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Multiple Intelligences
By: Grittarini Adellia

I. Overview
II. Eight types of multiple intelligences
Linguistic intelligence (word smart)
Logical-mathematical intelligence (number-reasoning smart)
Spatial intelligence (picture smart)
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)
Musical-rhythmic intelligence (music smart)
Interpersonal intelligence (people smart)
Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart)
Naturalistic intelligence (nature smart)
III. Conclusion

What is the definition the theory of multiple

The theory of multiple intelligences is a theory
of intelligence that differentiates it into specific (primarily
sensory) "modalities", rather than seeing intelligence as
dominated by a single general ability.
The theory of multiple intelligences says that human
beings are smart in many ways. The theory, which was
developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard gardner is a professor of
education at Harvard university. He is proposes eight
types of intelligences in children and adults.

Eight types of multiple intelligences
1. Linguistic intelligence (word smart)
The linguistic intelligence deals with the ability to learn
languages. People who love reading and writing and have a
good memory for poetry and lyrics. These individuals love
words, both spoken and written.
Eight types of multiple intelligences
2. Logical-mathematical intelligence (number-reasoning
If somebody has a logical-mathematical intelligence, he has the
ability to think logically and to categorize things easily. he is
good at recognizing patterns, both geometric and numeric.
People who possess this form of developed intelligence may
ask questions constantly. They may easily grasp games that
involve sophisticated strategies, like chess.
Eight types of multiple intelligences
3. Spatial intelligence (picture smart)
Spatial intelligence includes the ability to see, notice, and
remember visual images. They love to shapes, lines, colors,
jigsaw puzzles and mazes. Children who are good at spatial
tasks are also good at reading and constructing maps, draw and
Eight types of multiple intelligences
4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (body smart)
People with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have the gift of good
physical movement of the muscles. They are good at sport and
dancing. They like to move and cannot sit still for a long period
of time. They are skillful at creating and interpreting gestures.
They often communicate through body language or at reading
others body language. They learn by acting and moving, or by
physical experiences.
Eight types of multiple intelligences
5. Musical-rhythmic intelligence (music smart)
People with musical-rhythmic intelligence have the ability to
catch or create music and rhythms. They have keen ears,
sensitive hearing, and sounds in their environments. They can
also be imitators of other peoples voices and can easily tell the
diffrences in speech patterns or accents. Usually they need
music when they study.
Eight types of multiple intelligences
6. Interpersonal intelligence (people smart)
Some people are good at facilitating relationship and group
processes. They get along well with others and they understand
people. They are sensitive to how others feel. People who have
this type of intelligence have empathy even at an early age.
Frequently, they can bridge differences among friends. They
enjoy learning in groups. People who have interpersonal
intelligence are able to communicate and get along well with
Eight types of multiple intelligences
7. Intrapersonal intelligence (self smart)
Those who have intrapersonal intelligence have a strong sense
of self. they dare to be different. They do not feel uncomfortable
when they are different from their friends. They have no difficulty
concentrating. Someone with this intelligence enjoys activities
that allow him to work alone.
Eight types of multiple intelligences
8. Naturalistic intelligence (nature smart)
Naturalistic intelligence deals with making connections to
nature. People who possess this type of intelligence are
interested in other species, or in the environment and the earth.
They have a strong interest in the outside world or in animals
and this interest often begins at an early age.
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