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The birthplace of the modern


Cameron Walsh

One of the earliest and most basic computer was called the Abacus. It had wooden
spheres on pegs which you could slide up and down a wooden rod to help multiply and
divide very large numbers.
A second more recent ancestor of the Abacus was
called the Mechanical Calculator. It was a simpler and more
effective way to find the answer to more and more difficult
Ancestors to the modern

The first Modern Computer was developed from the years 1946-1951
by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly.
The computer cost approximately 400000 dollars to create. Which
doesnt seem like that much right now, but if you account for inflation,
The computer cost roughly 5 million dollars to produce.

The first modern Computer

One of the major concerns with the early computers
were the fact they created so much heat. This caused
damage to the system and often caused it to shut
down altogether.
Another problem was these
computers were so big they could
fill an entire room.

Flaws with early Computers

As computers evolved a lot changed not only to their
appearance but also their functions.
Computer started to become more compact, faster ,
and cheaper. They started to be able to do more than
equations, and eventually games were created.
The improvements
throughout the generations

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