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Dark Hell

By : VLE
Alyana, I'm coming for you. Just hang in there, I will find you and take him down.
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Copyright VLE, 2014
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Dark Hell
Dark Hell 1
Table of Contents
Dark Hell Chapter 1
Dark Hell Chapter 2
Dark Hell Chapter 3
Dark Hell Chapter 4
Dark Hell Chapter 5
Dark Hell Chapter 6
Dark Hell Chapter 7
Dark Hell Chapter 8
Dark Hell Chapter 9
Dark Hell Chapter 10
Dark Hell Chapter 11
Dark Hell Chapter 12
Dark Hell Chapter 13
Dark Hell Chapter 14
Dark Hell Chapter 15
Dark Hell Chapter 16
Dark Hell Chapter 17
Dark Hell Chapter 18
Dark Hell Chapter 19
Dark Hell Chapter 20
Dark Hell Chapter 21
Dark Hell Chapter 22
Dark Hell
Table of Contents 2
Dark Hell Chapter 23
Dark Hell Chapter 24
Dark Hell Chapter 25
Dark Hell Chapter 26
Dark Hell Chapter 27
Dark Hell Chapter 28
Dark Hell Chapter 29
Dark Hell Chapter 30
Dark Hell Chapter 31
Dark Hell Chapter 32
Dark Hell Chapter 33
Dark Hell Chapter 34
Dark Hell Chapter 35
Dark Hell
Table of Contents 3
Dark Hell : Chapter 1
A/N: Dark Hell is the second part to Dark Decent. I apologize if there was any confusion. For those of you
who have kept up with the roller coaster ride that is the broken triangle of Jase, Alayna, and Sam than
continue for the exciting and scary bold sequel to Dark Decent. Sam finally has Alayna in his grasp with no
intentions of letting her go. Will Jase find her before it's to late?
"Jackson, wait." Sam ordered.
I was still flailing against the towering monster who had me strown over his shoulder. We stopped short of the
door that led to the crowded streets. Sam pulled a needle from the inside of his jacket pocket. Using his teeth,
he quickly removed the cap and stabbed it painfully into my arm.
"What the fuck was that!" I screamed. My arms instantly fell down 'Jacksons' back. My eyes grew wide as I
felt the numbing sensation creep down my entire body in seconds.
"Sam..." I whispered. He patted my head and then went to open the door for us. Jackson lowered me to a
bridal style and the three of us apperead into the humid, muggy, and crowded city. I tried desperatley to
scream but my body denied any movement or noise. I heard a car door open and very gently I was layed down
onto scratchy carpet. I badly wanted to itch my arms and neck.
From what I could tell I was in a limo, my paralyzed body stretched out on the carpet. Sam slammed the door
shut and we were moving in under a minuet. Sam sat on the seat by my feet. He looked out the window for a
few agonizing seconds before looking down at me. His thighs were parted and he slumped back into the black
leather seat, relaxing after scouting his surroundings. If I didn't know any better, he was checking for Jase.
Sam's white button down shirt was tucked neatly into his tan slacks. The sleeves were rolled up to his swollen
forearms. Sam looked to have been working out and gaining size since my absence. His hair was blonder and
longer, still styled messy and intemidating ontop of his chizled and tanned face. Stubble was making an
apperance around his chin and cheek bones.
Sam rubbed the bottom of his jaw and started to laugh quietly. His bleached teeth flashed brilliantley against
his red lips.
"Neuromuscular blocker." He pointed at my limp body and reached over to the cooler to pour himself some
champagne. In a quick slug, he knocked back the bubbly wine and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.
Sam placed the wine back in the cooler and dropped the flute on the carpet. He then dropped to his knees and
stretched his body out slowly over mine. My eyes widened, but my breathing stayed the same dispite the fear
in my chest. My breathing was so quiet it was almost inaudiable.
"It's a temporary paralysis, but it keeps you awake so you hear and feel everything I say or do." Sam placed a
finger at the lowest point of the V in my shirt that exposed a great deal of clevage. Sam tugged gentley, the
button snapping open obediently to him. I could feel the warm tears sliding freely down the sides of my face
and landing uncomfortably in my ears.
"Shh, shh, shh.." Sam kissed my temples to 'kiss' away my tears which only increased their flowing power.
"I know your scared and you have every right to be. But this time will be different, Alayna. Were going to do
this right. Our relationship was to much push and pull. This time it's going to be smooth and easy, starting
Dark Hell
Dark Hell : Chapter 1 4
with this..." Sam reached into his pocket and pulled out what seemed to be a black box.
Holy fucking shit.
My mind was screaming for help as loud as it could.
Sam smiled down at my watering eyes and placed a kiss lightly on my face. He held my left hand up to his
chest and slid the shining diamond onto my ring finger.
"I love you, Alayna. Nothing will ever change that or take you from me again."
Dark Hell
Dark Hell : Chapter 1 5
Chapter 2
Get your shit together!
The muscles in my jaw clenched and unclenched almost painfully. Today was the day I'd been anticipating for
weeks now. The steeringwheel leather twisted unwillingly under my sweating palms as I swallowed the
anxiety in my throat.
Fuck that.
I never have anxiety. I never have fear, or weakness.
I opened the car door, humidity suffocating me instantly, and took large confident strides toward the building.
Without hesitation I opened the cool glass doors and stepped inside.
"Can I help you, sir?" The blonde at the counter said. She eyed me lustfully for a moment before I handed her
my fake I.D I had made for myself after Alayna and I fled and went into hiding from Sam.
"Mr. Russel." She smiled her deep red color stained lips and typed my name loudy into the system.
"You purchased the four prong engagement ring in 18 carat white gold?"
I nodded briefly.
"Just a moment, Mr. Russel." She left the computer and walked into the back, leaving me standing awkwardly
alone in her trail of perfume. The blonde appeared after a few moments with a heavy man, persumably the
"Mr. Russel," The beefy man started. I could tell by the look on both their faces something was clearly wrong.
"The ring you've purchased seems to have been picked up today..." Both the blonde and the manager starred at
the computer in utter confussion. My teeth ground together in sheer aggitation. There had to be some mistake.
"I'm not sure I'm following." My voice came out a litter harsher than intended. The blonde smiled
apologetically before glancing back at her screen.
"It seems that the best man to be for your wedding... Jase Hidman... came in under your instruction and
picked the ring up." The blonde stated.
Son of a bitch.
That son of a bitch!
Sam was here, and he used my name. My real name.
I bolted to the door and made it to my car in under a minuet. I barley missed a taxi as I peeled out and pushed
the car to it's limits. I skillfully passed slower cars while reaching into my center consule to retrieve
myQSZ-92 pistol. I knew I should have killed Sam. I knew I should have put a bullet right threw his skull.
Dark Hell
Chapter 2 6
But I was foolish, I let mortality get in my way while rescuing Alayna. Now he was after us despite my best
efforts to conseal our idintities.
I speed by another car.
This was all my fault. I should have never left Alayna alone. God, if anything happened to her...
I shook my head, I couldn't finish the thought. I pulled into the underground parking garage and barley had
time to shut the door before I was running to the stairs.
I mastered the staircase in record time and fled down the hall to our apartment door. It was slightly opened.
No, no, no!
I drew my weapon leaned against the hallway wall before I nudged the already cracked apartment door wide
open. In one swift move I left the saftey of the wall and entered the apartment. The lamp was knocked over,
couch cushions were strown due to a fight. I knew Sam had her but I called for her anyway.
"Alayna!" I yelled. No response. I still held my weapon as I checked the room. Folded laundry lay fresh on
the bed and the bedroom TV was still on. I knew no one was here. I knew he had taken her. I snatched my cell
phone from my pocket and punched the numbers lividly.
"Danny, get the crew together. Meet me here tonight. Were going to take him down."
Dark Hell
Chapter 2 7
Chapter 3
"I still don't understand why he purchased the ring." Danny sat with his bulding arms crossed and leaned back
in his chair. It was odd seeing the entire team back together after such a long time. These four guys looked
after me and I looked after them back in our sniper days. If there was anyone I could trust, It would be the
four men that sat at my dining table tonight.
Danny was a dark skinned Italian son of a bitch with muscle and height to make any man piss himself. He did
alot of interrogating when we were active duty. His slicked back black hair always attracted the ladies, but he
wasn't much of the relationship kind. None of us were. He did have a dog though, that was the equivalence of
a child to him. His name was Bravo, named after our company. We found him during a mission oversees and
Danny hasn't parted with him since.
Sitting next to Danny was Seth. He was the youngest of us, barley 20 when he joined our division. I thought
his lack of inexperience would get us all killed but I have to hand it to the boy, he held his own. He was a
bleach blonde haired skinny kid. Don't get me wrong, he did have some muscle, but it was hard to tell when
he was skin and bone. He earned my trust when he saved Danny's ass under heavy fire.
Sitting next to Seth was Malbec. Bald, errogant, and a damn good man. He was our self defense combat
trainer. I don't even think satan himself could kick this guys ass. I heard once that Malbec actually made a
deal with the devil. Malbec gave both his heart and half his soul in exchange for the greatest connections
known to man. If you needed information on someone he had the information. Malbecs connections made cell
phone companies look like childs play. He was a genuis.
And last but not least was our eldest member. Jones "Oldie" Arnbrook. He wasn't actually that old, his mid
forties, but he was deffinatley older than us. He had the accuracy of a hawk. I don't think I've ever seen him
miss a target, ever. There's not much of a story to Olde. His pepper hair was kept short from his long carreer
in the military, and his wife died a few years ago. He does have a daughter but doesn't speak much of her.
That's always for the best interest.
"It has to mean something. It wasn't just a clue that Sam was here. I just can't place it." I said. I rubbed my
face hard trying to rack my brain. We've been going around and around in circles for hours. No one can come
up with anything useful.
"What kind of connections does Sam have?" Malbec pipped up after an eternity of silence. His tone of voice
sounded promising.
"I'm not sure... What are you getting at Malbec?" I asked. Malbec looked down at his phone and scrolled
through the screen before rubbing his bald head.
"You said Sam designs planes, for military and whatever the fuck else? Under radar I heard theres quite a
scandal going on with new design kind of plane. This plane is under military reign, but it goes out of country
to pick up immigrants, aliens, you name it..."
"What the hell does this got to do with Alayna?" Seth butted in. He was chewing his nails and looking
otherwise bored.
"Seth, please, shut up." I said.
Dark Hell
Chapter 3 8
"Here's the deal, these aren't just you ordinary immigrants. They have something that they bring into the
country. Gold, gems, historical artifacts that are worth a pretty penny." Malbec took a swig of his beer.
"And no one stops to check the plane because it's under military dictatorship." Danny finished. "Thats damn
"But fake homeland securities working for someone are there just as the plane hits the tarmac and they sieze
all the cargo and deport the illegals back to their homeland."
"How does the military look the other way?" I asked trying to connect the dots.
"It's not the entire military, it's just the base where the airfield is located."
"That didn't really answer my question." I stated slightly irritated.
"Because they get a nice check... from the designer of the plane."
It was so clear.
"Sam... Sam gives them the check after he takes the stolen goods... God why didn't I see that before! Ok so we
know who he is connected with, we can wait for the next plane to land, and follow the fake securities back to
Sam. It's simple." I felt hope sparking wildly.
"Uh, Jase, it's really not that simple. Firstly, they know were meeting here. I had a tail tonight." Oldie spoke
"And it's the military for Christ sake. As soon as we get close they are going to throw up a red flag. Once the
flag is out I gaurentee there will be warrants and all that mess." Danny added.
"So... What is the plan?"
Everyone looked around in silence.
There was no plan.
Dark Hell
Chapter 3 9
Chapter 4
After an hour of laying of the limo carpet I finally was able to move my fingers and toes. My left ring finger
felt like a thousand tons gluing me to the ground.
"I'll never say yes." I croaked. My voice was slowly coming back to me. " No preacher in their right mind
would force a non consenting person into marriage." I spat. Sam had been busy looking over notes and
making phone calls regarding some plane he had once built for the last half hour. It was almost as if I didn't
exist. Sam held his finger up to his lips to 'shh' me. He was on the phone.
"I understand, Boshler, but the cut I'm willing to offer is substantial... Yes sir..."
Sam writes a note on a paper in a blue file.
"10 percent is alot to ask for... 6 percent seems more reasonable.... No offense to you sir, but I think I am a bit
more knowledgeable in the rare artifacts and price range department. I know the going rates for Gems as rare
as the one that is on its way in this afternoon.... I will go 7 percent but no higher.." There was a pause.
"Thank you sir, and whom do I make this check out to?" There was more writing and then Sam hung his
phone up.
"Now what were you saying? Oh yes, well dear, I don't need your consent. It would just make things a hell of
a lot easier if you say yes. But if you choose to say no, the marriage license holder we are on our way to see
will engage in the ceremony regardless if I drag you down the aisle kicking and screaming."
I pushed off of the floor and sat myself on a long bench seat away from Sam. I felt weak and powerless
because of the drug that still poured in my veins. In that quiet moment my thoughts went to Jase and I felt a
sense of anxiety when I realized that all my hope for being rescued was riding on faith that Jase would find
me before Sam forced me into a bond with him.
"How do you propose that the man you're going to meet will hold this ceremony?" I asked bitterly.
"Alayna, have you already forgotten what I am capable of? I am Sam Hidman, anything I want to happen,
happens. And a nice amount of money goes along way, too." Sam smiled his devilish megawatt smile in my
direction. I rolled my eyes in disgust.
