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When Christmas Is Celebrated?

(Guen Cristmas Is Celebre-ited)

Christmas Is celebrated on December 25
(Cristmas is clbre-ited on dicember tueny faiv)

Why is it important? (Guay Is it aimportant)
Christmas its important because its an anniversary of the day when Jesus Christ
was born.
(Cristmas its aimportant bicos its an anniversary of de dey guen yisus crist was

How Is It Celebrated? (Jaou Is it Celebre-ited)
In United States of America the Christmas its a night to spent with family and
celebrates the born of Jesus Christ with a special dinner And Gifts.
(In yunaited Steits of America da cristmas its a nayt tu spent guit femly end
clbre-its da barn of yisus crist guit a speshal diner aend gifts)

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