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I. Assignment is in the form of GROUP project
II. The project tem mem!ers cn on"# come from the sme c"ss.
III. Re$%ire& to 'rite pper on compn# of #o%r choice re"ting to (pertions n&
Techno"og# Mngement n& the pper m%st inc"%&e)
*rief o+er+ie' of the compn# !c,gro%n&)
I&entif# the c%rrent (pertions n& Techno"og# Mngement pro!"ems tht the
compn# fces.
-%ggestions for impro+ements n& rtion"e for s%ch s%ggestions.
I.. The formt of the project)
Report formt) Chpter se$%ence
M%st !e net"# t#pe& %sing 'or& &oc%ment
-pcing) 1./
0ont) -i1e 122 Ari" or Time 3e' Romn
3%m!er of pges) 3ot more thn 30 pges2 e4c"%&ing ppen&i4es.
An# references ttche& m%st fo""o' the A5A formt6 ppen&i4es re t #o%r o'n
Co+er pge m%ch inc"%&e %ni+ersit# nme2 s%!ject nme n& co&e2 topic2 3me2
ID2 Co%rse2 gro%p n%m!er n& 0ci"ittor7s nme.
Content n& ""oction of mr,s for the ssignment))
Assesse!" M#$%s
C'*#!+ B#(%,$'-!.
M#)! #(")/)")es
o Define the industry
o Tools used to describe the industry
o Key competitors
C-$$e!" C'*e")"'$s
o Competitors profile
o Competitors competitive offering
o Competitors strategies
o Competitors future strategies and goals
F)$0s C-$$e!" O*e$#")'!s #!. Te(1!'&',+
M#!#,ee!" S)"-#")'!s
o Internal analysis of firms strength &
o Compare firms strength & weakness against
the industrys strength & weakness and its
advantages & disadvantages.
o nderstanding the current operations !supply
chain problem"s# or potential
operations!supply chain problems the firm is
o Identify the problem"s#.
There will be no restriction in the tools use for analysis.
You are free to use any analysis tools you have learned or
found in academic journals, texts or other academic
S"$#"e,+ A!#&+s)s
E+"%te the c%rrent strtegies %se& !# the firm
An"#se n& e+"%te the s%it!"e strtegies
I&entif# the most pp"ic!"e strteg#/ strtegies

Re('e!.#")'! (s)
8o' sho%"& the se"ecte& strtegies !eing
I&entif# the f"o' or steps of imp"ementtion.
0in""#2 e4p"in the rtion" n& the impro+ement
tht "i,e"# to chie+e fter imp"ementtion.
P$'5e(" O$,#!)s#")'!
References 9A5A: 3
Content pge
T'"#& M#$%s 50 #$%s
.. -%!mission of project)
-%!mit to the "ect%rer on the "st &# of the "ect%re.
8r& cop# n& soft cop# 9in form of !%rne& CD: of the project m%st !e s%!mitte& to
the "ect%rer.
B)!.)!, I!s"$-(")'!6
The ssignment sho%"& !e !o%n& %sing "#*e 7)!.)!, 9&o not %se com! !in&ing: 8)"1 "8'
*-!(1 1'&es '! "1e &e9" 1#!. s).e '9 "1e #ss),!e!" for es# fi"ing. 5"ese refrin from
%sing p"stic co+er sheets 'hen !in&ing #o%r ssignment.
L#"e S-7)ss)'! Pe!#&"+ C&#-se
De&"ine for s%!mission of ssessment item9s: is to !e strict"# &here& to. N' e:"e!s)'! of time
'i"" !e ""o'e& e4cept in e4ten%ting circ%mstnces2 e.g. me&ic" resons. -t%&ents 'ho 'ish
to pp"# for e4tension of time for s%!mission of ssessment item9s: fter the &%e &te sh"" p%t
in 'riting the re$%est2 together 'ith +"i&te& &oc%mentr# e+i&ence to s%pport the pp"iction2
to his/her c"ss t%tor. The "ect%rer m# consi&er n& grnt s%ch e4tension of &%e &te for the
ssessment .
An# ssessment item 'hich is s%!mitte& fter the &%e &te2 'itho%t n ppro+e& e4tension2 'i""
!e pen"i1e&. A pen"t# of 40% $e.-(")'! of the m4im%m mr, pp"ic!"e to the ssessment
item9s: 'i"" !e "e+ie& for ech &# of "te s%!mission inc"%si+e of 'ee,en& n& p%!"ic ho"i&#.
