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Reflective journal

In last week in teaching practice, precisely on Wednesday it is a last day in school. First I
attend to the school, this day they didnt make a morning assembly for the students they
gave them one more class at the beginning of the day and learn students something new
and special on it. In this day my MCT came to observe my second observation for the
other class, and my class was a second class. Before the class I greeted my MCT on the
reception until the bell rang, then we go to the class and wait all students to come.
However, my lesson was a last lesson for grade 2 in keyboarding section. That will learn
the location and function of the Shift keys. At the beginning of class, welcoming my
MCT to our class, then I check the attendance and remind them the rules. After that we
make a small activity finding the missing letter to discover the topic of the lesson, and I
make small reviewing for the last lesson. Besides that, I explain for them the shift keys ,
and make for them small challenges to motivate them in the class, then I let them work in
the Rapid typing program. At the end of the class I gave them homework for next class. I
used different method in my class and students to identify the personality of the students
(Harmon, Hansen, Borgen & Hammer, 1994).
The feedback I got it from my MCT about the lesson, I used a good method for them
through my lesson to understanding. But the students was so active , make a misbehaving
, didnt focus with teacher, so tell me I need more work to avoid this misbehaving in my
In next class, I will find the other method and way I can use it for my students to avoid
the misbehaving and noisy in the class, and to get a perfect class.

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