"Don't be so bitter, Alayna. You're going to have to learn to love me. I may have let you slip between my
fingers once but rest assure that it will never happen again." Sam leaned forward, resting his forearms on his
thighs and clasping his hands together.
"I hope to God he finds you. You know it won't end well when he does." I referred to Jase.
"That's enough." Sam said. His tone was low but threatening. I couldn't resist the urge to challenge him
"Jase is going to hunt you down and diminish you, and then rescue me. This is your chance to let me go." I
could see Sam's jaw flexing in smoldering irritation.
Dark Hell
Chapter 4 10
"Alayna, stop it."
"Jase is going to put a bullet straight through your skull." I smiled wickedly at Sam. Suddenly I could feel the
atmosphere changing in the space around us.
Sam laughed inwardly and in an instant he had my weak arms in his grip. I found myself pinned to the floor in
the next moment with Sam holding me down under his tremendous weight. He tucked both my arms by my
side and sat on my stomach. He used his powerful legs to pin my arms down. Sam's iron like hand grabbed
my jaw painfully and forced me to look into his scorching amber eyes.
"I said that is enough!" Sam screamed. I thrusted my head side to side in a vain attempt to shake him loose,
but no amount of wiggling stopped Sam from getting his point across. He raised his free hand and I flinched
waiting for impact. Sam dropped his hand to his side and smiled, leaning in closely to my face.
"I want you to look beautiful on our wedding day. After that I will be more than willing to refresh your
memory about my expectations and consequences following." Sam climbed off of me and took his seat. He
ran a strong hand threw his floppy hair and starred out the window. He looked stressed and tired.
"Where are we going?" I asked, moving myself back to a seat.
"Well we have about thirty minutes until we hit the airport, then It'll only take us about four hours to get to
Quebec city. We'll leave straight from there and stop at a hotel for the night. In the morning I have scheduled
you for a personal appointment with my good friend Sherry. You will go find a dress, get your nails, hair, and
makeup done, and I will meet you in St. Andrews church at six p.m." He stated.
"I'm not going through with this." I felt sick and vulnerable. How coluld he possible force me into this? I
would never submit to him.
"I thought you'd say that. So I've arranged a little surprise for you, Alayna." His wicked smile promised
nothing but evil.
Jase please hurry.
Dark Hell
Chapter 4 11
Chapter 5
We arrived at a private airstrip just as Sam had promised. I was confussed and anxious as we departed the
limo. Sam held on to my arm tightly to ensure I couldn't run. A man, presumably the pilot approached us with
two beautiful women in tow.
"Mr. Hidman." The pilot extended his hand for a polite greet. Sam let go of me momentarily but grabbed me
half a second later. The pilot and Sam chatted about the jet, but I noticed the girls were eyeing me
"My name is Alayna Transmen. I'm being taken against my will to Canada. Please help me." I begged them.
The girls looked at each other nervously but said nothing.
"Alayna, please, were having a conversation." Sam said. A sense of helplessness was covering me like a thick
sheet. I was suffocating in fear and anxiety.
"This is illegal! You can't let him take me, please!" I begged. The girls became even more nervous and looked
at Sam for an answer. Sam sighed in exaggeration and rolled his eyes.
"Yes, I am taking this girl into another country against her will. Yes, you two ladies are accomplices, and yes
there is an ex sniper who is looking for her." Sam looked at me with a rather bored expression.
"Satisfied?" He asked. I was stunned. Everyone was in on it. How the hell did Jase even stand a chance in
finding me?
"I believe there is something I will be needing before we head out " The pilot suggested.
"Oh, yes. Jackson, please bring me the brown briefcase." Sam ordered. Jackson opened the trunk of the limo
and moments later presented the pilot with the case. The pilot opened it to exam stacks of 100 dollar bills
tucked neatly against each other.
"Right this way Mr. Hidman." The pilot gestured toward the plane.
I sat, arms crossed, next to Sam. He was speaking flirtatiously with one of the girls, asking for some
expensive wine. When she left, Sam reached into his bag and pulled out his lap top and blackberry.
"It's never to late to change your mind." He said. I refused to answer as I stared out at the tarmac. The engines
were just starting up and leaving the cab humming. Sickness bubbled and turned inside the pit of my stomach
at the reality of being taken again. I didn't even bother putting up a fight because of it's lack of purpose. Sam
had too many people on his side.
"Go ahead, Phillip." Sam tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to his laptop. I was confused on what I was
looking at. I could tell someone had a camera strapped to them and they were walking up the stairs to some
old building. They opened the door and stopped at a receptionist. She was dressed in a white coat and seemed
rather nice.
Dark Hell
Chapter 5 12
"Can I help you sir?" She smiled. There was a pause and her smile faded instantly. A hand came swiftly from
behind the camera and stabbed a needle into the receptionists' neck. Her eyes fluttered and eventually closed.
My hands flew to my mouth in shock.
"What the fuck is he doing?" I screamed. An amusing smile played on the corners of Sam's mouth. The man
behind the camera took her I.D badge and helped himself in. He walked down the empty hallway and stopped
at a door on the left. Using the receptionist's badge he let himself into a small room with a bed, desk and
window. The only problem was, the bed was occupied with an elder lady.
Oh my God.
My heart stopped. The hand drew a silenced pistol from behind the camera and pointed at the head of the
sleeping woman.
"Stop! Stop! Mom, wake up!" I screamed. My mother was sleeping peacefully in the mental ward she still
resided in.
"Sam stop!" I screamed.
"Youre the only one that can save her, Alayna." He sighed. Vomit rose in my throat and tears spilled like rain
down my face. I was silent for a few seconds unable to speak around the sickness.
"You have ten seconds " Sam said pointing to his watch. I couldn't pull my eyes from my mother. I hadn't
seen her since I entered her in the ward after Mark had shot himself.
"Five..four..three.." Sam raised his eyebrows at me. I remained silent.
"Proceed." Sam said. The hand steadied it's aim.
"Wait! Just wait " I screamed. I took in a shaky breath.
"Ok." I whispered. Sam instructed the intruder to back down, then he closed his laptop.
"Alayna Transmen, will you do me the honor and marry me?" Sam asked taking my left hand into his. A sob
ripped through me as I shook my head yes.
"You have made me the happiest man in the entire world." He said and wiped my tears.
Dark Hell
Chapter 5 13
Chapter 6
The flight was exhausting. I cried most of time. Sam handed me a glass of water to try and calm down. I was
in such disarray I hadn't thought about him slipping anything into it. After a few moments I felt my body
slowly becoming heavy and limp. I just remembered looking out the window as we landed.
It was nearly dark when our feet touched the tarmac. Sam guided my sleepy body to another limo where we
were taken to an expensive hotel. Sam checked us in under some alias. Jackson and another body guard we
met at the private airstrip stood close behind me. We were granted access to the top floor suite.
Sam sent the body guards in first to search the suite. Once it was cleared we walked in together into the huge
living space. There was a bar, a kitchen, two separate rooms, and a balcony. It was beautiful I must admit.
Sam helped me into my room and tucked me into bed.
"Goodnight, Alayna." Sam kissed my forehead and left me to sleep myself into a different reality. One where
Jase and I spent the night in this hotel and were getting married in the morning. I knew that would never
happen. Jase just wasn't the marrying type.
"Mrs. Transmen, please wake up." The urgent voice of a woman seeped slowly into my ears. My mind felt
foggy and overtired.
"Were going to be late if you aren't dressed in fifteen minutes." Her voice came out in a squeal. I let her words
bounce around my head for a few seconds before I let my eyelids flutter open into the bright morning gloom.
"Now that I have your attention, Mr. Hidman has requested that I meet all the require standards before your
big event tonight."
"I'm Shelly, your personal assistant for today." She smiled a brilliantly bright smile.
I groaned at her and sat up in bed. I rubbed my face hard and tried to glue the pieces of yesterday together.
Sam was in my apartment. I ended up in a limo, a plane, and now an expensive hotel.
"I have your clothes for today " The woman stated. She had a blonde bob, she was pale, and she was
"How much?" I croaked. The woman seemed puzzled.
"How much is he paying you?" I asked more angrily. She smiled apologetically and tossed a bag onto my bed.
"I will triple whatever he is paying you." I said pulling the contents from the bag. A grey V-neck shirt and
dark straight denim jeans pilled in my lap. The price tags were still attached.
"Mrs. Transmen, if I may be so bold, Mr. Hidman is not that bad of a man." Shelly looked off into space
somewhere as I cringed.
"Oh yes, he's quite the charmer. I can honestly say I've never been kidnapped, twice, ripped away from the
people I love, twice, and forced into marriage before. Chivalry isn't dead after all." I replied.
Dark Hell
Chapter 6 14
"Help me get out of here." I begged. Shelly sighed.
"I'll give you five minutes to get dressed or I'll be forced to send in security." She turned on her heel and
walked out.
I sighed in exasperation and dressed myself in a decent amount of time. Shelly tapped on my door in exactly
five minuets.
"Let's get started shall we?"
Dark Hell
Chapter 6 15
Chapter 7
Two days.
It had been two days and no word. No signs. No hope. We didn't even have a place to start looking. My guys
were exhausted and starting to turn on each other. Seth had bailed yesterday. He said he needed his life for a
minute, then he could be of better help.
To hell with him.
I finally laid down for a nap around 7 this morning. Just as I was getting comfortable Oldie came tapping on
my door.
"Jase, turn on the news." His voice promised nothing but disappointment. His face was tired and his beard was
evident on his face. I jumped from my bed and turned the TV on. It kept everything in my power from not
throwing it out the window.
" She is deffinatley a keeper." Sam laughed with the reporter on the channel.
"You've decided not to show her off, why is that?" The question hung heavy in the air.
"I'm a well known man, Mrs. Lizotte, and I know that there are a lot of bad people that might try and come
after her. Those people should know that it would be ill advised." Sam was starring directly at me through the
screen. He was sending me the message.
"Thank you again, Mr. Hidman, for your time and congratulations of the marriage."
I felt a surge of anger running feverently.
"What the fuck! He married her? Someone get me a God damn name, a place, an address, something!"
Danny, Oldie, and Malbec scrambled together at the kitchen table.
"Lizotte, Elizabeth. That's the reporter's name." Danny had his laptop open.
"Does news reporting in Canada?" Everyone's eye's fell on Danny.
"Ok so they're in Canada Why?" I asked. I was already planning my trip, mentally packing the things I
would need and how to smuggle the weapons in.
"I'm not sure " Danny's fingers typed loudly.
"I need a flight booked. Danny and Oldie, your coming with me. Malbec, I need you to get my weapons
transported safely. And for the love of Christ, can someone find Seth?" I barked orders madly. I was cripley
sickened at the thought of Alyana being forced into marriage.
Dark Hell
Chapter 7 16
"Jase, that's not going to be so simple " Danny flipped his laptop around for me to look at. My anger just
escalated from there. On the screen were pictures of Danny, Malbec, Oldie, and myself with big red letters
that read "Wanted".
"If we cross the Canadian border we will be arrested on the spot." Danny said.
"He's one step ahead of us." Oldie sighed.
"Maybe not. Malbec, did you get a hold of Seth yet?" I asked.
Dark Hell
Chapter 7 17
Chapter 8
I had barley eaten a thing in the last few days. I was ill almost all the time. Sam had a doctor come in and look
at me. She said it was stress related. If only she knew.
"Alyana, please stop picking at your food." Sam ordered. He sat across from me at 'our' nicley polished dining
table. Everything in 'our' house was nice. It reminded me of the last mansion Sam had locked me away in. It
was big, every detail was high end, and there were maids. Of course, the only difference was that these maids
spoke french.
"I can't eat." I sighed.
"Alyana, if you don't eat something your going to be hopitalized."
"Good." I whispered. I didn't have to make eye contact with Sam to know his jaw was clenching. He took
another sip of wine.
"What exactly is bothering you? You have this nice roof over your head, an endless supply of money, and I
have even extended your roaming borders outside. How bad could it possibly be?" I laughed at his proposal.
"What husband keeps a tracking anklet on his wife and lets it electrocute her if she takes a step over the
driveway?" I took a shaking breath.
"What husband I'm sorry man forces a woman, who hates his guts, into marriage? What kind of monster
rips away all of my dreams and the people I love in a selfish attempt to keep me captive?" By this point I was
raging. I placed my palms on the table and pushed myself up. I was towering over the table staring furiously at
"You do, Sam. You are that kind of monster! I may be your wife by law, but let me make this perfectly clear, I
will hate you more each moment that passes that I have to be by your side." I spat. Sam wiped his mouth with
the expensive linen and layed it on his plate. I was even more enraged that he didn't respond. I shoved my
plate and wine glass on to the floor in a blind attempt to get my point across. Food and red liquid scattered
amongst hundreds of pieces of glass. I turned on my heel and headed for 'our' room.
Before I could slam the door closed Sam bolted in right behind me. He grabbed my wrist and swirled me
around to face him.
"I have tried hard to hold my tounge because I want this to work, but you have gone to far Alayna!" He
screamed. His voice deminished all the anger within me and replaced it with fear. His strong fingers tightened
painfully on my wrist.
"Sam, let go your.. hurting " Sam let go for a second before he lifted his hand and crashed it into my
face. I hit the floor hard, bruising my knee against the merciless wooden floor.
"You think I am a monster?!" Sam towered over my frail and shaking body, his black suit only intensifying
his deminor.
Dark Hell
Chapter 8 18
"You haven't seen anything yet!" Sam reached down and grabbed my short bobbed hair and yanked me to my
"Sam stop!" I screamed. He shoved me several times in the chest until I stumbled my way into the huge four
post bed. Sam picked up my body and slammed it down onto the mattress. I kicked and swung widley, but his
new and improved massive size proved no match.
