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Valentina Gutierrez

Foundation Art
Meghan Healy
May 21, 2014

Foundation Art - EOC Reflection

Over the course of the semester, I have found that I enjoy art very much, even though I
did not love every single project we took on. My favorite project by far was the Abstract
Building assignment. This was one of my favorite projects because I took my time creating the
structure out of cut up cardboard and hot glue. Then, I diligently worked to mask the structure in
paper mach, and then sparkly paint. Ultimately, it was the project I spent the most time on, and
worked with even though I wasnt confident about how it would turn out. I also really enjoyed
the small scale pointillism project because it taught me the importance of value, and how to
strategize the placement of my dots so that my drawing would portray the lights, darks, and
shadows of my chosen animal, the elephant.
Throughout the curriculum, I learned a number of technical skills. For one, I learned the
art of pointillism, which is the technique of drawing or painting smalls dots of one color in order
to create a greater image. On top of this, I learned how to make paper mach, a mix of water,
flour, and a pinch of salt. In addition to this, I learned how to use carbon paper in order to
successfully transfer images from tracing paper onto regular paper.
On top of all the technical art skills Ive acquired and the projects Ive finished, Ive
learned about myself, too. Recently, I learned that I absolutely loathe working with oil pastels
because of the difficult procedure of blending the colors. Furthermore, the final texture does not
quite appeal to my eye. Most importantly, however, Ive learned that I actually enjoy the process
of creating art. Even though the final product is important, its equally important that you enjoy
what youre working on. If it is enjoyable, then it is more likely that the individual will try
harder, and appreciate the final product even more.

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