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Unit: Taxonomy


1. Classification - the division of organisms into groups or classes based on specific

2. Taxonomy - the science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms

3. Dichotomous Key - an aid that is used to identify organisms that consists of sets of yes
or no questions

4. Kingdom - largest taxonomic group

5. Species - a group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce
fertile offspring

6. Archaebacteria - a kingdom of bacteria that can live in extreme environments

7. Eubacteria - a kingdom that contains all prokaryotes except for archaebacteria

8. Protista - a kingdom of mostly on celled eukaryotic organisms that are different
from plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi

9. Fungi - a kingdom made of non-green, eukaryotic organisms that have no means
of movement, reproduce by spores, and get nutrients by breaking down
substances around them

10. Plantae - a kingdom of complex multicellular organisms that are usually green,
have a cell wall and cellulose, have no means of movement, and use

11. Animalia - a kingdom of complex multicellular eukaryotic organisms that move
around and respond their environment

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