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Name: Shannon Hopson

Lesson Title: 13 Colonies

Subject Area: Social Studies
Grade Level: 5th
Unit Title: Colonial America
GLCEs Common
Core Standard
5 U2.3.1 Locate the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies on a map.
National Geography Standard 3 p. 148)
5 U2.1.2 !escri"e signi#icant de$elopments in the New England colonies, including
religious tensions in Massachusetts that led to the esta"lishment o# other colonies in
New England National Geography Standard 13, p. 169 C, E)
5 U2.1.3 !escri"e signi#icant de$elopments in the Middle %olonies, including the
!utch settlements in New Netherlands, &ua'er settlement in (enns)l$ania, and
su"se*uent English ta'eo$er o# the Middle %olonies
5 U2.1.1 !escri"e signi#icant de$elopments in the Southern colonies, including
esta"lishment o# +amestown National Geography Standard 4, p. 150)
de$elopment o# one,crop economies plantation land use and growing season #or rice
in %arolinas and to"acco in -irginia. National Geography Standard 11, p. 164)
relationships with /merican 0ndians e.g., (owhatan. National Geography Standard
10, p. 162
!ETS"SNETS"T Model digital age work and learning
Teachers e#hibit $no%led&e' s$ills' and %or$ processes representative o( an
innovative pro(essional in a &lobal and di&ital societ)*
a* +emonstrate (luenc) in technolo&) s)stems and the trans(er o( current $no%led&e
to ne% technolo&ies and situations
-here are the Ne% En&land' !iddle' and Southern Colonies Located. -hat are
three $e) di((erences and similarities.
Usin& a teacher created Smart Noteboo$ activit) students %ill identi() the
&eo&raphic location and name the Ne% En&land' !iddle' and Southern
Tools and
Computers %ith Smart Noteboo$
0ationale: Students need multiple interactions %ith comple# ideas to master them* This
activit) &oes be)ond the traditional te#tboo$ (ormat and o((ers students in(ormation
in a variet) o( di&ital methods includin& video* This lesson is set up so that
students can %or$ independentl) %hile the teacher %or$s on small &roup
Sequence of Activities:
Have )ou ever thou&ht about travelin& to another countr). Has an)one been to
another countr). 1Some students ma) have come (rom another countr)2 this %ould
be a &ood time to as$ them about their e#perience travelin& to America*3
Name: Shannon Hopson
4od) o( Lesson
6* /pen the Smart Noteboo$ lesson and vie% it on the Smart 4oard %ith the
%hole class* The (irst three slides %ill be vie%ed as a %hole class*
Subse7uent slides %ill be %or$ed on b) students individuall) throu&hout the
8* -hile on the (irst slide start a discussion*
Teacher" The (irst success(ul En&lish settlement %as in 9amesto%n in 6:;<*
-as this be(ore or a(ter the 5il&rims came to America.
Students" A(ter 1man) students %ill thin$ the 5il&rims %ere the (irst
Teacher- That is a &ood &uess' %hat i( = told )ou there %ere people comin&
(rom Europe to settle in America 5; )ears be(ore the 5il&rims.
Students "No %a)> The pil&rims %ere the (irst Americans*
Teacher- Sometimes %e thin$ o( the 5il&rims as the (irst Americans
because %e learn so much about them %hen %e tal$ about Native Americans
or Than$s&ivin&* 4ut people %ere comin& (rom di((erent parts o( Europe (or
man) )ears be(ore the 5il&rims* The) came (rom Spain' ?rance' S%eden'
Holland and En&land*
@* Clic$ on Slide 6*
Teacher" 0oano$e %as one o( the (irst places settlers tried to establish a
colon)* 1Have students volunteer to read the in(ormation on the slide* Then
sho% the video*3
A* A(ter the video discuss %hat ma) have happened to the colonist (rom
Teacher- -hat do )ou thin$ could have happened to the colonist.
Student" The) moved to the =ndian tribe at Croatoan' the) starved to death'
the) split up and moved a%a)' ma)be the) %ere attac$ed and $illed*
Teacher- Those are all &reat ideas* No one $no%s %hat happened*
Historians have di((erent ideas too* There are some historians still
investi&atin& the 0oano$e colon) toda)*
Name: Shannon Hopson
5* !ove to slide @
Teacher- LetBs %atch the ne#t video about the (irst success(ul En&lish
A(ter %atchin& the video clip about 9amesto%n' have students volunteer to
read the in(ormation on the slide* +iscuss the term cash crop* This is a crop
li$e tobacco' rice' or cotton that are &ro%n and harvested to sell (or pro(it*
:* !ove to slide A
Teacher" Cou %ill %or$ on this slide and the rest o( the slides on )our o%n
throu&hout the %ee$* This slide has a map and some in(ormation about the
5l)mouth Colon)* See there are t%o video lin$s* Cou need to %atch the
videos to learn some in(ormation )ou %ill use in other lessons* Go throu&h
the slides in order and (ollo% the instructions on the slide* !a$e sure )ou
read the slides and %atch an) videos alon& the %a)*
Name: Shannon Hopson
<* !ove to slide 5
Teacher- This slide has a map on it %ith in(ormation about more colonies*
-hat do the directions sa).
Students" Circle Ne% Hampshire and !assachusetts>
Teacher" Ces> /n the ne#t (e% slide )ou %ill read about colonies and circle
their location on the map* 5a) close attention to %here the) are because )ou
%ill have to (ill in )our o%n map on one o( the slides* 0emember to read the
in(ormation on each slide care(ull) because there is a 7uiD at the end o( the
noteboo$ lesson*
E* Allo% students to be&in %or$in&' %hile the teacher meets in small &roups*
Conclusion At the end o( the %ee$ or %hen all students have completed all o( the activities the
class %ill come to&ether to discuss similarities and di((erences bet%een the
colonies* Some o( these include the reasons %h) people came to settle colonies
1reli&ion' business3' t)pes o( industr) 1minin&' (armin&' cash croppin&' (ur trade'
shippin& e#ports and imports3*
Lesson Differentiations:
Simpli(ications: Students could %or$ in pairs to complete the lesson*
E#tensions: Choose a colon) to research (urther* =nclude %ho (irst settled the colon)' %hat their
main source o( income is' %here the) are located' and an) relationships the) have
%ith Native Americans*
Assessment 5iece: The teacher %ill vie% the students completed %or$ on Smart Noteboo$ to assess
their understandin& o( the in(ormation*

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