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NO. 1.

Deliver edge-the-hand blows with the
inner (i.e., little-finger) edge of the hand,
fingers straight and close together, thumb
extended, contact is made with the edge
only, about half-wav between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist, as shown
in Fig. 1.
Deliver the blow with a bent arm (never
with a straight arm), using a choing
action from the elbow, with the weight of
the body behind it. !ractice by striking the
oen alm of your left hand, as in Fig. ".
#here are two ways in which this blow can
be delivered$
(a) Downwards, with either hand%
(b) &cross, with cither hand% the blow
always being delivered outwards, with the
alm of the hand downwards, never on to
(Fig. ').
&ttack the following oints on your oonent(s body, delivering every blow as )uickly as
(a) #he sides or back of the wrist%
(b) #he forearm, half-way between the wrist and elbow%
(c) #he bices%
(d) #he sides or back of the neck%
(e) *ust below the +&dam(s ale+%
(f) #he kidneys or base of the sine.
,ote. - -f your oonent catches hold of you, strike his wrist or forearm% a fracture will
most likely result. #his would be almost imossible with a blow from a clenched fist.
.ome of the best advice from the time-eriod on training the edge-of-hand blow comes
from Arwrology: All-Out Hand-to-Hand Fighting for Commandos, Military, and
Civilians by /ordon 0. !errigard, 1.D. (1ontreal$ 2enouf !ublishing, 134') ages 45-
+#90 :-##:0 F-,/02 0D/0 ;F <;=2 9&,D+
.#2->0 with the little finger edge of your out-stretched hand from the base of your little
finger to your wrist. >ee your fingers tightly ressed toegether, and kee your thumb in
close too. <our alm nearly always faces down.
#his is robably the most deadly natural weaon that an unarmed man ossesses if he
knows how to use it.
?icture cation@+1ake the edge-hand blow snay. Aut it. Don(t Bust ush.+
9ow is it usedC :ook at your right hand. .traighten out your fingers and thumb. !ress
them close together. .traighten out your hand, wrist and forearm so they form a straight
line. <ou strike with the little finger edge of the hand from the base of your little finger to
about an inch u from your wrist. <ou deliver the blows with your alm facing down.
Feel the little finger edge of your hand. -t is robably soft. -t must be hard. 9ow are you
going to harden itC .traigten out your hand and with the little finger edge strike
reeatedly against any hard surface.
&t first these blows may be delivered as light, choing stokes. &s the hand becomes
used to the exercise and ac)uires resistance, more severe blows may be given, until
finally a owerful blow with the full, back-hand swee of the arm is ossible. !ractice the
blows against tables, walls, sand-bags, oles, doors, anything.
0D/0-9&,D D:;E 0F02A-.0
1. Face a wall. >eeing your feet still, turn left, bringing your right hand over your left
shoulder. .wing to your right, striking the wall at the level of your own neck with the
little finger edge of your right hand. !ut force into it. #hen twist further to your right,
bringing your left hand over your right shoulder, keeing your feet still. .wing to your
left, striking the wall at the level of your neck with the little finger edge of your left hand.
2eeat these actions over and over.
". ,ow stand with your left side against the wall. !ut your left shoulder against it. <ou
are standing at a right angle to the wall. Do not move your feet. #urn left twisting about
as far as you can, bringing your right hand over your left shoulder. =nwind and strike the
wall with the little finger edge of your stiffened out right hand. /ive a hard blow. <ou are
using your waist muscles to advantage.
>eeing your feet in the same osition, turn right and bring your left hand over your right
shoulder. Deliver a back edge-hand blow against the wall with your left hand.
'. ,ext stand with your right side against the wall, and reeat the right and left hand
blows as above. 2ub alcohol on the edge of your hands if they get tender.
4. ,ext stand with your back to the wall, and keeing your feet motionless, ractice
striking the wall with your left and right hand, twisting the waist with each blow.
#hese blows have been horiGontal. ,ext come the vertical edge-hand blows.
Hertical Dlows.
Facing a wall, turn to your left, Bust from the waist, keeing your feet still. /ive an
uward blow against the wall with the little finger edge of your right hand. #hen turn left
and give and uward blow with your left hand. 2eeat.
