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How often should you exercise?

The frequency of your workouts will depend on your fitness level and your schedule. Beginners should start with about 3 non-
consecutive days of cardio and work their way up to ore frequent sessions. The general guidelines are!
To aintain current fitness level! "-# days a week $at least "% inutes&
To lose weight! # or ore days a week $at least 3% inutes&
To train for a triathlon! 'ou don(t want to know.
But) what if you can(t follow the guidelines? Then do it for however any days you *+ have. ,f you only have two days to
workout $and you(d have to work really really -./00' hard to convince e you can(t find another day to exercise) but
whatever&) then that(s what you do. ,t(s certainly better than nothing.
1eep in ind that if you can(t follow the guidelines) you may have trouble reaching your goals.
,f you can(t do the work required to reach your goals) you have two choices!
2. 3hange your schedule4lifestyle4whatever to accoodate your goal) or
". 3hange your goal
,t(s totally up to you. There(s no super glue binding you to your goals and if you know you can(t $or won(t& do what it takes) then
why lie to yourself? Because) you en5oy living in denial) don(t you? /dit what you(ll really do and ove forward instead of
setting yourself up for failure with goals you know you aren(t going to work for. /nd don(t end your sentences with prepositions6
.nd of lecture.
How hard do you need to work?
+nce you(ve gotten used to exercise $and are up to 3% inutes of continuous oveent& you can start tweaking your
intensity. How hard you work is a crucial factor in your workout because!
How hard you work is directly related to how any calories you burn
-aising intensity is the best way to burn ore calories when you(re short on tie.
,t(s an easy part of your workout to change--all you do is work harder
,t(s easy to onitor with a heart rate onitor or perceived exertion scale
7o how hard should you work? That depends on how long you have to exercise. You want to work at an intensity you can
maintain for the length of your workout.
,n an hour-long workout) keep intensity low so you won(t wear yourself out.
,n shorter workouts) raise the intensity since you(re working out for a shorter period of tie.
'ou can vary the intensity of soe workouts with interval training to burn ore calories
8ake sure you can carry on a conversation.
,f you can(t talk) you(re working too hard.
0earn easy ways to onitor your intensity
9+T.! The target heart rate calculation is 5ust a :;,*.0,9.--not gospel. ,f the calculator says your ax heart rate is 2"%
beats per inute and you(re not even sweating) please feel free to go faster. -eally) , can(t believe , have to explain these
things but , always) always do. 'ou know your body way better than an internet calculator) right? -ight.
Top 10 Most Effective Ab Exercises
<ro =aige >aehner)
'our :uide to .xercise.
FREE 9ewsletter. 7ign ;p 9ow6
Bicycle .xercise
Bicycle .xercise for /bs
The Bicycle exercise is the best ove to target the rectus abdoinis $i.e.) the (six pack(& and the obliques $the waist&)
according to a study done by the /erican 3ouncil on .xercise. To do this exercise correctly!
2. 0ie face up on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head.
". Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the ground without pulling on the neck.
3. 7traight the left leg out to about a #?-degree angle while siultaneously turning the upper body to the right) bringing the left
elbow towards the right knee.
#. 7witch sides) bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.
?. 3ontinue alternating sides in a (pedaling( otion for 2"-2@ reps.
3aptain(s 3hair
The 3aptain(s 3hair is the second ost effective ove for the rectus abdoinis as well as the obliques and can be found in
ost health clubs and gys. To do it right!
2. 7tand on chair and grip handholds to stabiliAe your upper body.
". =ress your back against the pad and contract the abs to raise the legs and lift knees towards your chest.
3. *on(t arch the back and reeber to breathe soothly.
#. 7lowly lower back down and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
.xercise Ball 3runch
.xercise Ball 3runch
The exercise ball is an excellent tool to strengthen the abs and coes out nuber three for working the rectus abdoinis. To
do it right!
2. 0ie face-up with the ball resting under your id4lower back.
". 3ross your ars over the chest or place the behind your head.
3. 3ontract your abs to lift your torso off the ball) pulling the botto of your ribcage down toward your hips.
#. /s you curl up) keep the ball stable $i.e.) you shouldn(t roll&.
?. 0ower back down) getting a stretch in the abs) and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
Bertical 0eg 3runch
Bertical 0eg 3runch
The vertical leg crunch is another effective ove for the rectus abdoinis and the obliques. To do it right!
2. 0ie face up on the floor and extend the legs straight up with knees crossed.
". 3ontract the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor) as though reaching your chest towards your feet.
3. 1eep the legs in a fixed position and iagine bringing your belly button towards your spine at the top of the oveent.
#. 0ower and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
Torso Track
The Torso Track is a tough exercise because it can hurt your back if you(re not careful.
2. :rip the handles of the Torso Track and pull the abs in without holding your breath $as though bracing the&.
". .xhale and glide forward as far as you cofortably can. ,f you collapse in the iddle and feel it in your back) you(ve gone
too far.
3. 3ontract the abs to pull your body back.
#. /dd tension by using ore tension chords.
0ong /r 3runch
This ove) ranked @th in the /3. study) ephasiAes the upper part of the abs. To do it right!
2. 0ie on a at and extend the ars straight out behind the head with hands clasped) keeping the ars next to the ears.
". 3ontract the abs and lift the shoulder blades off the floor.
3. 0ower and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
-everse 3runch
-everse 3runch
,t ay see like the reverse crunch is for the lower abs but) reeber) the rectus abdoinis is one long uscle) so you can(t
separate upper fro lower. To do this ove right!
2. 0ie on the floor and place hands on the floor or behind the head.
". Bring the knees in towards the chest until they(re bent to C% degrees) with feet together or crossed.
3. 3ontract the abs to curl the hips off the floor) reaching the legs up towards the ceiling.
#. 0ower and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
?. ,t(s a very sall oveent) so try to use your abs to lift your hips rather than swinging your legs and creating oentu.
<ull Bertical 3runch
,n a full verticul crunch) you really work the abs by involving both the upper and lower body. To do it right!
2. 0ie on your back and extend the legs up towards the ceiling.
". =lace hands behind your head $lightly cupping it& and contract the abs to lift the shoulder blades off the floor.
3. /t the sae tie) press the heels towards the ceiling) creating a (u( shape with the torso.
#. 0ower down and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
/b -ocker
The /b -ocker $or roller& is nuber C for targeting the rectus abdoinis. To do it right!
2. 7it on the /b -ocker and grab the bars in each hand.
". 3ontract the abs to rock forward.
3. -elease and repeat for 2"-2@ reps.
#. :o slowly to reduce oentu. Try to focus on the abs rather than pushing with the ars.
=lank on .lbows and Toes
The plank exercise ranked nuber 2% in the /3. study and is a great way to build endurance in both the abs and back) as
well as stabiliAer uscles. To do it right!
2. 0ie face down on at resting on the forears) pals flat on the floor.
". =ush off the floor) raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.
3. 1eep your back flat) in a straight line fro head to heels.
#. Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdoinals to prevent your rear end fro sticking up in the air.
?. Hold for "% to @% seconds) lower and repeat for 3-? reps.
