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Go the Extra Mile

Hello there and welcome. This is Bob Proctor with another Six Minutes to Success. This
morning Im going to take a lesson from Napoleon Hills book, Master Key to Riches.
My son Brian got this copy for me, its an autographed copy. Its been out of print for a
long time. I was looking at this and I thought this is an excellent Six Minute lessonthe
habit of going the extra mile.

Now Im going to read this first paragraph: An important principle of success in all
walks of life and all occupations is a willingness to go the extra mile which means the
rendering of more and better service than that for which one is paid and giving it in a
positive mental attitude. Search wherever you will for a single sound argument against
this principle and you will not find it. Nor will you find a single instance of enduring
success which was not attained in part by its application.

Well you know, Ive been studying Hills work for a long, long time. I turned that into a
habit. I always go the extra mile. I want to do more than Im being paid for. And he
points out, if youre not willing to do more than youre being paid for, youre never
going to earn very much. Go the extra mile.

I want you to think of what youre doing today. Whatever youre doing, make certain
youre going to go the extra mile. Youre just going to give them a little more service; do
a better job; put a little more of you into it. You know if you work at that, you can turn
that into habit if you havent already. And if you do, youre going to find your stocks just
keep going up.

Spend four or five minutes thinking of that. This is Bob Proctor and thank you.

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