lo Lake lL from here. Lvery sLep of Lhe way, have your own sLory
prepared so LhaL you can lead lf necessary. SomeLlmes she won'L have an lmmedlaLe
answer - hmmm, l can'L remember!" - or slmply won'L feel comforLable sharlng unLll
you've shared someLhlng abouL yourself.
A few oLher nuances Lo menLlon. lL ls ,&($(,#. LhaL you make lL clear LhaL you're non-
[udgmenLal. She has Lo know LhaL you'll sLlll respecL her ln Lhe mornlng lf Lhlngs lead Lo
sex LhaL nlghL. lL ls also ,&($(,#. LhaL she quallfy herself as lndependenL. We men may
brag Lo our frlends abouL Lhe glrl we slepL wlLh on Lhe flrsL daLe, buL women do *-$ do
llkewlse. ?ou need Lo help her dlscover Lhe sLrengLh Lo go afLer whaL she wanLs,
lndependenL of Lhe soclal pressure LhaL her frlends (and soclal norms, for LhaL maLLer)
mlghL puL on her.
8y Lhe Llme you're wrapplng up hase 3, you Lwo should be feellng very close. lL's greaL
Lo end on advenLurous, and you should be escalaLlng Lhe sexual Lenslon aL Lhls polnL.
?ou mlghL Lell a sLory abouL belng sexually advenLurous. perhaps how you and your ex
used Lo flnd all sorLs of fun places Lo be lnLlmaLe wlLh each oLher.
As you're wrapplng up your second drlnk, Lell her LhaL you know anoLher really fun spoL
rlghL around Lhe corner, wlLh greaL champagne" or greaL cockLalls" or someLhlng else
fun and lnLeresLlng. Slnce you were paylng ln cash, Lhere's no need Lo walL around and
leL Lhe vlbe dle. ?our daLe should be [usL over an hour aL Lhls polnL, wlLh plenLy of Llme
for venue changes.
Cn Lhe way Lo Lhe nexL venue, go for Lhe flrsL klss. ?ou should be able Lo hold hands by
Lhls polnL, and as you're walklng nexL Lo her and looklng ln her eyes, say Pey, come
here for a second. 1here's been someLhlng l've been Lhlnklng abouL." 1hen lean lnLo
her ear and say l [usL wanLed Lo share lL wlLh you." ull away, look her ln Lhe eyes, and
go for Lhe klss. lf she's holdlng your hand, you're golden for Lhls.
And hey, don'L [usL sLlck Lo our llnes. Come up wlLh whaLever you wanL. your
personallLy, your charm, your unlquely fun Llme.
lrom here, you have Lwo cholces. ?ou can elLher brlng her home, or go Lo Lhe nexL
venue. CeLLlng her home lsn'L as hard as you Lhlnk, and we dlscuss Lhe sLraLegy for
dolng so ln our SepLember, 2009 LasL MeeLs WesL conversaLlon ln 1he Cood Llfe. 8uL
leL's say you're noL LoLally comforLable wlLh LhaL, or don'L feel llke Lhe daLe's Lhere yeL.
8rlng her Lo Lhe nexL bar.
1hls one should have a sllghLly dlfferenL Lheme. l llke champagne lounges, champagne
has boLh sexy and celebraLory assoclaLlons, and Lhere's noLhlng llke a glass of bubbly Lo
LransporL a woman away from Lhe day-Lo-dayness of her llfe.

Arrlvlng and geLLlng seLLled aL Lhe second bar, you should be havlng fun, sneaklng ln a
few more klsses, and generally savorlng Lhe romance and sexual Lenslon. As your drlnk
geLs dellvered, you can break ouL Lhe secreLs game.
!"#$ Pave you ever played Lhe secreLs game?
&'($ no... whaL ls lL?
!"#$ Well, lL Lhe besL way for Lwo people Lo geL Lo know each oLher.
AL Lhls polnL, lf she geLs sassy, you mlghL Lease her a llLLle blL abouL wheLher or noL she
can handle lL. 1acLfully, of course. Ck flne, lf you can'L handle lL, we can Lalk abouL
economlcs or someLhlng borlng. you know, lf lL's a llLLle Loo advanced for you."
Popefully, Lhough, her response wlll be more along Lhe llnes of.
&'($ Sounds fun, how do you play?
!"#$ We go back and forLh asklng each oLher personal quesLlons, lL's baslcally LruLh or
dare wlLhouL Lhe dare. (and you can Lease her a blL here)
&'($ ?es/sounds fun, eLc..
