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1he un|f|ed e|ectromagnet|c f|e|d

!" $%&'(& )*&+ ,*-. /*01(.

Cur concern wlLh Lhese maLLers occurred afLer a casual evenL: When we were asked Lo obLaln
a known lnorganlc salL compound ln Lwo varleLles, havlng boLh Lhe same parLlcle slze, buL one
should have a bulk denslLy less Lhan 1.0 g/cm3 and Lhe oLher up Lo 1.23 g/cm3. Cr more.
We dld lL, ln pracLlce, by Lrlal and error. We Lhen observed LhaL Lhe one havlng Lhe lower bulk
denslLy Lhough Lhe same parLlcle slze as Lhe oLher obvlously owed Lhls characLerlsLlc Lo Lhe
elecLrosLaLlc charges of Lhe parLlcles composlng lL, whlle Lhe one havlng a hlgher bulk denslLy,
also evldenLly, because lL occupled a smaller volume, lL had less elecLrosLaLlc charge ln lLs
parLlcles. 1hus ln Lhe flrsL case lL had a blgger emlsslon fleld and, ln Lhe second case, a lower
emlsslon fleld.
As Lhe exlsLence of polarlLy could noL be neglecLed, as lL ls an obvlous characLerlsLlc of maLLer
and we deal wlLh lL every day and we observe lL everywhere. So we asked ourselves whaL does
relaLe Lhem so as Lo flgure ouL one and only descrlpLlon of lL.

LeL us lmaglne we drop a sLone ln a waLer pond from rlghL above (orLhogonally Lo Lhe
surface, as we would be seelng from 90).
- lL wlll produce on Lhe surface of Lhe pond a beauLlful round wave, ln Lhe shape of a
perfecL clrcle, a round noLe C". Clearly an emlsslon fleld (Ll).1haL wave wlll produce
successlve waves around Lhe flrsL wave and wlLh longer radll. 1hose waves wlll form
round cresLs ln beLween (called warps by oLhers) whlch ln muslc are called lnLervals or
gaps ln a developlng ocLave, and called planeLs ln Lhe solar sysLem, where Lhere are
Lwo blgger Lhan Lhe oLhers: ln our example case of decreaslng frequency, as we are
playlng back":
- noLe-lreq.Pz) WavelengLh (cm)
8eLween Lhe noLes: C#0/Ab0 23.96 1320.
8eLween Lhe noLes: C#0/ub0 17.32 1990.
- 1hese gaps, cresL or wraps are caused by Lhe reslsLance, ln our example, of waLer,
and ln general by Lhe medlum or by Lhe lnLerference of oLher waves from dlfferenL
emlsslon sources.
- now, leL us lmaglne we draw on Lhe surface of Lhe clrcle/wave Lwo dlameLers aL
rlghL angles. lL wlll be obvlous LhaL Lhe raLlo beLween Lwo radll, lf we conslder each of
Lhem equal Lo unlLy wlll be CnL.
- As we pondered abouL Lhe consLanLs whlch appear everywhere ln physlcs Lo
descrlbe Lhe dlfferenL phenomena we were lnLeresLed ln, and Lhlnklng whaL could