"Get off! Get off!" I was running out of energy from lack of nutrients. Sam's liquied amber eye's gleamed in
excitement of the fight.
"I fully intend to, Alayna." His whisper promised lustfull promescuity. My inside lurched and trembled in
fear. Tears were starting to fall and I was loosing the battle.
"Don't do this to me." I begged through sobs.
"You are my wife now and I will do whatever I see fit." He hissed. Sam ran one free hand up my thighs and
lifted my dress to my stomach revealing the thin white lace panties that covered me.
"Beautiful." He whispered. I struggled with the last bit of strength in me. Sam stared right into my eyes and let
out an exasperated breath.
"Stop struggling or I'm going to have Phillip execute your mother."
I stopped struggling.
"Don't look so sad baby. Think of this as our honey-moon night."
"I hate you." I sobbed. Sam chuckled inwardly as he continued his torture, starting with the removal of the
thin white laced panties
Dark Hell
Chapter 8 19
Chapter 9
Defeated, hurt, truly and utterly broken. I was alone this morning when the sun finally made its way back
around. I couldn't think, or remember, or dread any of the events that partook in this cotton king sized bed
only hours ago. My mind simply would not let me embrace such horror. There was a slight rasp at my door
that would have otherwise startled me, but in my exhausted state, I doubted a nuclear attack could capture my
"Mrs. Hidman?" The rough edge of masculinity bulked in the empty spaces of the room. I barley
acknowledged him by pulling the comforter closer to my chest.
"Mrs. Hidman, I've been instructed to gather you this morning and show you to breakfast. Immediately
following you are to, with my presence, go into town for shopping."
I sniffed and licked my dry lips before answering.
"Where is Sam?"
"He is working."
"Please give me some time to decent myself."
And just as quickly as the voice had entered, it had left me alone in my misery and despair.
It took me an hour and a half to scrub my skin, and finally face the girl in the mirror. Robotically, I applied
my makeup, dried my hair, found appropriate attire, and walked to the oversized kitchen where my breakfast
sat. I mostly just stirred the eggs around.
"Mrs. Hidman, I can't allow you to leave until you've eaten something. Mr. Hidman's orders." It was the same
voice from earlier. This time I allowed myself to look.
He was young, barley in his twenties. The wild tuft of bleach hair portrayed a similar military quality, the
similar Delta or Special Forces kind of way. He didn't have much of a frame, I almost apologized for eating
and not offering him my food. For a second the look of complete familiarization crossed his brow. And then it
was gone.
"I apologize, but who are you?" I couldn't keep the deep curiosity out of my voice.
The kid suggested a genuine smile.
"S'not important. Just eat up so we can head out, yeah?"
I pursed my lips together for a moment, but I complied. He tried not to stare as I ate diligently. The long
silence that stretched between us was interrupted when a call came in.
"I'll be right down the hall." He warned. An eye roll seemed to be an appropriate response.
Dark Hell
Chapter 9 20
Once "Blondie" walked away I waited until his hushed tone could no longer be heard until I pushed away my
cold eggs. I made my way to the front door and outside, with out Blondie's supervision. Everything was a lot
different than when Sam had taken me to Mexico. Here in Quebec, it was in the middle of summer and
uncomfortably hot. Sweat formed to me immediately, a droplet trickling between my breast. I looked out at
the swelling land of this front yard. My ankle bracelet allowed me to go to the mailbox, which was about a
quarter mile from this front porch. I sighed. It was the only time I felt like I had some freedom.
My bare feet touched the soft, green, grass. Heat sweltered around my body and the deep lazy sun beamed
almost unbearably down on the earth. Birds chirped and the wind whispered quiet promises of heat relief. I
was this regular person, living a lifestyle that most would kill for, but under the circumstances it was just odd.
This had been the second time Sam Hidman had taken me by force, but he had mapped out this kidnapping to
the extreme. As hours slipped, so did my faith on being rescued by Jase.
An unexpected grip on my upper forearm turned me suddenly. I gasped in shock.
"Who do you think you are?" I shouted. Blondie had his pistol out and it was pointed at the ground.
"I couldn't find you. I looked outside to see you trying to escape." His green iris's were dilated and angry. I
pulled my arm from his grip.
"Is this a joke? I am allowed the freedom of this yard, if you don't believe me you can call Sam, and go to hell
while you're at it." I trudged forward toward the mailbox just to prove my point, only to be stopped again.
"You aren't going anywhere without me." Blondie affronted. His audacity was really irking me. I just snuffed
and continued on my way with him in tow.
As always it was empty, but I had satisfied my itch for audacity. Blondie kept a cautious eye but walked
quietly with me to a blacked out beamer, graciously opening the passenger door for me. He was quick to join
me inside.
"Ankle." He pointed at my bracelet. I lifted my perfectly manicured foot for him to disarm my bracelet. I
didn't miss the quiet sigh that passed Blondie's lips when his fingertips brushed my skin.
"So.." He cleared his throat. "Where do you want to go?"
Dark Hell
Chapter 9 21
Chapter 10
"Seth!" I screamed into the phone. His absence was really starting to piss me off. I needed him here for this
emergency and he was off dicking around like a child.
"Yeah, boss." He spoke quietly. I gritted my teeth and ran a hand throw my hair. It had been days since my
last hair cut and every glance I took in the mirror reminded me of a strung out hippie.
"You have about thirty seconds to give me your location before I track this call, find you, and scalp that
blonde head into hamburger." Venom was a lack for better words.
"Boss, listen, I was called away on business. I work for a few different contracts to make a living." It grew
quiet on the other end.
"Seth, I'm getting into Canada. I'm going to find her."
"Boss, I thought we all discussed this. Theres no way into Canada with out the fed's all over our back."
Something struck a chord inside me. Maybe it was the way Seth seemed a bit to interested, or maybe it was
the way his voice raised that indicated stress.
"Leave that to me, where are you now?
"You know I can't disclose that over the - shit- Look boss I gotta go, something just came up." And then the
line went dead.
"Ok Danny, Seth is a bust. Listen, Malbec, I need you to get us a few passports. We're going undercover.
Oldie, we need a few disguises. Preferably that of homeland security.
Dark Hell
Chapter 10 22
Chapter 11
It was about a half hour quiet drive into town. Every once in a while from the corner of my eye I could see
Blondie side glance me. I clenched my teeth to avoid the profanity threatening to escape my mouth.
"Here." I pointed to a nice street. Rue Saint-Jean, and all its European agriculture. Beautiful in this time of day
when the sun casted a delicate glow on the bustling streets.
Blondie pulled into a parking spot and grabbed my wrist before I exited.
"I'll be staying close, Alayna. Do not try anything stupid or I will shoot everyone in a 5 foot radius of us. I
have a full clip in and 2 more magazines in my back pocket."
"If you think that scares me, you should see what I live through with Sam on a daily basis. And you have 3
seconds to release me or I will personally call Sam down here and we can see how well he reacts to your
hands on me."
Blondie recoiled as if he'd been burned, but made it a point to show me his weapon. For the second time
today, I rolled my eyes at him.
I pushed my way through an expensive boutique. Everywhere my eyes landed was something fashionably
beautiful. Mannequins stood proudly and modeled off tasteful clothing, and a few sporting jewelry. But what I
noticed more than the items in this store, were the couples that hung desperately to each other. My heart
tugged painfully as I noticed a couple trying on engagement rings.
My lip quivered uncontrollably, and my feet were moving toward this couple. I wanted desperately to feel that
raw, uncensored feeling again. That feeling of waking up to the one person you couldn't live without, who you
would put everything on the line for.
"Excuse me." I smiled. The long haired brunette turned first, the big toothy smile plastered on her face.
"I just- I wanted to say- the ring, it's beautiful." She looked down at my hand and her eyes widened a fraction.
"Oh, my look at yours!" She exclaimed. My right hand automatically covered the expensive rock on my
finger. Hate and rage filled me.
"Well, yours is probably more special than mine, I can assure you. My husband is a bastard and I hate "
"Ok Alayna, time to go." Suddenly Blondie was by my side and pushing me away.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He hissed as he pushed me into the crowed street.
"What? Freedom of speech. I can say whatever I want!" I moved on to the next store.
"You aren't in America anymore. I believe it's considered fundamental freedom, but it's not absolute."
I sighed in defeat. Sam has hired yet another baby sitter. I rather preferred the big bald one. He didn't talk
nearly as much. I bustled through another shop and browsed the electronics. And then suddenly the wheels in
Dark Hell
Chapter 11 23
my brain begin to turn. Down the window case were pre-paid phones and phone cards.
"You never told me your name." I asked nonchalantly. I moved away from the phones to divert Blondie's
"Why are you so interested in my name?" He asked, watching me from over a clothing wrack.
"I just want to know what to call my new babysitter." I smiled warmly.
"New babysitter, eh? Is that what I am?" He raised an eyebrow.
"You should have seen my last babysitter. Tall, dark, handsome. Could shoot a fly from 100 feet away.
Almost killed Sam to save me. And God, he was good in bed too." I sighed sweetly. I let Blondie chew over
that for a minute.
"Where is he now?" Blondie questioned as I moved to another wrack.
"On his way here, of course."
"What makes you so sure?" His voice peeked.
"Oh, trust me, I know. And he will kill everyone involved with this." I said confidently. This left Blondie
quiet for a while. And in the most perfect timing, Blondie's phone rang again. He looked at the screen for a
"You going to answer that?" I asked. He shot me a murderous glance before answering his phone.
"Yeah, what's up boss?"
Dark Hell
Chapter 11 24
Chapter 12
"Excuse me, sir?" I spoke quickly and quietly.
"What can I help you with?" His French accent was evident in on his tounge.
"I need one of those prepaid cards and a phone." I pointed, checking over my shoulder for Blondie.
"Sure thing, miss. Which one can I get for you? I always recommend the touchscreen to my customers your
age, it seems.."
"Sir, please, just give me a phone, I don't care which one it is. Please hurry." I hissed. My hands shook as I
pulled cash out of my wallet. The cashier eyed me warily but rang up an old style flip phone and a $20 phone
"Reciept?" He asked.
"No, please." I whispered and pushed from the counter just in time for Blondie to appear around the corner.
"I'm ready to leave." I yawned. Despite my thrumming heart and shaking hands, Blondie seemed satisfied. He
nodded toward the door and we walked silently back to the car.
"Was that Sam?" I asked once we got back on the road.
"No, it was my other boss. I work for a few different contracts to make a living." He regarded briefly. I had
nothing to ad so I remained quiet.
The ride back passed by swiftly. My heart dropped at the sight of Sam's Audi sitting in the drive. I should
have expected he'd be home upon my return. He tries not to make a habit of missing meals with me. I prayed
silently that the phone was tucked deep enough into my bra that he wouldn't notice. The car rolled smoothly
into park and I took a deep breath.
"Were going to be around each other for a really long time." Blondie stated before I exited the car.
"I am your new babysitter after all." He held his hand out for me to shake.
"The name is Seth."
Dark Hell
Chapter 12 25
Chapter 13
"Good afternoon baby." Sam greeted me as I walked through our massive foyer. I smiled at him, desperate to
escape to our room. I needed to hide this phone before Sam's ever roaming hands discovered it.
"Did you have a good time shopping today? Come sit down and tell me about it." Sam placed his hand at the
small of my back and guided me to the deep cherry oak table. Lunch was already on the table along with a
dozen red roses and an "I'm sorry" card.
"What is this?" I whispered.
"For lastnight. I am truly sorry Alayna. I promised you that this relationship was going to be different, and I
am trying to prove it to you. That was no way to handle my anger and so I apologize. Let me take you
somewhere tonight." Sam smiled that mega-watt smile. His messily gelled hair and amber liquid eyes bore
into me. The charcoal grey suit that had been tailored to meet his new physique enhanced this devil's features
by a factor of one hundred.
"Where?" I sighed.
"Anywhere you'd like." He promised. His hand rested on the back of my chair as I sat. He leaned down and
kissed the top of my head.
"I love you so much Alayna. Give me a few moments privacy with Seth and I'll return for lunch with you."
I didn't hesitate to move to my room when Sam left. I double checked that he wasn't anywhere in sight before
stashing the phone and card into my makeup bag. He would never look there. I hurried back to the table and
was accompanied by my keeper minutes later.
"Have you decided where you want to go tonight?" Sam asked around the French maid's hand as she poured
him more water.
"America." I stated plainly. I knew I was going to test him, but there was nothing novel in that.
"Oh, baby, how I do look forward to your smart mouth when I come home." He countered. "Please be
"Ok, than you pick. I'll be satisfied with anywhere." I plastered a fake smile for arguments sake. Sam only
shook his head in thought as he mapped out restaurants in his mind. He was a master at planning and detail
consideration. His skill set is what gave him this empire, and myself. Endless and countless hours had gone
into the lengths Sam had taken to bring me here. He did a fairly well job of covering his tracks.
"You aren't drinking wine?" I asked. Water was an unusual beverage pick for meals.
"I have to go back to work baby. We've got a real difficult client that needs taking care of. Don't worry about
tonight. I'll take care of everything." His cocky attitude pushed a wave of nausea right into the pit of my
stomach. But I could feel excitement boiling as Sam would head back to work and I would have a chance with
my new phone.
Dark Hell
Chapter 13 26
We finished asparagus and lamb quietly. He stood abruptly and buttoned his top.
