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[1] Exec-PC BBS. The world's largest BBS is the home BBS of Epic MegaGames.

14.4K Baud (high speed).....414-789-4360

2400 Baud...................414-789-4210
Exec-PC is now available worldwide with local access numbers in
major cities. For more information, call Exec-PC direct with your modem.
[2] CompuServe, the world's largest and most popular online service.
On CompuServe, just GO EPIC to visit the Epic MegaGames forum and
find all Epic games online. Not only can you download Epic's shareware
from CompuServe, but you can also download Epic's full, registered games.
CompuServe is available worldwide with local access numbers in all
major cities. For free sign-up information, call by voice:
USA & Canada 1-800-524-3388 United Kingdom 0800-289-378
New Zealand 0800-446-113 Germany 0130 37 32
Australia 800-025-240 Japan 0120-22-1200
Korea 080-022-7400 Switzerland 155 31 79
France 36-63-81-22 Elsewhere +1 (614) 457-0802

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