How to develop a stronger) flatter idsection
,f you want to develop a strong) flat idsection you arenDt alone. The abdoinal group is one of the ost exercised uscle
groups. However) to develop great abs you need ore than 5ust exercise. 7ure lots of crunches ay give you great tone and
endurance) but to see the best results you need to reduce the layer of body fat and reveal those flat) visible cuts referred to as
(six-pack( abs.
The first key to losing body fat and gaining uscle is with proper nutrition. 'ou need to create a diet that burns slightly ore
calories than consued. Begin by reducing your portion siAes and aintaining a balanced diet of carbs) protein and fat. .ating
several sall eals throughout the day helps any people stay ore satisfied and reduces hunger.
+ther tips for avoiding fat gain include! getting calciu) eating breakfast and eating high fiber foods. 8ake sure you stay well
hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. /lso) be sure not to cut calories too drastically or you could inadvertently lower
your etabolis.
Aerobic Exercise
/erobic exercise is the best way to burn calories and anage $or lose& weight. -educing your calories without exercise will
lead to initial weight loss) but you(ll likely reach a plateau and you ay also lose uscle. / personal exercise plan will get you
past plateaus and can help you aintain uscle.
Abdomina Exercise
<inally) to get defined abs you should perfor specific abdoinal exercises that work all the abdoinal uscles. There are
any exercises you can do to work the abs. Here is a list of 2E different abdoinal strength and toning exercises to find the
ones you like best. There are also soe great products that you can use at hoe. +ne of the better ab tools you can invest in
is an exercise ball. .xercise balls are great for crunches) twists and other oveents. Because you stabiliAe your torso on the
ball you use ore uscles than when perforing standard crunches. <or a list of the best abdoinal exercises see! Best and
>orst /bdoinal .xercises.
!ore Trainin"
'ou can also perfor core stability exercises to iprove your torso strength) balance and stability. 'our core is ade up of
abdoinals) lower back and hips and creates a foundation for all other oveent. These uscles stabiliAe the spine and
create a strong center around which the extreities can ove. / strong core is iportant in every aspect of oveentF
especially power oveents.
3obining a bit of each G good nutrition) aerobic exercise and core specific strengthening G will go a long way to give you
those strong) flat and functional abs.
Nutrition Tips for Stren"t# Trainin"
<ro .liAabeth Huinn)
'our :uide to 7ports 8edicine.
FREE 9ewsletter. 7ign ;p 9ow6
How to <eed 'our 8uscles
,n order to build lean uscle ass you need to cobine an adequate calorie intake with a solid uscle strengthening
progra. / large nuber of calories are needed to fuel both workouts and tissue building. >hile getting enough calories is
iportant) it is also iportant to get the right kind of calories.
3arbohydrate is the predoinant energy source for strength training. 7tored as glycogen in the uscles) it is the fuel used to
supply energy for short) intense bursts of power. The harder and longer you work out) the ore glycogen your uscles
require. +nce these stores of glycogen are gone you energy level will drop and you will have to stop exercise. 7o
3arbohydrate should be a a5or concern of athletes doing strength training exercise in the hopes of building lean uscle.
.xperts recoend at least ?%% to @%% gras of carbohydrate per day to keep your uscle glycogen stores high.
'ou can base your personal requireent on the following forula!
3.@gr carb x body wt$lbs&I gras carb4day
<or a 2#% pound person this is about ?%# gras per day or about ")%%% carbohydrate calories and E"% gras or ")C%%
carbohydrate calories for a "%%-pound person.
=rotein is the basic building aterial for uscle tissue) and strength trainers need to consue ore than the non-exercisers.
However) ost strength athletes still overestiate their protein needs. *aily protein recoendations for serious strength
athletes are about %.@ to %.J gras per pound of body weight. That(s about C% to 22? gras of protein4day for the 2#%-pound
athlete and 2"J to 2@# gras for those weighing "%% pounds.
/fter you(ve et your carbohydrate and protein needs there is roo for fat. <at is an essential nutrient) however) you require a
sall aount of it to reain healthy. 0ess than 3%K of your total daily calories should coe fro unsaturated fat.
,n addition to the regular eight glasses of water every day) you need to drink to replace fluids that are lost during exercise. To
be confident that you are well hydrated before workouts) drink " cups of fluid " hours before exercise. *uring your workout)
drink # to J ounces every 2? to "% inutes. /fter exercise) replace any further fluid losses with 2@ ounces of water. ,f you want
to be precise) you can weigh yourself before and after workouts. <or each pound lost during exercise) you should be drink 2@
ounces of fluid.
Sports drin&s
.nergy bars and sports drinks ay be helpful if exercise lasts longer than 2 hour. 3arbohydrate suppleents can be useful to
help fit adequate carbohydrates into a busy day if you don(t have tie to eat a eal. 3onsuing a eal-replaceent beverage
5ust after uscle-building exercise is convenient but you can do the sae thing with a tuna sandwich) a banana) a bagel or
other real food snack. 'ou should try to consue soe protein and carbohydrate after your workout in order to fuel uscle
growth and replenish glycogen stores for your next workout.
8ost suppleents that are supposed to help build uscle don(t work. But soe) such as creatine) fluid and electrolyte
replacers) carbohydrate suppleents) and liquid eal replacers ay offer soe benefits to strength training athletes.
>hen cobined with a good diet and strength training progra creatine has the potential to produce slightly ore power
during workouts. -esearch has also found that loading creatine into the uscles ay help speed up uscle gain. >hile any
creatine suppleents are available at a price) eat is the best dietary source of creatine. Typical dose for creatine loading is ?
gras of creatine onohydrate four ties per day for ? days. / aintenance dose of " gras per day can follow. Taking ore
than the usual dosage of creatine offers no added benefit. /lso) users should be aware that creatine and other popular
suppleents are sub5ect to little governent regulation) so there is no guarantee that they are pure.
3onsult a registered nutritionist) physician or other health care provider for personal nutritional counseling. This inforation is
not intended as a substitute for appropriate edical treatent.
Fi"#tin" Fat 'ain( Strate"ies T#at !an Ma&e a )ifference
<ro .liAabeth Huinn)
'our :uide to 7ports 8edicine.
FREE 9ewsletter. 7ign ;p 9ow6
Tips for athlete(s who want to avoid weight gain
The /thlete(s 1itchen
by 9ancy 3lark) 8.7.) -.*.
,t(s easy to get fat in /erica. .very day we are confronted with an abundance of delicious food that is easily accessible not
only in restaurants) gas stations and bookstores) but also via drive-thru and hoe-delivery. That(s one reason why the average
/erican gains one to two pounds a year) the equivalent of eating only 2%% to "%% extra daily calories) such as a few extra
+reos) a second handful of chips) or an extra helping at dinner.
7iultaneously) we have engineered exercise out of our lives by building counities with no sidewalks for safe walking) TBs
with reote controls) escalators) and autoatic garage door openers. >e(ve learned to turn to food for cofort when we are
feeling stressed) isolated or lonely. <or any) eating is the only pleasurable part of the dayF life without ice crea can be gri.
But if /ericans keep gaining weight at the sae rate as we have in the past few years) E3 percent of us will be overweight or
obese by "%%J.