"What do you have planned for the rest of this afternoon?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the table. Sam's
hand caressed my face and he tilted my chin back so he could look down at me.
"I was considering a nap. Maybe wine and a nice bath?"
"That sounds very sexy." His brows wiggled suggestively. It only increased the bout of sickness in my
"Have a good day at work." I ground out.
"And you with your bath." Sam leaned down and kissed my lips gently. I had to fake the intimacy in the kiss
to satisfy him. After a brief moment he broke away and left me alone. It took all of five seconds after I heard
the door close and I was off to my room digging through my make up bag.
My hands shook and I was unsure I could even dial the right number, but somehow, by the grace of God,
ringing sounded through the phone. My breathing was ragged and tears rimmed my eyes. I sat on the cool tile
of our bathroom floor, locked away so no one could reach me. It seemed like forever when I finally heard his
"What?" His voice was rough and ragged. I could picture his handsome and dark features as he spoke. I
imagined him with stubble around his chin from staying up late.
"Jase." It was barely a whisper.
"Oh God! God, Alayna! Shit, baby, God!" His inability to form a functioning sentence made my heart swell.
He was just as worried about me as I was him.
"Jase, I don't have much time. I'm in Canada, Quebec I think. I'm right outside that city in the country. Sam's
got security crawling all over the place." I whispered to him.
"Alayna, I know. I know. Were already putting together a team and we will be heading that way in less than
72 hours, do you understand? Is there any way you can get Sam to take you somewhere public in three days'
time? A shopping mall, a park, maybe a restaurant?"
My mind swirled.
"Yes! Yes, a restaurant! I can get to one!"
We spent about five minutes working on the fine details of my escape plan.
"Ok, go on about your business Alyana. Don't let anyone on to you." Jase warned.
"Ok. I'll see you in three days."
"Three days." He confirmed.
"I'm here."
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Chapter 13 27
"I love you."
"I know."
And then the line was dead.
Dark Hell
Chapter 13 28
Chapter 14
"Does everyone know their part?" I barked. The men nodded and sipped celebratory whiskey. Alyana's phone
call was a huge feat but I could not allow myself to become hungup in the excitement just yet.
"Jase, the shipment you ordered will be here at nine am tomorrow." Oldie confirmed. For the first time in
weeks, a proud smile spread across my tired face. Everything was on track. That undercover uniforms were on
their way, we had an appointment for our fake pass ports, and I had a pin point strategy on extracting Alyana.
"Perfect. Tomorrow we will do one more run down on this plan. Then we leave the day after." I left the boys
to drink themselves under the table. I needed some rest. The next 72 hours could not get here fast enough.
Dark Hell
Chapter 14 29
Chapter 15
Dusk came relatively soon. Before long Sam's headlights chased away the dark and casted an unwelcoming
glow onto the ceiling. He was putting away his cell phone when he walked in. There was something strangely
different about him. He looked tired, a bruise seemed to be appearing on his cheek, and his hair was out of
sorts. He gazed me over and smiled, all stress vanishing from his face.
"Alayna. It is so good to see you after this long day." He stepped forward and embraced me, burying his head
into my shoulder. After a long inhale he moved his mouth towards my neck and spoke.
"Is this what you are wearing out to dinner? You look beautiful in a tee shirt and jeans but I was thinking of a
deep red dress with a very, very, long slit up the leg." His breath was warm and gave me chills. Not the kind
that every girl has dreamed of, but the kind that disturbed me to my very core.
"Ac-actually, I was thinking. Why don't we go out another night this week? Perhaps on Thursday? You look
real beat tonight, we should just stay in and enjoy each others company." I swallowed hard. Sam
straightened immediately.
"Is that what you really want to do?" The excitement was evident in his voice. I could only nod in fear I would
say something equally unpleasant.
"I have waited ages to hear that from you. You make me the happiest husband in the entire world." He kissed
me gently. "Let me get dressed into something more comfortable and I'll meet you in the theater room." He
left me alone and I made my way into the theater room. It was an exact replica of a 1940's style theater. Rows
of empty seats and a giant projection screen. Some old newspapers from this time hung decortavely to the
walls. I had to just survive the next 72 hours and I was home free. I know that Jase would not take mercy on
Sam this time. That Sam's very existence would be wiped clean from this earth. An exciting thrill ran down
my spine when I thought about what would happen to Seth. Jase would get a kick out of this new baby sitter
of mine. I wasn't sure if I wanted to let Seth live or die. The fact that I held his fate in my hands gave me
somewhat of a devious satisfaction.
"I'm all set. What would you like to watch tonight?" Sam sat next to me and draped a lazy arm over my
"You pick." I stated.
"An American classic then." And then the movie rolled on. It wasn't long before soft snores pulled my
attention from the screen. Sam's head was layed back in exhaustion and he was fast asleep. I moved slowly
from under his arm and covered him with a blanket. Then I made for our room. I hadn't realized it was so late.
I was crossing the foyer when a familiar grip spun me around in the dark.
"What the fuck?" I shouted. A hand clasped over my mouth.
"Shh. I apologize. I thought you were an intruder." It was Seth. This guy's odds at survival were certainly
getting slimmer by the day.
"Will you let go of me." I whispered. He complied and I began my march to my room.
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Chapter 15 30
"Where are you going?" He asked suspiciously and followed closely.
"Not that it's any of your business, but I am going to bed. And if you even consider following me in I will
scream bloody murder until Sam had risen from the dead."
He stopped just outside my door jam.
"Goodnight Alayna." He whispered.
I just slammed the door in his face.
Dark Hell
Chapter 15 31
Chapter 16
The next morning came with a start. Sam woke me from a deep sleep in which I was back with Jase and we
were happily basking in the Caribbean sun.
"Alayna." Sam shook me lightly. My groggy eyes snapped up to meet his angry golden iris's.
"You were having a dream. Of Jase." He whispered. My brows furrowed as I tried to accumulate a time frame
of how long he had been watching me sleep. When I didn't say anything Sam continued again.
"I don't understand. I've been with you for almost a month now. I have spent as much time with you, given
you a bottomless banking account, and have let you roam the yard of this place. Not once have you ever
uttered my name while you slept." His breathing was becoming more ragged and his hand snaked around my
shoulder. My insides began to quiver but I remained silent.
"Why would you still speak his name? After everything I have done for you?" The intent in which his fingers
coiled around my muscle was beginning to hurt.
"Sam, you're hurting me." I stated calmly.
"Then you had better answer me." He demanded. The looming darkness was rolling in his eyes like an off
shore storm.
"Because I still love him." I confessed. And even if this cost me a blackened eye, or a broken rib, I could
never deny my feelings for Jase. Sam inhaled sharply and converted his gaze to the wall.
"Only you, my dear Alayna, can wound me so."
I wiggled free of his grip and his hands fell into his lap like a pouting child. His shoulders slumped in defeat. I
hadn't even noticed he only had a pair of sweats on, his massive shoulders and swollen chest were bare. I
slipped off the other side of the bed and tip toed to the bathroom. The tiles were cool under my bare feet. I
rummaged through my closet to find an outfit. Shorts and a low cut tank top would do. Jeans would not stand
a chance against the sweltering heat of this summer.
I turned and nearly dropped my clothes when Sam stood, arms crossed, in the door way of our bathroom. His
jaw was tensed and I could tell he was trying to keep his composure.
"Did you have today off?" I asked casually, pulling out my toothbrush. I was trying not to let the nervousness
show. My mind was racing trying to defuse the situation.
"I took off today. I figured we could spend some quality time together. Maybe go into town for lunch." His
tone was stiff, but his mood was settling. That much I was greatful for.
"Let's make it a date." I smiled. Sam dropped his arms and closed the gap between us. He hugged me from
behind and kissed my shoulder blade.
"I'm sorry for everything. I don't want to fight with you anymore. You know how jealous I can get." Suddenly
he spun me around by my hips to face him. His storm had come and gone in his eyes. He held my hips lazily
Dark Hell
Chapter 16 32
and lowered his head to keep my gaze.
"You are mine, forever and eternity Alayna. No one will ever take you from me. You can and never will leave
me for as long as I live, do you understand? I won't let you. And if you leave me again I will just find you and
bring you back for as many times as it takes for you to realize that your life is with me. I'm never allowing
you to leave me. I'd rather die than let you go." His words sent a shiver down my spine. I hated this man with
all my being and he had promised to keep me prisoner for all eternity. I swallowed hard and tried to stay focus
on the plan I had set with Jase. Tomorrow at dinner would be the last time I would ever have to see this
"Lets go to town shall we?"
Dark Hell
Chapter 16 33
Chapter 17
It was game time. The sun was up when we left and it was setting when we touched down in Canada. My guys
were on edge, but kept their expressions blank. We all had our poker faces on and we were ready to take the
Oldie whistled down a cab for us which we took to our set up point. A five star hotel somewhere in the city.
We waisted no time setting up the computers, the scanners, we tapped the phones and set up endless cables for
private lines and secure internet access. We had turned this hotel suite into an FBI surveillance room. I prayed
that Alayna would call tonight. I hadn't had time to trace her call. If she did manage to escape that bastard and
make the call tonight, I would find her easily and we would infiltrate his home. After securing Alayna I would
shoot him on the spot and burn his empire to ash.
"We are all set." Danny confirmed. The room eliminated a nice glow of blue from all the electronics wired in
this place.
"Perfect. Tomorrow night we will strike." I stated. "But for now, drink and be merry. I'm getting some sleep."
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Chapter 17 34
Chapter 18
On the third day I rose with a new purpose. Tonight was the last night I would be prisoner to the king. I ate all
my breakfast for the first time since my arrival. Sam apologized for his absence during this meal, but
something had come up at work. Seth, however, hung around despite my less than pleasing attitude.
"Where are we going to eat tonight?" Seth smiled at the opposite side of the table.
"We are not going anywhere. Sam and myself are going to Le Saint-Amour for a nice evening out." I spat.
Seth was really getting under my skin lately.
"On the contrary, I am apart of the security team therefore I will be joining you both for dinner. I heard that
place is great." He stated. I clenched my jaw in irritation.
"Look, Seth, you seem really enthused about this whole contract. But isn't there something you'd rather be
doing than staying here with me?" Seth laughed at this before determining his answer.
"I do have another job, Alayna, in the states. I leave tomorrow to do that work. Mr. Hidman pays me a whole
lot of money to be here and guard you. He pays me even more to pay special attention to you. He tells me that
last guardian he hired took you away and almost cost Mr. Hidman his life. Say's he was a deceitful, lying, and
untrustworthy employee."
"On the contrary, Seth, the last guardian I had knew the means of being a man. He didn't have to kidnap me to
win my heart. He is sweet and gentle and he saved me. You and Mr. Hidman could never amount to what Jase
is." I stood abruptly. These words seemed to affect Seth more than we both realized.
"I bet Jase is a good man. And you most likely deserved him no doubt. But all that's in the past now, Alayna.
And it would be wise of you to forget him and move on. You belong to Sam. You always have and always
will. Trust me when I tell you that I will do everything in my power to keep you here." He ratified. It was my
turn to laugh at this.
"We will see." And with that I turned on my heel and left Seth to play with my words.
The evening fell gracefully. Beautiful colors of auburn and purple sky painted casting colors into my room. I
did not hold back, allowing myself to shade my face with natural makeup and deep colors around my baby
blue eyes. The deep red dress Sam had dreamt me in lied patiently on my bed. I acted and reacted how this
evening would play out a million times in my head. Each ending left me with a smile and a tingling sensation
just south of my naval. Goose bumps masked my skin in burning excitement that was almost untamable.
I slid the evening dress over my curves and chanced a look at myself in our stand alone mirror. I looked
decent enough. I turned slowly when the door creaked. It was Sam, his eyes lit up bright in ecstacy.
"Alayna, you look so God damn beautiful. Come let me see." I padded barefoot toward him and he held out
his hand. I took it fearlessly and twirled in circle for him to see.
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Chapter 18 35
"Even better than I could ever dream of." He smiled. My spirits were soaring at this point; excitement and
nerves pent up into one.
"What are you waiting for? Lets get going." I beamed. Sam smiled sweetly before kissing my lips.
"Slow down baby. Let me get dressed." He kept his eyes on me while unbuttoning his top. I watched as he
slowly untied his shoes and then pushed his legs out from his tan slacks. I swallowed uncomfortably, the
anxiety was growing. If I wasn't mistaking this is what a normal relationship would consist of. I think that
Sam was trying to do a strip tease for me. Unfortunetly for him, it wasn't working.
"Sam, baby, I skipped lunch just to save my appetite for this evening. I'm itching to get out and have you
show me off." I almost vomited. Sam sighed but took the hint. He disappeared and returned after a few brief
moments dressed in an overly expensive classic black and white tie suit.
"You look very, very, attractive this evening." I forced out.
"As do you." He held his arm out and I looped mine threw. We walked into the foyer where I was meet with
at least 10 different men dressed in all black suits. Seth was at the center, laying out specific instructions for
each man. He turned slowly and met Sam with a hand shake.
"Mr. Hidman, everything is ready for this evening. The restaurant has been cleared and more security is on
standby already there."
"Good job, Seth. Alright boys, lets get out of here." Sam lead me to his Audi and opened my door, climbing
on the other side quickly.
"Thank you." I whispered.
Dark Hell
Chapter 18 36
Chapter 19
The restaurant was over the top. The dim lighting set the mood for an enticing evening. Sam pulled my chair
out and seated himself across from me. I looked down at my watch. It was 5:47 and Jase planned on
infiltrating the place at 6:15. Sam ordered us some wine in French, and then studied his menu.
