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CREATWD ON:-24/12/06(S!"#$%
S&'(!&( )*'+'# ,#&)-.
1. diamond will not dissolve in acid. The only thing that can destroy it
is intense heat.
2. A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a
sheet the size of a tennis court.
3. Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.
4. An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire ! miles long.
. "olored diamonds are caused by impurities such as nitrogen
#yellow$% boron #blue$. &ith red diamonds being due to deformities
in the structure of the stone% and green ones being the result of
'. (iamond is the hardest naturally occurring substance% and is also
one of the most valuable natural substances. (iamonds are crystals
formed almost entirely of carbon. )ecause of its hardness% the
diamond is the most enduring of all gemstones. They are among the
most costly *ewels in the world% partly because they are rare% +nly
four important diamond fields have been found , in Africa% -outh
America% .ndia% and the -oviet /nion.
0. .n 110% the -hipping port Atomic 2ower -tation in 2ennsylvania%
the first nuclear facility to generate electricity in the /nited -tates%
went on line. #.t was ta3en out of service in 1142.$
4. .n 1142% in the first operation of its 3ind% doctors at the /niversity of
/tah 5edical "enter implanted a permanent artificial heart in the
chest of retired dentist (r. )arney "lar3% who lived 112 days with
the device.
1. 5ercury is the only metal that is li6uid at room temperature.
1!.5ineral deposits in caves7 The ones growing upward are
stalagmites% the ones growing downward are stalactites.
11.8atural gas has no odor. The smell is added artificially so that lea3s
can be detected.
12.2russic acid% in a crystalline powder called 9y3lon )% was used to 3ill
in :ermany;s gas chambers. The gas would paralyze the victim;s
lungs% causing them to suffocate.
13.-ea water% loaded with mineral salts% weighs about a pound and a
half more per cubit foot than fresh water at the same temperature.
14.Ten per cent of the salt mined in the world each year is used to de,
ice the roads in America.
1.The air we breathe is 04< nitrogen% 21.< oxygen% .< argon and
other gases.
1'.The "hinese were using aluminum to ma3e things as early as 3!!
A( &estern civilization didn;t rediscover aluminum until 1420.
10.The "ullinan (iamond is the largest gem,6uality diamond ever
discovered. =ound in 11!% the original 3%1!! carats were cut to
ma3e *ewels for the )ritish "rown >ewels and the )ritish ?oyal
family;s collection.
14.The largest gold nugget ever found weighed 102 lbs.% 13 oz.
11.The largest hailstone ever recorded was 10. inches in diameter ,
bigger than a bas3etball.
2!.The most abundant metal in the @arth;s crust is aluminum.
21.The only roc3 that floats in water is pumice.
22.The three most common elements in the universe are 1$ hydrogenA
2$ heliumA 3$ oxygen.
23.The /nited -tates government 3eeps its supply of silver at the /-
5ilitary Academy at &est 2oint% 8B.
F! )*'+'# ,#&)-.
1. The @arth is the closest planet to the sun to be orbited by a moon
2. Theodore ?oosevelt was the youngest person ever to be president
of the /nited -tates.
3. .f the earth were the size of an apple% it would feel as smooth as a
billiard ball.
4. +ne horsepower is e6ual to about 04' watts.
. 2residents Andrew >ohnson and )ill "linton were both impeached by
the Couse and ac6uitted by the senate.
'. "atgut is made from sheep% Cog% or Corse intestines% not from cats.
0. .dentical twins do not have identical finger prints.
4. Tigers have striped s3in as well as striped fur.
1. Three people have lost the popular vote but become president by
winning the electoral vote7 >ohn ;Duincy Adams% ?utheford ). Cayes
and )en*amin Carrison.
1!.@agles mate in mid air.
11.Eined up in a row% it ta3es about two hundred million atoms to reach
one inch.
12.A special day for mothers was first proposed by American poet >ulia
&ard Cowe in 1402 and proclaimed a day of national observance by
president &ilson in 111.
13.Traditionally% the third wedding anniversary is called the leather
14.The decathlon events are the triple *ump% the 1!! meter dash% shot
put% high *ump% discus% pole vault% *avelin and 1%!! meter run.
1.5onica Eewins3y bought her infamous blue dress at The :ap.
1'.2in3 hearts% orange stars% yellow moons% and green clover were the
original marshmallow pieces featured in the popular general mills
10.The 1!! years war lasted 11' years% from 1330 to143.
14."apers are pic3led flower buds.
11.The opposite sides of Eas Fegas,standard dice always add up to
2!.The football huddle was first used in the 11th century by a team at
a college for the deaf.
21.G stands for the element potassium on the periodic scale.
22.Alligators are able to out run humans% and can climb trees.
23.(uring the 8eolithic revolution which began some 12%!!! years
ago% agricultural practices first appeared in human settlements all
around the world.
24.&hat was the first fraternity in the /nited -tatesH
2.The whip was the first man,made invention to brea3 the sound
2'.A football team and a soccer team field the same number of
20.+lympus 5ons rises 1' miles above the 5artian surface% ma3ing it
the tallest geological formation 3nown.
24.5argaret Thatcher held the office of prime minister of :reat )ritain
longer than any other person in the 2!th century.
21.Eight travels at 140%!!! miles per second% while sound travels at
1%1!! feet per second.
3!.@arnest Cemingway volunteered in the American ?ed "ross during
the -panish "ivil &ar% where he was wounded from a mortar shell
explosion and subse6uently cared for by an American nurse.
31.The Teddy )ear was named after Teddy ?oosevelt after he refused
to 3ill a defenseless bear cub while on a hunting trip in 5ississippi.
32.-talagmites are the cone shaped deposits that rise from the floor of
a cave. -talactites hand from the roof.
33.Carriet Tuabman a slave% born Araminta ?oss% escaped in 1441% but
secretly returned to slave territory 11 times to lead others including
her own parents to freedom in the north% became 3now as Ithe
5oses of her peopleI.