esLabllsh a relaLlon among Lhem, we found ln lancks equaLlon, LhaL Lhe amounL of
energy L" equals frequency v" mulLlplled by Lhe consLanL whlch bears hls name h" ,
Lhls lasL one he found lL Lo be equal Lo 0.66232 x 10-23!s
- 0.66232, lL seemed us a welrd number by belng an lrraLlonal number, whlch we
suspecLed could lnvolved someLhlng whlch could lead us Lo Lhe deslred relaLlon. 1haL
number, of course, we supposed, was obLalned from acLual experlmenLaLlon.
- ln order Lo know whence lL came, we LhoughL Lo replace lL by a harmonlc number,
roundlng lL Lo 0.6666, LhaL ls equal Lo Lhe raLlo 2/3, whlch ls Lhe lnverse of Lhe perfecL
flfLh 3/2.
- noLe.-1he suspecLed dlfference or lrraLlonallLy beLween 0.66232 and 0.66666 could
be explalned by Lhe acLlon of Lhe local fleld where Lhe lancks experlmenL was done:
Cn Lhe earLh. 1hls glves a 1.98736/3 raLlo and noL Lhe expecLed 2/3 raLlo.
- 1he 2/3 raLlo (free from local lnfluence) lL ls noL a slmple maLhemaLlcal raLlo, buL a
real one, Lhen Lhe expresslon of Lwo forces comblnlng, one whlch goes from Lhe
cenLer Lo Lhe perlphery, ln Lhls case 2 and Lhe oLher opposlng LhaL force, whlch
decreases Lhe resulLanL force, ln Lhls case 3, Lhe flrsL belng Lhe expresslon of Lhe
manlfesLaLlon of Lhe vecLor of Lhe ocLave developlng cenLrlfugally, Lhe oLher Lhe
vecLor opposlng cenLrlpeLally Lo lL from Lhe medla, called by some CravlLy".
- 1he resulLanL force of Lhls Lrlangle of forces ls whaL we see as a wave cresL, a warp,
and, of course we llve on one of Lhese where mass" can be undersLood as Lhe
LranslenL exlsLence of whaL some call a dlscreLe amounL of energy, a quanLa.
As we Lhlnk from dally experlence LhaL everyLhlng ls relaLed Lo polarlLy, Lo lons, Lo
elecLrons and proLons, ln Lhe end Lo LlecLrlclLy, Lhen we went to rev|s|t the
photoe|ectr|c phenomenon, wh|ch we thought |t was a|so wrong|y |nterpreted: It
proved, beyond doubt, the e|ectr|ca| nature of the photon, the |nc|dent UV ||ght on
the e|ectroscope p|ate conta|ned |n |tse|f the energy of the afterwards em|tted
So leL us be clear: lL ls noL LhaL a phoLon" goes ln and and an elecLron" goes ouL. LeL
us sLop calllng names: lL ls energy wh|ch goes |n and energy wh|ch goes out, a hlgher
frequency goes ln and a lower frequency goes ouL, a shorLer wave lengLh goes ln and a
longer wave lengLh goes ouL, of course parL of Lhe energy ls losL as Lhe hlgher
frequency wave lnLeracLs wlLh a lower frequency medlum (Lhe Lransformer core, ln
Lhe case of an elecLrlc currenL Lransformer):