Dy now you will have an idea of the 0dge-9and blows. Ehere are you going to hit your
oonent with the 0dge-9and blowsC
2emember these oints
(a) 0ither side of his neck (Aarotid .inus)
(b) #he back of his neck, at a oint Bust above the hair line. Ehy hereC 2esiratory
centres may be affected by a blow in this region.
(c) *ust above and below his nose.
(d) &long one of his ribs. 9ere give a horiGontal blow, directly under his arms or a little
behind his arms. & blow in the region of the kidneys has a shocking effect. #his blow si
also effective over his heart.
(e) = into his crotch. /ive a vertical blow here.
(f) (.tomach(. *ust under his ribs in the front of his body in the mid-line.
(g) Forearm. &gainst the to of his forearm at the Bunction of the uer thirds and lower
two thirds (Drachio-radialis muschle and osterior interroseous nerve).
Do the 0dge-9and Dlows workC
#hey haveJ
An Actual Case
In 1941, Mr. J.J. who is a member of the Society of Arwrologists was walking home one
night past a field when he was attacked from behind by for men. !ne man plled him
arond and stck him a glancing blow on the side of his face.
Mr. J.J. dcked down and swng arond deli"ering a left#edge hand blow against the
side of the man$s neck %&arotid Sins'.
(hat happened) *he man$s arms dropped to his sides and he fell forward, flat on his
face. *he knock#ot was absoltely instantaneos.
*wo of the men looked with ama+ement for a moment, then ran. And when Mr. J.J.
trned towards the remaining opponent, he ran too.
(ith a wa"e of his hand and a ,-ood night, gentlemen,, Mr. J.J. contined on his way
home, smiling confidently.
Another Actual Case
!ne .ebrary e"ening in 194/, another member of the Society or Arwrologists reports
that he was attacked by a man in a cigar store. A back edge#hand blow was deli"ered
nder the man$s ear. *he man fell to the floor, sick to his stomach, hors de combat.
?.ecial #hanks to Dob >aser for giving me a rare original coy of &rwrology - *..ass@
Fro American Combat Judo
!" B. #. Cosnec$% 1&''
+#he hack is an oen hand blow delivered with the little finger side of the hand. #he
fingers are held extended, stiff and close together. #he thumb may or may not be
extended. #he blow is given with a shar, swift, hacking movement with such abrut
force that it can either break a bone or aralyGe a nerve. Aontinual ractice of ounding
the underside of the hand uon a hard, flat obBect such as a table is advised for
toughening the striking surface of the hand. &fter the hand is thus reared it can be
further toughened by ounding the edge or corner of an obBect.
Ehen administering the blow, contact is made with that surface of the edge of the hand
between the wrist and the base of the little finger. #he fingers themselves are not used in
striking, because they may slide over each other and make the blow less effective.+
!hotos from &102-A&, A;1D&# *=D;
#hanks to +gnarlmaster+
Fro Combat Judo
!" (ta)) (er*eant Ro!ert L. Carl+n% ,(MC% 1&'-
,o. 1--- 0D/0 ;F 9&,D
#he edge of the hand is shar and enetrates the nerve centers. #herefore, it is a very
dangerous and effective weaon to use against an oonent.
9old the hand rigid with thumb extended, fingers straight and close together, hit
oonent with edge of hand from the first knuckle of the little finger to the beginning of
the wrist.
&lways hit with the arm bent at the elbow ,ever hit with a straight arm as you lose ower
and seed. Ehen delivering the blow sna it out )uickly with the entire weight of your
body behind it Aaution must be used in ractice since these blows will easily kill or
knock a erson unconscious.
#he *aanese have develoed the edge of hand blows so well that they can easily break a
half-inch board with one blow. #hey ractice all day long toughening their hands until
they can sna a man(s neck with a single stroke.