Assessment item9s: s%!mitte& more thn se+en 9<: &#s fter the &%e &te 'i"" !e 'r&e& 'ith
1ero 90: mr,s.
The referencing formt for "" st%&ent ssignments n& reserch reports is &pte& from
the Americn 5s#cho"ogic" Assocition 9A5A: st#"e. The fo""o'ing items sho' ho'
+rio%s so%rces of informtion re reference& in the ssignments or reserch reports.
1. =o%rn" rtic"e 'ith +o"%me n& iss%e n%m!ers. It"ici1e the jo%rn" tit"e n& +o"%me
*o#"e2 *. A. 91>><:. A m%"ti?&imension" perspecti+e on s"esperson
commitment. Journal of Business& Industrial Marketing2 129@:2 3/4?3@<.
Mo'&#2 R. T.2 -teers2 R. M.2 A 5orter2 ;. B. 91><>:. The mes%rement of
orgni1tion" commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior2 142 224?22<.
2. *oo,2 t'o %thors.
To""er2 M.2 A 0ie"&ing2 =. 91>>C:. Global business for smaller companies. Roc,"in2
CA) 5rim 5%!"ishing.
3. *oo,2 one %thor.
-e,rn2 D. 92003:. esearch methods for business! " skill building approach
94th e&.:. 3e' Yor,) =ohn Bi"e# A -ons2 Inc.
4. *roch%re 'ith corporte %thor.
*estTemp -tffing -er+ices. 91>><:. "n emplo#er$s guide to staffing services
92n& e&.: E*roch%reF. Den+er) A%thor.
Note: 81e! "1e #-"1'$ #!. *-7&)s1e$ #$e ).e!")(#&; -se "1e 8'$. <A-"1'$=
#s "1e !#e '9 "1e *-7&)s1e$.
/. *roch%re 'ith 'riter.
;'rence2 G. -. 91>>3:. Guidelines for reporting and %riting about people %ith
disabilities 94th e&.: E*roch%reF. 3e' Yor,) Reserch n& Trining Center
on In&epen&ent ;i+ing.
@. 3e'spper rtic"e2 one %thor.
-tn&ish2 E. 91>>>2 =n%r# 1>:. H"o!" mr,et cr%shes (5EC7s &e"icte !"nce
of interest. &all 'treet Journal2 pp. A12 A3.
<. 3e'spper rtic"e2 no %thor)
*%#ing Asin s%pp"ies on the net. 91>><2 0e!r%r# 12:. (os "ngeles )imes2 pp.
C. Compn# nn%" report)
M%t%" *n,. 91>>C:. "nnual report. Gjng2 -e"ngor.
>. Mg1ine rtic"e)
5osner2 M. I. 91>>32 (cto!er 2>:. -eeing the min&. 'cience2 2@22 @<3?@<4.
10. *oo,2 component prt 9Chpter in n e&ite& !oo,:)
G%nt12 -. 91>>C:. Mo+ing !e#on& !enefits. In Rn&o"ph =co!son 9E&.:2 *ur
changing %orkforce 9pp. 213?22<:. 3e' Yor,) Cit&e" 5ress.
11. E&ite& !oo,)
5ennth%r2 A.2 ;eong2 0. T.2 A -ch%ster2 G. 9E&s:. 91>>C:. 't#le and substance of
thinking. 3e' Yor,) 5%!"ishers 5r&ise.
12. *oo,2 no %thor or e&itor)
Merriam+&ebster$s collegiate dictionar# 910th e&.:. 91>>3:. -pringfiie"&2 MA6
13. Disserttion or thesis)
Mor"es2 H. 8. 91>>C:. The economic press%res on in&%stri"i1e& ntions in
g"o!" econom#. 9Doctor" &isserttion2 Dni+ersit# of -n Diego2 1>>C:.
Dissertation "bstracts International2 /22 /43@C?/43<C.
Giren2 R. -. 91>><:. Medical advances and ,ualit# of life. Dnp%!"ishe& &octor"
&isserttion2 (mh -tte Dni+ersit#.
