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Narrative EOY Writing Essay

By Julia Shoppach

Crack, crack crack. I could hear the sound of peanuts cracking all over the stadium.
I studied the brats and hot dogs being grilled on the black, sizzling, oily grills. I took a
quick glance around the immeasurable room and found out to nd that I could see the
smiles on people's faces as they parade by with bags of peanuts over the sore shoulders. I
could feel myself stroll across the soft grass surfaced on the baseball eld. With my
siblings, Ian, Kelsey and Anika, side by side, we looked up and saw the fans screaming with
big signs that pronounced, "VintageMix, Go Ian, Kelsey, Anika and Julia Shoppach."

As my eyes met the words upon the signs, my spine feel cold as I look up in fear. It will like
a small rodent lurking in the frigid Alaska. We saunter ourselves to the black microphone
which echoed our voices to the crowd. I catch a glimpse of the roof
which was open to let the blue, bright sky lter in the stadium. I thought, "God, I know
this will bless your people and I pray
that this will go well. It is well with my soul. My brother brought out the gold, glistening
pitch pipe. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm." The pitch echoed as he concentrated on the pitch. I
took one last glance at the audience before we start singing. Time stops and I only get one
second to reect on what I go myself into. My quartet is singing for the Brewers in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is not happening.

I gradually open my quivering jaw to begin singing, "Oh say can you see, by the dawns early
light," We sang while I scrutinized the words that were spitting out of my mouth. I was so
nervous that I would mess up, that I couldn't quite focus on my siblings. My head was
churning with thoughts as I look up at the several thousand people staring at us with jaws

"What so proudly we hailed, at the twilights last gleaming. Whose broad stripes and bright

Through the perilous ght, o'er the ramparts we watched," I gradually started to soften
as I sing the uent words that came out of my mouth. I gave a quick glance at my siblings
to see if they looked nervous, but they looked as happy as they could be. Kelsey and Anika
engaged the audience with big smiles and Ian was grinning with the tight harmony that
came out of his mouth.

Oh no!!!!!!! I place my hand on my stomach. This is not going to happen. I feel like I'm going
to throw up. Great, you know! Why don't I might as well throw up in front of a hundred
thousand people not including television! The chance that we get to actually sing in
front of the Brewers, I have to throw up. My mouth starts to water slowly. This is a sign. I
quickly get back into action,

"Were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,"
These honorable words gave me a spark because the harmony became amazingly crisp. It
took my brain off of the fact that I have to throw up. Anika was singing soprano
as she reached the gallant high notes. Ian, on the other hand, was singing in the basement.
He was singing low. Kelsey and I were singing the melody and we emphasized the notes.

"Gave proof through the night that our ag was still there. Oh, say does that star-
spangled banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave." Once I
hit that last note I felt a feeling of relief as we gesture to end our last note. I
quickly ran off the eld like I was being chased by a fast, slithery, python snake. I
attempt to slowly amble to the bathroom, but my evil legs wouldn't let me. I dashed to the
bathroom and swung over the garbage. It was not pretty, but when I was done I felt
relieved. I washed water through my mouth as if there was a whirl pool in my mouth. I
sprint back onto the eld just as my siblings were waving and sauntering back to me.

"Julia, what in the world happened to you?!" Anika scrambles in confusion.

"Okay...okay. I was getting very nervous and my stomach let out. I couldn't help myself." I
say glancing down at the oor avoiding eye contact.

"Oh. Right. Of course. Julia, I don't understand. You have been in front of several people
before. Come on guys, let's leave Julia alone to reect!" Anika states annoyed.

As we exited the eld, the crowd became wild like a pack of lions to it's prey. People stood
up as they watched us. I was so delighted to have sung to the Brewers, but were
astonished that I had thrown up.

I could feel the excitement die as I thought about what I had done. As we lurked down
the halls, Brewers fans came up to us
shaking our hands and pleading for an autograph. How could we say no to that kind of
question. I gave a glance at Anika and Ian
but they just ignored me and signed a perfect signature. I went over and sat on the
wooden bench that was close.

Kelsey examined my emotions and took small strides over to where I sit.

"It's no use, Kels. Ian and Anika are furious at me because of what I did." I could feel my
thoughts take over my happiness. I felt

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