.triking a erson with your fist may inBure your knuckles and is not as effective in
delivering death-dealing blows as the edge of the hand. #he fist is blunt and will not
enetrate between the muscles and tissue of the body into the vital nerve centers. .ince
the edge of the hand covers less area it easily enetrates the nerve centers and is very
Fro hirty-!i" !ecret #noc$-Out %lows &ithout the 'se of Fists
!" (. #. #or*enson% 1&./
!ages 6-3
#hese scanned ages give you the basic >; targets *orgenson used and the crossed arm
set u and delivery he favored.
Fro Jiu-Jitsu Combat ric$s !" H. 0r1+n* Hancoc$% 1&2'
From Ahater one$
+For instance, the *aanese does not strike with his clenched fist, but with the inner or
little finger edge of the alm. #his edge of the alm, then, must be ut in the most
favorable trim for severe attack. #he edge must be hard --- caable of inflicting inBury
and of enduring shar concussion.
For training the edge of the hand thus there is a very simle method that calls for time
and atience. .trike the edge of the hand lightly but reeatedly against a wooden or
similar surface. -t is never necessary to increase the severity of this training blow, but at
least twenty minutes daily should be given to this hardening rocess. For this no time
need be taken from other occuations. Ehen seated reading, exercise the edge of that
hand which is not emloyed in holding the book. &t times when neither hand is otherwise
occuied the edge of both may be exercised simultaneously. #he imortance of so
training the edges of the hands is not to be estimated lightly, and the toughening should
be followed diligently for some months. #he harder the edge of the hand is made the
more effective will be the blows struck with it, and with the least exertion on the art of
the combatant.+
From chater three$
+-n Ahater 1 reference has been made to the fact that the *iu-*itsian does not emloy his
clenched fist in striking blows, but uses the edge of his hand, generally the little finger
edge. #his does not mean the edge of the little finger, which should never be struck, but
the edge of the alm on the little finger side. -n striking, sometimes the alm of the hand
is turned uward, and sometimes downward, Bust as the nature of the blow re)uires for
striking most severely. -n some instances, as in striking uward under the chin, the thumb
edge of the alm is used, the thumb being folded downward over the alm.
9ere is a list of the more imortant blows that may be struck with the edge of the hand$
:ower :eg--- &cross the shin on either side, and well to the front% strike halfway u the
lower leg
=er :eg--- .trike halfway between knee and trunk, either across the front of leg, or at
outside of leg somewhat to the front
.ide Dlow--- .)uarely on either side of the lower trunk, in the soft art Bust below the last
>idney--- .trike over this organ in small of back, in soft art Bust below last rib
Erist--- ;n either side, Bust back of the Boint
Forearm--- ;n either side, halfway between wrist and elbow
=er &rm--- .trike across the front of the bices, or on outside of arm and well to the
front% in either case oint of striking to be midway between elbow and shoulder
Aollar-bone--- -n case of a close clinch, oen at one side, strike with little finger edge of
alm, hand almost erendicular and fingers ointing u, on collar bone midway between
breast-bone and oint of shoulder. (#oo shar a blow will fracture this bone)
.houlder--- & shar downward blow on to of shoulder, midway between neck and oint
of shoulder (& blow that causes a good deal of ain and subse)uent soreness)
.ide of the ,eck--- 1idway between Bawbone and collarbone
Dack of the ,eck--- #oo dangerous. Do not emloy, excet in a case of +life or death+.
-nstead, when striking from behind, use heel of hand, fingers ointing uward. .trike heel
of hand Bust at the base of the skull, with a combined forward and uward movement.
&nd even this blow is hardly less dangerous. Doth blows are mentioned more by way of
caution that they be avoided by the exerimenting student
Dlow across the Dase of .ine--- #oo Dangerous. -nstead, emloy blow over the kidney
&ll of the blows struck with the edge of hand are given smartly and with a good deal of
force. -n striking at throat or neck the right hand of assailant is used against the victim on
his right side, instead of at his left, in order that the blow may be given more force.+
?#hanks to +gnarlmaster+@
Fro (ightning Ju-Jitsu
N.Y.3 Ne4 5o4er 5u!l+cat+ons% 1&'..
!age ""-"'
#o most eole, the clenched fist has been the main weaon of attack or defense. Dut
:ightning *u-*itsu makes use of other blows more recise, ainful and deadly. #he most
fre)uent of these, the edge-of the-hand-blow, is delivered with the knife edge of the hand%
that is, the outer or little finger side.