Because exercise is an essential key to aintaining a healthy weight) ost athletic people who read this article do not have
serious weight probles. But any ore fight to stay lean) and all of you know soeone-a parent) child) spouse or friend-who
would be healthier if he or she were to lose at least "% pounds. Here are three weight anageent strategies that can help
you and your loved ones iniiAe fat gain and optiiAe desired fat loss without feeling denied or deprived of en5oyable food.
The following doable suggestions can save 2%% to "%% calories per day) enough to ake a difference in your battle of the
Strate"y *1+ Boost your cacium inta&e+
,n 2CJJ) researchers were surprised and fascinated by the results of a study looking at the effect of calciu on blood pressure.
9ot only did the consuption of two cups of yogurt per day contribute to lower blood pressure) but also to 22 pounds of fat
loss in 2" onths-even though the sub5ects had been told to try to aintain weight6 This finding triggered ore research and
today we know!
calciu within the cell regulates fat storage.
a high calciu diet turns ore calories to heat than to body fat.
calciu-rich diets contribute to fat loss in the stoach area.
calciu-rich diets can help iniiAe idlife fat gain.
eating three to four servings of calciu rich dairy foods per day contributes to loss of ore fat and less uscle
copared to dieters who ate less dairy. That is) in a 2" week weight loss study) those who ate three cups of yogurt
per day lost @% percent ore fat than those on a calciu-suppleented diet. $+ther coponents in ilk) such as
high quality protein) ay contribute to this beneficial effect of burning fat while preserving uscle.&
/ growing body of evidence indicates consuing calciu-rich dairy foods three to four ties a day equates to the burning of
about 2%% ore calories of body fat per day--or about 2% pounds of fat per year. 3ertainly) you can get calciu fro nondairy
sources $broccoli) calciu-enriched orange 5uice) suppleents&) but calciu fro $preferably lowfat& dairy foods is ost
,f you balk at the thought of consuing so uch yogurt or ilk) keep in ind you can easily choose cereal with lowfat ilk for
breakfast) have a lowfat yogurt for a idorning or evening snack) and en5oy a lowfat latte for an afternoon energy booster.
+ther options include putting two slices $2.? ounces& of lowfat cheese on a sandwich) cooking oateal with ilk) and yes)
even drinking chocolate ilk for a post-exercise recovery drink) which provides a nice balance of carbs and protein.
:iven that calciu-rich diets are helpful for not only weight anageent but also for regulating blood pressure and keeping
bones strong) you(ll do your health a favor by boosting your calciu intake. The trick to consuing ore calciu-rich dairy is
to be sure the calories are within your daily calorie budget and not excessive. That is) you cannot start to guAAle gallons of ilk
and expect to lose body fat6 <or help with learning how to balance ore ilk and yogurt into your daily diet) , suggest you
consult with a local sports dietitian! go to and put your Aip code into the referral network.
9ext =age --L 7trategy M" and 7trategy M3
-eprinted with perission of the /erican 3ollege of 7ports 8edicine) /378 <it 7ociety$r& =age) 7uer "%%#) p. J-C.
How breakfast and fiber can control fat gain
Strate"y *,+ Eat brea&fast+
/bout #% percent of adults skip breakfast at least four ties a week. /lthough skipping breakfast ay see a good way to
eliinate calories) breakfast skippers tend to be fatter than breakfast eaters. But when people eat a larger-than-noral
breakfast) they end up eating alost 2%% fewer calories by the end of the day) an aount that can curb creeping obesity.
Hence) eating breakfast is one strategy that akes a big difference in weight anageent $to say nothing of sports
perforance&. ,n a group of dieters who have lost and kept off ore than 3% pounds) CE percent are now coitted breakfast
eaters6 They know what works...
Strate"y *-( Eat more fiber and .#oe "rain foods+
<oods that are satiating $i.e.) that fill you to the point you choose to stop eating& are rich in protein $eat) fish) chicken& or
fiber$whole grains) fruits) vegetables&.
:iven that protein often coes along with unhealthy saturated fat $e.g.) cheese) bacon) haburger&) and excess calories of
fatty foods are easily fattening) a wise option is to curb hunger by filling up on fiber-rich foods.
<iber-rich foods also tend to be bulkyF bulk helps proote satiety. That is) you can reduce the calorie content of a casserole by
3% percent by adding bulky vegetables $ushroos) celery) peppers& and people will consue fewer calories without noticing
the difference. /ccording to Barbara -olls) author of The Boluetrics >eight 3ontrol =lan) consuing bulky foods with a high
fiber and water content can help you eat fewer calories. This eans ore fruit) vegetables) soup) beans) legues) bran cereal
$e.g.) Bran 3hex) <iber-+ne&) and whole grain cereals) $e.g.) >heaties) 3heerios) Total&. 3ereal is ore satisfying than equal
calories of a croissant.
:iven the abundance of food in our society) we all need skills to anage the food environent. This eans eating breakfast
and consuing ore calciu) fiber) and whole grains. 7ounds like >heaties is indeed the breakfast of $lean& chapions6
How breakfast and fiber can control fat gain
Strate"y *,+ Eat brea&fast+
/bout #% percent of adults skip breakfast at least four ties a week. /lthough skipping breakfast ay see a good way to
eliinate calories) breakfast skippers tend to be fatter than breakfast eaters. But when people eat a larger-than-noral
breakfast) they end up eating alost 2%% fewer calories by the end of the day) an aount that can curb creeping obesity.
Hence) eating breakfast is one strategy that akes a big difference in weight anageent $to say nothing of sports
perforance&. ,n a group of dieters who have lost and kept off ore than 3% pounds) CE percent are now coitted breakfast
eaters6 They know what works...
Strate"y *-( Eat more fiber and .#oe "rain foods+
<oods that are satiating $i.e.) that fill you to the point you choose to stop eating& are rich in protein $eat) fish) chicken& or
fiber$whole grains) fruits) vegetables&.
:iven that protein often coes along with unhealthy saturated fat $e.g.) cheese) bacon) haburger&) and excess calories of
fatty foods are easily fattening) a wise option is to curb hunger by filling up on fiber-rich foods.
<iber-rich foods also tend to be bulkyF bulk helps proote satiety. That is) you can reduce the calorie content of a casserole by
3% percent by adding bulky vegetables $ushroos) celery) peppers& and people will consue fewer calories without noticing
the difference. /ccording to Barbara -olls) author of The Boluetrics >eight 3ontrol =lan) consuing bulky foods with a high
fiber and water content can help you eat fewer calories. This eans ore fruit) vegetables) soup) beans) legues) bran cereal
$e.g.) Bran 3hex) <iber-+ne&) and whole grain cereals) $e.g.) >heaties) 3heerios) Total&. 3ereal is ore satisfying than equal
calories of a croissant.
:iven the abundance of food in our society) we all need skills to anage the food environent. This eans eating breakfast
and consuing ore calciu) fiber) and whole grains. 7ounds like >heaties is indeed the breakfast of $lean& chapions6
/+ Basic !runc#
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
=lace your fingertips to the side of your head 5ust behind your ears.
