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Stefano Mirtis

Analemmatic Sundial
It is my feeling that Time ripens all things; with
Time all things are revealed; Time is the father of

~ Francois Rabelais
Stefanos Blueberries Analemmatic Sundial 038/388
1700, Rome
Francesco Bianchini, G. F. Maraldi, G.
D. Cassini, Analemmatic Sundial
-on commission by the Pope Clement XI; in:
Michelangelo Buonarroti, Basilica di Santa Maria
degli Angeli e dei Martiri-
Analemmatic sundials exploit the fact that the sun
travels in a predictable pattern over the course of
a year called the analemma and trace the
projection of an object's shadow to measure time,
not only the hours, as in normal sundials, but also
weeks and months.
Stefanos Blueberries Analemmatic Sundial 038/388
1700, Rome
Francesco Bianchini, G. F. Maraldi, G.
D. Cassini, Analemmatic Sundial
-on commission by the Pope Clement XI; in:
Michelangelo Buonarroti, Basilica di Santa Maria
degli Angeli e dei Martiri-
Stefanos Blueberries Analemmatic Sundial 038/388
1700, Rome
Francesco Bianchini, G. F. Maraldi, G.
D. Cassini, Analemmatic Sundial
-on commission by the Pope Clement XI; in:
Michelangelo Buonarroti, Basilica di Santa Maria
degli Angeli e dei Martiri-
Stefanos Blueberries Analemmatic Sundial 038/388
1700, Rome
Francesco Bianchini, G. F. Maraldi, G.
D. Cassini, Analemmatic Sundial
-on commission by the Pope Clement XI; in:
Michelangelo Buonarroti, Basilica di Santa Maria
degli Angeli e dei Martiri-
Francesco Bianchini, Diagram of
Sundial in Santa Maria degli Angeli
Stefanos Blueberries Analemmatic Sundial 038/388
-in: De nummo, 1703-
If you like this special sundial, another great one
can be found in Bologna, at San Petronio (designed
by G. D. Cassini).

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