34.Tal3,show host >erry -pringer was elected mayor of "incinnati by the
largest margin in that city;s history at the age of 33% in 1100.
F*(( -/0*)- )*'+'# ,#&)-.
1. &hen the sport of bas3etball was first invented% the game was
played with a soccer ball.
2. The ?epublican 2arty is often referred to as the :+2% that stands for
:rand +ld 2arty.
3. +n a standard telephone 3eypad% the letters T% /% and F are
matched to the number 4.
4. The "ity of Collywood was founded by a temperance society and
only non,drin3ers were allowed to live there.
. A F4 engine is shaped li3e a IFI and has eight cylinders.
'. 5anhole covers are round because that way they can not fall
through the hole.
0. All insects have 3 pairs of legs. =ree trivia facts.
4. "oc3roaches can live several wee3s without a head.
1. 2olar )ears have blac3 s3in.
1!.Eady :odiva rode na3ed on a horse through the streets of "oventry
to persuade her husband% @arl of 5ercia% to reduce oppressive
11.Cuman sneeze particles have been cloc3ed at more than 1!! miles
per hour.
12.>onas :rumby was the name of the s3ipper on :illigan;s .sland.
13.According to 5s. 2ost% if a soup bowl has two handles% you may use
both hands to raise it delicately to your mouth.
14.(espite being one of the most successful touring bands in history%
the (ead;s only top ten single was 1140;s ITouch of :reyI.
1.Toni 5orrison won the 1144 2ulitzer 2rize for fiction for her novel
I)elovedI% which +pra &infrey made into a movie in 1114.
1'."ontrary to its name% the "ubist art movement was not founded in
"uba% it originated in 2aris in the early 2!th century.
10.@lectric eels can discharge with enough power to 3ill a horse% or
14.&hen facing forward on a ship% starboard is always to the right.
11.The wingspan of a )oeing 040 is longer than the &right brothers;
historic first flight.
1'23( )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!-5(*- #!" ,#&)-.
&hat is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the
A7 A "at.
&hat word appears exactly 003%'12 times in the Ging >ames
A7 Amen.
&hat follows mass as the most popular activity in /.-. "atholic
A7 )ingo.
&hat Arab nation has the highest percentage of "hristiansH
A7 Eebanon.
&hat symbol did -t. 2atric3 use to explain his theory of the Coly
A7 The -hamroc3.
&hat political movement got its name from the hill in >erusalem
boasting the Temple of -olomonH
A7 9ionism.
&hat country boasts the largest number of "atholicsH
A7 )razil.
&hat name has been shared by the most popesH
A7 >ohn.
&hich two wic3ed cities were destroyed by :od in :enesisH
A7 -odom and :omorrah.
&hat two countries claim two,thirds of the world;s 2%!!!,plus
registered saintsH
A7 .taly and =rance.
&hat fruit is depicted in Eeonardo;s East -upper% even though it
did not arrive in the Coly Eand until long after >esus; deathH
A7 The +range.
&hat is there more of in the world, nonreligious people% Cindus
or 5uslimsH
A7 8onreligious people.
&hat former church lady got J0%!!! to let IA "urrent AffairI
televise her wedding in 1113H
A7 Tammy =aye )a33er.
&hat religious movement began with 5artin Euther;s attac3 on
the sale of indulgencesH
A7 The ?eformation.
&hat -audi Arabian city was the birthplace of the prophet
A7 5ecca.
&hat storied city on the @uphrates ?iver was miles south of
A7 )abylon.
&hat biblical place name means IpleasureIH
A7 @den.
&hat city did 8apoleon occupy in 1014% sending 2ope 2ius F. to
the south of =ranceH
A7 ?ome.
&hat church raised millions sellig members
IelectropsychometerI lie detectorsH
A7 The "hurch of -cientology.
&hat nation has 1%!!! permanent inhabitants and produces no
export goodsH
A7 Fatican "ity.
&hat was the world;s principal "hristian city before it fell to the
+ttoman Tur3s in 143H
A7 "onstantinople.
&hat nation;s "atholics saw the 2ope ma3e a triumphant
homecoming visit in 114!H
A7 2oland;s.
&hat animal is mentioned most fre6uently in both the 8ew and
+ld TestamentsH
A7 The -heep.
&hat;s the only 1!! percent "hristian nation on @arthH
A7 Fatican "ity.
&hat biblical epic was the top,grossing movie of the 11!;sH
A7 The Ten "ommandments.
&ho was the first popeH
A7 -t. 2eter.
&hat does an ecclesiophobic evangelist fearH
A7 "hurches.
&hat boo3 did "hristians often place on their foreheads to cure
insomnia in medieval timesH
A7 The )ible.
Cow much time did >onah spend in the belly of the whaleH
A7 Three days and three nights.
According to the )ible% what substance was used to caul3 8oah;s
ar3 and to seal the bas3et in which the infant 5oses was set
adrift on the 8ileH
A7 2itch% or natural asphalt.
&hat language is >esus believed to have spo3enH
A7 Aramaic.
According to the )ible% what weapons was the 2hilistine giant
:oliath carrying when he was slain by (avidH
A7 A sword and a spear% according to . -amuel 1074.
According to the )ible% how many pearly gates are thereH
A7 12 #?evelation 21712,21$.
&hat were the names of the three wise menH
A7 )althazar% "aspar and 5elchior.
&ho were the parents of Ging -olomonH
A7 (avid and )athsheba.
Cow many boo3s of the )ible are named for womenH
A7 Two , ?uth and @sther.
.n the +ld Testament% who was >ezebel;s husbandH
A7 Ahab% Ging of .srael.
F! &0-60307'&#3 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!-5(*- #!" ,#&)-.
Cow long does it ta3e light from the sun to reach the earthH
A7 Approximately 4 minutes and 14 seconds.