=ush your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold.
3url up slowly so both your shoulders lift off the floor a few inches.
Hold for a count of " and return to the start position.
Tip! *on(t clasp your fingers behind your head. *onDt tuck your chin to your chest) keep your head up.
0+ 1af !ur
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
=lace your pals on your thighs and curl up until your fingertips reach your knees as you breathe out. -eturn to the
start position.
Tip! *onDt tuck your chin to your chest) keep your head up.
2+ 3ertica 4e" !runc#
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
=lace your fingertips to the side of your head 5ust behind your ears. NilO =ush your lower back into the floor flattening
the arch and hold.
.xtend your legs straight up in the air) crossed at the ankles with a slight bend in the knee.
3ontract your abdoinal uscles by lifting your torso toward your knees.
8ake sure to keep your chin off your chest with each contraction.
.xhale as you contract upwardF inhale as you return to the starting
5+ Reverse !runc#
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
=lace your fingertips to the side of your head 5ust behind your ears.
3rossing your feet at the ankles) lift your feet off the ground to the point where your knees create a C%-degree angle.
=ush your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold.
'our hips will slightly rotate and your legs will reach towards the ceiling with each contraction.
.xhale as you contractF inhale as you return to the starting position
6+ Aternatin" 7Supermans8
0ie face down on a at with your ars stretched above your head $like superan&
-aise your right ar and left leg about ?-@ inches off the ground $or as far as you cofortably can&.
Hold for 3 seconds and relax.
-epeat with the opposite ar and leg.
9+ $an&
0ie face down on a at with your elbows right next to your chest) pals facing down.
=ush off the floor) raising up onto toes and elbows with pals flat) back flat angling up fro toes to shoulders.
Hold abdoinals tight) and keep your spine neutral.
Tilt your pelvis and contract your abdoinals to prevent your rear end fro sticking up in the air.
Hold for 3% to @% seconds) and then lowerF repeat.
10+ !rossover crunc#es
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
3ross your right leg over your left leg so your right ankle is resting on your left knee.
=lace your fingertips to the side of your head 5ust behind your ears.
Begin a crunch) but twist your torso and touch your left elbow to your right knee.
-eturn to the starting position and repeat for the desired nuber of repetitions before switching over to the other
11+ Side Bends
Holding a dubbell in you right hand) stand with feet shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent.
=lace your left hand behind your head and slowly bend sideways to your right lowering the dubbell down to your
-eturn to an upright position and repeat for the desired nuber of reps.
1,+ Medicine Ba Sit :ps
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Hold a edicine ball $choose a ? pound ball to begin& to your chest and have a partner stand at your feet $not on
=ush your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold.
/s you curl up throw the ball to your partner. Hold the crunch as your partner catches the ball and throws it back to
3atch the ball and slowly return to the start position.
Tip! *on(t sit right the way up as you wait for the return pass. 'our shoulders should be no ore than @ inches
off the floor.
1-+ ;bi<ue !runc#es
NilO 0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
7lowly drop your legs to the left and let your knees rest near the floor.
=lace your fingertips to the side of your head 5ust behind your ears.
=ush your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold.
3url up slowly so both your shoulders lift off the floor a few inches.
Hold for a count of " and return to the start position.
-epeat for the desired nuber of reps and switch to the other side.
1/+ Seated ;bi<ue T.ists .it# Medicine Ba
7it on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Hold a edicine with both hands directly out in front of you) twist to your right and place the ball on the ground
behind you.
Huickly) but soothly) turn to your left to retrieve the ball and repeat for the desired nuber of reps.
-epeat the process for the left side.
Tip! if you have a training partner) sit back to back and pass the edicine to each other.
10+ %ei"#ted !urs .it# Medicine Ba or %ei"#t $ate
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Hold a edicine ball or weight plate to your chest $start with ? pounds&.
=ush your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold.
3url up 5ust enough to lift both your shoulders off the floor a few inches.
Hold for a count of " and return to the start position.
12+ !abe !runc#es
This exercise requires a triceps pushdown achine with a rope attachent.
1neel down in font of the achine holding the rope 5ust above your head.
7lowly crunch down to your right knee and hold for " seconds as you breathe out.
-eturn to the start position slowly and repeat to the left knee.
15+ %ei"#ted ;bi<ue !runc#es
0ie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Hold a edicine ball or weight plate to your chest) $? pounds to start&.
7lowly drop your legs to the left and let your knees rest near the floor.
=lace your fingertips to the side of your head 5ust behind your ears.
=ush your lower back into the floor flattening the arch and hold.
3url up slowly so both your shoulders lift off the floor a few inches.
Hold for a count of " and return to the start position.
-epeat for the desired nuber of reps and switch to the other side.
How to get six-pack abs
The best ab exercises are surprisingly easy to do. / study at the Bioechanics 0ab at 7an *iego 7tate ;niversity looked at a
variety of coon abdoinal exercises in order to deterine what really works. The study copared 23 abdoinal exercises)
ranging fro the traditional crunch to ore coplicated activities) using at-hoe and gy equipent.
.ach of the 23 exercises was ranked for uscle stiulation $easured with .8:& in the rectus abdoinus $the long) flat
uscle extending the length of the front of the abdoen& and the internal and external obliques $the long) flat uscles
extending along the sides of the abdoen at an angle&.
The top three abdoinal exercises were!
2. Bicyce maneuver
0ie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground.
=ut your hands beside your head. Bring your knees up to about a #?-degree angle and slowly go through a bicycle
pedal otion. Touch your left elbow to your right knee) then your right elbow to your left knee. Breath evenly
throughout the exercise.
". !aptain=s c#air
This was one of the few on the Post effectiveP list that involves gy equipent. 7tart with legs dangling and slowly
lift your knees in toward your chest. The otion should be controlled and deliberate as you bring your knees up and
return the back to the starting position.
3. !runc# on an exercise ba
7it on the exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor. 0et the ball roll back slowly and lie back until your thighs and
torso are parallel with the floor. 3ontract your abdoinals raising your torso to no ore than #? degrees. To work
the oblique uscles) ake the exercise less stable by oving your feet closer together.
/ong the equipent studied) the /b -ocker) by Body by Qake) was the worst piece of equipent tested. The /b -oller and
the Torso Track were better than the /b -ocker) but statistically they were not uch better than the basic crunch. The best
piece of equipent was a large exercise ball.
Fu Study Resuts!
Best to .orst exercises for stren"t#enin" t#e rectus abdominus(
2. Bicycle aneuver
". 3aptainDs chair
3. 3runches on exercise ball
#. Bertical leg crunch
?. Torso Track
@. 0ong ar crunch
E. -everse crunch
J. 3runch with heel push
C. /b -oller
2%. Hover
22. Traditional crunch
2". .xercise tubing pull
23. /b -ocker
Best to .orst exercises for stren"t#enin" t#e obi<ues(
2. 3aptainDs chair
". Bicycle aneuver
3. -everse crunch
#. Hover
?. Bertical leg crunch
@. 3runch on exercise ball
E. Torso Track
J. 3runch with heel push
C. 0ong ar crunch
2%. /b -oller
22. Traditional crunch
2". .xercise tubing pull
23. /b -ocker
E 7teps to 7culpting 'our /b 8uscles
,t sees like the ost often asked question when it coes to the sub5ect of getting in shape is! P>hat is the best exercise to
get your abs?P Typically) such question ay be followed by coents like! P, do hundreds of sit-ups and crunches everyday
but , still can(t see the6P or P, do a lot of oblique work but , still have fat on y sidesP.