For a vertical blow, crook the arm at the elbow and swing it down obli)uely with a swift,
choing motion. >ee the fingers rigid and close together (figure 11). !ut your
bodyweight behind the blow by rising to your toes% then flex your knees slightly at the
instant of striking. !ractice with either hand. :earn to strike so raidly that your oonent
cannot guess your intention.
For a horiGontal blow, swing either hand out from the elbow in an arc. >ee the alm
facing downward (figure 1").
0dge-of-the-hand blows are articularly effective in arrying an attacker(s blow, in
breaking his gri, in throwing him off balance, and in inflicting unishment.
&ly these blows uon$
1-#he wrist (esecially when a fist or weaon is being aimed at you)
"-#he lower or uer arm
'-#he sides of the body
0xcet in a life-or-death struggle, avoid striking the following vital oints where serious
or even fatal inBury may result$
1-#he larynx or &dam(s ale
"-#he back of the neck
'-#he side of the neck
4-#he kidneys or base of the sine+
?#hanks to +gnarlmaster+@
Fro )ffective 'narmed Combat
!" Malcol Harr+s% 1&67
!ages 13-"1
0dge-of-9and Aho
#he cho with the hand may be delivered
either horiGontally or vertically. &
horiGontal cho is started with the arm
bent and the hand held, alm downwards,
Bust above the far shoulder (figure 1). &
vertical cho is commenced with the arm
bent and the hand held Bust above the near
shoulder. #he hand is held with the fingers
extended and close together, the thumb
bent and resting comfortably near the base
of the index finger (figure "). #he art of
the hand that extends from the base of the
little finger to the wrist is used to strike at
the following target areas$ trachea (wind-
ie) in front of the neck% either side of the neck towards the front% the base of the skull at
the back of the neck% and the solar lexus u under the rib cage, if not covered with heavy
clothing. &t the moment of striking, the hand and wrist are made tense and rigid with the
fingers in erfect alignment with the forearm. ,ote that the thumb should not be extended
so that it is almost at a right angle to the fingers, because it might then be grased and
wrenched back or unched back hard enough for it to be broken. .imilarly, any
searation of the fingers is otentially haGardous. -n both horiGontal and vertical methods
of delivery, body weight should be behind the blow in order to obtain the most severe
effect. #his is done by advancing the leg on the same side as the hand which is delivering
the cho and transferring the whole weight of the body on to this forward leg at the
moment of imact.
Drawings from 0FF0A#-H0 =,&210D A;1
NO. 7 - CH0N #AB
Deliver this blow with the heel of your hand, full force, with the weight of your body
behind it, and fingers sread so as to reach your oonent(s eyes, as in Fig. 4. &lways aim
at the oint of your oonent(s chin (Fig. 6)
Deliver the blow uwards from a bent arm and only when close to your oonent. #he
distance the blow will have to travel will deend on the height of your oonent, but will
seldom exceed six inches.
,ever draw your hand back, thus signaling your intention of striking. From start to finish,
make every movement as )uickly as ossible.
2emember that an attack, or an attemt to attack, with the knee at your oonent(s
testicles will always bring his chin forward and down.
,ote.- !ractice this blow as follows$ 9old your left hand at the height of your own chin,
alm downwards% Bab u )uickly with your right, striking your left hand, as in Fig. 5.
Fro Hands Off* !elf +efense for &omen
!" W. E. Fa+r!a+rn% 1&'7
!age number K
,o.4. 9ow to &ly the +Ahin *ab+
-n Defense 9olds ,o. 6, Deing .trangled (#wo 9ands)% ,o.L, Eaist 9old From the
Front% and ,o.17, 9air 9old (From Dehind), it will be noted one of the methods is
referred to as a +Ahin *ab.+ #his blow is struck with the base or heel of the alm of the
hand at the +!oint of the Ahin,+ and, if alied correctly, is liable to render your assailant
A&=#-;,$ #he +Ahin *ab+ should be used only when circumstances Bustify such
drastic methods. .tudents are advised to ractice at +.hadow Drill,+ not on their friends.