!"#$ 1here are Lhree rules. 1he flrsL ls slmple: you have Lo Lell Lhe LruLh, oLherwlse
Lhere's no polnL Lo playlng Lhe game
&'($ Paha, ok... easy enough.
!"#$ 8ule 2 ls LhaL you can'L repeaL a quesLlon. So lf you don'L wanL Lo Lell me some
secreL abouL your llfe, you can ask Lhe quesLlon flrsL LhaL lL'd be Lhe answer Lo.
&'($ Ck... whaL's Lhe Lhlrd rule?
!"#$ Well Lhe Lhlrd rule ls, you have Lo go flrsL.
&'($ WhaL? WhaL klnd of rule ls LhaL?
!"#$ Look, l dldn'L make up Lhe rules... LhaL's [usL how lL goes!
?ou really have Lo hold your ground on Lhls lasL polnL. ?ou wanL Lo see where she's
golng Lo Lake Lhe conversaLlon lf glven a prompL, and lf you've been dolng Lhlngs rlghL
up Lo Lhls polnL, Lhe Loplcs should be 2-1'!"#$ sexual aL leasL. And lf so, you're ln Lhere
- [usL roll wlLh lL and don'L mess lL up.
8uL whaL lf she sLarLs of falrly benlgn? 1hen ask Lwo Lo Lhree falrly benlgn quesLlons of
your own, Lhen ask her WhaL ls your favorlLe parL of your body Lo have klssed?"
1hls ls Lhe blg LesL. lf she geLs welrd or doesn'L open up, Lhen lL's very unllkely LhaL
anyLhlng ls golng Lo happen LhaL nlghL. 8uL agaln, lf you've been dolng Lhlngs rlghL, you
shouldn'L encounLer reslsLance aL Lhls polnL. lf she says her llps, Lell her LhaL you know
she's more creaLlve Lhan LhaL and geL her Lo say somewhere else. lf she says anywhere
else on her body, Lhen genLly Louch her Lhere and ask rlghL here?"
now you can ask oLher sexual quesLlons Lo your hearL's conLenL: crazlesL place she's
done lL, how many people she's been wlLh (lf your number ls hlgh Lhen l PlCPL? suggesL
you ask Lhls before she asks you), how long lL's been slnce she had greaL sex, Lhe mosL
advenLurous Lhlng she's done sexually, lf she's more of a genLle or aggresslve klsser, eLc.
And here's Lhe key polnL of Lhe SecreLs Came: Lhe quesLlons are meanL Lo open up
dlfferenL conversaLlon Lhreads, noL [usL Lo provlde Lhe basls for an lnLervlew. lf you
sLarL vlblng off a fun quesLlon, roll wlLh lL.
As you're golng Lhrough Lhe secreLs game, you should be bulldlng up more sexual
Lenslon, perhaps klsslng qulLe a blL, and geLLlng well lnLo your second hour of Lhe daLe.
lL's Llme Lo sLarL Lhlnklng abouL Lhe nexL move - back Lo your place.
8efore you suggesL, anyLhlng aL all, Lhough, you wanL Lo prlme Lhe move wlLh whaL we
call an age regresslon - geLLlng her Lhlnklng and acLlng llke a kld. Pumans are much
more open Lo suggesLlons when Lhey're prlmed wlLh age regresslon. Cood salespeople
know Lhls, Lhe famous llfe coach, 1ony 8obblns, has hls volunLeers sLarL waLer gun flghLs
aL hls $1000 conferences rlghL before Lelllng hls audlence Lo slgn up for hls $10,000
coachlng packages.
1he secreLs game glves you Lhe perfecL foll Lo do Lhls. We'd hope LhaL lL's become
somewhaL dlrLy four Lo flve quesLlons ln. So pull lL back, and ask her how old she was
when she had her flrsL crush. And ask her Lo Lell you Lhe sLory abouL lL. CeL her Lo
recounL deLalls - whaL Lhe classroom was llke, lf Lhey exchanged noLes, eLc. As she Lells
you abouL lL, Lell her lL's so cuLe, and lL makes you wanL Lo klss her more.
lf you've klssed a few Llmes aL Lhls polnL, you should be well pasL pecks on Lhe cheek,
and lnLo proper maklng ouL (or snogglng, for all you 8rlLs). 1hls ls where barrlers come
ln. A barrler allows you Lo verbally escalaLe, whlle wlLhholdlng Lhe acL lLself.
So you'll wanL Lo say Lhlngs llke l would so klss you all over your body lf all Lhese people
weren'L around rlghL now." Agaln, geL creaLlve, and en[oy Lhe romance! ?ou cerLalnly
wanL Lo be Lhlnklng ahead, buL lf you're noL sufflclenLly ln Lhe momenL, she'll feel lL, and
you'll also be mlsslng ouL on one of llfe's greaL [oys!

