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Name: Naiy Choi

Bow uoes soua watei (oiange Fanta & +C) have the uiffeience of affecting the

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Foi the lab expeiiment, I uiu conuuctivity. Conuuctivity measuies the watei's ability
to conuuct electiicity. It is the opposite of iesistance. Soua watei is Aciu, that's why I
choose soua watei, but uiffeient kinu of soua watei has uiffeient kinu of affect on
the conuuctivity.

I think that the oiange Fanta (soua) have a highei conuuctivity then (+C), because it
is moie aciuic.
Suu ml 0iange Fanta
Suu ml +C
2uu ml Beakei (S beakeis)
Conuuctivity piobe

1. uet foui beakeis (2uuml)
2. Put 2uu ml of oiange soua in one of the beakeis (test it S times)
S. Put 2uu ml of +C in one of the beakei (test S times)
4. Put 1uuml of +C anu 1uu ml of 0iange Fanta in one beakei (test it S times)
S. Put 1Su ml of oiange soua anu Su ml of +C in one beakei (test it S times)
6. Put 1Su ml of +C anu Su ml of 0iange Fanta in one beakei (test it S times)
7. Nake youi uata in to the aveiage

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In the giaph, you can see that +C (lemon soua) is actually moie aciuic then 0iange
Fanta oi both of them togethei. The conuuctivity of the +C (lemon soua) is
Su6.1SSSSSS, which is the highest numbei (conuuctivity) out of all foui texts. Eveiy
time I uo the test again, the numbei incieases. I leaineu that +C is actually moie
aciuic, have a highei conuuctivity then the oiange Fanta.

Biu I piopeily contiol my vaiiables. Bow oi how not.
Yes because I testeu the souas each S times, anu most of it incieases not ueciease,
that means that the conuuctivity giows moie anu moie. Which in the giaph it shows
Shoulu I have incluueu auuitional contiolleu vaiiables to make my iesults moie
Yes I shoulu have incluueu auuitional contiolleu vaiiable to make my ieliable,
because, if I useu the same mateiial, the iesult woulu be a lot moie ieliable.
Biu you incluue enough expeiimental gioups to fully test youi inuepenuent vaiiable
anu uiaw a ieliable conclusion.
Yes I uiu, foi my expeiiment I useu two types of uiffeient kinu of soua (uiinks), one
is 0iange Fanta, anu one is +C (lemon soua).
Woulu you make any changes in youi pioceuuie that woulu leau to a bettei
expeiiment. Explain anu give specific impiovements.
I woulu auu moie uetails about each step I uiu, anu what exactly happeneu anu will
Restate youi initial hypothesis anu comment on how youi uata suppoits oi uoes not
suppoit youi hypothesis.
"I think that the oiange Fanta (soua) have a highei conuuctivity then (+C), because it
is moie aciuic."
Ny hypothesis was wiong, because I thought that oiange Fanta have moie
conuuctivity, because the aciu was highei, but then, I founu out that +C (lemon soua)
actually have a highei conuuctivity then the oiange Fanta

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