A"mei&2 D. M. 91>>0:. -athers$ participation in famil# %ork! .onse,uences for
fathers$ stress and father+child relations. Dnp%!"ishe& mster7s thesis2
Dni+ersit# of .ictori2 .ictori2 *ritish Co"%m!i2 Cn&.
14. Dnp%!"ishe& pper presente& t meeting or conference)
M#ers2 C. 91>>C2 A%g%st:. /M*s in toda#$s environment. 5per presente& t the
Conference on Me&ic" Ins%rnce -o"%tions2 Chicgo2 I;.
1/. 5rocee&ings p%!"ishe& reg%"r"#)
C#n42 =.2 A Bi""ims2 8. 91>>2:. 8emispheric &ifferences in +in song
&iscrimintion. 0roceedings of the 1ational "cadem# of 'cience2 232
1@. Dnp%!"ishe& mn%script)
5ring"e2 5. -. 91331:. )raining and development in the 435s. Dnp%!"ishe&
mn%script2 -o%thern I""inois Dni+ersit#2 Dimon&"e2 I;.
1<. Artic"e from printe& mg1ine2 repro&%ce& on"ine)
3or'",2 5. 91>>>2 =%"# 1<:. Trining mngers to he"p emp"o#ees ccept
chnge. Business (ine. Retrie+e& =%ne 1<2 20012 from)
http)//'''.!%s" ne's
N'"e: D' !'" e!. # *#"1 s"#"ee!" 8)"1 # *e$)'.; 7e(#-se #!+ s"$#+
*-!("-#")'! )! # *#"1 8)&& 1)!.e$ $e"$)e/#&6
1C. Artic"e from n on"ine mg1ine2 no %thor "iste&)
8o%sing mr,et f%e"e& !# rising cons%mer confi&ence2 "o' rtes. 920032 =%ne
12:. Builder *nline. Retrie+e& A%g%st 112 20042 from http)//'''.!%i"&er
1>. Artic"e from n on"ine ne'spper)
Lino2 =. -. 920032 =%ne 12:. ;erning "itt"e &iscip"ine. .hronicle of /igher
7ducation. Retrie+e& -eptem!er 102 20032 from http)//chronic"!s/
20. Artic"e from printe& jo%rn"2 repro&%ce& on"ine)
Mn# rtic"es on"ine re the e4ct &%p"ictes of their print +ersions. If the e"ectronic
form is i&entic" to the printe& +ersion2 && 'ithin !rc,ets ME"ectronic +ersion.N This
""o's #o% to omit the DR;.
*o'"er2 D. M.2 A Thommen2 E. 92000:. Attri!%tion of mechnic" n& soci"
c%s"it# to nimte& &isp"#s !# chi"&ren 'ith %tism EE"ectronic +ersionF.
"utism2 42 14<?1<1.

A&& the DR; n& &te of ccess if pge n%m!ers re not in&icte&. 0or e4mp"e)
Chtterjee2 -. R.2 A 5erson C. A. ;. 92002:. )rust and managerial transition!
7vidence from three small "sian economies2 >94:. Retrie+e& A%g%st 302
20032 from http)//pro$$&'e!I&i&K2>21<2@@1Asi&K1A0mt
21. Informtion or rtic"e from n Be! site)
8ethfie"&2 -. M. 9200/:. (eadership and sponsorship in action. Retrie+e& =%ne
232 20042 from http)//h%mnreso%rces.!
;o'e2 H. -.2 A -che""en!erg2 H. 9200/:. 7mplo#ees$ basic value proposition!
'trong / strategies must address %ork values. Retrie+e& Mrch /2 200/2
from http)//'''
22. Informtion or rtic"e from n Be! site 'ith no %thor)
)he state of emplo#ee satisfaction. 920042 =n%r#:. Retrie+e& =%"# 2/2 20042
from http)//'''.insightp%""es.cfm
.ustomer service culture and attitudes to%ards .M in 7urope. 9200/2 =n%r#:.
Retrie+e& M# 1/2 200/2 from http)//'''
23. (n"ine informtion or rtic"e from n Be! site 'ith no %thor n& no cop#right or
p%!"iction &te)
7mplo#ee satisfaction surve# items 8 'ample 9ob satisfaction surve# ,uestions
9n.&.:. Retrie+e& 0e!r%r# 1<2 200/2 from http)//emp"o#ee?stisfction.