1. Dend the right arm from the elbow, turning the alm of the hand to the front (Fig. K).
". Dend the alm of the hand backwards as far as ossible, extending the fingers and
thumb, and kee them bent (Fig. 67 that, in the event of your missing your assailant(s
chin, they will reach his eyes, should the situation Bustify such drastic action.
,ote$ #he force of this blow does not deend uon the strength of the erson alying it,
but uon keeing the alm of the hand bent backwards. #his ermits one to deliver a
+rock-crushing+ blow with a follow-through from the shoulder and no ossibility of
hurting one(s own hand a1ying it.
'. #he osition of the hand in Fig. L was selected as the best to demonstrate the relative
osition of the fingers, thumb, and alm of the hand. .tudents will find that a osition
somewhat as in Fig. 3 will be a more ractical osition from which to start this blow.
!age number 3
,o. 6. Deing .trangled (#wo 9ands)
<our assailant seiGes you by the throat with both hands, forcing you back against a wall,
Fig. 17.
,ote$ -n the event of being attacked in this manner, drastic methods are called for and are
Bustifiable. Ee strongly recommend the alication of the +Ahin *ab.+
1. #urn u the whites of your eyes to deceive your assailant and ut him off his
guard. #hen suddenly shoot both your hands u inside his arms and strike him on the
oint of the chin-+Ahin *ab.+
". >ee your fingers and thumbs extended and endeavor to reach his eyes with the
oints of your fingers or thumb of one of your hands. .imultaneously knee him in the it
of the stomach, Fig. 17.
!age number 1'
,o. L. Eaist 9old (From in Front)
<our assailant seiGes you around the body from in front, leaving your arms free.
1. !lace your left hand around and in to the small of his back, simultaneously striking
him on the oint of the chin (+Ahin *ab+). -f necessary, knee him in the stomach, Fig. 1'.
". .eiGe his neck with both hands, fingers touching behind, thumbs in front, the
oints one on either side of the +&dam(s ale.+ Force inwards and uwards with the
oints of your thumbs and towards you with the oints of your fingers-then Berk his head
sharly backwards, Fig. 14.
,ote$ #he average erson is very suscetible to the discomfort caused by this neck hold
as shown in Fig. 14, and students are advised not to ractice it on their friends.
!age number 1K
,o. 17. 9air 9old (From Dehind)
<our assailant seiGes you by the hair, from behind, with his right hand.
1. Dend backwards and seiGe his hand from above, keeing a firm gri with your
hands, force your head into his hand to revent him letting go, Fig. 1K.
". #urn in towards your assailant% this will twist his wrist.
'. Force your head u and bend his wrist inwards, away from his elbow, Fig. 1L.
,ote$ #he success of this method deends mainly uon the seed with which it is
comleted and the continuous uward ressure of your head against his hand, combined
with the firm gri on his hand by both of yours.
-f, when you are in the osition shown in Fig. 1L, your assailant attemts to use his left
hand against you, immediately release your hold with the right hand and strike him on the
oint of the chin (+Ahin *ab+), Fig. 13.
#hanks to +gnarlmasterM
Fro !cientific !elf +efense
!" W. E. Fa+r!a+rn% 1&.1
,o. 6. --- E&-.# 9;:D. F2;1 -, F2;,#.
<our assailant seiGes you around the body from in front, leaving your arms free.
1. .trike his chin a hard uward Bab with the heel of your right wrist (Fig. 17).
". .eiGe his neck with both hands, fingers touching behind, thumbs in the front, one
on, each side of the +&dam(s &le.+ Force inwards with the oint of your thumb and Berk
his head sharly backwards (Fig. 11).
'. .eiGe the back of his neck between the thumb and the fingers of your right hand
and force him to the ground (Fig. 1").
4. >ick him on the shins.
6. >nee him in the testicles or stomach.
