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Summer SkeLchbook

ArL 3

?our skeLchbook should be your new besL frlend" Lhls summer. ?ou need Lo carry lL wlLh you
everyday, everywhere, l do! Cpen lL up flrsL Lhlng ln Lhe mornlng and lasL Lhlng aL nlghL and many Llmes
ln beLween. uraw ln lL, wrlLe ln lL, scrlbble ln lL, palnL ln lL, glue lnLo lL, cuL Lhe pages, Lear Lhe pages,
change Lhe way lL looks Lo make lL look llke your own. AL Lhe end of Lhe summer, lL should reflecL ?Cu
and your experlence LhroughouL Lhe summer. Some advlce.

! ALWAS IILL the page you are work|ng on. Go off the edges whenever poss|b|e. Do not make
d|nky ||tt|e draw|ng |n the center of the page. Make every square |nch count for someth|ng.

! uo noL sLarL someLhlng and abandon lL. Co back laLer, change lL and make lL lnLo someLhlng else.
8elng able Lo rescue bad beglnnlng ls Lhe slgn of a !"#$% '"()!*+( ,*-./

! ALWAS f|n|sh what you start no matter how much you don't ||ke |t. Cr |f there's a page you
don't ||ke, pa|nt over |t, draw over |t.

! uraw from pure observaLlon as much as posslble, Lhlngs you see ln Lhe world. Learn Lo LranslaLe Lhe
dynamlc Lhree-dlmenslonal world lnLo a Lwo-dlmenslonal world.

! NC CU1L, kL11, kLCICUS, ADCkA8LL, or 1kI1L |mages - k|tt|es, pon|es, hearts, pupp|es,
ra|nbows, peace s|gns, un|corns, sunsets, LLS, - that type of stuff.

! 8y SepLember , your skeLchbook should be Lwlce as Lhlck as lL was when you goL lL.

! 1he sketchbook |s a p|ace for r|sk tak|ng. Don't |nv|te cr|t|c|sm un|ess you are conf|dent that |t
won't dera|| your freedom. 1h|s |s [ust a p|ece of adv|ce from me to you...
DUL ___________________ - 1nL Ak1IS1 AND nIS]nLk SkL1Cn8CCk kLSLAkCn ASSIGNMLN1

vlslL Lhe webslLes below. Choose 3 LhaL you are parLlcularly fond of and use a page ln your skeLchbook Lo wrlLe/draw your reacLlon
and analysls of whaL you see on Lhose pages. WrlLe whaL you ||ke abouL whaL you see, whaL ls un|que abouL Lhe arLlsL's
sLyle of [ournallng, and whaL you would llke Lo "take" (l mean, be lnsplred by.) from Lhls arLlsL. 1hls analysls can be
wrlLlng, drawlng, or a comblnaLlon of boLh.

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!=>>#? !"#$%&'((" :?$*!$! ,-05@
(Cllck Lhe SuMML8 2014 Lab),
lllckr vlsual [ournal pool
www.[ (hls skeLchbooks are AWLSCML)
hLLp://[ournals/lndex.hLml - Check ouL uan Lldon's sLuff lf you're Laklng phoLo Anu arL.

SkeLchbook rompLs Summer
Choose 20 of Lhe followlng prompLs, words, phrases, or slmply observaLlonal #4" or self porLralL," lnLerpreL Lhem vlsually however
you wlsh. 1hls allows for Lhe mosL lnLerpreLaLlon, laLlLude, and creaLlve problem solvlng ln. lf you are uncerLaln of a word, look lL
up. More pages are encouraged. uuL_______________________________ 1hls ls exacLly whaL you've been dolng ln your
vlsual [ournal ln ArL 2 Lhls year.

1) begln agaln....
2) gender
3) ldenLlLy
4) vlslon
3) movemenL
6) observaLlonal drawlng 1
7) l losL.....
8) Lhe necesslLles of llfe are
9) observaLlonal drawlng 2
10) commoLlon
11) l saw.....
12) hlsLorlcally speaklng.
13) observaLlonal drawlng 3
14) Lranscendence
13) famlly Lles
16) global communlLy
17) green
18) meLaphor
19) narraLlve
20) observaLlonal drawlng 4
21) grlds
22) arcs
23) repeaL lL 11 Llmes
24) observaLlonal drawlng 3
23) now l.....
26) self porLralL
27) self porLralL
28) self porLralL
29) self porLralL
30) self porLralL
31) confllcL
32) lf l could
34) lgnlLlon
33) harmony
36) lLchy
37) shelLer
38) enLrapmenL

39) possesslons
40) aLmosphere
41) amblLlon
42) l escaped.....
43) naLural
44) man-made
43) pollLlcal
46) observaLlonal 6
47) ln Lhe news
48) Lraglc
49) emo
30) 100
31) fear
32) lgnorance
33) charged
34) observaLlonal 7
33) plasLlc
36) yesLerday, l...
37) feasL
38) me, me and more me.
39) fake
60) lf l Lold hlm/her once, l Lold hlm/her
1000 Llmes.

61) Art|st ICUkNAL s|tes page (see other s|de)

u1 1PL nuM8L8 Cl 1PL Ln18? C8 WC8u Cn 1PL
8ACk Cl 1PL ACL, ln LnClL, ln A CC8nL8, wrlLe lL
enLrles due

20 from llsL + 1 page arLlsL slLe
SuMML8 ArL 3 Pomework CPLCkLlS1
SkeLchbook work ~ 20 enLrles - see conLenL llsL

SkeLchbook ArLlsLs research ACL - 1 page
check slLe for llnks Lo arLlsLs uuL

know Ms. 8rennan's e-mall lf you have any quesLlons

mary_f_brennan[ (,% 01"23 4 516!
.")0*-76 "(7#$)"$% *- !8( 9*($. :1!(6 !); .#"*-7 !8(


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