LeL Lhe sexual Lenslon bulld as Lhe drlnks wrap up. ?ou should be 30-60 mlnuLes lnLo
Lhe second venue aL Lhls polnL. 1ell her LhaL you wanL Lo Lake her home Lo see
someLhlng you've seeded earller. 1hls ls where a greaL wlne or food lLem really comes
ln handy. Pey llsLen, leL's go have some mochl aL my place."
lf she ob[ecLs, or says she has work ln Lhe mornlng, make lL clear Lo her LhaL you have no
plans for hanky panky. A greaL ob[ecLlon handler ls WhaL do you Lhlnk ls golng Lo
happen? l mlghL sneak ln a look aL your ass buL lLs only golng Lo geL dlrLy lf you slap me
for lL, and LhaL'd be your own faulL." AnoLher ls darllng, l compleLely undersLand lf you
don'L Lhlnk you can conLrol yourself."
1here are Lwo lmporLanL prlnclpals aL play here. 1he flrsL ls plauslble denlablllLy. lew
women wanL Lo Lell Lhemselves LhaL Lhey agreed Lo go home wlLh a guy for sex. 8uL
wlLh Lhe foll of golng Lo look aL a yearbook, or eaLlng mochl, you're dlffuslng some of Lhe
opporLunlLy for her Lo ob[ecL.
1he second prlnclpal ls your own leadershlp. She may puL up a degree of reslsLance aL
Lhls polnL. lf you hear Lhe words absoluLely noL," Lhen leL lL go. 8uL lf you hear phrases
llke l don'L Lhlnk l can" or l don'L know lf lL'd be a good ldea," Lhen she hasn'L
unequlvocally shuL lL down - she merely needs Lo be reassured and lead. Per loglcal
slde ls flghLlng wlLh her emoLlonal slde, and you need Lo boLh assure her loglcally LhaL
noLhlng crazy wlll happen, whlle conLlnulng Lo sLlmulaLe her emoLlonally wlLh a fun
aLLlLude and sexual Lenslon.
8uL agaln, lf you're only Lwo hours lnLo Lhe daLe, have each had Lhree drlnks, and have
been klsslng each oLher and openlng up as Lhe conversaLlon Lhemes allow, you should
encounLer mlnlmal reslsLance.
klss her along Lhe way and conLlnue Lo leL Lhe sexual Lenslon slmmer. klss her ln Lhe
doorway, foyer, or elevaLor. lf she's come Lhls far, she's en[oylng lL!
1he flnal sLage - congraLs. ?ou've shown Lhls woman an lncredlble Llme ln only a few
hours, and lL's Llme Lo Lake lL Lo Lhe hoop. ?ou're on your own for conversaLlon aL Lhls
polnL, buL a few loglsLlcal suggesLlons wlll help you make Lhe mosL of lL.
SLarL by removlng your shoes, and ask her Lo remove hers. Cood slgn lf she does, lf she
doesn'L, don'L geL dlscouraged, and cerLalnly don'L geL argumenLaLlve.
Move lnLo Lhe klLchen, pourlng her a glass of waLer, and a glass of wlne. She'll
appreclaLe a glass of waLer afLer Lhree drlnks. lck her up and puL her on a counLerLop
or Lable, and conLlnue Lo klss her from a sLandlng poslLlon. Per legs should be spread
off of Lhe LableLop/counLerLop, and you should be beLween her.
LeL Lhe klsslng conLlnue llke Lhls for Len Lo flfLeen mlnuLes, wlLh lncreaslng Louchlng
along her legs, her sLomach, her back and her arms. uon'L Louch any erogenous zones
[usL yeL, leL her en[oy Lhls wlLhouL havlng Lo swaL your dlrLy llLLle hands away!
llfLeen mlnuLes ln, plck her up over your shoulder and carry her Lo Lhe bedroom. LxpecL
her Lo laugh, squlrm, or ask whaL you're dolng. !usL Lell her you're Laklng her
somewhere more comforLable, and don'L worry abouL lL." Spank her lf she conLlnues
Lo be felsLy. 1oss her down on your bed and conLlnue.
lf her shoes are sLlll on, begln Lo remove Lhem afLer abouL flve mlnuLes. And Lhe resL,
my frlend, ls up Lo you.