#hanks to +gnarlmaster+
Fro Cold !teel
!" #ohn (t"ers% 1&-7
!age 17K
#he heel of the hand. #he wrist is locked and firm in all attacks with the hand. #his is one
excetion. Eith the fingers extended, bend the whole alm back in the same osition as
when ushing of leaning alm first against a wall. #he alm in this manner makes a
battering ram of your forearm. #he natural seat of your alm fits erfectly under the chin
of an oonent. Ehen in close, aim an uercut at your oonent(s solar lexus or chest,
the heel of the hand will swee u in a natural arc. #he heel of your hand, directly backed
by the bones of your forearm, will connect with the imact of a rock. Alose your teeth
and try it gently on yourself.
#hanks to +gnarlmaster+
Carl Cestar+
5ro8er e9ecut+on o) the T+*ers Cla4
0xtend the hand in a comlete line with the forearm, Bust as one would in forming the
edge of hand blow.
Dend the wrist uward at ,; more than a 46 degree angle.
.imly tense and +hook+ the fingers slightly. #his resembles a #igers Alaw.
#his blow is used *=.# like a fast and hard :0F# *&D. !iston like, ,; fish tailingJ
#arget the eyes with the +clawed+ fingers. &s the fingers make solid contact(and it D;0.
,;# matter if you strike the eyes or ,;#J) the wrist will ,&#=2&::< flex and the
!&:1 will crush the nose and the 900: of the hand smash the chin. &t least that(s the
,ow an assailant 1=.# come into your range to do <;= any damage. Ehenever he
D;0............#-/02A:&EJ ;nce, twice three times........whatever. /et the Bob done.
#ake a lesson from boxing here$ 9ow often is a good left lead blocked or avoidedC ,ot
often at &::. &ny boxing coach worth his salt knows the left is your bread and butter so
to seak. &s it is with the #igers Alaw.
&nd...............old boxing cliche( - +lead with seed - follow with ower+.
2e-read my ost under 0ssentials for more info on the #igers Alaw.
9oe this helsJ
NO. . - BOOT :(0DE ;0C;<
Eith a few excetions, you should always kick sideways, for you arc thus able to ut
more force behind your blow and can, if necessary, reach farther.
#urn your right side to your oonent, utting the weight of your body on your left foot.
Dending your left leg slightly from your knee, raise your right foot two to four inches off
the ground, as in Fig. K. .hoot your right foot outwards and uwards to your right, aiming
to strike your oonent(s leg Bust below the knee-ca.
Follow the blow through, scraing down your oonent(s shin with the edge of your boot
from the knee to the inste, finishing u with all your weight on your right foot, smashing
the small bones of his foot. -f necessary, follow u with a chin Bab with your left hand
(Fig. L).
,ote. - Ehere the kick is to be made with the left foot, reverse the above.
<our oonent has seiGed you
around the body from in front,
inning your arms to your sides.
1. 9aving ut your weight on one
foot, raise the other and scrae
your oonent(s shinbone
downwards from about half way
from the knee, finishing u with a
smashing blow on his foot (Fig. 3).
". &n alternative method to Fig. 3,
ermitting you to use the inner
edge of the boot, is shown in Fig.
,ote &. - Ehether you should use
the outside or inside of your boot
will deend uon how the weight
of your body is distributed at the time. !rovided that you are e)ually balanced on both
feet, you can use either% otherwise, use the one oosite to that on which you have your
,ote D. - lf seiGed from behind, stam on your oonent(s foot with the heel of either
boot, turning )uickly and following u with a chin Bab with either hand.
<our oonent is lying on the ground.
1. #ake a flying Bum at your oonent,
drawing your feet u by bending your
knees, at the same time keeing your feet
close together (Fig. 11)
". Ehen your feet are aroximately eight
inches above your oonent(s body, shoot
your legs out straight, driving both of your
boots into his body, and smash him.
,ote. - -t is almost imossible for your
oonent to arry a kick made in this manner, and, in addition, it immediately uts him
on the defensive, leaving him only the alternative of rolling away from you in an attemt
to escae. Further, although he may attemt to rotect his body with his arms, the weight
of your body (say 167 ounds), lus the imetus of your flying Bum (say another 167
ounds), will drive your heels into your oonent(s body with such terrific force that you
will almost certainly kill him. .teel heel-lates on your boots will make his attack even
more effective.
!ractice this kick on a dummy figure or on the grass as in Fig. 1".

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