Cow far is the moon from the earthH
A7 The actual @arth,5oon distance ranges from about 3'!%!!! to 4!% !!!
3ilometers% depending on the position in the 5oon;s orbit. #223%'14 to
21'' miles$
Cow much bigger is the sun than the earthH
A7 The @arth is about 13 thousand 3ilometers #4!!! miles$ wide% whereas
the -un is roughly 1.4 million 3ilometers #1!!%!!! miles$ across. .f the
-un were a hollow ball% you could fit about one million @arths inside of itK
&hich planet is closest to the sunH
A7 5ercury.
&hat is the name of the most recently discovered planetH
A7 Duaoar.
&hat is the sun made out ofH
A7 The -un is% at present% about 0!< hydrogen and 24< helium by mass
everything else amounts to less than 2<
&hat powers the sunH
A7 =usion% the same as a hydrogen bomb.
Cow old is the sunH
A7 About billion years.
Cow old is the earthH
A7 The earth is about 4. billion years old.
Cow old is the universeH
A7 The /niverse is at least 1 billion years old% but probably not more than
2! billion years old.
&hich planet spins the fastestH
A7 >upiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system rotating on
average once in *ust under 1! hours.
&hich planet spins the slowestH
A7 Fenus is the slowest spinning planet in the solar system. .t rotates only
once every two hundred forty,three @arth days
Cow long is a 5artian yearH
A7 The orbital period of 5ars is '4'.102' days.
(oes the sun rotateH
A7 The movements of the sunspots indicate that the -un rotates once
every 20 days at the e6uator% but only once in 31 days at the poles.
Cow big is the mil3y wayH
A7 The 5il3y &ay is actually a giant% as its mass is probably between 0!
billion and one trillion solar masses% and its diameter is about 1!!%!!!
light years.
&hat is the 5il3y &ayH
A7 The 5il3y &ay is a spiral galaxy.
&hat star other than the sun is closest to the earthH
A7 .t is 2roxima "entauri% the nearest member of the Alpha "entauri triple
star system.
F00" )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
&hat mil3 product did the /.-. Agriculture (epartment propose as a
substitute for meat in school lunches% in 111'H
A7 Bogurt.
&hat brea3fast cereal was -onny the "uc3oo )ird Icuc3oo forIH
A7 "ocoa 2uffs.
&hy was the Animal "rac3ers box designed with a string handleH
A7 The animal shaped coo3ie treats were introduced in 11!2 as a
"hristmas novelty% and pac3aged so they would be hung from the
"hristmas trees.
+n what vegetable did an ancient @gyptian place his right hand when
ta3ing an oathH
A7 The onion. .ts round shape symbolized eternity.
Cow many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an +reo
A7 Twelve. @ach as four petals.
)lac3,eyed peas are not peas. &hat are theyH
A7 )eans
&hat @uropean nation consumes more spicy 5exican food than any otherH
A7 8orway =ood trivia 6uestions and answers.
&hat part of the banana is used to ma3e banana oilH
A7 8o part. )anana oil% a synthetic compound made with amyl alcohol% is
named for its banana,li3e aroma.
/nder what name did the (omino;s 2izza chain get its startH
A7 (om8ic3;s
&hat was margarine called when it was first mar3eted in @nglandH
A7 )utterine
&hat are the two top selling spices in the worldH
A7 2epper is 1st and mustard is second.
&hat was the name of "heerios when it was first mar3eted ! years agoH
A7 "heerioats
&hat flaver of ice cream did )as3in,?obbins introduce to commemorate
Americ;s landing on the moon on >uly 2!% 11'1H
A7 Eunar "heesca3e
&hat is the most widely eaten fish in the worldH
A7 The Cerring
&hat is the name of the evergeen shrub from which we get capersH
A7 The caper bush.
&hat fruits were crossed to produce the nectarineH
A7 8one. The nectarine is a smooth s3inned variety of the peach.
&hat animals mil3 is used to ma3e authentic .talian mozzarella cheeseH
A7 The water buffalo;s.
&hat nation produces two thirds of the world;s vanillaH
A7 5adagascar.
&hy did candy ma3er 5ilton -. Cershey switch from ma3ing caramels to
chocolate bars in 11!3H
A7 "aramels didn;t retain the imprint of his name in summertime%
chocolate did.
&hat was the drin3 we 3now as the )loody 5ary originally calledH
A7 The ?ed -napper% which was its name when it crossed the Atlantic from
Carry;s 8ew Bor3 )ar in 2aris.
&hat was the first commercially manufactured brea3fast cerealH
A7 -hredded &heat.
&hen )irdseye introduced the first frozen food in 113!% what did the
company call itH
A7 =rosted =ood. "ompany officials feared the word frozen would suggest
flesh burns. The name was changed to frozen soon after.
&hat American city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in
the /nited -tatesH
A7 Couston% Texas.
&hat was the first of C.>. Ceinz; I0 varietiesIH
A7 Corseradish% mar3eted in 14'1
&hat is the literal meaning of the .talian word linguineH
A7 Eittle tongues.
&here did the pineapple plant originateH
A7 .n -outh America. .t didn;t reach Cawaii until the early nineteenth
&hat recipe% first published ! years ago% has been re6uested most
fre6uently through the years by the readers of I)etter Comes and
A7 The recipe for hamburger pie% which has been updated and republished
a number of times over the years.
&hat is the only essential vitamin not found in the white potatoH
A7 Fitamin A
F00" )*'+'# 4(-)'0!-(&0!)"8%
D7 &hat food is the leading source of salmonella poisoningH
A7 "hic3en.
D7 &hat company first condensed soup in 1414H
A7 "ampbell;s.
D7 &hat nutty legume accounts for one sixth of the world;s vegetable oil
A7 The peanut.