ABS 101
<irst of all) everyone in this world has abs. /sk any student of college anatoy that has opened up a huan body and
analyAed what is inside. They will tell you that every huan sub5ect had abs.
7o if we all have abs) then how coe we can(t see the? The reason for that is that there is a wall of fat that is preventing
the fro being visible. This leads to the first rule for getting abs!
Step *1( >n ;rder To 'et Abs? @ou Need To )ecrease @our Body Fat $ercenta"e+
There is no Pif(sP or Pbut(sP about this.
Too uch body fat and you won(t be able to see you abs. ,n order for en to start seeing soe of their abs they need to be at
2%K or below. >oen) on the other hands) start to see lines at 23K since woen typically store body fat in other areas such
as the hips and glutes.
'et @our ;.n Body Fat Tester 1ere+++
0ater in this series of articles we will describe how to lower body fat percentage) but for now) suffice it to say) a good nutrition
progra in con5unction with cardiovascular exercise and a good weight training routine that exercises your whole body and
includes abdoinal work are the key to long ter fat loss.
1o. do > train my abs properyA %#at musce ma&e up t#e abdominasA BB
7tep "! .xercise 'our /bs =roperly R ;nderstand /b /natoy
Step *,(To #ave t#e best-oo&in" abs? one needs to exercise t#em correcty and understand abdomina anatomy in
addition to" principe *1+
This principle leads us to the topic of abdoinal anatoy.
Abdomina Anatomy
There /re <our 8ain 8uscle :roups That 8ake ;p The <ull /bdoinal >all!
The Rectus Abdominis (composed of upper and lower abdominals)
The Oblique uscles
The !ntercostal uscles
The "erratus Anterior
Rectus Abdominis Function C Exercises
The uscle that extends fro the top of the pelvis to the sternu is called the rectus abdoinis. This is the priary abdoinal
uscle) which when properly developed $assuing that the person has low enough body fat levels& will give the illusion of a
six-pack. ,ts function is to pull the upper torso towards the hips when the body is only slightly flexed at the waist.
This is the reason why if you are doing a sit-up) any additional torso oveent done past the initial 3% degrees fro the floor
will not stiulate the absF instead the hips will be the ones that will coplete the oveent. Because of this) partial sit-ups
perfored with the torso oving up to 3% degrees and crunches are great allies in our quest to achieve great abs.
However) if you really want to axially stiulate the abdoinals) prevent lower back probles and get the ost Pbang for
your buckP so to speak) then you need to also consider the fact that the anatoy of the rectus abdoinis is such that if you do
not bend your torso backwards by around 2? to "% degrees then you won(t be able to accoplish these things.
7ince the floor only provides a flat surface) not only your abs will not get axial stiulation) but also they will not learn how
to properly contract and protect your back when your body is bent backwards $as is often the case when advanced
bodybuilders perfor exercises like standing ilitary presses&.
The only way to get around this is by investing in a swiss ball $also known as exercise ball&. / swiss ball is a great sall
investent as this apparatus will allow you to get the necessary backwards bend that your torso needs in order to axially
stiulate your abs.
7o because of this) crunches perfored on an exercise ball are the way in which , recoend you perfor this exercise.
'et @our ;.n Exercise Ba 1ere+++
7ince the rectus abdoinis also has uscles in the lower region that help aintain proper postural alignent) it becoes
necessary to include reverse crunches perfored on the swiss ball $ake sure that you hold to a stationary sturdy ob5ect& as
this exercise will allow you to go below the neutral $flat& position.
/nother good lower abdoinal exercise is the hanging leg raises. The key for axial stiulation in this exercise is to roll the
pelvis slightly backwards at the beginning of the oveent.
;bi<ue Musces Function C Exercises
The external obliques are the uscles at the sides of the waist. The external oblique coplex actually consists of three layers
of uscles! the internal obliques) the transverse obliques and external obliques. Together) these uscles contract to tilt the
torso) as well as twist it) fro side to side.
>hile a bodybuilder would not want assive obliques as this would take away fro syetry and give the illusion of a thick
waist) these uscle do need to be trained in order to aintain ideal postural alignent.
/ great exercise for these uscles is the side bends perfored on a swiss ball. /nother exercise that also needs to be
perfored for these uscles in order to exercise its rotating capabilities are the -ussian Twists.
>ntercosta Musces
The intercostals are the uscles of breathing that lie between the ribs and show as bands of uscle angling downward in the
sides of the rib cage and the upper abdoen. The intercostals coe into play by flexing the torso and causing it to twist) so
doing any type of twisting crunch on a swiss ball will stiulate this group axially.
Serratus Musces
The serratus anterior uscles are the finger-like strands of uscle on the rib cage between the front abs and the lats. Their
5ob is to depress the rib cage and also assist in bringing the upper ars fro a position pointing directly up fro the shoulders
to one pointing directly below the shoulders. / good exercise that will stiulate these uscles is the one-ar cable crunches
$using an overhead pulley&.
7teps 3 -? 7ets R -eps) +vertraining) ,ntensity
Step *-( Sets and Reps are dependent upon #o. advanced t#e person is+
,nitially) ab training should 5ust consist of a couple to three oveents at the ost perfored for "-3 sets of as any good
repetitions as the person can do with his4her bodyweight. /s tie goes by and one progresses) ore sets can be added and
repetition paraeters can also be anipulated by adding weights to soe exercises in order to target the fast twitch uscle
fibers in the abs and thus create a six pack with deeper groves in between.
Adding weight to abdominal e#ercises will not give you a bloated stomach look$
Step*/(:ness you are trainin" upper abs one day and abs t#e next Da very advanced tec#ni<ueE? trainin" abs
every day .i typicay ead to overtrainin" t#em+
>hile any advanced bodybuilders and figure girls can train their abs every day for a short period of tie in order to shock the
body part) this typically will lead to overtraining if continued for too long.
Therefore) unless you are doing upper abdoinals one day and lower the next) you are better off training your abdoinals for
no ore than "% inutes at a tie) 3 ties per week on alternating days) such as 8on4>ed4<ri schedule.
Step *0( As one "ets more advanced? repetition tempo Dt#e speed at .#ic# one performs t#e exercisesE can aso be
atered in order to eicit a response+
+ne very neglected variable of training that never gets altered is that one of repetition speed. /s one becoes ore
advanced) a set can always be ade ore challenging by altering the speed at which the positive portion of the oveent is
perfored) the length of the contraction and the speed of the negative portion.
1o. can > ma&e my .aist oo& smaerA BB
7teps @ -E! Training the +bliques R TB/ 8uscle
Step *2( )o not train t#e obi<ues .it# o. repetitions+
;nless you want big sides and a wide waist) then oblique training with low reps should not be an option. High reps in the order
of "?-?% are best. /s a atter of fact) soe people are so genetically gifted that their sides grow fro little oblique work. ,n
this case) oblique work should be copletely taken out.