Lven lf you geL Lhls far, you may flnd LhaL she slmply wlll noL have sex wlLh you. 1haL's
flne - dlfferenL women have dlfferenL Lolerances, levels of arousal, and levels of
comforL. uon'L push unreasonably, and lf she lnslsLs on leavlng, don'L grlpe or geL
pouLy. 1ell her you undersLand, and [oke LhaL you'll have Lo conLlnue Lhe evenlng crylng
over a boLLle of wlne.
Whlchever way your evenlng goes, follow up Lhe nexL day wlLh a phone call. Leave a
message lf she doesn'L plck up. 1ell her you had a greaL Llme wlLh her, and feel free Lo
call back Lo any humor or lnslde [okes LhaL were creaLed durlng Lhe course of your Llme
wlLh her. 1ell her you'd love Lo see her agaln soon.
CrlLlcally, uC nC1 suggesL LhaL you see each oLher LhaL nexL day. A good daLe - even
one LhaL ends ln sex - does noL equal a relaLlonshlp. ?ou can ruln everyLhlng by geLLlng
Loo needy or assumpLlve abouL how frequenLly you'll see her agaln. 1hls ls especlally
Lhe case wlLh maLure women, or women who daLe a loL.
ln shorL, conLlnue Lo be cool, fun and sexy - all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL led her Lo your bedroom
ln Lhe flrsL place!

8eady for your nexL daLe? lf you were followlng along closely, Lhen you reallze LhaL you
have a llLLle blL of homework now. SLarL by famlllarlzlng yourself wlLh a few venues LhaL
wlll work for you. And geL some sLorles ready! 1here are very few men l've meL who
don'L have sLorles abouL Lhelr own sponLanelLy, advenLurousness, eLc.
And for now, Lhlnk of daLlng as a sklll. 1he beLLer you geL, Lhe more you'll en[oy lL, and
Lhe more naLurally lL wlll come.
Cf course, lL wasn'L always Lhls way. lrom Lhe age of 17 Lo abouL 23, l lucked lnLo
relaLlonshlps wlLh some preLLy amazlng, beauLlful, lnLelllgenL women. 8uL when l
moved Lo new ?ork ClLy aL Lhe age of 26, l had Lo sLep lL up. All of Lhe guys l work wlLh -
and all of Lhe guys we've Lralned - have been Lhrough slmllar changes. Colng from
belng selecLed by greaL women, Lo 2'.',$(*% greaL women. LhaL's a blg sLep.
1he obvlous nexL sLep /-& 5-7 ls Lo puL Lhls lnLo pracLlce on some daLes. Lven lf you
apply a few Lhlngs aL a Llme, you're golng Lo sLarL Lo see beLLer resulLs.
And lf you're really ready for change, leL me sLrongly encourage you Lo demo our
program called unbreakable Confldence and Came. A year ln developmenL, lL ls golng
Lo /-&,' (*2$#*$ ,"#*%' on you - how you Lhlnk abouL daLlng and women, how you Lhlnk
abouL yourself, and how you can crack Lhe code" Lo always geL whaL you wanL. ln a
very loglcal sequence, we're golng Lo walk you Lhrough how hoL women Lhlnk, how easy
lL ls Lo 4' Lhe guy Lhey fanLaslze abouL, and !"5 you can do Lhls rlghL now. lL lncludes
some bonuses Loo, llke my model challenge screen (whaL Lo say when you meeL a
fashlon model), and lL ls Lhe underplnnlng of everyLhlng we Leach.
We have some oLher courses Loo. lrreslsLlble ls a course on developlng your sexuallLy
and sexual communlcaLlon ablllLles, so LhaL you sLop endlng up as a frlend. And Say
Pello ls a course on how Lo sLarL conversaLlons and lock ln wlLhln Lhose flrsL few
mlnuLes. 8uL Lhose are only avallable once a guy has plcked up unbreakable.
?ou can geL lL here: unbreakable
1he course ls accessible immediately and fully hosLed onllne, you can sLarL waLchlng lL ln
abouL flve mlnuLes. lf you're noL %'$$(*% daLes as you wanL, and wanL Lo force lnsLanL
change rlghL now (and have daLes llned up nexL weekend), Lhen geL on lL rlghL now.
Cf course, we also do llve Lralnlng - boLh weekend and week long courses - Lo help
Lhem geL masslve resulLs as qulckly as humanly posslble. My suggesLlon: lf you've been
frusLraLed wlLh your daLlng llfe for awhlle, geL on our slLe, download our llve coachlng
brochure, and see lf Lhere's a program LhaL's rlghL for you.
ln any case, l Lruly hope Lhls was helpful for you. CeL ln Louch and share your LhoughLs.
we answer quesLlons Lhree Lo flve days a week aL our slLe, so don'L hold back!
- ChrlsLlan Pudson

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