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Components of Health Related Fitness

1. Strength--- Muscular strength is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to exert a
maximal force against resistance. Finding a "one rep max" or testing on push-ups is the
measure we used in class.
2. Muscle Endurance--- Muscular endurance is the ability of muscles or groups of
muscles to exert force over a period of time against a resistance less than the maximum
an individual can move. We tested abdominal endurance by doing sit-ups for 1 minute.
3. Cardiovascular Endurance--- Aerobic fitness is the measure of the hearts ability to
pump oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body and the ability to adust to and recover
from physical activity. !he mile run and "A#$% are common tests to this fitness
component. Aerobic fitness should be a priority of any fitness program.
4. Flexibility---the ability of a oint and the muscles and tendons surrounding it to move
freely and comfortably through its intended full range of motion &%'M(. )imply put* it is
the "range of motion available in a oint or a group of oints" !he "sit and reach" can
measure hamstring and lower bac+ flexibility. ,eing flexible allows for easier movement
and can prevent inury.
5. ody Co!"osition--- ,ody composition is the ratio of lean body mass to body fat*
usually expressed in terms of percent body fat. We use a body mass index test to measure
body composition. !his is the least accurate type of test. All you need to +now for this
test is the person-s height and weight. !he body mass index test could also be inaccurate
in a case where a person has a high percentage of muscle mass. !he ,M. test would read
"lease write in complete sentences. /nless the 0uestion as+s you to list your answer.
1. What is muscle strength and how could you test muscle strength1
2. What is muscle endurance1 What are some ways you could wor+ on improving
muscle endurance1
3. Aerobic Fitness is the measure of the hearts ability to pump oxygen-rich blood to
the rest of the body and the ability to adust to and recover from physical activity.
!he mile run is an aerobic fitness wor+out and it one way to test a person4s
cardiovascular endurance. 5ist 3 other activities someone could do to help
improve cardiovascular endurance.
6. What are some benefits of being flexible1 7ame 8 stretches that we do during
warm-ups to help improve flexibility.
8. What is body composition1

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