D7 &hat country saw the cultivation of the first potato% in 2!! A.(.H
A7 -outh America.
D7 &hat type of lettuce was called "risphead until the 112!sH
A7 .ceberg lettuce.
D7 &hat tree gives us prunesH
A7 The plum tree.
D7 &hat type of chocolate was first developed for public consumption in
Fevey% -witzerland in 140H
A7 5il3 "hocolate.
D7 &hat added ingredient 3eeps confectioners; sugar from clumpingH
A7 "orn starch.
D7 &hat edible comes in crimmini% morel% oyster and wood ear varietiesH
A7 5ushrooms.
D7 &hat newly,imported substance caused the first ma*or outbrea3 of
tooth decay in @urope% in the1!!;sH
A7 -ugar.
D7 &hat fat substitute got =(A approval for use in snac3 foods% despite
reports of diarrhea and crampsH
A7 +lestra.
D7 &hat ingredient in fresh mil3 is eventually devoured by bacteria%
causing the sour tasteH
A7 Eactose.
D7 &hat uncoo3ed meat is a trichina worm most li3ely to ma3e a home inH
A7 2or3.
D7 &hat ba3ing ingredient% sprayed at high pressure% did the /.-. Air =orce
replace its toxic paint stripper withH
A7 )a3ing soda.
D7 &hat staple is laced with up to 1' additives including plaster of paris% to
stay freshH
A7 )read.
D7 &hat falling fruit supposedly inspired .saac 8ewton to write the laws of
A7 An Apple.
D7 &hat method of preserving food did the .ncas first use% on potatoesH
A7 =reeze,drying.
D7 &hat deli sandwich topped (ateline 8)";s list for total fat content , a
?euben% )ET or tuna salad with mayoH
A7 Tuna salad with mayo.
D7 &hat drupaceous fruit were Cawaiian women once forbidden by law to
A7 The coconut.
D7 &hat hit the mar3et alongside spinach as the first frozen veggiesH
A7 2eas.
D7 Cow many sizes of chic3en eggs does the /-(A recognize% including
A7 -ix.
D7 &hat are de,headed% de,veined an sorted by size in a laitram machineH
A7 -hrimp.
D7 &hat;s the only fish that produces real caviar% according to the =(AH
A7 -turgeon.
D7 &hat type of egg will yield 11 and one,half average,size omelettesH
A7 An +strich egg.
D7 &hat;s the groundnut better 3nown asH
A7 The peanut.
D7 &hat crystalline salt is fre6uently used to enhance the flavor to TF
A7 5onosodium glutamate.
D7 &hat stic3y sweetener was traditionally used as an antiseptic ointment
for cuts and burnsH
A7 Coney.
D7 &hat should your diet be high in to lessen the chance of colon cancer%
according to a 111! studyH
A7 =iber.
D7 &hat nut do two,thirds of its /. -. producers sell through )lue
A7 The Almond.
F00)2#33 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat -teelers 6uarterbac3% according to Collywood Cenderson%
Icouldn;t spell cat if you spotted him the; "; and the ;A;IH
A7 Terry )radshaw.
D7 &hat .vy Eeague football team once lost an 8"AA record 44 straight
A7 "olumbia.
D7 &hat yard line must a football team drive to% to reach the Ired zoneIH
A7 The twenty.
D7 &hat budding politician led the A=E in passing yards for the 11'!sH
A7 >ac3 Gemp.
D7 &hat 8=E footballer saw his weight reach a league,leading 34! pounds
in 1144H
A7 &illiam IThe ?efrigeratorI 2erry.
D7 &ho played defensive bac3 for the 8ew Bor3 :iants before he coached
the "owboysH
A7 Tom Eandry.
D7 &hat football league had expansion teams in )altimore% Eas Fegas and
-hreveport for the 1114 seasonH
A7 The "anadian =ootball Eeague
D7 Cow many points was a touchdown worth in 1111H
A7 =ive.
D7 &hat university;s football team played in the first seven Coliday )owlsH
A7 )righam Boung;s.
D7 &hat 8=E team did ?afael -eptien boot balls for from 1104 to 114'H
A7 The (allas "owboys.
D7 &hat 8ational =ootball "onference division do the Eions% )ears and
2ac3ers play inH
A7 The "entral (ivision
D7 &hat (allas 6uarterbac3 fumbled a record five times in four -uper
)owl gamesH
A7 ?oger -taubach.
D7 &hose 8=E playing career began in 1141 and ended in 110H
A7 :eorge )landa;s.
D7 &ho said life;s three important things were Ifamily% religion and the
:reen )ay 2ac3ersIH
A7 Fince Eombardi.
D7 &hat sportscaster posted an 8=E coaching record of 1!3,22,0H
A7 >ohn 5adden.
D7 &hat IwinningI slogan credited to Fince Eombardi was uttered first by
/"EA coach ?ed -andersHI
A7 I&inning isn;t everything% it;s the only thingI
D7 &hat three 8=E teams had lost four -uper )owls each% through 111'H
A7 )uffalo )ills% (enver )roncos% 5innesota Fi3ings.
D7 &hat former "hicago )ears star was 3nown as Ithe @nforcer%I Ithe
AnimalI and I2addlesIH
A7 (ic3 )ut3us.
D7 &hat were 8=E players re6uired to wear in games for the first time in
A7 Celmets.
D7 Cow many teams graced the 8=E after the A=E officially *oined the told
in 110!H
A7 Twenty,six.
D7 &hat 8=E footballer saw his weight reach a league,leading 34! pounds
in 1144H
A7 &illiam IThe ?efrigeratorI 2erry.
D7 &hat 8ative American was the 8=E;s first presidentH
A7 >im Thorpe.
D7 &hat color flags did 8=E officials begin throwing after abandoning white
ones in 11'H
A7 :old.
D7 &hat 8=E footballer is one of )righam Boung;s many great,great,great
A7 -teve Boung.
