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3. Furniture for sitting down in the living room.

4. The ________ is used to clean the body.
6. Furniture, usually in the form of a table and a mirror, which is used for hairstyle and grooming.
7. The ________ is used for storing clothes and other objects.
. !ite where you usually eat.
". #s a $iece of furniture used for slee$ing.
3. %sed as an ornament or for holding cut flowers.
. &i'e the cu$board its function is save the 'itchen stuff, and organi(e that.
". )ou can use the _______ to do your biological needs .
*. The ________ is the $lace in ours homes to ta'e care , clean, and do the needs of ours bodys.
+. #ts function is ma'e juices and stews.
,. -is function in the 'itchen is $reserve and free(e the food.
.. This instrument serves to grind the coffee and ma'e ca$$uccino for e/am$le.

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