"nC1CN" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "LLLC1kCN" >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

1hus we can stop th|nk|ng |n "part|c|es" of d|fferent "s|zes" and start correct|y
th|nk|ng |n waves of d|fferent |ength.
Wherever Lhere ls such an energy level change we have a Lrlangle of forces, an lnpuL
force fleld" a vecLor, an exLernal fleld (Lhe core" ln Lhe elecLrlc Lransformer) wlLh
whlch lL lnLerplays, Lhe second vecLor, addlng or subLracLlng energy, and Lhe resulLanL
force fleld", of hlgher or lower energy.
Such places of energy lnLerchange are whaL, ln muslc, are called lnLervals" or gaps"

- 1hus, ln Lhe phoLoelecLrlc phenomenon, Lhe uv phoLon was Lhe rlmum Moblle",
llke Lhe sLone ln our example above. AL Lhls polnL, we should emphaslze LhaL, lndeed
as you may Lhlnk, we can have prlmum moblll" (several flrsL forces) of smaller
frequencles, or parLlcles slzes (whaLever you prefer).
- A very lmporLanL phenomenon occurred when Lhe phoLoelecLrlcal acLlvlLy was flrsL
deLecLed: lf Lhe elecLroscope was charged leaves fell, buL when Lhere was a blg
poslLlve" charge ln lL Lhe leaves dld noL fall. 1hls shows LhaL whaL we conslder
negaLlve or poslLlve" ls Lhe resulLanL force of Lhe raLlo of Lhe Lwo forces, or Lhe Lwo
radll ln our example: When, for lnsLance, lLs raLlo ls, say 3/2 Lhen obvlously ls more
Lhan CnL, so lL ls poslLlve", belng Lhe prlmum moblle" force greaLer Lhan Lhe one
whlch opposes Lo lLs movemenL, when lL ls Lhe conLrary, say 2/3, or 0.666, lL ls less
Lhan Lhe unlLy Lhus we can call lL negaLlve", so ln Lhls case, Lhe force opposlng Lhe
flrsL force, ls greaLer Lhan Lhe one whlch sLarLs Lhe movemenL, Lhe prlmum moblle".
1hus we know, also, lf Lhe ocLave ls developlng Loward hlgher or lower plLches".
- now, lf we were Lo observe closely where waves are reslsLed, aL Lhe cresLs, and we
could waLch lL as ln an lnsLanL, we could see Lransversally a clrcle where forces are
acLlng as a Lrlangle of forces lnscrlbed ln lL.

- As surfers on a round wave, ||v|ng a f|eet|ng eterna| and trans|ent |nstant, we
wou|d ca|| that wave of energy "mass", the earth, and the force wh|ch keep us on |t,

We could make a dlgresslon here and Lhlnk LhaL apparenLly all phenomena and reallLy
happens ln beLween 0 and 1, or ln beLween Lhe force=1, and Lhe vold=0, where Lhe
force Lendency ls ever Lo flll Lhe vold. LlLher we could say LhaL reallLy ls encompassed
ln beLween 0 and 9, wlLh 8 dlglLs ln beLween Lhe exLremes: Lhe ocLave.
We have seen LhaL Lhe LM fleld ls such a force, whlch goes from Lhe cenLer Lo Lhe
- 1hen, ln Lhe clrcle we made wlLh our sLone on Lhe waLer pond, Lhe ouLward force ls
Lhe LM fleld, so we can puL lL as sLarLlng from Lhe cenLer, where Lhe sLone fell ln Lhe
waLer, Lhen lf CravlLy lL ls Lhe force whlch opposes Lo lL we can draw lL from Lhe
perlphery Lo Lhe cenLer.
8uL, as Lhe LM fleld lrradlaLes ln every dlrecLlon from Lhe cenLer ouLwards, as Lhe
waves produced by our sLone proves lL, Lhen we can choose Lo draw anyone of Lhem,
Lhen leL's draw an arrow from Lhe cenLer Lo Lhe perlphery buL ln rlghL angles Lo Lhe
one represenLlng CravlLy.
- 1hus we now have a nlce Lrlangle of forces, a square Lrlangle.
- 1he force of CravlLy, Lhe arrow endlng ln Lhe cenLer we know lL ls 9.81, a welrd
number Loo, because lf we ldeally have Lwo equal caLheLus (radll) and we make Lhem
equal Lo 1 each one, Lhen our hypoLenuse would be equal Lo Sqr.2. So lf we reallze
LhaL welrd 9.81 number ls affecLed by Lhe local LM fleld, chances are LhaL lL can really
be equal Lo 10, so we can have each one of Lhe Lwo caLheLl formlng our Lrlangle (radll)
equal Lo 10 and our hypoLenuse would be equal Lo Sqr.200.
- 1hen lf we wanL Lo Lurn our Lroublesome caLheLus, CravlLy, equal Lo Zero, we should
have Lo make Lhe oLher caLheLus equal Lo Lhe hypoLenuse, LhaL's equal Lo
Sqr.200=14.1421, whlch lL would mean LhaL we should have Lo lncrease Lhe ouLward
LM fleld by 41.421 so maklng gravlLy equal Lo zero.
1hen LhaL prlmum moblle" LhaL sLone" ls Lhe flrsL force" whlch has been opposed by a
consLanL and conLrary force, apparenLly from Lhe medlum".
1he forces, Lhe Lwo radll comblne ln a raLlo whlch goes from 0 Lo 1(slne and from -1 Lo 0
1haL, we LhoughL, was Lhe orlgln of Lhe polarlLy of Lhe LM fleld.
8uL.whaL does lL happen when our Lwo lnlLlally opposlng vecLors, approach parallellsm, as
Lhe angle beLween Lhem approaches zero?, each one of Lhem havlng moved ln 90 as
counLed from lLs sLarLlng polnL? 1hey add one anoLher orlglnaLlng LhaL dynamlcally neuLral
force wh|ch we |mag|ne com|ng from "outs|de" com|ng from "out there" as a p|erc|ng
spear wh|ch na|| us to the ground: Grav|ty!
Powever, lf we could see Lhe earLh as a small parLlcle, as one of Lhose of our chemlcal
compound, we could call lL lLs elecLrlcal charge or lLs sLaLlc elecLrlc charge, whlch ls Lhe

