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Module Name : Human Resource Management

Module Code : MGM 309

Module Tutor : Md. Sajjad Hosain
Week : !
"ecture No. : #
"ecture To$ic : Glo%ali&ation and Career Management
Globalization is the tendency of the firms going more and more outside national boundaries.
Basically, the companies going global because of three main reasons-
1. To search for new market for the products and services.
. To utilize the cheap labour force and natural resources of the other countries, and
!. To get the foreign e"pertise of new technology.
The typical e"ample of firms going global is #epsi, $oca $ola and %c&onalds. 'll of the
three companies has a huge market share outside ()' though they have the () origin.
*"patriation is the term used for employees who are send to a foreign country having an
assignment for the firm. +or e"ample, a senior ,- manager of a large multinational firm
could be send to take over the charge of a foreign branch. The main causes for the
e"patriation are as follows-
1. .ack of e"pertise not found in that particular area.
. To keep the control of the centre.
!. To rotate the employees to make them skilled.
Host'Countr* Nationals+HCN,- .arent'Countr* Nationals+.CN, and T/ird'
Countr* Nationals+TCN,
,ost-country nationals/,$01 are the citizens of the country where the firm is operating. +or
e"ample, if a British firm/Gla"o)mith2line1 has a branch in Bangladesh, and it has an
employee from the same country/Bangladesh1, then the employee is a host-country national.
#arent-country nationals/#$01 are the citizens of the country in which the multinational firm
has its head3uarter. +or e"ample, if an 'merican firm has a branch in &ubai/%organ +o"1,
and the firm employs an staff from 'merica, then the employee is a parent-country national.
Third-country nationals/T$01 are the citizens of a country other than the host or parent
country. +or e"ample, if a &utch firm/)hell1 has a branch in $hina, and it employs an staff
from -ussia, then that staff is a third-country national.
4ffshoring is an important international staffing issue. 5t means having local employees
abroad do 6obs that the firm7s domestic employees previously did in-house.
W/* ()$atriate 2ssignments 3ail4
-esearchers are trying for a long time to find out the reason why most of the international
e"patriation fail/around 89:1. Though there is not still any consistent agreement why most of
the e"patriate assignment fail, some reasons are obvious. They are listed below-
Cultural 5i11erence; $ulture is a very important factor for a firm and it has to ad6ust or
compromise if operating in a foreign land. 5t has been evident that most of the foreign
e"patriates failed to understand the foreign culture and subse3uently unsuccessful.
3amil* .ressures; 'n e"patriate with his spouse feels very lonely when they transferred
abroad. 5t is difficult to make close friends, a good environment to pass the spare time. 's a
result, there is a feeling of gloominess among the families and it reflects into the 6ob.
0t/er 6ssues; 'mong other issues, lack of technical skill, political instability, lack of
motivation etc. can be noted as the causes of e"patriate assignments failure.
W/at em$lo*ers can do 1or t/e e)$atriates
$onsidering the above reasons for e"patriates failure, employers might take the
following steps to reduce the reasons that causes the failure.
- To compensate the e"patriate appropriately.
- To pay for e"tra living cost abroad.
- To facilitate 6ob for the e"patriate spouse.
- Train the e"patriate properly about the foreign culture.
- To send only those employees in foreign mission who are interested.
- 'ccommodate the e"patriates when they are back home.
-epatriation is the process of taking back of the e"patriates when their mission is

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