D7 Cow many football teams from the troubled -outhwest "onference
defected to the )ig @ightH
A7 =our.
D7 &hat "hicago )ears great ran six 3ic3offs bac3 for touchdowns over
seven seasonsH
A7 :ale -ayers.
D7 &ho threw a record six touchdown passes in one -uper )owl% in 111H
A7 -teve Boung.
D7 &ho became the 8=E;s all,time touchdown leader in 1114H
A7 >erry ?ice
D7 &hat football defensive position is dubbed a IroverI or ImonsterIH
A7 -afety.
D7 &hat letter begins the moni3er of the most A=" football teamsH
A7 )
D7 &hat position was played by 8=E footballers Alan% >oa6uin% Euis% 5ax
and Tony 9ede*asH
A7 Gic3er.
D7 &hat 8=E team was second to the 41ers in wins during the 114!sH
A7 The &ashington ?eds3ins.
D7 &hat 8=E team was the first to win the Fince Eombardi trophy five
A7 The -an =rancisco 41ers.
D7 &hat 8=E team won the most games in the 11'!sH
A7 The :reen )ay 2ac3ers.
D7 &ho was the second head coach in the history of the (allas "owboysH
A7 >immy >ohnson.
D7 &hat )uffalo star rushed for 13%11% and 30 yards in -uper )owls LLF.%
LLF.. and LLF...H
A7 Thurman Thomas.
D7 &hat (allas "owboys running bac3 was dubbed IEittle )ig 5anIH
A7 Tony (orsett.
D7 &hat footballer% after running '4 yards in the wrong direction% was re,
oriented by teammate )enny EomH
A7 ?oy I&rong &ayI ?iegels.
D7 &hat "hicago )ears "oach learned you could brea3 your hand by
putting a fist through a metal loc3erH
A7 5i3e (it3a.
D7 &hat team was led to -uper )owls F..% and F... by their Ino,name
A7 The 5iami (olphins.
D7 &hat (ivision 1,A coach too3 teams to a record 21 bowl gamesH
A7 )ear )ryant
D7 &hat 6uarterbac3 spent 4' days in 111' at the 5enninger "linic to 3ic3
an addiction to the pain 3iller FicodinH
A7 )rett =arve.
D7 &hat &est "oast 8=E team still sports the motto7 I"ommitment to
A7 The +a3land ?aiders.
D7 &hat (allas star was the 8=E;s tallest player during the 114!s% at six,
A7 @d IToo TallI >ones.
D7 &hat did (olphins receiver 5ar3 (uper legally change his name to in
A7 5ar3 -uper (uper.
D7 &hat )ig @ight football team;s fans cheer for the "yclonesH
A7 .owa -tate;s
D7 &hat 8=E team won the most games in the 110!sH
A7 The (allas "owboys.
D7 Cow many -uper )owl 5F2 awards does Terry )radshaw haveH
A7 Two.
D7 &hat city was 3nown to 8=E fans as Titletown% /-A in the 11'!sH
A7 :reen )ay.
D7 &hat future 8=E 6uarterbac3 wore sunglasses for his 1100 /tah high
school yearboo3 photoH
A7 >im 5c5ahon.
D7 &hat 8ative American language was -uper )owl LLL the first to be
broadcast inH
A7 8ava*o.
D7 &hat "owboy;s 11,yard run from scrimmage put him in the 8=E record
boo3 in 1143H
A7 Tony (orsett;s.
D7 &hat team hired the 8=E;s first professional cheerleading s6uad% in
A7 The (allas "owboys.
D7 &ho was the first athlete to rap at a 2ro )owl musical gala% in 111H
A7 (eion -anders.
D7 Cow many of the five (allas teams Tom Eandry too3 to -uper )owls
were victoriousH
A7 Two.
D7 &hat teams played in the first all,"alifornia -uper )owlH
A7 The -an =rancisco 41ers and -an (iego "hargers.
D7 &hat team has been drubbed in -uper )owls by scores of 20,1!% 31,2!%
42,1!% and ,1!H
A7 The (enver )roncos.
D7 &hat 8=E team introduced the no,huddle offense during the 114!sH
A7 The "incinnati )engal;s.
D7 &hat 6uarterbac3 got stuc3 with the given names Belberton AbrahamH
A7 B.A. Tittle.
D7 &hat )altimore "olts great led the 8=E in passing in the 11'!s% with
2'44 yardsH
A7 >ohnny /nitas.
D7 &hat 2ittsburgh -teelers great was the first wide receiver to be named
super )owl 5F2H
A7 Eynn -wan.
D7 &hat (ivision 1,A football team;s fans cheer for the Bellow >ac3etsH
A7 :eorgia Tech;s.
D7 &hat >ets 6uarterbac3% as3ed if he preferred grass or Astroturf% replied7
I. don;t 3now% . never smo3ed AstroturfIH
A7 >oe 8amath.
D7 &hat 8=E team once had )ob Cope% Cenry 5ancini% 5aureen ?eagan
and (anny Thomas on its advisory boardH
A7 The Eos Angeles ?ams.
D7 &hat did a )uffalo fan hit "huc3 =oreman in the eye with during a
game% ending his chance of winning the 8=" rushing title in 110H
A7 A snowball.
D7 &ho was involved as a player or coach in three -uper )owls with the
"owboys% two with the @agles and one with the )earsH
A7 5i3e (it3a.
D7 Cow many football teams play in the )ig Ten "onferenceH
A7 @leven.
D7 &hat Fi3ings 6uarterbac3 has been called the 8=E;s Ioriginal
A7 =ran Tar3enton.
D7 &hat nic3name did 8=E great Eance Alworth share with a (isney movie
title characterH
A7 )ambi.
D7 Cow many years must a player be retired to be eligible for the 2ro
=ootball Call of =ameH
A7 =ive.