9: The A5A st#"e recommen&s "isting on"# those 'or,s ct%""# cite& in the te4t2 so
#o% 'o%"& not inc"%&e 'or,s for !c,gro%n& or for f%rther re&ing in the
9!: D( 3(T n%m!er the entries in the Reference section. A"" entries m%st !e m&e
in "ph!etic" or&er.
9c: References !# the s#e #-"1'$ 9or !# the sme t'o or more %thors in the
sme or&er: 'ith the sme p%!"iction #er re rrnge& "ph!etic""# !# the
tit"e 9e4c"%&ing A or The: tht fo""o's the &te. ;o'ercse "ettersP2 !2 c2 n& so
onPre p"ce& imme&ite"# fter the #er2 'ithin the prentheses.
E4mp"es of Reference Entr#)
G%fmn2 =. R. 92001:. Contro" of Q
G%fmn2 =. R. 92001!:. The ro"es of Q
9&: 0or M#&#+ !#es)
i. Enter M"# nme %n&er the first e"ement of his/her nme %n"ess it is ,no'n
tht he/she trets nother e"ement of his/her nme s s%rnme. In tht cse2
enter %n&er the s%rnme. 0or e4mp"e2 -opiee is the s%rnme n& 3or& is the
gi+en nme2
-opiee2 3.
ii. If n !!re+ition is %se& for 'or& &enoting fi"i" re"tionship2 i.e.2 !. for !in2
!t. for !inti2 fo""o' the referencing st#"e s !o+e. 0or e4mp"e2 to reference A"i
!in A&!%""h n& 3'h !inti Ahm&2
A&!%""h2 A. Ahm&2 3.
iii. If nme &oes not h+e the 'or& &enoting fi"i" re"tionship n& #o% &o not
,no' 'hich one is the s%rnme2 enter the nme s fo%n&. 0or e4mp"e2
Ismi" 8%ssien
i+. Ignore the gi+en tit"e of honor2 rn,2 or position. 0or e4mp"e2 to reference 8ji
A!&%" Mji& n& Dto7 -opiee 3or&2
A!&%" Mji& 9If #o% &on7t ,no' 'hich one is the s%rnme.:
-opiee2 3. 9If -opiee is the s%rnme.:
+. If the tit"e of honor2 rn,2 or position is here&itr#2 enter !# the tit"e fist n&
fo""o' !# the nmes fo%n&. 0or e4mp"e2 Dng,%2 -#e&2 3i,2 n& Bn.
Dng,% A!&%" A1i1 Enter s Dng,% A!&%" A1i1 if there is no s%rnme
or if #o% &on7t ,no' 'hich one is the
-#e& 8ssn A"i Enter s A"i2 -. 8. if A"i is the s%rnme.
3i, -fih 3i, Grim Enter s 3i, Grim2 3. -. if 3i, Grim is the s%rnme.
Bn Ahm& A!&%""h Enter s A!&%""h2 B. A2 if A!&%""h is the s%rnme.
9e: 0or C1)!ese !#es2
i. Enter the s%rnme first. 0or e4mp"e2 Bong Mei Mei2
Bong2 M. M.
ii. If nme contins !oth Chinese n& non?Chinese gi+en nmes2 enter the
initi" of non?Chinese gi+en nme !efore tht of the Chinese gi+en nme.
0or e4mp"e2 =ohnn# Chin Gi Bi n& Thoms ;ee Ah *eng2
Chin2 =. G. B.
;ee2 T. A. *.
9f: 0or I!.)#! !#es2
i. If the nme ppers s -%!rmnim 5erism# n& 5erism# is the
s%rnme or fmi"#2 enter s fo""o's)
5erism#2 -.
ii. If the nme ppers s -%!rmnim 5.2 enter the sme s fo""o's)
-%!rmnim 5.
iii. If the nme ppers s -. 5erism#2 enter the sme s fo""o's)
-. 5erism#
1. Pe$s'!#& ('-!)(#")'!s s%ch s inter+ie's2 te"ephone con+erstions2 e?mi"s2
gro%p &isc%ssion2 messges from !%""etin !or&s 9e"ectronic or 'hite !or&:2
"etters2 n& memos 'o%"& not !e "iste& in the reference "ist t "". -%ch cittions
'o%"& pper in the te4t on"#. 5ro+i&e the &te of the person" comm%niction s
e4ct s possi!"e. 0or e4mp"e)
Incresing the ro"e of c!"e compnies in the in&%str# is high on the "ist of the
compn#2 D# C!"e n& Comm%nictions 9Heorgi -tiner2 person"
comm%niction2 Mrch 22 1>>>:.