"How was work?" I was trying to distract myself from the pent up anxiety boiling around my stomach.
"It was work, darling." He sighed. I never fully understood the extent of Sam's work. He did mention that he
built military planes at a dinner party once. But now his worked seemed more intense and time consuming.
The bruise that was on his face a few days ago was beginning to heal. I never did ask him about it.
"Where did you get that bruise?" Sam's eyes snapped to mine and at that moment I could not help but regret
my topic of choice.
"A very uncoopertave client. We get them from time to time." He chuckled.
"Did he owe you money for a plane?" I questioned. Confussion swept over Sam's face.
"No Alayna, he did not owe me money for a plane. He did, however, have a rare artifact that belonged to me.
Understandably, he was less than happy to give it up. So we had a brief spat. End of story."
I shook my head and chanced a look at my watch. It was 5:59. Our waiter came back with Sam's choice of
wine in hand. He was older, pepper hair gave his age. His face looked cleaned shaved and his eyes studied us
both expertly. He poured Sam's wine first, which I found odd. And then he moved to my glass. With a slip of
his hand, the wine missed the rim and splashed down onto my red dress. Sam jumped up immediately.
"You old fool! Look what you've done to my wife." Sam was angry and I could literally see the steam wafting
from his ears.
"Sam, it's fine, really." I said.
"Miss, I am terribly sorry. Our washroom is right in the corner on the left!" He pointed. I nodded and excused
myself from the escalating situation.
Removing some paper towels from the dispenser, I rubbed the stain the best I could. It was almost 6:15, and I
was growing more nervous by the second. I had to return to Sam. I swung the door open only to hit our waiter.
"It is my turn to apologize!" I exclaimed. He grabbed my hand and smiled, but I felt a crumple of paper
between my fingers.
"60 seconds." He whispered before entering the men's room. I looked down at the paper.
I'm here. You have 60 seconds until the extraction begins. Do not go back to the table. Stay exactly where you
My hands shook and I was about to hyperventilate. Nothing on me worked. I couldn't even swallow. Thirty
seconds had passed and it felt like a lifetime. Only thirty more to go.
Dark Hell
Chapter 19 37
"Alayna, what are you doing here by yourself?" My eyes snapped up to see Seth. God, this cant be happening.
"I- I needed to use the bathroom. I forgot my purse inside, I'll be right back." I turned to leave but was
"You didn't bring a purse with you Alayna."
Everything happened in slow motion. There were several loud crashes and glass splintering into millions of
pieces. Smoke canisters popped off as people screamed and ran in various directions. Seth grabbed me and
pushed me into the wall, protecting me from shards of glass and wood. He pulled out his pistol. At that
moment the old waiter from our table pushed his way out of the bathroom in completely different attire. All
black and business like. He kicked Seth's pistol from his hands and they began a fight.
I raced from them into the middle of a smoking battle field. I could barley see across the way, but Sam was
being dragged from his seat. His eyes were wide and he screamed my name painfully. But I didn't have time
for him. Something caught my eye.
A tall mysterious figure stepped into sight view, his all black attire and swollen frame clouded my senses. He
looked down on me, his dark eyes making my lips part and my flesh tingle.
"Jase." I whispered.
"Lets get you home." He grabbed my forearm and we ran for a blown hole in the restaurants' wall. I ducked
under the debris and Jase followed me onto the street. Just down the way was a waiting suburban.
"Alayna, go to the car. I'll be right behind you as soon as I get the crew. The driver will take you to a safe
house." He pulled me close and kissed my lips. I divulged in this splendor.
"Go." He ushered. I didn't hesitate. Bundling the dress in my hands, I dashed quickly across the street,
yanking the door open. There was a screeching noise from behind me and I turned swiftly to see another car
screaming to a hault. Back across the street Jase's attention had been captured. Seth lept from the back seat,
grabbing me into a hefty dead arm lock.
"Stop! Let me go!" I screamed and kicked.
"Jase! Jase! Help me!" Seth had threw me in the backseat and jumped in himself to pin me down when the car
took off again. Bullets grazed the outside of the car as Jase chased us, but he was no match to the barreling
speed of the vehicle. I kicked and screamed at Seth but he was no match. I was lying flat on my back in the
back seat as he half layed ontop of me to keep me pinned. I screamed for Jase as tears poured and saturated
the leather seats.
Seth pulled out his cell and placed it to his ear.
"Yes sir, I have her. Yes, that's her screaming. I can assure you sir I am not hurting her. We will be there in
thirty. Yes sir I'll make it twenty." The phone call ended and Seth looked down at me. His nose had dried
blood and there black sut smeared to his cheeks.
"Get off of me! Someone help me!" I screamed so loud it hurt my own ears.
"Shut up! Just shut up Alayna! No one can hear you! No one can save you! And Jase sure as hell wont be
coming after you!" He spat into my face. I thrusted my head from side to side as he kept me pinned.
Dark Hell
Chapter 19 38
"Fuck you! Fuck all of you. As soon as you let me up I'm running back! I will always run back to him and you
can try for the rest of your pathetic life to come after me but I will always find my way back to him." Seth
laughed at my remark but said nothing. I cried for the remainder of the ride. And all to soon we were back to
the prison.
Seth dragged me by my feet until he yanked me up. I jerked away from him and was able to run about five
feet when he caught me around my waist. It took him with the help of the driver to get me into the house, in
which I fought even after the door was closed. Sam stepped around the corner, his black top was taken off, the
sleeves from his white undershirt were rolled. He had an ice pack pressed to the corner of his head were a
nasty bruise was forming. He looked eirely calm despite what had just taken place.
"Put her down." He said coolly. The driver dropped my feet and Seth took a few steps back. The room was
surrounded by the security team, each of which was covered in debris and glass to some extent.
"Can anyone in this house tell me what the fuck just happened!" Sam stood from the stair case. I flinched
from him when he tried to tuck a stray hair behind my ear. He looked around at each member of the team.
"Because I just saw a man that I am certain should have no idea where I live just try to kill us all and take my
wife. Am I the only mother fucker who saw that? How did this happen? Somebody better give me a God
damn answer! And you" He pointed at Seth. "Did Jase see you?"
"No sir, it was to dark."
"You had better pray to God that Jase does not know you work for me. When you go back to him tomorrow
you had better figure out how the fuck this happened!"
I swallowed before turning to look at Seth. His facial expression was blank.
"You! Jase is the other contractor you work for?" I screamed.
"You discussed Jase with her?" Sam became more infuriated. I charged forward away from this crowd in
complete anger. Once in my room I grabbed the first thing in sight and launched it toward the wall. The
expensive porcelain lamp shattered on impact. It felt good to demolish something. So I ripped the mirror of
the wall and it's glass joined the fragments of lamp on the dark hard wood. I screamed at nothing in particular,
punching a hole in the wall. I flipped a side table, watching as items scattered under the bed. I ran to our
bathroom to look for more items to break.
"What the hell are you doing?" Sam yelled. His demeanor promised nothing but pain and hurt, but I was
already there.
"What does it look like?" I screamed back. The tears were back with a vengeance. Sam hit the wall with his
"Calm down Alayna!"
"Fuck you, Sam!" I was pushing him, but I just didn't care anymore. His jaw clenched and he moved forward.
My make up bag was still on the counter and he hurled it at the floor. My heart literally stopped when all the
contents slid like ice on the tile, including that of my secret cell phone. The atmosphere changed right then.
All the noise in the house quieted and the mood changed from pure anger to unadulterated fury.
"Sam, I- please-.."
Dark Hell
Chapter 19 39
"Shut the fuck up." He moved forward and picked it up, flipping through its contents before looking at me. I
heard the familiar ringing coming through the speaker phone.
"Alayna?" Jase demanded. And then I saw it. 100 different expressions flashed over Sam's face before he did
something very unexpected.
He laughed. Not just a chuckle, but a full fledged laugh.
"You son of a bitch! Don't you fucking hurt her! I swear to God I'm going to kill you!" Jase's furry bellowed
in the silence of the bathroom.
"Oh Jase, Jase, Jase. I have her now. She is mine forever and nothing you do, no amount of planning you try,
you will never ever get her back. But, I'll give it to you. Tonight was almost a success. She seems real torn up
about it. I'll be sure to wipe her tears away and hold her close. Don't worry about her, Jase. I'll be spending the
rest of tonight fucking her until she can no longer remember you." Sam tossed the phone on the floor and
smashed it with his foot until it was no longer recognizable.
"My sweet Alayna, why don't you come along and take off that dress?"
Dark Hell
Chapter 19 40
Chapter 20
And so I stood, black lace lingerie against pale flesh. Sam sat on the edge of the bed, his sleeves still rolled up
to his swollen forearms, his head in his hands. I was sobbing and unable to speak for the fear that had over
taken me. Sam shook his head and rubbed his face and laced his fingers through his hair, pulling it tightly.
"Why? Why? Why would you do this to me?" He mumbled. "I try so hard. I give you everything. I can't do
this with you Alayna. You belong to me, not with another man. The thought makes me sick! Do you hear me?
SICK!" He pounded the mattress with his fists.
"I just wanted to hear his voice one more time. To tell him goodbye. Oh, Sam, there is no one else but you." I
fell to my knees at his feet and rested my hands on his thighs.
"I told him that I had fallen in love with you and that he should not come looking for me!" I pleaded. This
seemed to capture Sam's attention. He peered down at me through his fingers, I could see the red rim around
his eyes.
"Sweet, sweet Alayna." He whispered. He stroked my hair and planted a kiss on top of my head. "I get this
feeling, deep inside me that is so hard to control. You have since it once or twice before if I remember
correctly. I try to bury it when I get really angry but I swear it just over takes me." His fingers griped my hair
close to my roots and he tilted my head up. "And it tells me to do the worst things to you." He stood, dragging
me painfully by my hair.
"Please, Sam! I am your wife! You promised me this would be different!" I screamed. He brought his lips
close to my ear.
"How right you are. But it seems you have been less than monogamous tonight. Shall I remind you who the
fuck you are dealing with?" He shouted. I was tossed on the bed and he caught my ankle before I could move.
Ripping his shirt completely off, Sam stretched his body across mine, sinking us deep into the mattress.
"Sam, don't do this to me again. I wont forgive you. I'll hate you until the end of time, I swear by it." I begged.
There was a change in him, a conflicting emotion glinting in his eyes. He was visibly struggling with an
internal battle.
"I hear what you are saying, but I cannot let this go unnoticed. Everything inside me is screaming to punish
you! You need to be punished, Alayna!" His fingers snaked up my belly, across my breast, and over my collar
bone. He collected my neck in one of his massive hands. My insides quivered in unmodified horror. Sam
squeezed just enough to get my full attention.
"Something so dark inside me is begging me to kill you. Do you know why? Because you are an unworthy,
ungrateful bitch. That no matter what I bring to you, you will never want me the way I want you. God damn it,
why can't you just fucking love me?" Tears were streaming down his face and dropping onto my cheeks. I
clawed at his hand trying to get free of this restraint. My vision was pulsating.
"Sam" I choked.
"I should kill you right now and move on." He licked one of the salty tears off my face. "But we both know
that it would be mentally and physically impossible for me to live after that. I would have to join you in hell
Dark Hell
Chapter 20 41
for all eternity." Sam let go of my neck and I gasped for air. He laid his head on my breast and clung to my
body for dear life as my chest racked violently for air.
"Promise me Alayna, no more Jase." He sighed. I shook my head still unable to speak. Sam peeled himself
from my body and stood, holding out his hand for me to take. I took it cautiously and stood on shaking knees.
"Get dressed. We will eat dinner together since ours was ruined." He stated. Again I nodded quietly. Sam had
just turned to leave but stopped mid circle.
"And Alyana?" He said. I lifted my gaze to face him. In a nano-second Sam's hand collided with my face,
knocking me to the ground.
"Don't you ever mention Jase to any of my employees ever again." With that he turned on his heel and left me
alone and hurt in the room.
I joined Sam about 20 minutes later in sweats and a tee shirt. The foyer that was once full was now vacant and
derived of any dirty security members. I drug my feet to the table. Sam was already there, an empty whiskey
glass infront of him. He was on his phone texting and had barley noticed when I sat down. I didn't care to
disturb him, so I just ate the contents in front of me.
"Look at me." Sam demanded quietly. I hesitated at first, to afraid of the man I might see.
"I said look at me!" His fists pounded on the table, making me jump at the same time I looked.
"We will be leaving Canada in a few days. I have recently bought a property in a remote location. I would
love to tell you where, but right now all my trust is lost in you." He poured another shot of whiskey.
"There are set provisions for you now. I have stripped you of your outside roaming capabilities. That includes
going to town or any other public facilities." He sighed. I set down my fork and bowed my head. It was the
first time he kidnapped me all over again. I was on lock down for my desperate attempt of escape.
"No." I demanded.
"What did you just say?" Sam hissed.
"I said no. I made a mistake and I'm sorry. You can't do this to me." I ordered.
"I'm not sure where you got your set of balls from, Mrs. Hidman, but I advise you to back down. The rules
have been set in stone."
"This isn't happening. I won't be on lock down! I won't!" Everything from this evening was boiling inside me
and spilling over the top. I had a near incident with Sam that I had gotten away with, and now here I was
asking for more.
"I'm done! With you and everyone here!" I stood from my place. A set of hands pushed me back down in the
"Sit down Alayna." Seth pulled up a chair next to me.
Dark Hell
Chapter 20 42
"Seth, I asked you to join us so Alayna can hear." Sam slammed back his shot.
