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Cancer Prevention

Hematology-Oncology Division
Child Health Departement
University of Sumatera Utara

Primary prevention
Health promotion and risk reduction in the
general population so that invasive cancer
does not develop.
Example: smoking cessation, diet and
lifestyle modification and micronutrient
Secondary prevention
Identification and treatment of asymptomatic
persons who already have developed
premalignant or early malignant disease.
Screening : mammography, Pap smears,
flexible sigmoidoscopy
Primary Cancer prevention:

1. Smoking : major cause of cancer of the
lung,larynx,oral cavity and esophagus.,
bladder,kidney,pancreas, uterine cersvix.
Nearly 90% of lung cancer cigarette
Environmental tobacco smoke(passive
smoking) significant cause lung cancer in
nonsmokers. Evidence 30-50 %
increased risk for lung cancer

2. General Dietary

Fruits and vegetables contain anticancer
effects,micronutrients such carotenoid,
phenol,isothyocyanates , indoles
Cruciferous vegetables:
broccoli,cauliflower,brussels sprouts
High fiber : reduced risk colorectal
Limit consumption of red meats, alcohol

Selenium : incidence lung,colorectal,
prostate cancer significantly decrease
Combination beta-carotene, vitamin E,
Selenium : reduced stomach ca

4.Physical activity
Protective breast and colorectal cancer

5.Sunlight exposure (UV radiation)
White population: skin cancer
6.Infectious agents
Helicobacter pylori : gastric Ca , gastric
Hepatitis B/C : HCC
Epstein Barr virus:Burkitts lumphoma,HD,NPC
Human herpes virus B: Kaposi sarcoma
Human Papillomaviruses 16,18: Cervical Ca
Human lymphotropic virus type I(HTLV I)
:Adult T-cell lumphoma/Leukemia
Use of synthetic , chemical or natural agents to
reverse, suppress or lower the rate of
Exp.: 1.NSAD Sulidac : colorectal adenoma , fami
lial adenomatous polyposis coli
2.Tamoxipen, Raloxifene: reduce breast ca

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