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To space and back...

What is an orbit?
Orbit is when a space craft
rotates around an object, the
object has to have gravity or
orbit wouldnt work.
How do you get into orbit?
To get into orbit you have to be in a space craft ying lets say directly upwards. When
you go past at least 10,000 feet you will start a gravity turn. A gravity turn is when you
are ying sideways to get into an orbit. You have to be ying sideways fast enough for
when gravity tries to push you back to Earth, you just fall around the side of it! Once your
in that position you can turn the engines off and fall around the Earth!
Space in the late
Back in the 1960s to
the 1990s space travel
was very different to it
is nowadays! Back in
late 1960s N.A.S.A and
other successful space
companies only just
started sending
humans into space!
They did this by
sending them up in
multi-staged rockets
that came apart when
they ran out of liquid
fuel or solid fuel. Now
in the 2000s we
normally send space
planes up and shuttles.
How are astronauts affected by space?
Every astronaut in space is effected by zero gravity. Zero
gravity effects the human body by thinning the bones in
you body from no gravity. Also it can stretch the bers in
your body from the zero gravity. Lastly you dont take in as
much minerals in space.
Guy Martin Tuesday, 10 June, 2014 12:21:30 PM Hong Kong Standard Time

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