When Lhe poslLlve elecLrlc charge of Lhe emlsslon fleld approach unlLy (Lhe slne of 90) and Lhe
negaLlve force approaches zero (coslne of 90), boLh forces assemble equlllbraLed, MASS
(gravlLy) appears, as lL can be seen ln Lhls 1LM plcLure of copper nanoparLlcles , where Lhere ls
a regular arrangemenL, along axls:

1hen, lf we conslder Lhe Lwo forces of a fleld, one Lo Lhe rlghL (+) and one Lo Lhe lefL (-), we wlll
flnd LhaL one approaches (followlng Lhe law of slne) Lhe unlLy=1, Lhe oLher, sLarLlng aL 180
degrees, belng equal Lo -1 approaches (followlng Lhe law of coslne) zero.

So CravlLy ls Lhe sum:
G = s|n y + cos y
G = 1 + 0
Whlch means LhaL Lhe resulLanL force wlll be equal Lo 1, or almosL one, as 0.981 . now, G, Lhe
consLanL, Lhe gravlLaLlonal consLanL, ln newLons equaLlon:
I=G (M1M2)]r2
AcLually represenLs Lhe slne added Lo Lhe coslne of Lhe angle equal Lo 90
G = S|n y + Cos y = 1 - 0 = 1
1he acLual value: 0.981 reveals LhaL Lhe local emlsslon fleld, Lhough small subLracLs lL Lo lLs
measured and known value.
Where M1 and M2 (boLh mass quanLlLles) equals Lhe d|ameter of Lhe clrcles, on a p|ane,
parLlcles or planeLs allke, ln Lhe presenL case = 2, and CravlLy= 1, Lhen lL follows LhaL Lhe LM ln
Lhe case of Lhe LarLh would be Lhe dlfference beLween 0.981- 1.0 = -0.019, Lhus lLs force
would be 1.94 LhaL of gravlLy and opposed Lo lL.
We flnd, also, LhaL when forces are arranged each aL an angle above Lhe horlzonLal belng
equa| to 4S degrees, Lhe resulLanL force wlll be composed of Lwo verLlcal vecLors: Cne from
the per|phery to the center (Grav|ty) and the other, from the center to the per|phery (LM
=S|n y 0 = + 0.70711
M= Cos y = - 0.7011
1hen Lhe resulLanL cenLral vecLor equals a LkMANLN1 MAGNL1, where |ts attract|on |s
Grav|ty (to the center) and |ts repu|s|on |s the LM f|e|d (to the per|phery)
When boLh vecLors are aL an angle lesser Lhan 43:
S|n y < + 0.7011
Cos y < - 0.7011
ln order Lo exempllfy how Lhese phenomena proceed, leL us conslder when on a cerLaln spoL
on Lhe LarLh, lL happens a sudden change ln Lhe acceleraLlon of gravlLy, usually a few
hundredLhs..we have an earLhquake! , and earLhquake llghLs" happen: 8ecause there |s a
sudden var|at|on |n the rat|o on wh|ch those two vectors of oppos|te charges comb|ne or
neutra||ze to be grav|ty, as changlng Lhe leads on a moLor Lo change lL lLs dlrecLlon of Lurn. ln
such cases an arc can happen: Lhe earLhquake llghLs we see.
1hus, we have demonsLraLed LhaL on|y re|at|ve|y neutra| ("buffered") matter exh|b|ts more
consp|cuous|y that a|most neutra| force ca||ed Grav|ty, and |t |s re|at|ve|y more sub[ected to
|t, wh||e more |on|zed (charged) matter |t |s re|at|ve|y more sub[ected to the |oca| LM f|e|d.
