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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal

1 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
I n T he N ame O f A l l ah M ost
G r aci ous M ost M er ci f ul
Indeed, all praise is due to Allah. We praise him and ask his forgiveness.
We Seek Allahs Refuge From The Evil Of Ourselves & The Evils Of
Our Actions.
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
2 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Quran, Surah Al Imran 3:160
If Allh helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you,
who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allh (Alone) let
believers put their trust.
Quran, Surah An Nisa 4:80
He who obeys the Messenger (SAW) has obeyed Allah ; but those
who turn away - We have not sent you[Muhammad(SAW)] over them as
a guardian.
Quran, Surah Al Araf 7:3
Follow what has been sent down unto you from your Lord (the
Qur'n and Prophet Muhammads (SAW) Sunnah), and follow not any
Auliy' (Imams, Mufti, protectors and helpers, Etc. who order you to
associate partners in worship with Allh), besides Him
(Allh). Little do you remember!
Quran, Surah Al Anaam 6:153
This Is My [Muhammad (SAW)] Path Leading Straight {Quran & Sahih
Hadith}, So Follow It, & Do Not Follow Any Other Path Or Else You
Will Be Separated From Allahs Path.
Quran, Surah Yusuf 12:106
Most Of Them Claims That They Believe In Allah But They Do Shirk.
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
3 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Quran, Surah An Nisa 4:48
Allah Does Not Forgive The Shirk (Association Of Partners With
Him In Worship Or In Any Kind) But He Forgives Anything Else He
Wills & Whoever Setup Partners With Allah As Committed A
Unforgivable Shirk
Quran, Surah Al Anfal 8:38
Say To The Unbelievers, If They Accept Faith(Islamic Monotheism
[Imaan]) Their Past Sins Will Be Forgiven. But If They Return The Sins
Will Be Punished
Quran, Surah Az Zukhruf 43:3
We verily, have made it a Qur'n in Arabic, that you may be able to
understand (its meanings and its admonitions).
Quran, Surah An Nisa 4:171
Do Not Exceed the Limits in Your Religion
Quran, Surah An Nisa 4:44
Have You Not Seen Those Who Were Given A Portion Of The Book
(The Jews & The Christians) Purchasing Errors In Exchange Of It
(The Book) & Wishing That You (Muslims) Should Also Go Astray
From The Right Path
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
4 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Quran, Surah At Tawbah 9:80
[O Muhammad (SAW)] Ask Forgiveness For Them Or Not. If You Ask
Forgiveness For Them Seventy Times Never Will Allah Forgive Them.
That Is Because They Disbelieve In Allah (i.e. Oneness Of Allah) &
You [Muhammad (SAW)] & Allah Does Not Guide people who are
Fsiqn (disobedient to Allh).
Quran, Surah Al Maeda 5:5
Whoever Disbelieves in the Articles or Fundamentals of Faith (i.e.
Oneness Of Allah, Believe In Angels, His Books, His Messengers,
Hereafter & Destiny) Then Fruitless Is His Work & In Hereafter He
Will Be Among The Losers.
Quran, Surah Al Maeda 5:10
Whoever Disbelieves Or Denies Our Ayats Are The Dwellers
(People Or Companion) Of The Hell-Fire.
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
5 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
6 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Book Description
By Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya
Edition: April 2002
Published By:
Millat Book Centre
34-A Mount Kailas, New Delhi-110065, India
Ph: 3258147, 3282740, 3274339, 3257949
Fax: (91-11) 3263567, 3258147
Printed At: New India Offset Printers Delhi (India).
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
7 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Fazail-E-Aamaal Page No.614 Or In
Virtues of Zikr Page No.128
Shaikh Abu Yazeed Qurtubi (Rahmatullah Alaih) Writes:
On learning that one who recites Kalimah (La illah ha
illallah) Seventy thousand times becomes safe from the Hell-
Fire, I have completed this number once for my wife & then
several times for my own self as a provision for the
Hereafter. There used to live near us a young man who was
known to be blessed with the power of Kashf (Divine
manifestation of unseen things), even in respect of Paradise
& Hell, But I Hesitated to believe it. Once when this young
man was dining with us, he uttered a cry of agony, his
breathings became difficult & he exclaimed, I See My
Mother Burning in the Fire of the Hell. When I saw him so
perturbed, I thought of bestowing one of my complete
Seventy thousand recitations of Kalimah in favour of his
Mother, so that the truth of what the young man said could
be tested. I quietly did so in my heart, without telling
anybody else about it. But as soon as I did this, the young
man felt relieved & said, O Uncle! My Mother has been
relieved of the punishment of Hell! This incident proved
useful to me in two ways: firstly, the blessing of reciting the
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
8 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Kalimah Seventy thousand times was proved by actual
experience, & secondly it was established that the young
man was truly blessed with the power of Kashf.
Quran, Surah Al Jinn 72:26-27
Allah Alone Is The Knower Of the Unseen. He Does Not
Disclose His Knowledge Of Unseen To Anyone Except To
His Messengers (pbut).
Similar Verses Repeated in the Glorious Quran Saying
That Allah Alone Is the Knower of the Unseen
1. Surah At-Tawbah 9:78, 9:94
2. Surah At-Taghabun 64:17-18
3. Surah Al-Jumua 62:8
4. Surah Al-Hashr 59:22
5. Surah Az-Zumar 39:46
6. Surah Fatir 35:38
7. Surah Saba 34:,3, 34:48
8. Surah An-Naml 27:65
9. Surah Al-Mumenoon 23:92
10.Surah Al-Maeda 5:109 & Many More
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
9 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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Quran, Surah Al Maeda 5:5
Whoever Disbelieves In The Articles Or Fundamentals Of Faith (i.e.
