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Sermon Notes: The Seven Last Words

Main Text: Truly I say to you, Today you shall be with Me in Paradise. Luke 23:43
Luk 23:39 And one of the hanged criminals blasphemed Him, saying, If you are Christ, save
Yourself and us.
Luk 23:40 But answering, the other rebuked him, saying, Do you not fear God, since you are in
the same condemnation.
Luk 23:41 And we indeed justly so, for we receive the due reward of our deeds, but this Man
has done nothing amiss.
Luk 23:42 And he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.
Luk 23:43 And Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you, Today you shall be with Me in Paradise.
Luke 23:39 And one of the hanged criminals blasphemed Him, saying, If you are Christ, save
Yourself and us.

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