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Alison Nguyen

4th Hour
Eternal Trio

A bitter cold blizzard surrounds their car. Its a ruthless blizzard that bites the nose and
doesn't let go. Theres nothing but trees around them. In the distance you can barely see a
house. Gust of winds take turns blowing each direction. Even with the cars windshield wipers
pushing against the snow the best it can do is keep it clear for a minute The cars wheels sink
deeper into the snow with each turn. The gps is hooked on the dashboard indicating to go left.
Hey I didn't know Ivan lived all the way in the middle of no where! Robin exclaimed
point her voice towards back of the car. With both hands on the wheels trying to make a hard
turn. After a few hard turns with no luck she bangs on the wheel then lays back in her seat. Her
dark black curls shimmer from the reflection of the car lights on the sparkling snow.
Ivan, in the back seat, leans in between the driver and the passenger seat turning
towards Robin. What are you talking about? I only live a hop and a skip away from the Bobbys
Wasabi, Ivan says giving a Robin a questionable look.
His light brown hair sweeping right above his icy blue eyes. He turns to the heater and
reaches for the knob to turn up the heat. He brings his hands back into his face and blows into
them and rubs them together. Even with his emerald green hoodie under his black leather jacket
it won't keep him warm the blistering cold. He looks at the gps.
Now heres where the fingers get pointing, He turns towards Robin. Someone typed in
my address wrong into your little gps, He gives her a it not my fault smile. He turns towards
Darien in the passenger's seat. Robin decides to lets Ivan be the detective in this case while
she continues to try to get the car to move.
Darien, with his mahogany brown hair, lead up against the window. Hes fast asleep with
a smirk on his face.The warmth of his button up back blazer coat and his red scarf wrapped
around his neck keeps him toasty. Ivan deciding he looks a little too comfortable yanks on his
scarf, and pulls him straight up. His eyes barely opening.
Hey dude, Im trying to catch some Zs, Darien starts to lean his head back onto the
Do you know where I live or can you just not spell? he questions Darien. Pointing to the
gps and the address that lead them to the middle of no where.
What did I type it in wrong? Darien asks blinking his eyes repeatedly. Hes still not fully
awaken. He takes out his phone to check the time. The light from the phone illuminates the
whole car.
Yeah about a gabillion letters off, sarcastically he says with a smirk, then turns to
Robin. Ill just type the retype the address. No problem, he smiles.
Sike. Total problem. Were stuck, she sighs keeping her eye in front of her still trying to
get the car to move. Ivans eyes switch from Robins face to the snow in front them.
Your pulling my chain right? Ivans face flashes to fright. He sits up in his seat looking
out in front of him to see for himself.
So, Darien pause while the sound of him tapping the phone filled the room, you guys
what to snail mail for rescue because there is no signal out here.
Of course theres not, Robin says letting out a sigh and leans back in her chair. Her
curls follow resting on her blue plaid jacket.
Hey the sun still shines, Ivan looks at Robin and smiles, There is a house over there.
Ivan says turning towards the direction the house is he points his finger at it. The house was
barely visible in the snow storm. Robins eye follow Ivans finger while Darien squints trying to
make out the house in the raging blizzard.
Is it your house? Robin asks sarcastically while raising an eyebrow.
No, but maybe they can help. Ivan says hopefully.
Or rob us. Or kill us, Darien says turning towards Ivan who is still facing the house.
What no way, Robin adds sarcastically.People do that kind of stuff.
Ivan sits back and starts to put his hood on. He reaches in to the pocket behind the
drivers seat and pulls out two flashlights Well do you have any better idea. He smiles the usual
dangerous smile of his, and throws a flashlight to Robin before opens the car door. A burst of
wind blows in. He gets out and stands leaning into the car waiting for an answer.
Robin, and Darien exchange looks. They both know Ivan is an idiot, but they also know
that their stuck in a middle of a blizzard. Help won't be arriving any time soon. Darien is the one
to break the seconds of silence that feel like hours,Theres no point waiting helplessly in the