2. Bhen 'or, hs '$e "1#! "8' #-"1'$s2 cite "" %thors the first time the
reference occ%rs in the te4t. In s%!se$%ent cittions2 inc"%&e on"# the s%rnme of
the first %thor fo""o'e& !# Met ".N 9Insert perio& fter M"N: n& the #er. 0or
F)$s" ()"#")'! )! "1e "e:")
Bi""ims2 -mith2 *r&ner2 n& Rosen 92000: fo%n& tht Q
S-7se?-e!" ()"#")'!s )! "1e "e:")
Accor&ing to Bi""ims et ". 92000: Q
3. 0or n# 'or, 'ith !' #-"1'$ !#e 9s%ch s on"ine rtic"e2 ne'spper2 or
mg1ine rtic"e2 or chpter:2 cite it in the te4t 'ith the first t'o or three 'or&s
from the tit"e n& the #er of p%!"iction. Dse &o%!"e $%ottion mr,s ro%n& the
tit"e n& cpit"i1e the first "etter of ech 'or&. 0or e4mp"e2
Q 9M*%#ing Asin -%pp"ies2N 1>><:
4. 0or 'or,s 'ith ('$*'$#"e #-"1'$s2 the nmes of the corporte %thors re %s%""#
spe""e& o%t ech time the# pper in te4t cittion. 8o'e+er2 some corporte
%thor nmes cn !e spe""e& o%t in f%"" 'hen it is first cite& n& then !!re+ite&
therefter. 0or e4mp"e2
C)"e. )! 9-&& 9'$ #&& ()"#")'!s )! "1e "e:")
Q 9Dni+ersit# of Michign2 2003:
F)$s" ()"#")'! )! "1e "e:")
Q 93tion" Instit%te of Ment" 8e"th E3IM8F2 2001:
S-7se?-e!" "e:" ()"#")'!)
Q 93IM82 2001:
/. To cite specific prt of so%rce s .)$e(" ?-'"#")'!2 in&icte the pge n%m!er
of the so%rce n& !!re+ite the 'or& pge 9p.:2 in &&ition to the %thor7s nme
n& #er. 0or e4mp"e2
MQQN 9Chee, A *%rn2 20042 p. 332:
@. To cite "8' '$ '$e 8'$%s 8)"1)! "1e s#e *#$e!"1eses2
i. If the 'or,s re of the sme %thors in the sme or&er2 rrnge them !# the
#er of p%!"iction.
ii. If the 'or,s re of &ifferent %thors2 rrnge them in "ph!etic" or&er n&
seprte them !# semico"ons. 0or e4mp"e)
Q 9E&e"ine n& Brng"er2 1>>/2 1>>C:
Q 9*"&2 1>>>6 Gmr2 1>>@6 5epper A =ones2 2000:
<. 0or cittion of 'or, &isc%sse& in se('!.#$+ s'-$(e2 #o% 'o%"& gi+e the
secon&r# so%rce in the reference "ist2 n& gi+e cittion for the secon&r# so%rce
in the te4t. 0or e4mp"e2 if McC"e""n&7s 'or, is cite& in Co"thert7s st%&# n& #o%
&i& not re& the 'or, !# McC"e""n&2 "ist the Co"thert7s reference in the
References. In the te4t2 %se s%ch cittion s)
McC"e""n&7s st%&# 9s cite& in Co"thert2 1>>3: s%ggests tht Q
N'"e) Refer to the offici" 'e! site of A5A for more informtion.
L#!,-#,e E:*&#)!e.6
CITI3H mens form""# recogni1ing2 'ithin #o%r te4t2 the reso%rces from 'hich #o%
h+e o!tine& informtion.
*I*I(HRA58Y is the "ist of so%rces #o% h+e %se&.
RE0ERE3CE is the &eti"e& &escription of the item from 'hich #o% h+e o!tine& #o%r
informtion n& cite& in the te4t.

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