We can generallze:
1. When Lhe Lwo polar forces oppose, aL sln 0=0, and Cos 180= -1 ,
Lhe resulLanL fleld ls 100 an LMlSSlCn llLLu.
2. When Lhe Lwo polar forces oppose aL an angle of 43, Lhe resulLanL fleld ls a
MACnL1lC llLLu, composed of Lwo equal and opposlng vecLors: Cne, Lhe aLLracLlon
fleld, CravlLy, golng from Lhe perlphery Lo Lhe cenLer, and belng equal Lo:
= S|n y= + 0.70711
And, Lhe second one, Lhe repulslon fleld, Lmlsslon lleld (LM), golng from Lhe cenLer Lo
Lhe perlphery:
M= Cos y = - 0.7011
3. When Lhe Lwo polar forces oppose aL any oLher angle dlfferenL Lo 0 we wlll always
flnd a compound fleld of Lhree forces: Cne poslLlve, Cne negaLlve and Cne neuLral.
4. 1hus Lhe consLanLs whlch appear as a facLor ln all laws of physlcs, are not constant but
var|ab|es, more prec|se|y CNL var|ab|e, wh|ch corresponds to the add|t|on of the S|n
and the Cos|ne va|ues of the ang|e between the two po|ar forces of the CNL CNL
!/ !1= S|n y + Cos y
6. 1hen Lhe Max lanck equaLlon can be generallzed also:
L= h"
h = S|n y + Cos y
and belng "=C]#
!"#$#% #=D= 2k (two rad||)
1hen: L= (S|n y + Cos y)(C]D)
So D ls Lhe llnk wlLh Lhree dlmenslons lf anyone feels more comforLable wlLh lL. (*)
Cr: L= (S|n y + Cos y)(C]#)
Where C |s the ve|oc|ty of propagat|on (|ts max|mum be|ng the ve||c|ty of ||ght).
And L= (S|n y + Cos y) "

(*)23 &1%41 -& 03%41+-.3% -5.- -54 03*641+4 *+ 73418"9 :4 ;0+- .<.3%&3 -54 :1&38 =&3=4>-*&3 &(
%*6*%*38 14.'*-" *3 ?%*((4143- +-.-4+ &( ;.--41@9 *3 +>4=*.' :.64+ 6+A ?;.++@B C54 &<6*&0+ 3.-014 &(
-54 4'4=-1&3 +"3-54-*D4+ <&-5 84341.' E0.'*-*4+.
lf Lhere would be an observer havlng a slze"(dlmenslon) of Lhousand of llghL years, waLchlng Lhe
earLh, such an observer could conslder Lhe earLh as belng a very small parLlcle, perhaps an
elecLron, and behavlng as such, wlLh lLs characLerlsLlc wave movemenL.
C" ls Lhe veloclLy of llghL, raLher and more exacLly, Lhe veloclLy of propagaLlon of Lhe energy
wave, whlch ls reslsLed and modlfled by Lhe medlum", Lhe oLher flelds lL encounLers. Some have
LhoughL LhaL medlum" ls whaL Lhey call a mysLerlous AeLher", however LhaL AeLher" lL ls Lhe
exLernal force opposlng Lhe developmenL of a wave, as ln Lhe known phenomenon of dlffracLlon of
llghL passlng Lhrough waLer ln a glass:

1he medlum" here ls waLer, of course denser Lan alr, and we see Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe Lwo
medlums"and Lhe Lwo dlfferenL reslsLances Lo Lhe propagaLlon of llghL (energy). 1haL fleld" ln
Lhls case ls a fleld we call waLer".
So, llqulds", sollds", mass" are also flelds wlch affecL Lhe propagaLlon of energy waves. ln
chemlsLry sollds are usually and correcLly called solld soluLlons", where lL ls recognlzed Lhey have
pP and Lhus charge.