The house is two stories tall. The light blue panning is old and decaying. The windows
are boarded up with wood. The roof over the porch has fallen off. Shingle from the roof are
missing and falling off in the wind. Even from the outside you can hear the echoes of the wind
blowing through the empty house.
I'm no exterior house designer but this place could use a pick me up. Ivan says as they
approach the the house. The bitter blast from the wind freezes theirs hand and toes. They are
all huddled together like penguins in the arctic.
Im pretty sure that the only person that lives here is Casper the ghost, Robin raises
her eyebrow towards Ivan. What should we do now? Robin starts to rub her hand together but
it doesn't stop the cold from freezing them. Darien turns around and looks towards the car. The
car is even more submerged in snow. The snowstorm was getting worst. The wind was blowing
so hard it started to push them back.
Darien tries to open the door, no luck. He tries to push the door open. It works, knocking
the door right off its hinges. Robin enters first with Ivan following behind. Once he enters the
house he helps Darien prop the door back in the doorway to stop the uninvited wind. They turn
on their flashlights it flickers then shines a weak light.
Talk about your door buster deal huh, Ivan says holding up his flash light and scanning
it around the room. The rest join him.
Its a decent size living room connected to a kitchen or at least what is left of one. The
wallpaper on the wall is peeling revealing layers of wallpaper. The wooden floor is scraped and
suffocated in chips of broken wood and dirt. Theres a rug on the floor in the living room but it
barely visible. The hallway floor is also overflowing with chips and dirt. Next to the hallway is a
fleet of stairs. Their molded and rotting, and the railing has already fallen off. The kitchen
cabinets have lost doors and are collapsing on itself. There's an empty shell of where the stove
should be. Some tile from the floor are missing and broken, same for the kitchen wall.
Hey Ivan, Darien says putin his arm around Ivans shoulder. This play is empty, and
depressing. It looks just like your social life. Darien says with a smile on his face. Ivan give him
his fake offended look, and then flashes a smile. Robin laughs. Her laugh echos with the sound
of the wind.
Robin starts to head off towards the hallway. Some of the rooms in the hallway have
caved in. She walks with grace trying to make sure each step doesnt break the floor beneath
her. Ivan heads straight for the demolished remains of the fridge. His steps are silent, careless
and reckless. Darien started down the hall following Robin. His steps are bold, and well
Ivan opens the fridge. He point to the nothingness within, Hey did you guys eat my
bagels? How you gonna eat a working mans bagel? He turns towards the hallway waiting for a
response. He gets a loud bang that echos with a boom. He immediately runs towards the
hallway to see what happened.
Ill trade your bagels from some aged to perfection paperback. Robin was inside the
room at the end of the hallway. She had broken the door. They direct their flashlight into the
room. It illuminates the room around her. The room had shelves and shelves of ancient books.
The room smells as if there has just been a senior citizen bingo match. They enter the room
and starts to look around. The only thing that stood out of place was the paper scattered all over
the floor. The books on the shelves were perfectly placed and alphabetized. They started to look
through the books. Robin pulled out a book called The Two Twins. The pages look worned out
and the writing was handwritten.
Nelly and Raven were twins. Their parents were always fight so they only each other
for support. No one else understood them. Robin was reading from the book. Ivan starts to turn
towards the doorway.
Im gonna look for the bathroom or something. I gotta take a wizz like a level 44 wizard,
Ivan says waving back to Robin and Darien as he left the room.
Hey busta, she pretends to clear her throat and dramatically raise the book in the air, I
am reciting some lines here. She says dramatically.
Ivan gives a little chuckle. You gotta holla while you read so I can hear you girly. He
smiles and continues to leave the room. His flashlight flickers in the pure darkness of the
Darien looks at Robin and then back down the hallway. Robin sighs, You should go with
him Darien hes gonna end up getting himself hurt. She turns back to the book to find out where
she left off.
Yeah, he starts walking down the hallway after him. He can find his way down the
hallway well without a source of light. Hes more like a level one scroll toll. He sprints to catch
up to Ivan.

Hey about time man. Where youd go the gift shop? Ivan punches Dariens shoulder
without turning to look towards him. His other hand holds the flashlight out in front of them. They
ends up back in the living room. They decide to go up the stairs even though they look pretty
decayed. Ivan leads, but Darien has to pull him back several time to stop him from falling. They
make it up stairs. They see remnants of past house owners. There's a picture ripped in half of
two parents and twins.

Robin sits on the floor, surrounded by loose paper, holding the book in her hand. She
read aloud almost as a yell, Their parents had gotten a divorce. Nelly and Raven where going
to be separated, and they were well aware of that even though their parents tried to keep it a
secret. Nelly and Raven hated the idea of being separated. They were a part of each other.
She pauses waiting for a response from Darien or Ivan. She felt foolish waiting, but she paused
for a good minute. If she blocked off the roar from the wind she could hear their foot steps
above her.

Darien was in the bedroom right above Robin. He could hear her voice clearer in the
pitch black room. Darien was waiting for Ivan to finish his business. He closed his eyes and
focused on Robins voice. Ivan had finished and was standing in front of the doorway shining his
flicker flashlight onto Darien. Ivan was listening to Robin too, a smile was on his face. When
Robin stopped. Darien turned to Ivan. Ivan walked into the room and did handshake that was
second nature to them.
I wish we could stay like this man.The wind blew against the house causing the it to
creak decaying sound. I mean not in Luigis Mansion but yeah know just the three of us
hanging, Ivan tries not to make eye contact with Darien while talking. He looks at the floor.
Yeah man. I know what you mean. Darien he looked him in the face. You and Robin
are like a part of me. He paused looking Ivan in the face. His hand was in his back pocket
grabbing a black handle. He takes a mental picture of every nook and cranny of Ivans face.
With Ivans flashlight still flickering on Dariens face Darien lunged forward driving the knife deep
within in Ivans chest. Ivans flashlight falls, his body froze, and eyes were wide. He looked
Darien in the face, but Darien couldn't meet his eyes. His scorching warm blood was dripping
onto Dariens hand. He yanked the knife out, then quickly piercing it back into his chest. This
time he spoke in a hush whisper, Don't worry. Well all be together.