Step *5( For a smaer .aist? try trainin" t#e T3A musce as .e+
The TB/) or traverse abdoinus) is an abdoinal uscle whose function is not to cause oveent of the spine) but instead
to keep the waist nicely tucked in.
To train it) all you have to do is suck your stoach in. ,( seriousF believe it or not) that is the purpose of that uscle. 7o by
exhaling all of the air out of your lungs and bringing the navel as close as possible to your spine you will be training the TB/
and thus creating the appearance of a saller waist.
Because of the nature of this uscle) it can be trained every day at any tie. Three sets of 3%-second contractions should get
you started.
9ow that you know the E principles of /b7culpting) you can start ipleenting the in your routines. <or now) reeber all
of these principles and that no great abdoinal wall can be created without a caloric deficient diet that consists of several
sall eals $?-J& a day.
$rescription for Fat 4oss
fro Hugo -ivera
E -ules for =eranent <at 0oss R ,ncreased 8uscle Tone
/ P:uest =oseP article by Hugo -ivera
+ne thing that , notice in all the e-ails that , get is that people are really confused about the way to get rid of their body fat.
8any factors contribute to this confusion but the ain one) in y opinion) are the infoercials that appear on T.B. as well as
articles written in agaAines with less than up to date inforation. ,n an effort to eliinate this confusion) this week , will share
the E -ules of <at 0oss that need to be followed in order to achieve axiu peranent fat loss along with increased uscle
Fat 4oss Rues
Fat 4oss Rue *1( !onsume ess caories t#an your body burns for five days a .ee&+
'ou need to consue approxiately ?%% calories less than what your body burns $aintenance aount& as if you do not
create a caloric deficit) no atter what you do) you will not lose fat6 However) it is iportant that over the weekends you
increase your calories by E%% over the aintenance aount.
This is necessary in order to prevent the etabolis fro slowing down.
Fat 4oss Rue *,( Be more concerned .it# t#e .ay you oo& in t#e mirror Dor in picturesE and your .aist siFe rat#er
t#an .it# your tota body .ei"#t in t#e scae+
7cale easureent does not distinguish between the aount of fat and uscle that you have so do not focus only reaching a
particular nuber.
8ost of the tie) the trainees asking the questions tell e that they need to lose anywhere between "%-#% pounds. However) ,
would not be nearly as concerned with the weight as , would be with the way you look in the irror and your waist siAe. The
reason for that is the fact that as you begin your weight training you will start gaining uscle ass. /s you gain uscle ass
you will put weight on. 7o what will happen here is that while your scale will tell you that you are still overweight and that your
weight is not oving) you are actually aking progress as you are losing fat and gaining uscle. Therefore) 5ust concern
yourself with the way you look $pictures are a great way to track this& and stop obsessing about your weight.
Fat 4oss Rue *-( !oncentrate on usin" .ei"#t trainin" exercise? not excessive cardio? for osin" fat+
'es) you heard right. .ven though , constantly hear the line P, will lose the fat first by doing cardio and then gain uscle after
all of the fat is goneP) this is not the best way to lose fat6 The reason for this is that by using cardio as your sole source of
exercise you will lose equal aount of fat and uscle. The end result will be a saller fat version of yourself with a lower
etabolis $due to the uscle loss&. :aining uscle is really the secret to peranent fat loss as the ore uscle you have)
the ore calories you burn at rest on any given day. ,n addition) gaining uscle is the key to achieving the fir good looking
body that everybody wants but dieting and cardio alone will not give.
Fat 4oss Rue */( >f possibe? attempt to exercise first t#in" in t#e mornin" on an empty stomac#+
, really love exercising first thing in the orning on an epty stoach as , always get the quickest fat loss results that way.
The reason for this is that your body(s glycogen reserves have been exhausted due to the overnight fast) so the body has to
rely on burning fats for fuel. Besides) that way , have the rest of the day to eat) recover) and grow. However) if you do not like
to weight train first thing in the orning at least try a quick 2? inute intense aerobic activity $this could be a quick stationary
bike ride or a vigorous walk& as well as ? inutes of abdoinal exercise done in superset fashion. That gives you a total short
"% inute aerobic workout that 5ups starts your fat burning echaniss early in the day.
E -ules for =eranent <at 0oss R ,ncreased 8uscle Tone
Fat 4oss Rue *0( Eat smaer more fre<uent meas t#rou"#out t#e day+
The first thing that ost dieters do is that they start a crash diet where they only eat once or twice a day. /gain) this is a sure
fire way to lose uscle and lower your etabolis. /s we already know) less uscle and a lower etabolis is not the way to
get to your goal.
,n order to keep the etabolis going at full speed and the blood sugar levels under control in order to keep energy levels
high and cravings away) # to @ sall balanced eals a day is the way to go. By balanced what , ean is that each eal
should contain all of the acronutrients $carbs) protein and fats& in a specific ratio. >hile etaboliss differ) , have found that
a ratio of #%-#?K 3arbs) #%-3?K =rotein) and no ore than "%K <ats is generally the best way to go.
This ratio is optial for keeping insulin and blood sugar under perfect control. ,n addition) this ratio creates a favorable
horonal environent that leads to uscle growth and fat loss.
Fat 4oss Rue *2( 4et .ater be your main bevera"e+
Tie and tie again , have noticed that dieters start their diets with a sincere effort and even count all the calories of the foods
that they consue. However) ost totally forget about the fact that fruit 5uices) sodas and other beverages contain calories as
well. Therefore) avoid any type of drink that contains calories and concentrate on drinking plain water instead. By doing this
you will get the following benefits!
'our appetite will be suppressed as water helps control your appetite. 7oeties when you feel hungry after a good eal this
sensation indicates a lack of water. *rinking water at that tie would take the craving away. 'ou will get a etabolic boost as
cold water increases your etabolis. The fat loss process will be operating a full peak as water is needed in order for fat loss
to occur. 'ou will not be drinking unnecessary calories as water has no calories.
Fat 4oss Rue *5( Be preparedG $ac& your meas in advance+ +ne thing that totally kills dieters is going to work. >ork)
however) is not the culprit. The culprit is the lunch hour. ,f the dieter does not pre pack his4her food) lunch coes along and
the person ends up going to the nearest fast food 5oint and exposing theselves to teptation that probably nine out of ten
ties they succub to. Therefore) the best way to stay on the diet $and also avoid losing eals& is to pre pack everything in
such a way that when a eal tie coes) it is relatively easy to have access to the food. /nother advantage of this is that
since the food is pre packed) you will not be adding extra food to the plate. Bonus <at 0oss -ule! :o to bed early and get
adequate rest every night. Two reasons for this! 0ack of sleep increases your horone cortisol) which is a horone that stores
fat and burns uscle $in other words) it does the exact opposite of what you are trying to accoplish&) and decreases your
testosterone levels $which need to be high in order to keep your fat burning4uscle gaining processes going at full speed&.