D7 &hat was 5iami 6uarterbac3 )ob :riese the first 8=E player to wear in
a game% in 1100H
A7 :lasses.
D7 &hat pro football franchise did Tim 5ara buy in 112 for J!!H
A7 The 8ew Bor3 :iants.
D7 &ho had the most rushing yards in the 8=E for the 114!sH
A7 @ric (ic3erson.
D7 &hat record,setting 6uarterbac3 was the 8=E;s 42nd draft pic3 in 1101H
A7 >oe 5ontana.
D7 &hat elusive (etroit running bac3 has been dubbed Ithe Eion GingIH
A7 )arry -anders.
D7 &ho did the 8ew Bor3 :iants beat by a point in the closest -uper )owl
A7 The )uffalo )ills.
G03, )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat two golfers led the 2:A in earnings three seasons each in the
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus and Arnold 2almer.
D7 &hat;s a scratch golfer;s handicapH
A7 9ero.
D7 &hat;s a golfer said to have if he is entitled to tee off firstH
A7 The Conor.
D7 &hat comic actor scored huge sales with his )ad :olf 5ade @asy
instructional videosH
A7 Eeslie 8ielsen.
D7 &hat :rand -lam golf tournament has the most clubhousers sipping
mint *ulepsH
A7 The 5asters.
D7 &ho;s second to -am -nead in 2:A Tour winsH
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus
D7 &hat tournament did Arnold 2almer say he would play in as long as he
could wal3H
A7 The 5asters.
D7 &ho won a record six 2:A 2layer of the Bear Awards,>ac3 8ic3laus%
Arnold 2almer or Tom &atsonH
A7 Tom &atson.
D7 &ho summed up a playoff loss to >ac3 8ic3laus at the 1111 /. -. -enior
+pen with Ithe )ear crushed the 5ouseIH
A7 "hi "hi ?odriguez.
D7 &hat golfer bid a tearful farewell to fans after playing his last /.-.
+pen% in 1114H
A7 Arnold 2almer.
D7 &ho became the youngest and oldest player to win the 5asters% in
11'3 and 114'H
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus.
D7 &hat golfer;s worst finish at the )ritish +pen from 11'' to 114! was
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus.
D7 &hat;s the only :rand -lam event Eee Trevino never wonH
A7 The 5asters.
D7 &ho was the first -wedish golfer to win the /.-. &omens;s +pen two
straight timesH
A7 Anni3a -orenstam.
D7 &ho;s the most successful 9imbabwean golfer of all timeH
A7 8ic3 2rice.
D7 Cow many rounds must a golfer have have played to be eligible for a
A7 Ten.
D7 &hat female golfer;s high school nic3name was ITacoIH
A7 8ancy Eopez;s.
D7 &ho was the first golfer since >ac3 8ic3laus to win eight 2:A events his
first six years on tourH
A7 2hil 5ic3elson.
D7 &hat did >ohn (aly number the new iron he began teeing off with in
111'% because it had virtually no loftH
A7 9ero.
D7 &hat golfer hit )en "renshaw in the head with his putter in 114'%
forcing "renshaw to head for the hospitalH
A7 )en "renshaw.
D7 &hat >apanese golfer is the only player to have won events on the 2:A
tour% -enior Tour% >apanese% @uropean% and Australian ToursH
A7 .sao Ao3i .
D7 &hat golfer won nine tournaments during her 1104 roo3ie year on the
E2:A TourH
A7 8ancy Eopez.
D7 &hat golfer ended nine years of final,round frustration by winning the
111' 5emorial TournamentH
A7 Tom &atson.
D7 &hat golfer had played 40 straight :rand -lam tournaments until a
shoulder in*ury forded him to miss the 111' )ritish +penH
A7 Tom &atspm.
D7 &ho followed his first winless season by winning the /.-. +pen and 2:A
"hampionship in 114!H
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus.
G(!(*#3 -&'(!&( )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat process involves treating rubber with sulphur to harden itH
A7 Fulcanizing.
D7 &hat scale of zero to 14 is used to measure acidity or al3alinityH
A7 The pC scale.
D7 &hat +,word describes oxygen with molecules that have three atoms
instead of twoH
A7 +zone.
D7 &hat unit of electrical power is e6ual to one *oule per secondH
A7 The &att.
D7 &hat planet is closest in size to our moonH
A7 5ercury.
D7 &hat;s the common name for a cubic decimeterH
A7 A liter.
D7 &hat measure of energy comes from the Eatin word meaning IheatIH
A7 The calorie.
D7 &hat;s removed from water in the process of desalinationH
A7 -alt.
D7 &hat species Amazonian electric variety pac3s a '! volt wallopH
A7 The eel;s.
D7 &hat " word defines a substance that speeds a chemical reaction
without being consumedH
A7 "atalyst.
D7 &hat;s the base unit of mass in the metric systemH
A7 The 3ilogram.
D7 &hat coo3ing fuel is produced by heating wood without oxygenH
A7 "harcoal.
D7 &hat;s the only metal that;s not a solid at room temperatureH
A7 5ercury.
D7 &hich will yield the most )T/s of energy,,a gallon of oil% a pound of
coal or a gallon of gasolineH
A7 A gallon of oil.
D7 &hat unit of measure do you multiply by .31 to convert it to inchesH
A7 "entimeters.
D7 &hat method of underwater detection is short for Isound navigation
and rangingIH
A7 -onar.
D7 &hat hazardous substance is euphemistically referred to as Imineral
A7 Asbestos.
D7 &hat color does litmus turn when dipped into acidH
A7 2in3.
D7 &hat process involves heating an ore to obtain a metalH
A7 -melting.
D7 &hat;s the /. -. e6uivalent of !.4 3ilogramsH
A7 +ne pound.
D7 &hat;s defined as the distance between a lens and its focal pointH
A7 .t;s focal length.