"When you return to the States tomorrow, you are here by ordered to assassinate Jase Hidman. Bring me
evidence of his death and I'll increase your pay by 10%."
Seth straightened and I gasped in horror.
"You can't do this, Seth! He's been drinking, don't listen to him." I pleaded.
"Sir, I work for you and Jase individually. He is my second contractor." Seth struggled to find the right words.
"I don't give a shit if he was the president! You will do as I say or you can leave now, I will take back my
more than gracious salary, and you can work under Jase for chump change." Sam barked. Seth mourned over
this for a moment before nodding.
"I'll have your evidence in one week's time."
And in that very same moment, my world stopped turning all together.
Dark Hell
Chapter 20 43
Chapter 21
"You can retire for the night, Seth. Mrs. Hidman and I have some unfinished business we have to attend to."
Seth bowed out gracefully and left us in the privacy of this unsettling room.
"I'm not sure where this sudden surge of disobedience is coming from, but I have half a mind to put you back
in your place." Sam's eyes smoldered in anger and the whiskey only fueled his outrage. The weight of this
world was crashing down around me and I could not seem to stop it. Sam was on his feet in the blink of an
eye. He charged at me and yanked me to my feet.
"I've fought it long enough." He hissed into my ear. I tried to jerk away from him, but this new physique had
my arm pinned behind my back painfully.
"Sam, stop!" I screamed. He pushed us forward back to our room. I tripped once but he did not stop, instead
he half dragged me to the room. I was placed on the bed with adequate force.
"Let me remind you of your place, Alayna." Sam's drunken words promised my unfortunate demise. Sam
pounced on the bed, straddling my hips. With a swollen hand, he wrapped my wrists above my head instantly.
"Shh, baby." He kissed the tears that fell from my eyes. With his other hand, he slipped me from my sweats
despite my kicking and wiggling.
"I don't want this." I whispered, but I knew my words could not change the outcome of tonight.
"You are my wife Alayna." He ripped the delicate fabric of my underwear into a shred, tossing them to the
floor. "And you have disobeyed me in so many ways tonight." He growled. I cried out in pain as he slammed
into me. His sudden onslaught crashed over me in a fulfilling kind of way. Biology reversed it's roll on my
body and in the very next push upward, my body arched under Sam's. He grabbed my face with his free hand
and looked deep into my eyes.
"I fucking hate you." I screamed.
"I know you do baby. Just let it all out on me tonight." He sighed into me. He let go of my wrists and I
immediately slapped him. This earned me another punishing slam. I pushed his shoulders and clawed his
chest, each time being repayed with a retaliating push. I hated that my body was so wet, allowing Sam to glide
easily. I hated that each time I hit him, he pushed so deeply that it ignited fire inside me, and mostly I hated
that in this very moment, I needed him to make me come. And I knew he had planned this. He wanted to be
the keeper of my orgasm, to gain control of my attention at least for now. Sam needed my mind to be off of
Jase and on to him.
"Sam." I whimpered. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly because I knew my pending orgasm was coming.
"I feel it too." He whispered. He kissed up my neck lightly, flaming the fire on my skin. I clawed at his arms
and bit his lip when he kissed me.
Dark Hell
Chapter 21 44
"Ask me." He cooed as he slowed the tempo of his sexual onslaught. I shook my head and screamed at
"Tell me what you need." He demanded, lifting my hips and plunging in deeply. I bit down on my hand to
keep the screams in my head. Sam used his free hand and moved my fist from my face. He stopped pushing
for a second and skillfully flipped me over, stomach pressed firmly onto the mattress. He had my arms
restrained under my body. Then he repositioned himself and entered me slowly. A moan passed my lips, I just
didn't have the energy to stop it.
"I will give you what you need as soon as I hear you say it." There was a smile in his tone and I could not
fight this off much longer.
"Sam, please, make me come." I panted.
"Tell me you love me." My eyes shot open instantly.
"Don't do this, please. I'm about to-"
"Tell me you love me or I'll stop." He threatened. Perspiration was slick and evident on my flesh. Between his
relentlessness and the friction between my sex and his, I was border lining insanity. My walls were tightening,
my core was splintering, and I knew he could either push this or take it.
"I love you." I said.
And then I screamed out the hardest orgasm I had ever had to the man I had confessed my love to.
Dark Hell
Chapter 21 45
Chapter 22
"NO!" I screamed after the racing BMW. I could not take the shot without the risk of hitting Alayna. I
doubled over in the most excrutiating pain. From somewhere inside the smoldering building, despite the chaos
swirling outside, I heard my name being called. Danny was down on a knee, evaluating Oldie who was lying
in a crippling state.
"Shit, Danny, what happened?" I exclaimed. Oldie was holding the bullet wound in his stomach, but his
attempt seemed feeble. An unfamiliar ache presented itself in my chest as I knew he was going to die.
"You look like shit." Oldie coughed out. I chuckled at his innapropriate timing.
"I should be saying the same to you." I wiped my nose.
"Listen to me Jase." There was a pause long enough for him to cough.
"Rest now." I commanded him. He pushed my hand away.
"Listen to me God damn it. It's Seth. He's the mole, the one who's been playing us all."
I wanted to be surprised, or hurt, or feel anything other than what I was feeling now. But deep within my
conscious, I knew all along Seth had been showing his cards to Sam. Undignified loyalty to the enemy, and it
had cost me a dear friend and the love of my life.
I looked at Danny and we spent the next ninety seconds by Oldies side.
I was there to shut his eyes after he took his last breath.
Dark Hell
Chapter 22 46
Chapter 23
A lethargic golden sun began its ascend into the big blue sky. Warm rays basked my naked skin in ecstasy. I
rolled over and shifted comfortably, listening to a gnawing sense that riddled me to open my eyes. I gazed
upon a glorious man who was equally as naked as me. His amber eyes starred back relaxingly. Neither of us
moved or dared to speak, I was confident it was because we were over analyzing the unexpected events of last
night. For the first time, I was sure; I had made Mr. Sam Hidman speechless. He blinked effortlessly and
adjusted his head on his pillow. And very carefully he ran his hand over my skin. My eyes refused to leave
What is happening to me?
I pushed away from him, trying to find any reason to be upset but came up short on excuses of why I would be
petulant. Even now, I couldn't bring myself to be angry at the fact that I was not angry.
"Where are you going?" Sam asked quietly as I sat on the edge of the bed.
"To get dressed and eat breakfast." I replied simply. Sudden images flashed through my mind and I could not
restrain the heat that fanned over my face.
"You're blushing. I sincerely hope that you're thinking of my favorite part from last night." He chided. I
scoffed at his audacity. I stood to be dressed.
"Well, aren't you going to ask me what my favorite part was?" He rolled onto his back and tucked a hand
behind his head. His bare chest and chiseled stomach gleamed in a tan stupor under the warming rays of the
sun that had peeked through our window shades.
"Nope." I made my way into the bathroom.
"Why not?" I heard him yell.
"Because you raped me, and I really don't fucking care."
I sipped coffee by the window. The day seemed beautifully windy outside. Dry summer leaves danced by and
crashed somewhere out of sight. My hair had finally grown long enough to pull into a ponytail with the
exceptions of a few pieces of uncooperative strands. They fell limply alongside my ears and around my
mouth. I blew over the top of my mug, feeling strangely satisfied as the steam fogged up a small portion of the
"It's a beautiful day out." Sam was next to me. The smell of fresh shower literally rolled off of his skin and
infected my senses.
"Indeed." I confirmed. Things were changing between us. I was actually speaking to him like a human being.
We were beginning to have conversations like two adults instead of screaming people. Fear turned deep in my
gut at this realization.
Dark Hell
Chapter 23 47
"I need to ask you a favor." I whispered, not taking my eyes off of the strong breeze pushing over the trees.
"Anything you need."
"I need you to call Seth off of Jase. If you do this one thing for me, you have my word that I will go willingly
with you to whatever off shore property you've purchased, and I will never try to leave again. Please, just let
him live." Sam inhaled sharply and his eyes burned into the side of my face. I could feel instant heat waving
off of him like radio signals on a tower.
"I thought we discussed this last night. You agreed no more Jase." He swallowed hard.
"And I'm finishing it today." I confronted him, this time turning to face Sam completely.
"You would be willing to exchange your life for his?" Sam asked intriguingly.
"Yes, I would."
"What kind of love that must be, Alayna. One can only hope that you will feel the same for me." Sam pulled
his cell out and dialed a number.
"Seth, you no longer have my permission to harm Jase in any way. He has no bounty on his head. Let him go
Sam hung up and put his phone away.
"I'll be in my study." He tucked the stubborn hairs behind my ear and left. I knew what I had just done and
there was no taking it back. But I couldn't stand idly by while the love of my life perished in my name.
I had, by no doubt, just sold my soul to the devil and this time it was for all of his eternity
Dark Hell
Chapter 23 48
Chapter 24
Hours passed by like eons. Danny, Malbec, and myself slept very little when we got back to the hotel. None of
us had the courage to speak, hell we barley had the guts to look at each other. Each one of us was dealing with
the full blunt of Oldies death and seething over the painful sting of betrayal. Raw emotions were running their
course deep inside my veins. My brain couldn't register between deep sorrow and infuriating rage so it
bounced back and forth in a dizzying combination.
Malbec parked the car, but no one wanted to move.
"So we head home." Danny finally cleared the air. But it wasn't what I wanted to hear.
"No." I stated.
"What do you mean no?" Danny turned from the front seat to eye my dark entity.
"I came here for one thing, and I am not leaving empty handed!" I slammed my fist down on the door handle.
"Calm yourself, Jase." Malbec exhausted voice penetrated the car.
"Do not tell me to calm down! I am not leaving this place until I have Alayna."
"Is that your plan, Jase? You're just going to keep going until one by one we are all picked off?" Danny
yelled. Fury over weighed my sadness and I lunged at Danny in the tiny space of the car. Malbec intervened,
pushing Danny back into his seat and shoving me back to mine.
"Everyone outside!" He demanded. We all reached for our doors at the same time.
"Is this what it's come to? At this rate, Sam won't need to pick us off! We will take each other out long before
he can reach us!" Malbec tried to speak since into us.
I hit the window with my fist. God damn it, he was right. We were turning on each other out of our own
"We need to sleep and regroup in the morning." Danny finally said.
"And then we will discuss Alayna's fate in the morning."
Dark Hell
Chapter 24 49
Chapter 25
Steaming hot water cascaded down on my skin. I wanted to wash Sam off of my flesh, but no amount of
scrubbing could take off his scent. In the back part of my brain I recalled a fond memory of Jase and me in his
shower. It was the first time I had come to the conclusion I loved him. My heart lurched at his recollection. I
hoped one day he would forgive me, and move on to find someone else. Someone who he could love and
cherish. Someone who could not be easily taken. Someone who he would not have to piece together
increments of information to find her. But most importantly, I prayed that Jase would find someone who loved
him like I do. That thought alone was crippling, but at least he was not dead.
I stopped the shower and dried, clothing myself robotically and mentally prepared myself for the day. It
wouldn't be eventful, considering the warden had put this cell on lock down. Maybe a dull book or a classic
movie would suffice. I turned the corner and was startled by Sam.
"I called for you." He had his hands shoved down in the pocket of his jeans. "I was worried when you didn't
"I was showering." I replied quite obviously. We stared at each other for a beat before I shifted uncomfortably
on my feet.
"Why are we doing this?" I asked. I felt an uncanny reason to clear the air between us. Again, that fearful
realization only drove the stake deeper into my gut.
"Doing what?" I knew he understood the obstinate division between us, but he wanted me to make an
"This," I motioned between us. "Everything is very awkward."
"Well, Alayna, it could be that we fucked for the first time last night." He smiled. My head spun in utter
"Sam that was not"
"The first real time. The first time I did not have to pin you down and force you." He proceeded.
"Yes you did. My arms"
"No Alayna. You had just as much control as you allowed yourself to have. And then you lead yourself to an
orgasm, I was just there to help." His words were a bitter thorn in my side. I shook my head in disbelief.
"Contrary to what you believe, we had consensual sex for the first time lastnight. And you actually enjoyed
it." Sam pointed out. I bit back a sob at this recognition still trying to rationalize that I was a victim. Sadly the
fore fronts of my mind were guiding me slowly to the truth.
And the truth was blindingly insightful.
What the fuck was happening to me?
Dark Hell
Chapter 25 50
Chapter 26
Sam retired to his study, claiming there was something capturing the importance of his time. I was grateful
because I needed time alone. Time to think of things and how I was going to spend the rest of my life with
this warden.
The beauty of outdoors called to me, and I couldn't resist the temptation of fresh air. I had almost reached the
dark oak door when I heard the tight lipped voice of Sam echoing down the hall.
"I know what I told you earlier, Seth. But I'm telling you now; kill that bastard and all his team. I want them
completely wiped off the face of this earth. Bring me pictures."
My jaw went slack and my breathing faltered. How could he do this? Just when I thought there might be hope
for his broken soul, the pieces of the jigsaw fell apart like putty in my hands. I looked down and realized for
the first time since I had been captured that my ankle bracelet was not attached. Not giving my current
situation another thought, I pulled open the door and made a run for it.
Warm thick blades of grass tickled my bare feet as I dashed across the lawn. I hadn't talked to God in a while,
but I prayed I would have enough of a head start that I could flag down a car before Sam caught me. All I had
to do was make it past the mail box, take the private drive to the main road and maybe I would have a chance.