>hile sleep requireents vary) seven to nine hours of sleep is generally a good rule of thub. The probability of succubing
to late night cravings increases exponentially for every late hour of the day that you stay awake.
The <at 0oss -x
9ow that we(ve covered the E -ules for <at 0oss) here is y prescription for you to lose fat!
:se .ei"#t trainin" as t#e main exercise form in your trainin" routine+ ,f you are starting out) stick to a full body weight
training routine perfored three ties a weekF like 8ondays) >ednesdays and <ridays. 'ou ay want to experient training
first thing in the orning on an epty stoach in order to further accelerate fat loss gains. The key is to reain properly
hydrated with plenty of water before) during and after the workout. :ive it a four week trial and if you 5ust don(t feel good $or it
is not practical based on your schedule& then 5ust train at any convenient tie during the day. ,f you are able to do the weight
training in the orning) then do #% inutes of weights and only 2% inutes of a light bike ride afterwards in order to flush out
the lactic acid in your syste.
:se cardio on t#e days t#at you do not ift .ei"#ts first t#in" in t#e mornin" on an empty stomac#+ /gain) the key thing
is to reain well hydrated.
/lso) liit yourself to no ore than #% inutes. ,f you have been doing cardio for a while now) throw a curve ball at your body
in order to keep it guessing and therefore adapting $in this case) in order to keep the aerobic activity burning fat&. 'ou can
confuse the body by doing " weeks of "% inutes of cardio) then two weeks of 3% inutes and then " weeks of #% inutes.
/fter the last two weeks) repeat the six week cycle. $9ote! 1eep in ind that in order to burn fat while perforing aerobics you
need to keep your heart rate at the fat burning range. 8any people neglect this and therefore) get no benefit out of aerobic
exercise. 'our fat burning range is! N""%-'our /geO x %.E?I -equired beats per inute. 7o as long as you keep your heart rate
at that level) plus or inus 2% beats per inute) you will be burning fat&.
Eat / to 2 meas per day D.omen can "et a.ay .it# / meas but "uys need 0 or 2E+ ;se a ratio of #%-#?K) #%-3?K) and
no ore than "%K fat in every eal.
'et 5 D6 #ours bein" t#e ideaE to 9 #ours of seep eac# ni"#t+ /s we already entioned) lack of sleep increases your
horone cortisol) which is a horone that stores fat and burns uscle $in other words) it does the exact opposite of what you
are trying to accoplish&) and decreases your testosterone levels $which need to be high in order to keep your fat
burning4uscle gaining processes going at full speed&.
:se a "ood Mutipe 3itamin and Minera Formua aon" .it# a protein suppement+The reason for the 8ultiple Bitain
and 8ineral forula is to avoid nutritional deficiencies. The brand , use is the :93 ;ltra 8ega. , buy the on 7uper Tuesday
$so , save "%K off& plus , get two in order to get the second one at half the price $plus the "%K on top of it&. /lso) get yourself a
good Bitain 3 suppleent $, take 3 gras in divided dosages of 2 gra a day&. Bitain 3 is a great cortisol suppressor plus
it helps your iune syste. <inally) the protein suppleent is good as a convenient way to get all of your eals without
having to eat real food all day long.
Ensure t#at you drin& penty of .ater Dbody.ei"#t x 0+22 H ounces t#at you need to drin& every dayE+
No smo&in" or drin&in" aco#o+ Bot# testosterone eves Damon"st ot#er probemsE+ Aco#o in particuar is
"reat for "ainin" fat+
, hope this thoroughly clears all of the confusion associated with losing fat. , wish , could tell you that there is a agic bullet out
there that will ake all of the fat disappear but , can tell you that , have really searched for it and the only one available is 5ust
plain hard work) sart dieting and your deterination to ake it happen. :ood luck with dieting6
.xercise and 0ow 3arb *iets 8ake =oor =artners
Exercise and 4o. !arb )iets Ma&e $oor $artners
fro 3harles -eington
+ver the last twenty five years the ost coon questioned asked e by frustrated exercisers) has been what exercise
routine will get e the body , desire? 8y answer is always the sae. They need to start exercising better 5udgeent and learn
that exercise alone will not solve their body coposition proble. , believe the nuber one reason for starting an exercise
progra is weight reduction) even before fitness and health concerns. .xercise by itself is a poor weight anager and it
increases the need for better nutritional requireents. , believe , would receive very little disagreeent that a cobination of
nutrition and exercise is the answer to iproveent in weight loss $fat loss&) fitness and health risk concerns. >ith obesity
reaching epideic rates and the drop out rate of ost health clubs reaining high this article intent is to lay the foundation
why exercise and low carbohydrate diets are poor partners.
+ver the last three decades , have seen extree changes in the acro nutrients $proteins) carbohydrates and fats&
cobinations in our quests for the ideal body.
.verything fro high carbohydrate) low fat) high protein) to the current low carbohydrate craAe has bobarded us) though the
failure rates in anaging our weight continue to rise. The proble lies in our bodies ability to adapt to change) especially
extree change. ,f your goal is to lose fat you ust provide your uscle enough quality fuel without being over fueled. This is
especially true if your goal to lose fat includes exercise. The secret is not found in eliination of acro nutrients) but in
anageent of the. ;nderstanding how to fuel your uscles prior to exercise sessions and replacing fuel after workouts is
critical or your body will break down uscle for fuel.
;nderstanding how our uscles use the calories we eat as fuel for uscle contraction is the first step in knowing what to do
and not to do. / basic nutritional knowledge tells us that proteins repair and rebuild cells) carbohydrates energiAe cells and
fats provide horonal foundation for cells. >hen we lack balance in protein) carbohydrates and fats are bodies ad5ust and can
use all three as a source of fuel for uscle contraction and cellular energy. Though energy is needed for all cellular function)
the focus of this article is uscle contraction and body coposition. /ll uscle contraction derives energy fro adenosine
triphosphate or /T=. The priary source of /T= coes fro glucose) which is stored in the uscles and liver as glycogen
$glucose and water&. 8uscle contraction during anaerobic activity $ resistance training & can use glycogen directly to for /T=.
The process is anaerobic glycolysis) eaning it can use the glucose as energy with very little oxygen $C%K glucose) ?K
oxygen and ?K fatty acid&. +ur uscles only store enough /T= for short periods of uscle contraction) when depleted this
leads to uscle failure. The rest period between weight training sets allows additional /T= to be produced. *uring early
stages of aerobic exercise) /T= is again created priarily fro glucose until the heart and lungs provide enough oxygen to the
uscles to allow fatty acids to be used to create /T=. 7o there you have it during resistance training and the beginning stages
aerobic training the priary source of fuel is glucose.
This supports y clai that low carb diets and exercise ake poor partners. To uncover why) we need to quickly look at the
concept behind low carb diets and how they work. /ny diet that provides 2%% gras or less of carbohydrate daily. This article
classifies as low carb diet(s. This will quickly deplete the glycogen stores in the uscle and liver. This by itself is testiony that
our uscle(s priary source of fuel is glucose. <atty acids stored in the adipose tissue $fat cells& are now released into the
blood and processed by the liver and soe are turned into glucose $gluconegenesis& and soe reain fatty acids and both
provide /T= for uscle contraction. +ne of the by products of this process is ketone bodies which can provide energy to brain
and nervous syste. The proble gluconegenesis $non glucose turned into glucose& provides fuel to the uscle less
efficiently than glycogenesis $glucose&. The end result is increased uscle fatigue) decreased uscle power) which leads to
poor athletic perforance.