Robin continues to read the story. Nelly and Raven refused to be separated, her
flashlight was starting to flicker more making it harder read, They only knew how to be one
when they were together. The night before they were suppose to separate they decided to be
together for eternity. The wind blowing in between the boards on the wind startled her. She
jumped a little. Then she realized that she hadn't heard Darien or Ivan for a while.

Darien stabbed him one last time. The blood had already made an puddle so red it
seemed like acid. The flashlight was in the puddle covered in blood it flickered at the wall next to
them. The wallpaper was peeling and you could see the faint stain of the word Forever. This
time he looked into Ivan's face. It was lifeless. His eyes were still wide open staring him right in
the face. It was a fearful look that was crystallized in his eyes. Darien laid him down. His face
felt uof an unearthly chill. Eyes still open looking straight up at the ceiling. Darien looked up at
the ceiling and closed his eyes. The blood dripped from his knife onto the floor. He focused on
Robins voice. He opened his eyes, and with one last smile at Ivan he headed for the stairs.

That night Nelly and Raven had written on their bedroom wall with their blood Forever
each taking turns writing the letters. They hung themselves next to each other. With the words
in between them. Thick syrupy blood dripping from their fingertips. Robin heard the footsteps
coming down the stairs.

Robin closed the book. Shes put the book back on the shelf when Darien arrives at the
door frame. She hears his foot steps but don't look his way. Hey Darien. Wheres Ivan? She
asked still not look his way. Her flash light starts to flicker. She hits it a few times.
Hes alright. Hes waiting for us. His voice is the same as ever. He takes a few steps
closer. He keeps this hands behind his back twarling the knife.
The wind blows hard shaking the house it startles Robin. She turns towards Darien fast.
She points the flashlight at Darien as if it was a spotlighting. At first glance she only notices his
face. Then her eyes look him over going down from his face. His shirt is soaked in blood. She
moves her free hand over her mouth in shock. Her mind envisions thousand of possibilities. She
keeps looking him over his pants have blood on them too. She opens her mouth to speak but
her words are to slow.
Darien rushes her. He wishes he could have a conversation like Ivan had, but he knows
it too late for that. He dashes straight for her knife in hand pointed her direction. She dodges
him. but she panics. Darien know she would react fast he had hoped the startle would peterfie
her more. She runs for the doorway. In the flickering of her flashlight she can see him coming
fast and fast. There is nothing around her to grab to defend herself with. Time slows down.
The wind roars through the house it cause the losses papers to fly up. The sound of the
flashlight hitting floor echos along with the drops of blood oozing to the ground. Her arms are
grabbing his shoulders. Her nails dig deep in his skin. The knife in her chest sends a throbbing
sensation throughout her body. She kicks and tries to punch Darien, but his death grip on the
knife is unaffected. She feel cold but warm all together. The paper slowly float back down to the
Don't worry Robin. You, me, and Ivan will all be together soon. Dont worry I thought it
through we get to be together forever, for eternity, his words are directed toward Robin but his
voice makes it sound like hes just reassuring himself.
He looks at Robin the whole time. The luke warm blood drenches his hands. He thrust
the knife back in for a second time. The blood jumps and splatters his cheeks. He can feel the
warmth leave her body. A last third time he yanks out the knife and stabs her again. Her face is
lifeless by now. Her eyes give him a look of anger and the feel of betrayal.
Robin you don't realize it. I saved you. you and Ivan, shes dead but he talks as if she
can hear. He lays her on the floor. Now we can be together forever. Never say goodbye. No
one else understands us anyway. He leaves Robin and head back upstairs. No one
understand what they need like I do, and no one understand what I need like they do. He picks
up Ivan carefully as if carrying a newborn baby. I typed in the gps location on purpose. I
changed the batteries in the flashlight. I even waited till the right blizzard came. I did it for us.
He walks back down the stairs. We are different. Too different for anyone else to understand.
He lays Ivan next to Robin. He picks up the flashlight laying in the blood. I saved you guys. Im
your hero, your guardian angel. Saved you from the terror of living a life without each other. He
stares at them for a while in silence.
Only having roaring wind to keep him company. He kneels down kissing both Robin and
Ivan on their foreheads.Then he lays next to Ivan. All at once with a burst he stabs himself three
times in the chest. He does it quickly and hard in fear that hell die before he can stab for the
third time. He bleeds out. All three of their blood makes a deep red puddle. Their bodies lay over
layers of blood stained paper. The wind outside has died out, but snow still falls steadily.

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