I whizzed past the mailbox in a blinding whirl and padded painfully on the concrete. I continually thanked
God for each passing second I didn't hear Sam screaming after me. This private drive was at least a mile I
knew for sure. Given that I hadn't contributed to any physical exercise over the past year I already doubted my
ability to run the whole way. My breathing was so hard and my chest tightened. But I shuffled and pushed
past the pain until the main road was in sight. I had made it.
A few cars barreled past without a second glance in their rear view.
"Please!" I screamed, waving my arms in vein attempt. "Someone please help me!" I stumbled and almost fell
into the road. "God, please somebody get me." God had answered me in that moment, but unfortunately
delivered someone I did not want to see. A set of hands grabbed me from behind. I didn't have to turn to know
who it was.
"Alayna," Sam hissed in my ear. He pressed his front to my back and began pulling us backwards. "Get in my
car right now." With all my strength and the knowledge Jase had once taught me, I hurled my head back and
hit Sam square in the face. He released me instantly, grabbing at his nose that began a bleeding waterfall.
"You bitch!" He roared. Another car flew by with no consideration of the violence about to erupt. To them we
were just a couple arguing on the side of the road. Sam reached for me, leaving a bloody smear on my arm.
"Alayna!" He screamed. But I pushed away from him and continued flailing for a car to stop. Sam tackled me
to the ground and pinned me under his weight. "Are you out of your fucking mind! I thought we had a deal
this morning! You sold yourself to me forever." His voice dripped with venom.
"You betrayed me you bastard. I know how you called Seth." I wriggled under him and thrashed around
violently. "Now let me go! I don't belong to you." I screamed in his face. A flash of hurt crossed his eyes
before a full onslaught of fury came storming in. Sam raised his hand and collided it with my face. He did it
Dark Hell
Chapter 26 51
again, and then once more. Blood spattered the roof of my mouth and washed bitterly over my taste buds.
White cracks of lightening stormed my vision with each impact of his fist.
"I have tried to be nice Alayna, but you bring out the worst in me." His voice was raw and his expression
impassive. I quivered under him as he raised his fist again, but shouting from somewhere above us stopped the
"Hey mister. Get up off that lady! Slowly!" I tilted my bruised face to see a tall, lean, and assertive French
man standing by his car. He already had his cell phone out, calling the police I was sure.
"Please, help me!" I cried. Sam looked back down at me.
"Do not say another word." He barked. "There's nothing to see here, sir. Get in your car and go about your
business." Sam smiled. He picked himself up and dusted off his jeans.
"I'm not going anywhere without the lady." The man countered. His face was stone set and his voice held a
dark promise. Sam laughed at his proposal.
"Sir, this here lady belongs to me. And she won't be going anywhere with you." Sam reached behind his
waistband and revealed a black smith and Wesson pistol. He cocked it once and aimed it at the poor
"I think you should take a hike." Sam growled. My heart stopped beating as the stranger casted me a pitiful
stare. I reached out for him but I knew if he came between me and Sam he would surely die.
"I'm very sorry, miss." He whispered before returning to his car and pulling away.
"Now where were we?" Sam turned and glared at me. The bleeding had stopped but his shirt was covered in a
deep velvet stain. He reached down and grabbed my arm, dragging me to my feet.
"Let go of me! I do not belong to you, Sam." I screamed. The Audi was still running when Sam tossed me into
the passenger side. He was in the front seat before I could blink.
"What are you going to do to me?" I whispered. Sam scratched his head with the barrel of his weapon and
laughed a crazed laugh.
"I have a few creative ideas, Alayna. But take my word that you will not enjoy any of them."
Dark Hell
Chapter 26 52
Chapter 27
It had seemed like days that I had slept. I couldn't even manage to crack my eyelids to see who was calling.
My voice came out cracked and dry when I spoke.
"Boss, it's me." Seth's casual tune cascaded down through the speaker of my phone. I felt the hurdled fury boil
inside me. I clenched my teeth to keep the rage from falling out.
"Yeah, Seth. What's up." I breathed steadily. If I was ever going to get Alayna, I needed Seth to lead me to
"Boss, where are you? There was some crazy shit that happened in Quebec lastnight. Heard that a bunch of
military men blew a God damn whole the size of a New Mexican crater in the side of Le Saint-Amour."
"I might have heard that."
"Boss, let me come back." He demanded. This prick had quite the pair on him. I knew that he wasn't coming
back to help; I know he was hear to take my head back on a platter. The only problem with trying to kill
someone is that you had to be faster than your victim.
"Were at the only five star hotel down town Quebec."
"Boss, I'll be there tomorrow." He said and hung up. I was up off the bed, stumbling to the livingroom.
"Danny, Malbec. I've got Seth."
My two men awoke slowly, taking their time waking up.
"How?" Malbec groaned, sitting up from the couch.
"He's being sent to me. All we have to do is sit and wait for him to walk into our lion's den."
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Chapter 27 53
Chapter 28
The whole way back was chaos. Sam was screaming unintellagable threats at me. He was also crying. My
body wracked with sobs each time he pointed the weapon at me. I couldn't remember ever being so scared in
my entire life. Not even the morning I had realized that I had been kidnapped.
"Sam, just calm down." I whispered. My frontal cortex was dizzying up consequences of my words even
before I spoke them. Sam peeled into the drive and ground the gears into park. I didn't even have time to lock
my door before his fingers interwove an iron grip close to the roots in my hair. I screamed in absolute torture
as he dragged me backwards toward the house. Like a loose limbed rag doll, Sam tossed me into his seventh
circle of hell.
"Sam, Sam!" I screamed. The dilation of my eyes took in the eerie shell that was Sam Hidman. Red rimmed
eyes and tear stained face stood breathing heavily as he gave me a dead pan stare.
"Oh my sweet, sweet, Alayna. You have run from me for the very last time." He dropped his long fingers into
his pocket and my heart stopped at the discovery that he was most likely reaching for a bullet. I turned to run,
knowing I would get know where fast. But I couldn't just let him finish me off. And there he was, tit for tat
matching every inch I had put between us. A sudden sharp stab to the back of my tricep caught a whispered
scream in my throat.
"You will never leave me again." He whispered as he lowered my frontside to the floor. My legs and arms
locked up and everything became paralyzed. My head felt as if it were under water, even trying to hear what
Sam was saying was a more than difficult task. My chest barley heaved as I struggled to take in oxygen.
"Neurotransmitter blocker." His voice dipped in and out of my ears like a bad radio frequency.
"Like the second time I caught you." He laughed. The only thing I could do was watch in horror as he rolled
my body over. He brushed chocolate strands of hair from my eyes and looked down on my limp body.
"God you look so fucking beautiful. I love you quiet and submissive this way." I could barley make out his
words. My eyes were weighing uncomfortably against my skull and I suddenly wanted nothing more than to
sleep. I could not fight with the physical being of my own body. Sam had literally trapped my soul into my
body and threw away the key.
" .From the very first time I laid my eyes on you. I knew I loved you ." My eyes creaked open and slurred
around until I could almost focus on Sam. He was pacing back and forth in our room, I was laying on the bed.
From what I could tell I had been stripped of all my clothing. Sam's bare chest reappeared in my line of sight.
"And I promised to take care of you and cherish you til my last breath. Everything was supposed to be so
differently ." His voice was miles away somewhere under gallons of rainwater. And then my eyes were
It was dark outside when my eyes were open again. A sudden jolt to my body disturbed my paralysis. My eyes
could not completely focus, but I knew that Sam was on me. He was inside of me and kissing me and
suffocating me with every fiber of his being.
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Chapter 28 54
" Make love for the last time with you " He kissed by my ear. I just could not get my muscles to do what
I needed to. I thanked God silently when I dipped under my black wave of unconsciousness.
"Alayna please baby." I heard him whisper. My eyes refused to open. "Please wake up. I'm sorry. I just want
to see your eyes just one more time." I could feel Sam's hot breath trickeling down my ear. I wanted to stretch
and get comfortable but I just couldn't do it. My body was exhausted and still under anesthetic. "I'll have to
look at your eyes before I " And I slipped away once more."
Dark Hell
Chapter 28 55
Chapter 29
A deep rasping came to our hotel door. Everything was as we had planned. Malbec sat quietly trying to focus
on the news. And Danny paced by the large bay window, endeavoring on some factitious phone. I opened the
door cautiously to see Seth standing quite calmly. I could suddenly feel the cold steal of my pistol digging
into my skin from the waistband of my jeans.
"Come on in." I motioned. Seth walked in and took a look around. A sharp whistle escaped his teeth as he
took in the intricate details of our suite.
"Oldie still asleep?" I couldn't be sure but I heard a deep inhale from Malbec. Was Seth purposely trying to
provoke us? Had he really no idea that his fate had been sealed?
"Oldie's dead, Seth. Shot down at an attempted extraction two nights ago." I stated briefly. Seth looked at me
with daft confusion.
"What do you mean, dead?" We locked eyes and in a nano second Seth drew his weapon at the same time I
drew mine. Malbec was on his feet pressing his revolver to Seth's temple and Danny had a pistol on the back
of Seth's head.
"Drop it, Seth." I spat. Seth held his ground for a few brief moments before twirling the trigger well around
his fingers and offering me the butt of his weapon. I snatched it and emptied it. Seth interlocked both hands
behind his head and dropped willingly to his knees.
"I swear to God, Jase, I didn't kill him."
"Shut up you bastard!" I knelt to become eye level with Seth. "You shot down your brother in cold blood. And
now you will pay your debt to him before I take your life."
"Jase, hear me out! He was alive when I last saw him. We had a fight over Alayna and when she ran off after
you I had to go after her." Danny grabbed Seths hands and bound them in silver cuffs. "Oldie was still very
much alive, you have to believe me."
"I don't have to believe anything, you fucking rat. Now, you have thirty seconds to tell me everything you
know about Sam. After that- " I walked around to the back of Seth and grabbed his pointer finger. I placed it
between the two blades of the large bolt cutter we had. "I will begin cutting them off one by one." Seth jerked
wildly from me.
"I'll tell you everything. You deserve that much." He breathed. I shoved him onto a computer chair and pulled
him close to me.
"Start talking."
"Sam had been watching you and Alayna for months before he came swooping in. He knew all about your
engagement arrangement. He knew about our team. He knew everything. Then he came to me one night at the
Dark Hell
Chapter 29 56
"Which one?" I intercepted.
"Berny's. Right on the corner. At first I had no idea who this mother fucker was. He just happened to sit down
at an empty seat next to me. He bought me a drink and we started talking. He was carrying on about an
ex-wife that ran off with one of his kin. That's when he started talking money. I'm talking big money. He
pulled out $100,000 in cash and slide it to me and told me that if I worked for him he would increase that by
ten percent. I didn't ask questions, I just accepted cash and one week after our meeting I ended up in Canada.
And then I saw Alayna for the first time and it clicked. By then I was to invested with both parties I wasn't
sure what to do."
Seth's ultimatum wound its way into my brain as I digested this story. I wanted to distrust him, but you just
couldn't make this shit up.
"Where are they now?" I asked. Seth looked away and sighed.
"God damn it Seth I'm about to start lopping fingers." I ground out through clenched teeth.
"30 minutes south of Quebec. It's a private lot lost out in the woods. He's probably there right now. Jase, he's
been delusional since the restaurant. He's unpredictable and on edge."
"You let me fucking worry about that. Your about to take us there."
"Jase, it isn't that simple. It wasn't just me there. Sam has employed at least thirty more men since my absence.
That kind of mission is suicide." He stated plainly. I pulled my hair and mauled over plan after failed plan,
coming up short to any decent idea.
"You just get us there, and let us deal with the rest." Danny's assertive voice suddenly reminded me of the
barley Italian son of a bitch who would follow me to hell and back with no thought of turning back.
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Chapter 29 57
Chapter 30
The silver BMW flexed easily around the country road. The acceleration of the car only amped my adrenalin
as we drew close. I spotted the dirt road that lead to the private lot Sam had purchased a few months ago,
according to Seth's story.
"This is where you get out. Cut through the woods by foot and I'll get Sam out." Seth promised. I had no other
choice but to trust him. Even if this meant leading myself and those who were left of my team into death, I
had to try one last time to save the love of my existence.
I set my watch to 9 minuets exactly. It would take that time precisely to sprint through the woods and come up
short around the premises. The cover of the summer trees should keep us hidden until Seth lured Sam out of
his empire. I would take the snipping shot and watch in pure ecstasy as his knees buckled and his body fell to
the earth in a sad heap. Seth had promised to return indoors and retrieve Alayna. Malbec, Danny and I would
pull security around the BMW until Seth rendezvous with Alayna and then we would get the hell out of
"Ok, let's go."
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Chapter 30 58
Chapter 31
The smell of soft dug soil lingered around my nose. There was a soft churning noise somewhere around this
blackened world I had comfortably become familiar with. My head fell lazily to the side where my eyes
finally welcomed the outside realm of reality. Everything was intensely bright, making it hard to focus. But I
could make out a large figure, mumbling something my ears weren't able to decode. I blinked a few rigid
times and the gears began rolling inside my head. Sam had no shirt on, his back sheened with sweat. My
fingers tingled as feeling returned to the otherwise dead muscles. I realized that Sam was digging. And I was
lying in the grass just close enough to him I could finally hear body wrenching sobs escaping his chest.
My lazy eyes took in the serene vision of myself. A sickening discovery led my eyes to witness that I was in
the wedding dress that Sam had bought for our "wedding day".
What the fuck was going on.
I groaned inwardly trying to piece together my specific situation. But nothing made since.