/ recent study perfored at the ;niversity of 3onnecticut showed that exercisers who switched fro a balanced diet $proteins)
carbohydrates and fats& to a low carb diet experience the following drop(s in athletic perforance. There was a E - C percent
drop in uscle power and @ percent drop in B+" ax of cardiovascular perforance. /nother factor to consider is the
recuperation of uscle between workouts is decreased on low carb diets. 7o why would soeone go on a low carb diet)
especially when exercising? Because the initial weight loss that coes fro the glycogen depletion is believed to be fat loss.
>e have becoe so focused on weight loss) that any weight loss is seen as good. /s identified earlier in this article glycogen
is a ixture of glucose and water and the a5ority are stored where? 'ou guessed it) the uscle.
/ large percentage of the initial weight loss is coing fro uscle loss. , don(t think any exerciser desires to have saller
uscles as a result of their exercising. The goal of exercise should be to iprove body coposition) the percentage or ratio of
uscle to body fat. This can only be accoplished by losing fat without the loss of uscle tissue. 8aintaining uscle ass is
vital to sustainable weight control. The following steps will protect your uscles as you are losing fat) while reaching your ideal
weight and ideal body coposition.
Ieys to osin" FAT .it#out osin" M:S!4E
2. 3ycle fat burning days with recovery days.
The secret to losing fat without losing uscle starts with not being too aggressive or extree with your reduction of
carbohydrates. 'ou need carbohydrate anageent) not carbohydrate eliination. +ver the last 2" years) with ore than
2%)%%% clients ,(ve found by reducing carbohydrates by "%K of daily needs and within #J hours replenishing the glycogen in
the uscle by eating 2%%K of daily carbohydrate requireents) allows for fat loss) without uscle loss. ,n essence you have
two fat burning days) then a recovery day. By doing this you(ll have the best of both worlds. 'ou will experience fat loss that
averages between 2-" pounds weekly) while uscles are being well fed. 'ou never drastically deplete the glycogen stores in
the uscle so athletic perforance is not affected like on a low carb diet.
". .xercise on days where you are receiving ore carbohydrates.
.xercising on days where uscle are getting ore carbohydrates for fuel and taking days off fro exercise when you are
being aggressive about fat loss. +ne of the ost difficult thoughts for exercisers to accept is that ost of the results fro
exercise coe when we are not exercising. They coe after we exercise and in direct response to how the uscles receive
nutrition after exercise.
3. .xercise 2.? - " hours after eating when blood sugar levels and insulin levels are slowly declining.
/s insulin levels increase in response to a rise in blood sugar after a eal) the cells are in an anabolic state $receiving
nutrients&. ,nsulin is the horone that feeds are cells. /s blood sugar levels drop) insulin levels drop and the pancreas
produces the horone glucagon and nutrients stored in the fat cells are released to the blood and used for energy. The
anageent of this blood sugar rise and drop is iportant. ,f blood sugar levels go to high insulin feeds the uscle cells and
deposits excess into fat cells. ,f insulin levels go too low) the uscle cells are being under fed. / slow rise in blood sugar
provides good nutrition to the uscles and a slow drop allows glucagon to take fro the fat cells. Tiing your exercise to this
blood sugar decline allows the uscles to receive fro the fat cells ore effectively. ,t is iportant to never exercise without
having at least one eal left in your day so that uscles can recuperate fro exercise.
Fina T#ou"#ts
0ong ter success anaging weight starts with the right approach. ,f you are overweight) the real proble is that you have too
uch body fat for how uch uscle you possess. / body coposition solution is needed) not 5ust a weight loss diet. 'our
goal should be to lose fat without losing uscle or sacrificing your health in the process. To aintain your results your eating
habits ust develop life long character. 0ow carbohydrate diets provide initial weight loss) but at the high cost of losing uscle
and reducing etabolis. They are inadequate sources of fuel to support exercise activity) which is vital in aintaining good
health. The risks to your health long ter akes low carbohydrate diet(s poor solutions for life long weight anageent.
Stren"t#en @our Abs
<ro =aige >aehner)
'our :uide to .xercise.
FREE 9ewsletter. 7ign ;p 9ow6
Beyond The 7ix-=ack
,f , could ban six-packs $or at least the word& fro the earth , would do it in a heartbeat. >hy? Because they(re hard to get for
ost of us and they(re virtually eaningless $except in the often shallow world of beauty and appearance&. >e(re so focused
on washboard abs that we forget the iportance of a strong torso. Here(s what(s going on beyond the elusive six-pack.
%#at @ou Aready Ino. About @our Abs
/b yths siply will not go away no atter how any ties we trainers explain otherwise. These facts bear repeating!
%runches will NOT automatically lead to si#&pack abs$
9ot everyone will be able to achieve washboard abs. :enetics plays a crucial role.
The key to six-pack abs is losing body fat) not doing crunches.
Bisible abs do not equal strength.
7trong abs are strong abs whether there(s fat over the or not.
/bs are no different fro any other uscle in your body.
'ou ust work every part of your torso for coplete fitness--don(t forget your back6
Appearance >sn=t Everyt#in"
, know we all want pretty abs) but let(s ponder the actual function of your abs for a oent. -eebering what your abs
actually do ay help you appreciate the even without the six-pack.
The uscles of your abs stabiliAe your torso to aintain good posture.
7trong abs and back uscles are crucial for preventing lower back in5ury and pain.
.verything you doF walk) bend) sit) stand) reach) and lift) involves your abs and back. ,f your torso isn(t strong or is
ibalanced) you can seriously hurt yourself.
The Transverse /bdoinis $TB/& is often ignored) but is extreely iportant for every day functioning. ,t is unique
in that it contracts before otions of the ars and legs occur to give axiu stability to the spine.
'ettin" T#e Most ;ut of @our Ab %or&outs
/s entioned above) doing hundreds of crunches every day is not the ost effective way to strengthen your abs. 'our
approach to ab workouts should be the sae as any other uscle in your body. 7pecifically!
*o exercises to target /00 of your ab4lower back uscles! TB/ $the =lank&) internal and external obliques $oblique
twists&) rectus abdoinis $bicycle&) and back extensions work your lower back uscles. 'our exercises should
include each of these uscle groups
*o between 2%-2@ repetitions for each exercise. ,f that(s too easy) pay attention to your for. /re you using
oentu? /re you really using your abs or are you incorporating other uscles to help you $like your neck or hip
>ork your abs 3-# ties a week with a day of rest in between.
*o a coplete progra of cardio) strength training and stretching along with your ab routine.
.ating a healthy low-calorie diet with your progra is essential for losing body fat.
9ow that you(re educated on what your abs do and how you should exercise the) check out this abdoinal workout that
includes exercises for the TB/) rectus abdoinis) obliques and the lower back.

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