D7 &hat energy unit is defined as the heat re6uired to raise one 3ilogram
of water by one degree "elsiusH
A7 +ne "alorie.
D7 &hat founding father was 3noc3ed unconscious while attempting to
electrocute a tur3eyH
A7 )en*amin =ran3lin..
D7 &hat continent is sub*ected to the world;s largest ozone holeH
A7 Antarctica.
D7 &hat sea creature can have an eye measuring 1' inches across% the
largest in the animal 3ingdomH
A7 A s6uid.
D7 &hat explosive cosmic event was seen with the na3ed eye in 1140% for
the first time in 343 *yearsH
A7 A supernova.
D7 &hat three terms are represented in 8ewton;s second law of motion =
M maH
A7 =orce% mass% acceleration.
D7 Cow many of the nine planets have moonsN
A7 -even.
D7 &hat were exterminated from Carvard;s bio labs when they were found
to be carrying radioactive chemicals into the wallsH
A7 Ants.
D7 &hat type of trees yield the resin used to produce turpentineH
A7 2ine trees.
D7 &hat;s the most malleable metalH
A7 :old.
I!+(!)'0! )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat landmar3 invention did Ts;ai Eun invent from bar3 and hemp in
the second centuryH
A7 2aper.
D7 &hat did IArt =ry invent after scraps of paper to mar3 tunes in his
hymnal 3ept falling outH
A7 2ost,it 8otes.
D7 &hat did Eeonardo invent to chec3 humidity while he wor3ed on the
East -upper frescoH
A7 The hygrometer.
D7 &hat country was the first to register a patent on polyesterH
A7 )riton.
D7 &hat Ifoot doctorI held over 3!! patentsH
A7 (r. -choll.
D7 &hat 1140 invention by )ell Telephone Eaboratories spawned poc3et,
sized radiosH
A7 The transistor.
D7 &hat disease prompted polio vaccine inventor (r. >onas -al3 to come
out of retirement in 1140H
A7 A.(-.
D7 &hat was the occupation of cotton candy machine inventor &illiam
>ames 5orrisonH
A7 (entist.
D7 &hat .talian astronomer invented the thermometer in 112H
A7 :alileo.
D7 &hat did :eorge 8isser invent after observing high wire performers
bouncing on safety netsH
A7 The trampoline.
D7 &hat century saw the invention of the shoelaceH
A7 The eighteenth.
D7 &hat name did :eorge @astman invent in 1444 because it was easy to
memorize% pronounce% and spellH
A7 Goda3.
D7 &hat innovative inventor;s (ymaaxion car could carry eleven
passengers% exceed 12! mph and get 3! miles per gallon in 1134H
A7 )uc3minster =uller;s.
D7 &hat type of structure did ?. )uc3minster =uller patent in 114H
A7 The geodesic dome.
D7 &hat century saw Alexander "ummings issued the first patent for a
flush toiletH
A7 The eighteenth.
D7 &hat portable device did >ames -pengler invent in 11!0% using a soap
box% pillow case% a fan and tapeH
A7 The vacuum cleaner.
D7 &hat landmar3 invention eased farming chores for -umerians in 3!!
A7 The plow.
D7 &hat food product did Cyppolyte 5erge,mouries invent in 14'4 by
treating oils with hydrogenH
A7 5argarine.
D7 &hat )ritish second lieutenant got the idea to fill a canister shell with
mus3et balls and a charge of gunpowderH
A7 -ir Cenry -hrapnel.
D7 &ho averaged one patent for every three wee3s of his lifeH
A7 Thomas @dison.
D7 &hat 3itchen invention too3 the top prize at the 1413 "hicago &orld;s
A7 The dishwasher.
D7 &hat company gave the world the first electric toothbrushH
A7 .nterpla3.
D7 &hat @dwin )udding invention began changing the face of @nglish
landscapes in the 142!sH
A7 The lawn mower.
D7 &hat invention for 3eeping cold air out of buildings in winter was
patented by Theophilus Fan Gannel in 1444H
A7 The revolving door.
D7 &hat )en*amin Colt invention was good news to farmers in 11!!H
A7 The Tractor.
I!)(*!#)'0!#3 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat organization elects the 1 *udges of the &orld "ourtH
A7 The /nited 8ations.
D7 &hat .rish political movement is named after a phrase meaning Iwe
A7 -inn =ein.
D7 &hat nation was miffed when Cubert Cumphrey declined its secret
offer to help finance his 11'4 presidential campaignH
A7 The -oviet /nion.
D7 &hat physicist;s last words were not understood because his nurse did
not spea3 :ermanH
A7 Albert @instein;s.
D7 &hat dictator is affectionately dubbed @E 5aximo by fansH
A7 =idel "astro.
D7 &hat 1!,year old began earning his bad reputation by throwing puppies
off the Gremlin walls in 14!H
A7 .van the Terrible.
D7 &hat country used weather,born balloons to drop more than a hundred
bombs on 8orth America during &orld &ar ...
A7 >apan.
D7 &hat socialist writer;s last words were7 IEast words are for fools who
haven;t said enoughIH
A7 Garl 5arx;s.
D7 &hat former -oviet newspaper had to depend on cash from the :ree3
"ommunist 2arty to stay alive in the 111!sH
A7 2ravda.
D7 &hat strategic group of islands did 2ortugal allow )ritain to access
during &orld &ar ..H
A7 The Azores.
D7 &hat country was disputed in the largest sea,air battle in history% from
+ctober 22,20% 1144H
A7 The 2hilippines.
D7 &hat did four million prisoners die mining for in -talin;s Golyma forced
labor campH
A7 :old.
D7 &hat 1134 pact caused &inston "hurchill to utter7 I&e have sustained
a defeat without a warIH
A7 The 5unich 2act.
D7 &ho;s believed by many to be buried in (ownpatric3 under a
tombstone mar3ed with the letter I=IH
A7 -t. 2atric3.
