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Where am I from?

You will watch a short documentary. Then answer the questions below to
know where I am from.

1. What is the weather like in the video?

2. Where are the people walking through?

3. Where is the man swimming?

4. Where is the woman receiving a massage?

a)In the indoors
b) in the outdoors

5. What animal is swimming in the water?

6. Where are the people snorkelling ?

7. Where do you think the restaurant is?

8. Are the two people in the video walking along:

a) the beach
b) the park
c) the city

9. What animal do you see in the video?

a) A seal
b) A penguin

10. What is the name of the animal with the little girl on the

11. What animal are they fishing?

a) Crabs
b) Shark
c) Octopus

12. What is the man doing on the beach?

a) Telling a story
b) Playing volleyball
c) Swimming

13. What sport are they playing?

11. The father and daughter are.....

a) Sailing a boat and swimming in the sea
b) Sailing a boat
c) Watching Television

12. Can you see a waterfall in the video?

13. Do you know where I am from?

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