Oneness Of Allah, Believe In Angels, His Books, His Messengers,
Hereafter & Destiny) Then Fruitless (Worthless/Waste/No Use) Is
His Work (All Kinds Of Ibadah & For Any Number Of Years) & In
Hereafter He Will Be Among The Losers.
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
10 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Fazail-E-Aamaal Page No.620 Or In
Virtues of zikr Page No.134
Yahya Bin Akhtam (Rahmatullah Alaih) is a Muhaddith. After
his death, somebody saw him in a dream, & asked him how
he had fared. He replied: I appeared before Allah, & He
said to me: You sinful old man, you did this & you did that,
till all my sins were recounted one by one, & I was asked if I
had any explanation in my defense. I submitted that no
Hadith to that effect had been conveyed to me. Then Allah
asked: What Hadith had been conveyed to you? I
submitted: I was told by Abdur Razzaaq who was told by
Muammar who was told by Zuhri who was told by Urwah
who was told by Hadhrat Aisha(Radhiyallaho Anha) who was
told by Rasulullah (saw) who was told by Jibraa-eel(as) who
was told by You: A person who grows to old age in islam
may have deserved punishment on account of his sins, yet as
a token of respect for his old age, I pardon him, & you
know that Im very old. Allah then said, Abdul Razzaaq
spoke the truth, Muammar spoke the truth, Zuhri spoke the
truth, Urwah spoke the truth, Aisha(ra) spoke the truth,
Rasulullah(saw) spoke the truth, Jibraa-eel(as) spoke the
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
11 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
truth & What I had said is true. After that, it was ordered
that I should be admitted into Paradise.
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
12 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Fazail-E-Aamaal Page No.457 Or In
Virtues of Salaat Page No.75
Shaikh Abdul Wahid (Rahmatullah Alaih) Says, One day I
was so much overpowered by sleep that I went to bed before
finishing mu Zikr for night. I saw in my dream a most
beautiful girl dressed in green silk. All parts of her body &
even her shoes were engaged in Zikr. She said to me Aspire
to possess me; I Love You. And then she recited a few
couplets depicting the eagerness of a Lover. When I woke up
from the dream, I vowed not to sleep any more during the
night. It is reported that for full forty years he never slept
at night, & said Ishaa & fajr Salaat with same Wudhu.
Sahih Al Bukhari In The Book Of Nikaah (Wedlock
Or Marriage) Volume 7, Book No.62, Hadith No 1
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of three men came to the houses of the
wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet
worshipped Allah, and when they were informed
about that, they considered their worship
insufficient and said, "Where are we from the
Prophet as his past and future sins have been
forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
13 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
prayer throughout the night forever." The other
said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not
break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away
from the women and will not marry forever."
Allah's Apostle [Muhammad (saw)] came to them
and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-
so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and
more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my
fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who
does not follow my tradition in religion, is not
from me (not one of my followers)."
Quran, Surah An Najm 53:3-4
He [Muhammad (saw) does not speaks of his own desire. He
[Muhammad (saw) speaks what is revealed unto him.
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
14 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
15 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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Quran, Surah An Nisa 4:115
And whoever contradicts or opposes the Messenger
[Muhammad (saw)] after the right path has been shown to
him clearly &follow other than the believers way
(Quran & Sahih Hadith). We shall keep him on the path he
chosen & burn him in the hell-fire
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
16 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
17 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Fazail-E-Aamaal Page No.463 Or In
Virtues of Salaat Page No.81
Imam Abu Haneefa (Rahmatullah Alaih) is a famous for his
vigil. It is said that for thirty, forty or fifty years (according
to the information of different narrators) he offered His Fajr
Prayer with Wudhu performed at Ishaa. He would go to
sleep only for a few minutes in the afternoon saying It is
Sunnah to sleep in the afternoon.
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
18 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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Sahih Al Bukhari In The Book Of Nikaah (Wedlock
Or Marriage) Volume 7, Book No.62, Hadith No 1
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of three men came to the houses of the
wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet
worshipped Allah, and when they were informed
about that, they considered their worship
insufficient and said, "Where are we from the
Prophet as his past and future sins have been
forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the
prayer throughout the night forever." The other
said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not
break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away
from the women and will not marry forever."
Allah's Apostle [Muhammad (saw)] came to them
and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-
so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and
more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my
fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who
does not follow my tradition in religion, is not
from me (not one of my followers)."
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
19 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
20 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Fazail-E-Aamaal Page No.463 Or In
Virtues of Salaat Page No.81
It is said about Saeed Bin Musayyab (Rahmatullah Alaih)
that for fifty years he offered his Fajr Salaat with the Wudhu
performed at Ishaa.
Sahih Al Bukhari In The Book Of Nikaah (Wedlock
Or Marriage) Volume 7, Book No.62, Hadith No 1
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
A group of three men came to the houses of the
wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet
worshipped Allah, and when they were informed
about that, they considered their worship
insufficient and said, "Where are we from the
Prophet as his past and future sins have been
forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the
prayer throughout the night forever." The other
said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not
break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away
from the women and will not marry forever."
Allah's Apostle [Muhammad (saw)] came to them
and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-
so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and
more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my
fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who
does not follow my tradition in religion, is not
from me (not one of my followers)."
The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
21 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
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The Truth Of Fazail-E-Aamaal
22 By Muhammad Shahid .A. Deshnoor|Email:|
Quran, Surah Al Ahzab 33:21
Indeed the messenger of Allah [Muhammad (saw)] is the
best example for you to follow

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