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Obesity among people in malaysia

THE TASK : For discussions on how to reduce the rate of obesity in

THE ISSUE : Obesity in Malaysia increasingly sharp
The reasons : Lack of physical activity, fast food hooger, late dinner
and technology.
The consequences : Impact on health (heart disease and heart attact, stroke
and high blood pressure)
dietary factors:
1. Fast food hooger
2. Etc.

Tak sempat exersize:
1. Pergi kerja pagi dan balik waktu petang
2. Layan keluarga
a. Anak-anak
b. Isteri
c. Mak mertua
d. Adik ipar
3. Etc.

Teknologi it yang wujud
1. Facebook
2. Game
a. Play station
3. Hand phone
4. Etc.

Obesity: Malaysia is No. 1 in Southeast
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 14 Malaysia has the highest obesity rate in Southeast Asia and ranks
sixth in Asia-Pacific region, the Dewan Rakyat was told today.
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said: "We view this matter seriously
because an excessive intake of sugar could lead to various complications including diabetes."
She was replying to a supplementary question from Dr Tan Seng Giaw (DAP-Kepong)
According to a Bernama report, Rosnah said the daily sugar intake among Malaysians was too
high, at 51g, which was above the World Health Organisation recommendation, at 50g.
Of the 1,266 food samples analysed in 2009, 92 samples or 7.3 per cent were found to have too
much sugar.
Last year, 2,004 samples were analysed of which 108 samples or 5.4 per cent were found to
have an excessive amount of sugar, the report said

Progress and prosperity have their drawbacks and unhealthy conspicuous consumption is one of them. The most
common of this is over-indulgence in food. Wealth does make people fatter. In recent studies by the World Health
Organization (WHO), Malaysia was ranked 1
. in South-East Asia (6
. in Asia) for obesity. 60% of Malaysians
aged 18 and above have BMI or body mass index of over 23 - categorizing them as overweight.

Classification BMI (kg/m
) BMI is a measurement
determined by weight and
height and there are different
BMI charts or calculators
applicable for men, women
and children. Also, different
countries might have differed
classifications of what
constitutes obesity. The
classification on the left is
Western Pacific Region of
WHO classification, 2000
(Based on studies showing
Asian have more weight-
related comorbidities
compared to Caucasian at the
same BMI). Your BMI can
easily be calculated from
numerous sites featured on
the Internet offering quick
and accurate calculations.
Underweight <18.5
Normal range 18.5 22.9
Overweight at
23 - 24.9
Obese I 25 29.9
Obese II 30

According to Malaysias Health Ministry, 1 in 6 Malaysians are either overweight or obese but the Selangor
branch of the Malaysian Diabetes Association cited almost one in two Malaysians are either overweight or obese;
and that a recent study showed that 22% of Malaysians above the age of 30 are diabetic.
The New Straits Times in an article dated 15 Oct. 2012, stated that based on a BMI of over 25, there were only
5% obese Malaysians in 1996 rising to 14% in 2006 and 15% by 2012. They also reported that almost 50% of
adult Malaysians are overweight or obese; with about 20% over the age of 30 afflicted by diabetes up from 14%
in 2006; and that another 33% above the age of 30 have high blood pressure; with three in four Malaysians doing
little or no exercise.
Apart from over-eating, many other factors cause obesity. Besides having an over-healthy appetite, over-eating
can be triggered by emotions and habits too. Cyber-era conveniences and creature comforts promote inactivity -
which in turn promotes obesity. Its evident that sedentary lifestyle does affect a broad spectrum of Malaysians.
Genetics and hormonal imbalance can also cause obesity. In addition, obesity can be caused by psychological
pretexts. Low self-esteem caused by being overweight (in the first place), can and often do lead to more eating
as a way of seeking comfort. Also, repeated failures with dieting do erode self-esteem further and this in turn
aggravates upon over-eating.
Stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain can lead to over-eating too. Childhood physical and emotional
abuse; loss of a parent during childhood; marital and family problems have also been known to contribute to
comfort over-eating. Certain medical conditions and medicines such as Cushings syndrome or hypothyroidism;
or taking certain antidepressants or corticosteroids can trigger weight gain.
Alcoholic beverages such as beer and many cocktails contain high calories and where beer-belly is indeed a
common syndrome. Unlike the US where fast food is cheap (hence preferred by the working poor), fast food
eateries are the fair of choice for those with higher disposable incomes in Asia. Consuming American fast foods
can be a hint of ones economic standings but undeservedly, are packed with calories and fats. Considering we
should ideally consume 1,800 2,000cals a day, a typical fast food meal can pack a whopping 1,100cals. A
common double cheeseburger is about 430cals; a serving of medium fries about 360cals; while a cola is about
280cals. Malaysians habitually snack. A portion of nasi lemak is about 700cals. Add a piece of chicken and that
can be 300cals; and teh-tarik is some 90cals. This common snack works out to be some 1,100cals.
In consolation, the key for many is to be diet-conscious and to exercise. Whether you jog, swim, cycle outdoors
or as in the case of beings-of-today, frequent gyms and utilize home exercise equipment, exercise offers
loads of benefits. Discover more than to simply burn calories. As commonly quipped even your skin glows and
you feel as fresh as the morning flower. Essentially, exercise bestows a gamut of health benefits besides
keeping obesity at bay

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