" And I'll come visit you often " I heard Sam choke out. He wiped his nose with the back of his dirty
hand. Then he turned and caught my widened eyes. All the pieces of this puzzle came crashing down when
the polished relic of his black pistol casted a blinding glint my way. My heart hammered a soul deep tattoo
against my rib cage.
He was digging a grave.
My grave.
And I was moments away from being buried.
I groaned again in fearful agony.
Sam bent down and took my face between his dirty fingers.
"I won't ever let you leave me. And when the day comes that I can no longer live with myself for what I've
done, I will dig my grave next to yours and lay myself to rest." Tears streamed down his filthy face and he
came in close to kiss me. A movement disturbed the false intimacy.
"Mr. Hidman?" My watering eyes fell on Seth who approached us cautiously.
"Seth? I thought you'd be gone for a little over a week." Sam wiped his eyes and nose again. Seth casted me a
questioning glance before returning his gaze to Sam.
"You planning on getting rid of this one?" He asked nonchalantly. Jesus Christ, Seth was going to help Sam
rid of me. Why was I still paralyzed? I wanted to scream or yell or cry but I couldn't do a damn thing.
"She will never be able to run from me again." Sam affirmed. Seth nodded and scratched his chin.
"You sure you don't want to sleep on that? I know it's been quite a week If it makes you feel any better, I
got your proof in the car. I have the pictures to confirm Jase Hidman's death."
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Chapter 31 59
My chest cracked in half at this recognition and then I realized I wanted to die. I forgot about the fearful pain
that lurked in my chest at the thought of my own demise. I forgot about the way I wanted to beg and plead for
my life. I forgot about every painful detail of my last few months with Sam.
Because right here and now there was only Jase. And I wanted to be right in the pit of hell if it meant being
with him again.
Sam bent and picked me up bridal style, setting me down gently in his make shift grave. The dirt was warm
and wet against my skin. I looked up at his amber eyes as he pulled out his pistol.
"I have loved and lost you Alayna. But not again. Not this time. You will forever rest here where you can no
longer leave me."
"Mr. Hidman, wait." Seth said.
"Move away, Seth." Sam took steady aim and I closed my eyes taking in one last raged breathe.
I Love You Jase
Then there was yelling and shuffling and one last bang as the bullet left the barrel.
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Chapter 31 60
Chapter 32
" She awake?"
Someone's arms were around me. A hand was stroking my hair. The air whipped around my limp body in a
delicious kind of way. The sweat that had trickled it's way around my brow was suddenly whipped away.
"Alayna, baby, come back to me." Jase's voice echoed around the black of my skull. A smile played at my lips
at the closeness of Jase's arms wrapped securely around my body.
I hadn't always imagined hell to be this way, but I was so glad I was here with him.
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Chapter 32 61
Chapter 33
"What is taking him so long?" I barked at Danny. It was one minuet past our meeting time and I had yet to see
hide nor hair of Sam, Seth, or Alayna. With each passing second I couldn't help but feel like I had been
betrayed for a second time.
"That's it, were moving." I declared. Malbec and Danny didn't object, they just covered me as I moved quickly
out of cover. I ran around to the back of the house only to have my world come to a hault. There, in a shallow
grave, was Alayna. From the angle I was positioned I couldn't tell if she were alive or dead. But Sam was
standing above the grave, his weapon positioned and his finger on the trigger. Seth bolted at the same time I
took my aim, taking in a straightening breath and releasing it slowly. On a proper exhale I fired, the loud exit
of my bullet cracking across the trees in chaos. Seth stopped just short as my round met its mark, rippling
through Sam's back and departing his chest. He didn't fall right away, but I didn't care. I was already moving
at a dead sprint.
"Get Alayna!" I screamed at no one. I came up short on Sam who was on his back, gasping for air. The
gurgling noise that escaped his lips suggested I had ruptured a lung.
"This is for all the pain you have caused. She is not yours, cousin. She never was." Sam laughed, showing off
his bloody teeth.
"I'll see you in hell, cousin." He sputtered. I did a quick pull of the trigger and ended his pathetic life.
"Jase, she's fine. She's just drugged. Let's get the fuck out of here before we stir up more trouble." Danny was
already lifting Alayna out of the grave and we were moving. We all barely escaped a hail of fire as Seth
peeled us away from this fucking prison and on to our new life.
Dark Hell
Chapter 33 62
Chapter 34
Several Months Later
I breathed in the salty beach air. The beautiful Caribbean sun basked down on my golden skin. I chanced a
peek at Jase who was comfortably asleep in his chair. We had both caught so much sun since departing to this
beautiful part of the world.
Sam was dead. And piece by piece, bits of my soul were coming back to surface. We never had to worry
about hiding or fake aliasis. My went by my birth name in this country. My hair had grown down to the
middle of my back and the sun bleached it a shade lighter than the chocolate it used to be.
The warm wind blew in a high tide, the salty water lapping at my red toenails. I lifted my coconut calada and
took a deep drag from the straw, visually relaxing on this paradise.
I turned to catch Jase's rayban view.
"I'm here." I interlaced his fingers with mine.
"I love you" He said. I smiled and kissed his fingertips.
"I know." I replied and laid back to lounge in this stunning heaven with my husband.
Thank you all who kept up with this novel. Stay tuned for a very, very special chapter!
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Chapter 34 63
Chapter 35
I twirled the black ink pen between my fingers and fiend interest in today's meeting. It's always the same
stupid shit. These meetings were duller than a rock and always put a drag on my mood. Mr. Growler, the vice
president of Hidman Designs, rambled aimlessly on the ample increase in our newest model. A round of
applause drew my attention back to the board.
"Cheers to you, Mr. Hidman, for bringing in a new merger this quarter with your brilliant new design." Faces
of private investors cheered to my name. I plastered on that same fake smile and pretended to look proud.
Truth was, I was tired of this life.
I had all the money in the world and a massive empire to show for it. Anything my imagination desired was at
my fingertips. There was an endless supply of beautiful women who could occupy my time at night, but I
always felt like I was missing something. A hunger that could never be fulfilled or satisfied.
"That'll conclude today's meeting." Mr. Growler dismissed the committee.
"You were day dreaming again, Mr. Hidman." Mr. Growler chuckled as the last investor left.
"It's been one of those days." I admitted. Mr. Growler tossed me a knowing glance and laughed with a deep
breath of air.
"Cheyenne keep you up all night?"
It was my turn to laugh. Yes, the cute red head I had set my eyes on at the bar last night. A tough whiskey
shooter, and a sharp wit had my mind whirling and wanting to taste her temptation. A flash of a smile here, a
wink there, and she willingly found herself right in my king sized bed.
Morning rolled around faster than our escapes and I found myself sheepishly trying to escape to work. I didn't
mind telling the females I brought home to get lost, I just preferred avoidance all together.
"She may have." I admitted. I stood and straightened my tie just as Jessica my secretary entered the room. She
was all leg and skinny pencil skirt. I licked my lips at her delicate cleavage threatening to come out.
"Mr. Hidman," She blushed. "Don't forget about your companies Gala tonight at 7:00." She bit down on her
lip suggestively and I mentally noted to give Ms. Jessica a personal invite to my home.
"Thank you." I dismissed her bleakly and I followed her ass with my eyes.
The DJ blasted an uplifting beat as I entered my own party. Instantly there were hand shakes and applaudes
and photographers wanting to take pictures. There were congratulations and cheers and annoying interns
trying desperately to gravel for just thirty seconds of my time. I pushed my way bitterly to the bar.
I needed hard liquor. The bartender slid me a jameson straight and I downed it. I used to think that it would
put hair on my chest.
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Chapter 35 64
"Mr. Hidman." The rough and older voice of a good investing partner, Phillip J. Holden, patted my shoulder.
"How the hell are you, my friend?" He ordered crown and coke. Standing quietly behind him was a tanned,
long legged, blonde beauty. She stood as still as stone, her eyes never leaving Mr. Holden.
"I'm well, sir. How about yourself?" I shook his hand and we clinked glasses.
"Getting older everyday." He laughed. I couldn't help but take another glance at his female companion. Mr.
Holden must have noticed as he introduced us.
"Mr. Hidman, this is my beautiful woman, Lorietta." I reached for her hand and she gasped, taking a step
back. My brows crossed in confussion but Mr. Holden chuckled again.
"You have my permission, Lorietta." She stepped forward and shook my hand, not daring to look me in the
"She's good, yes?" Mr. Holden's comment was up in the air for discussion, but the announcer at the DJ stand
had called everyone to their seats for the start of dinner.
A chatty Harvard student sat down to my left and I was greatful when Mr. Holden took a seat on my right. "I
see you have yet to settle down, Mr. Hidman." I internally rolled my eyes. I couldn't exactly explain to him
that the females I set my eyes on are only as good as they fuck. And then after that I have no intentions or
"I haven't found what I'm looking for yet. Seems that I may be a single billionaire forever." Mr. Holden patted
Lorietta's knee and then set a very firm line in his brow.
"Watch this, Sam." He spoke lowely.
"Lorietta, get down on your knees and crawl under this table. You know exactly what to do from there." He
demanded. I could not understand why he was doing this.
"Mr. Holden, what are you-"
"Just watch." He hushed. Lorietta gathered her blonde hair to one side of her face and slipped to her knees.
She disappeared under the cloth and in 10 seconds I could feel her soft feminine hands wrap around my
thighs. I jumped slightly.
"What is she doing?" I looked around wild eyed.
"Exactly what I tell her to." He smiled as our dinner plates were set infront of us.
"How?" I choked out as I felt her lips wrap sensually around my shaft. I earned another chuckle.
"Because, Sam, I bought her just for that purpouse."
My erection grew under Lioretta's seething teeth. Mr. Holden leaned in close and pulled out a business card.
"Listen Sam, if you're interested visit this website. I was bored and needed something to control. A friend of a
friend introduced me to this place. I put in exactly what I wanted in a woman; obedience, beauty, blonde.." He
wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as Lioretta took another hard pull.
Dark Hell
Chapter 35 65
"I.. I don't understand." Mr. Holden slipped me the card.
"Just look at it. And if it's not something you like, than forget about it." I took the card from him.
"Lioretta, get up." Mr. Holden demanded. She was up and back in her seat, wiping her lips with a white
napkin. My cock was harder than steel at the complete compliance she showed. I had every intention of
visiting this site tonight.
A few drinks in and in the dark, quiet solitude of my office, I sheepishly typed in the deep velvet writing on
the business card. Thinking of how Lioretta obeyed on cue made my cock hard again. I swallowed hard and
submitted the webpage.
A swarm of images plastered my screen and over loaded my senses. I didn't know where to look first. In the
top left corner was a search bar. It allowed me to type in specific qualities about a woman I find attractive.
Then once my application had been submitted, I would get a returned email a few days later.
My eyes wondered to the picture that sat idly on my desk. It was a picture of my sister before her unfortunate
passing many years ago. Her long dark brown hair sat around her shoulders. Deep tan skin shined in the
picture next to me. I had always preferred brunettes.
In my drunken stupor I begin my description. Burnette, slim, tan, long legs. I scratched my head and put a few
more items in. With out a second glance I submitted my page and wondered my way to my bed where I
passed out a little after 3:00 am.
"And in closing, we would like to think the investors who have made it possible for funding and new plane
I smiled my appreciation and watched as everyone filled from my conference room. Mr. Holden was the last
to leave.
"Did you take my advice, Mr. Hidman." I had to think back to a few nights ago when it suddenly hit me.
"I did, Mr. Holten. I just have not checked the status of my application." I admitted. He squeezed me shoulder
and checked to make sure the room was vacant.
"Well, son, lets take a look." He said, firing up my projection screen. I had to admit, I was partially curious to
see what I had come up with. I used my login ID and password and with in a few seconds, 3 pages of pictures
popped up.
"Wow, we got a few to look through!" Mr. Holden exclaimed. I sat back and watched as Mr. Holden scrolled
threw the first few images. None of them captured my interest. One was to big for my taste, another's hair
wasn't long enough, and one here just looked to dull.
"Stop!" I sat up from my chair. "Go back, one more. Stop right there." I instructed. A large picture of a long
haired angel froze on the screen. Her ID info told me that her name was Alayna Transmen. She lived in
Manhattan. University of Colombia.
I studied her picture once more, finding myself being sucked into a vaccum of pure unadulterated beauty. Her
skin was so flawless I ached to touch it.
Dark Hell
Chapter 35 66
"How do I find this one?" I asked mysteriously.
"You hire the man who set up this website and he will take care of everything." Mr. Holden stated simply.
"What do you mean by that exactly?" I dethatched my view from Alayna Transmen. "Are you speaking of
kidnapping?" I asked incredulously. I had had my share up fucked up shit, but this was a major crime.
"I'm just saying that the website manager will take care of everything." He confirmed. I looked back at Alayna
Transmen and instantly in my chest, a beating started where a heart once was. It had been ages since I felt
that. The thought of any other man touching her raised the hairs angrily on the back of my neck.
"Jessica!" I barked. A few seconds passed and she came in.
"Yes sir?" She looked worried.
"Get me a background check as soon as possible. Alayna Transmen."
"Right away sir." She backed away and left Mr. Holden to our business.
"I want to think you for your help, sir." I extended my hand in gratitude. He returned the favor and left me
alone. I stole another glance at Ms. Transmen and all her angelic beauty.
And in that moment, I did not care what I had to do. I needed her. To touch her, to hold her. And there would
not be one thing to stand in my way of getting her.
She would be mine from this moment forward, forever for all my eternity.
Dark Hell
Chapter 35 67
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Generated: 2014-02-01 04:51:12
Dark Hell

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