LeL us say we have a force, a charge before manlfesLaLlon, before propagaLlon, and we glve lL Lhe
value of CnL (1), say a charged rubbed rod and we Lhen approach lL Lo an empLy whlch we could
asslgn Lhe value of no charge = 0 (a Leyden boLLle condenser), 1" wlll go Lo flll Lhe vold 0", lL wlll
dlscharge ln lL:

now we have a dlscharge", we have a currenL!, golng from 1"Lo flll 0".
lL ls sLaLlc elecLrlclLy"belng dlscharged we all could say, buL leLs sLop our cusLom of calllng energy
by dlfferenL names and waLch LhaL lL does noL go sLralghL ahead as lL ls opposed by Lhe medlum
ouL Lhere", ln Lhls case Lhe aLmosphere, Lhe alr or ln Lhe case of a Solar CML:

1haL ouLer LM fleld ls Lhe lnLerplaneLary LM envlronmenL , LhaL reslsLance Lo lL ls Lhe same as Lhe
one called ln elecLrlclLy elecLrlc reslsLance". 1haL opposlng medlum", LhaL exLernal fleld, LhaL
aeLher", lL ls composed of planeLs, neuLrons, neuLrlnos, whaLever names we can glve Lhem ([usL
Lo confuse ourselves) whlch are flelds of energy Lhemselves.

1hen we can see physlcal reallLy" occurs ln Lhe lnLerval beLween 1 Lo 0 :

Sin Cos
0.000 1.000
0.259 0.966
0.500 0.866
0.707 0.707
0.866 0.500
0.966 0.259
1.000 0.000
0.966 -0.259
0.866 -0.500
0.707 -0.707
0.500 -0.866
0.259 -0.966
0.000 -1.000
-0.259 -0.966
-0.500 -0.866
-0.707 -0.707
-0.866 -0.500
-0.966 -0.259
-1.000 0.000
-0.966 0.259
-0.866 0.500
-0.707 0.707
-0.500 0.866
-0.259 0.966
0.000 1.000

1he followlng graph summarlzes whaL we have Lold before:

ln lL we have lncluded Sln and Coslne values, pP golng from 0 Lo 7 and from 7 Lo 14 and ocLave
frequencles, followlng Lhe same order, Lhus encompasslng all reallLy.
SpreadsheeL aL: hLLp://
As everyLhlng follows Lhe same laws, leL us glve an example of :
1. An elecLrlc condenser: A Leyden boLLle

2. A llghL (lnfrared") condenser: A Lhermlc flask

LasL buL noL leasL, charges are ln lLs Lurn also waves:

(*) FGC7B
C5&085 -54 .<&64 14(41 -& +=.'.1 03*-+9 :5*=5 14('4=- -54 .=-0.' (03=-*&3*38 &( 3.-0149 *3 &1%41 -&
;.H4 4;>*1*=.' =.'=0'.-*&3+ >&++*<'4 :4 ;0+- -1.3+(&1; -54; *3-& E0.3-*-" 03*-+A C50+ :4 ;0+-
=&3+*%41 .3 4E0*6.'43- &( ?;.++@B I5.- :4 :*'' =.'' !"#$%&'( *+ ,&-./'&*$%09 4E0.' -& -54 30;<41 &(
="='4+ =&3-.*34% *3 . 03*- &( +>.=4 J6&'0;4K %01*38 . =41-.*3 -*;4A
= (")
And lL follows LhaL Mass" ls :
m= 1/(")

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