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Shannon Arena Boyce

Date Implemented 11/20/13

PAS, Ms. Settles 3
From Paddy to Table

NCSS Standard III, People Places and Environments

SWBAT describe and order the major steps of how rice is processed IOT demonstrate
understanding of the production of rice.

SWBAT describe and order the major steps of how rice gets from the paddy to the table IOT to
demonstrate understanding of the complexity of how food gets to them

PowerPoint presentation
Map of the World
Premade labels of Uganda, Haiti, Thailand, Australia
Vocabulary Rice Bowl
grains of rice for husk
Rice is Prepared for Packaging handout (1 per table group, pictures and labels already cut out
and in plastic bags)
From Paddy to Table handout (1 per table group, pictures and labels already cut out and in
plastic bags)
Glue sticks-already in table toolkits
Video brought up on Internet-
Video ready on Internet, start at minute 2-

Plan (the numbers correspond to the PowerPoint slide)
Direct Instruction, Part 1 (20 minutes)
1. Youve had three Social Studies lessons with me so far. Raising a silent hand, who can tell me what
the first one was?
Thats right, first we read, Everybody Cooks Rice. Ill take another quiet hand, what did we do next?
Yes, last week we had a lesson about the Origins of Rice, then what?
Great, we also learned about the cultivation of rice. Who can remind me what cultivate means?
Cultivate means to prepare and use land for growing plants.
There are going to be more vocabulary words today, and places to put on the map. I just want to
remind you that I dont need anyone to raise their hand to volunteer to put these up. I will just give
them to someone that is quiet and paying attention.
Ok, so before we get started with todays lesson, I want us to watch this video again to remind us of
how rice is cultivated. Do you remember seeing this video last week? Dont forget that this is a time-
lapsed video. Here that means that three months was condense into a little more than a minute.
2. So, what are the steps in the cultivation of rice? Whats the first step?
The land is prepared.
The rice is planted.
The rice grows.
The rice is harvested.
If they cant remember they can look at the worksheet they did in their team folder as a reminder.
3. Todays lesson is on how the rice gets from the paddy to the table. Who can remind the class what
paddy means?
Paddy-land where rice is grown
So, here I have pictures of two different types of paddies. Whats the word we learned for this one on
the left?
And what do we call this other one?
4. After the rice is harvested it is prepared for packaging. The first step is making sure the rice is dry.
Why do they dry the rice?
If they cant answer because its grown in water, return to previous slide.
In this picture the rice has been spread out in the hot sun, so between the sun and the wind it dries
out. This picture was taken in Uganda. Uganda is a country in Africa, ______ please add it to the map.
5. Once the rice is dried it is transported to a mill.
6. At the mill the rice is cleaned and then the husk is removed. Who has heard that word husk before?
_______where did you hear it?
Reference corn. Same thing here, the husk is the dry external covering. It protects whats on the inside.
________add husk to the bowl please.
Which picture has more rice in it, the one on the left or the one on the right?
Get answer. Do we agree or disagree? Thumbs up, thumbs down while speaking.
Make sure they understand that one on the left equals one of the right. That you dont open up a husk
and get a bunch of grains of rice.
That rice is brown rice.
7. If we wanted to get white rice another layer must be removed.
8. Ok, so lets watch a video of that process.
Did anybody notice in the video that guy who wasnt wearing any shoes? Why is it ok that he doesnt
have shoes on?
The husk has yet to be removed so the stuff that his feet are in will be discarded anyway.

Guided Practice/Assessment, Part 1 (7-10 minutes)
Rice is Prepared for Packaging handout. Similar to hand out they did last week on the cultivation or rice.
Working with their table group, they have to order the steps and match pictures and words. Make sure
they know how much time they have to complete it. (5 minutes)
Have a volunteer come up and show how they ordered them. Class will agree or disagree (2-5 minutes)
Direct Instruction, Part 2 (5-8 minutes)
9. After the rice is packaged its transported
10. So, if rice was grown in India and its going to Australia, how do you think it would get there?
By boat. Lets add Australia to our map.
What about if rice was grown in North Carolina but is going to that Shop and Bag on Walnut Street.
How would it get there?
By truck.
11. After the rice is transported it is bought or traded for. On the left is a picture of rice for sale at an
open air market in Thailand. Thailand is an Asian country located to the south of China. _______please
add it to out map. The picture on the right is rice for sale at a supermarket. That seems a bit more
familiar to me.
Once you buy it at the store, then what?

12. The rice is cooked and eaten

Guide Practice/Assessment, Part 2 (7-10 minutes)
From Paddy to Table handout. Same format as above, with time for sharing out.

Wrap Up
Nice work today, 108. We had a lot to do, but we got it done. So weve learned about the origins of
rice, how rice is cultivated and how it gets from the paddy to the table. Tomorrow we are going to get
started on an activity where you have to bring everything youve learn so far together.

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