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Important points for Current Electricity


1. EMF of a cell can also be defined as the work done in moving a unit positive test charge
from one terminal of cell to another terminal. E = W/Q
EMF of a cell depends only on the nature of electrodes and the nature of electrolytes.

2Terminal potential or voltage is given by V = E - Ir or V = IR
Terminal voltage of the cell decreases linearly with increasing discharging current as
Fig.1, when I = 0, V = E, when V = 0,, I = E/r

3. The variation of potential difference across the two terminals of a cell with variable load
resistance R is as shown

Fig. 2

4.Terminal voltage of a cell being charged increases linealry with charging current as shown
in the fig. 3

Wheatstone's Bridge (metre Bridge)

To find the resistance of unknown wire, the resistance in the other arm should be chosen
such that the balance point P lie near the centre of the wire or near the middle point. We
say metre bridge is more sensitive when all resistances are of the same order.

If we measure very high or very low resistances, the balancing length will be very small,
then the resistances of the connecting metallic strips can not be neglected and the relation
of balance point will not yield correct results.

The appartus will produce errors if it is kept switched on for a long duration because the
wires will heat up.

Before starting the experiment, we must ensure that the galvanometer shows deflection on
both sides. If this is not so, there must be some error in the connections.

Balance point is not affected if we interchange the cell and galvanometer.

Measurement of resistance using meter bridge is more accurate than using Ohm's law


Maximum emf which can be measured by potentiometer is eaula to the potential difference
across the potentiometer wire.

Balancing point can not be obtained if the emf of the driver cell is less than the emf of the
cells whose emf is to be measured. (ii) if positive terminals of all the cells are not connected
to the same point.

A potentiometer measures the exact emf as it does not draw any current from the cell at null
point. A voltmeter does draw some current from the cell how so ever small it may be.

The longer is the potentiometer wire the more is its sensitivity.

A high resistance is some times connected in series with with galvanometer to minimize the
current passing through it to prevent any damage to it however, it does not affect the
balancing length.

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