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2013 E-Teacher Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web Project Report Template
American English Institute, University of Oregon April 12, 2013 R. Elliott and D. Shaw

Building Teaching Skills through the Interactive Web
Project Report

Name: Hernndez Alarcn Tania Ivn Country: Mxico

Overall project goal: Plan and implement a change related to technology
use in your classroom.

Rules to Follow:
1. You must use technology that is new to yousomething youve not used
2. You must identify ONE issue or problem that the use of technology may
help solve
3. You may select no more than two technology tools to solve the one
problem or issue that youve identified
4. As you use the technology in your classroom, keep notes or a journal of
what occurs and how you might change the use of the technology in the

Respond to each of the following areas for your project report.

I. Background 5 points

Who are the learners? Youngsters around 12 to 20 yrs old.

What is the setting? Be sure to mention technology. A Classroom in which
students spend four hours learning English, and the use of slides to show
them information related to English classes. I want to use other kind of
technologies to teach them in a fun and easy way.

What are the course goals? Students acquire the grammar structures of
the course, and vocabulary useful for them.

Why are the students studying English? What will they use English for in their
They are studying English because some of them need to enter the
University and some of them because they are interested in learning
another language. English is a useful language and a really important tool
to them if they want to get a job, or travel overseas, because as we
already know English is the language of business.

Describe anything else that is significant or relevant about the course that
related to your project. The use of different things in technology will help
me and my students to view and have classes in a funny and easy way to
learn English.

2013 E-Teacher Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web Project Report Template
American English Institute, University of Oregon April 12, 2013 R. Elliott and D. Shaw

II. Issue or problem to be addressed that technology can help with. Whats
wrong? 5 points.

The problem is that always reading and listening to the teacher can bore
students. If I use technology to make the classes more dynamic, students will
be able to participate and talk more in classroom and have better
teamwork. They will have confidence in themselves and wont be afraid to
speak in front of a class, and they can learn by having fun.

III. Specific technology solution 5 points

What technology tool(s) did you consider using? Im considering using
different web pages such as go-animate, esl-video, etc; and of course
simple programs like Power Point.

What technology tool did you use to address the problem (can be one or
two tools only)? If you are using websites, include the URLs.


What is your goal for this technology tool? The goal for these tools is to
make students confident and have fun while learning the language.

What do you want your students or this technology to do? I want my
students to feel comfortable when learning, and the technology to be
useful and meaningful for them.

Was this technology new to you? How did you learn about it? Ive never
heard of pages like go-animate, so it was a new experience to me, at the
beginning it was really stressful for me to create videos, but as time goes
by, I started enjoy it. I learn of these web pages at school with our
teacher. Also, Ive heard about Jeopardy, but Ive never done one before
and it was really fun to create and think the questions to the students,
thinking about their reactions when they answer correctly or wrong. The
Jeopardy game was explained by the teacher and it is really interesting.

What did you think might happen when you tried/used the technology
with your students? I think they might feel confused because it will be
something new for them, but I think they will really like it and have fun.

How was this different from what youve done before? It is different
because before classes were not really dynamic, and I could see that
student feel bored, so its a new and refreshing experience.

2013 E-Teacher Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web Project Report Template
American English Institute, University of Oregon April 12, 2013 R. Elliott and D. Shaw

IV. Response and reflection 10 points

Where did you use the technology? In the classroom.
When did you use the technology? I used for a change of environment.
How did you use the technology? I used a Jeopardy game in order to
change the dull environment that was in the classroom.
What happened? How did it go? What were your students
reactions/responses? At the beginning the students were like whatever,
but when they saw topics of interest they were really into it. It was really
fun seeing them having fun.
How was this different from what you thought would happen? I thought
they werent going to respond in a positive way, but I was wrong. They
really had fun and that made me happy.

V. Changes made or changes to make 10 points

If you had a chance to revise what you did and try it again, what changes
did you make? What did you revise? I guess asking them beforehand topics
of their interest would be a great idea, so they will be more comfortable
when participating. I saw that in some topics they were like I dont know any
of this or Boring topic, so that make think of asking them before creating
another Jeopardy game.

VI. Conclusion and suggestions 5 points

How has your teaching changed or how will you change it based on the
results of this project? I think my teaching will change to something more
dynamic and fun. And students will have something to look forward in the

What are the overall suggestions you would give others as a result of your
It is important not to overuse this kind of activities because students will be
more interested in the game rather than the class itself. So we should be
careful when using these activities.

VII. Resources 5 points

Well, in this case my only resource was a classroom we have before, in which
we created our own jeopardy game, and when it was the turn of my
jeopardy, I saw all of my classmates really confused but at the same time
having fun with such challenging questions. I think that help me to decide
using it in the classroom with my students.

2013 E-Teacher Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web Project Report Template
American English Institute, University of Oregon April 12, 2013 R. Elliott and D. Shaw

VIII. Day-to-day notes of what happened and reflections 5 points

Day What Happened My Thoughts

Day 1

I was talking to the other
teacher about a
change of mood in the
classroom, and told her
that Ive brought a
game, she said yes, so I
told the students my
experience beforehand
with the game and
explained the rules. We
divided the group in
boys vs. girls. We spent
like 30 minutes playing.
At the end they were
really happy and
started to pay attention
to the explanation of
grammar structures that
the other teacher was
giving them.

Students were not really
interested at first, but as
the questions started to
gain the interest they
were really willing to
participate and have

I need to be careful
when deciding the
groups, because
sometimes they were a
bit rude to each other.

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