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Hoang 1

Tue Hoang
Paul Donohoe
English 10.6
October 2013
Embarrassment Essay Story Outline
1) Intro:
Lead into the memories spent with the wall, then how the story of the walls downfall relates
to embarrassment moment
2) Story:
- I was taking a nap on summer afternoon beside the wall, waiting for parents to pick up
- A few kids came, woke me up, and then disturbed my peace by their plan of playing the
wall-climbing game
- I reacted by telling them to go away to other place to play their game, my voice being
- The boys, indeed, challenged me back to climb the wall. One of them actually came over
and force me to climb it. I hit him and was hit back hard. Other kids put up pressure on me
that I had to climb the wall. (suspense)
- When I was climbing the wall, half-way to the other side, the boys pulled my pants down ->
embarrassment moment (climax)
- I needed to quickly pull back my pants and jump to the other side to end the scene. Then the
wall fell over unexpectedly onto my body. The other kids were startled and ran away so as to
deny their involvement.
- I later got back up and went home without breathing a word about the story
3) Resolution and conclusion:
- The fallen wall was later found and announced to the whole school. -> lead to conclusion of
the most embarrassing moment ever up to now

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