D7 &hat =rench explorer was murdered by his crew after he spent two
years failing to locate the mouth of the 5ississippiH
A7 ?obert Ea -alle.
D7 &hat can :ermans publicly deny the existence of the earn five years in
A7 The Colocaust.
D7 &hat;s the .slamic ?esistance 5ovement better 3nown as to
A7 Camas.
D7 &hat nation was bounced from the +rganization of American -tates in
A7 "uba.
D7 &hat political system was gradually dismantled in -outh Africa% stating
in 1141H
A7 Apartheid.
D7 &hat famous -wiss citizen said of nuclear bombs7 I.f . had 3nown% .
would have become a watchma3erIH
A7 Albert @instein.
D7 &ho did Bigal Amir assassinate in 111H
A7 Bitzha3 ?abin.
D7 &ho was the longest reigning Arab ruler% through 111H
A7 Ging Cussein of >ordan.
D7 &hat royal briefly banished -ir &alter ?aleigh to the Tower of Eondon
after hearing of his secret marriage to her maid of honorH
A7 @lizabeth ..
D7 &hat war lasted from >une% 11'0 to >une 1!% 11'0H
A7 The six day war.
D7 &hat 2olish political movement got the support of 2ope >ohn 2aul .. in
the 114!sH
A7 -olidarity.
D7 &hat Argentinean was buried in a 5ilan cemetery under the
pseudonym 5aria 5aggiH
A7 @ve 2eron.
M#)9 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat mathematical symbol did math whiz =erdinand von Eindemann
determine to be a transcendental number in 1442H
A7 2i.
D7 &hat do you call an angle more than 1! degrees and less than 14!
A7 +btuse.
D7 &hat;s the top number of a fraction calledH
A7 The numerator.
D7 &hat :ree3 math whiz noticed that the morning star and evening star
were one and the same% in 3! ).".H
A7 2ythagoras.
D7 &hat;s a polygon with four une6ual sides calledH
A7 A 6uadrilateral.
D7 &hat;s a flat image that can be displayed in three dimensionsH
A7 A hologram.
D7 &hat number does IgigaI stand forH
A7 +ne billion.
D7 &hat digit did Arab mathematician al,Ghwarizmi give to the &est
around 4!! )N).H
A7 9ero.
D7 &hat word describes a number system with a base of twoH
A7 )inary.
D7 Cow many e6ual sides does an icosahedron haveH
A7 Twenty.
D7 &hat do mathematicians call a regular polygon with eight sidesH
A7 An octagon.
D7 &hat T,word is defined in geometry as Ia straight line that touches a
curve but continues on with crossing itIH
A7 Tangent.
D7 &hat geometrical shape forms the hole that fits and allen wrenchH
A7 The hexagon.
D7 &hat number is an improper fraction always greater thanH
A7 +ne.
D7 &hat two letters are both symbols for 1%!!!H
A7 G and 5.
D7 &hat;s short for Ibinary digitIH
A7 )it.
D7 &hat century did mathematicians first use plus and minus signsH
A7 The sixteenth.
D7 &hat number% a one followed by 1!! zeros% was first used by nine,year,
old 5ilton -irotta in 114!H
A7 :oogol.
D7 &hat handy mathematical instrument;s days were numbered when the
poc3et calculator made the scene in the 110!sH
A7 The -lide rule;s.
F! (!)(*)#'!6(!) )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
&hat member of the 5on3ees% a holdout for nearly three decades%
re*oined the other geezers for a 111' albumH
A7 5i3e 8esmith.
&hat =rancis =ord "oppola movie sees 5arlon )rando blather7 ICorror has
a face% and you must ma3e a friend of horrorIH
A7 Apocalypse 8ow.
&hat (avid Eynch movie did a few filmgoers attend expecting to see
)obby Finton;s life storyH
A7 )lue Felvet.
&hat rap star got his name from the observation IEadies Eove "ool
A7 E.E."ool >.
&hat mayberry resident once hi*ac3ed a bull when he;d had too much to
A7 +tis "ampbell.
&hose guitar version of The -tar,-pangled )anner was featured in a 111'
Aiwa TF adH
A7 >imi Cendrix;s.
&ho was the first feline featured in Eifestyles of the ?ich and =amousH
A7 5orris the "at.
&hat 11'1 movie has Audrey Cepburn note7 I2ersonally% . thin3 it;s a bit
tac3y to wear diamonds before .;m 4!IH
A7 )rea3fast at Tiffany;s.
&hat -inatra signature tune became @lvis 2resley;s best,selling
posthumous hitH
A7 5y &ay.
&ho played -id Ficious% Eee Carvey +swald% "ount (racula and )eethoven
in moviesH
A7 :ary +ldman.
&hat video% the first to cost over J1!%!!!% helped 5ichael >ac3son;s
Thriller soarH
A7 )eat .t.
&ho is the most voluptuous female in ToontownH
A7 >essica ?abbit.
&hat was the first Arnold -chwarzenegger movie to win four Academy
A7 Terminator 2.
&hat actor did author Anne ?ice first denounce% then praise in the role of
her beloved EestatH
A7 Tom "ruise.
&ho sang IThings :o )etter &ith "o3eI in 11'1 before switching to 2epsi
in the 114!;sH
A7 ?ay "harles.
&hat movie earned Tom Can3s his third straight +scar nomination% in
A7 Apollo 13.
&hat 5arx )rother;s name spelled bac3wards is the name of a daytime
tal3 show hostH
A7 Carpo;s.
&hat -tephen =oster tune encourages racing enthusiasts to Ibet on de
A7 "amptown ?aces.
&hat >ames Cilton effort became the first 2oc3et )oo3% in 1131H
A7 Eost Corizon.
&hat martial artist warbles the theme song for &al3er% Texas ?angerH
A7 "huc3 8orris.
&ho was the voice behind &oody% the cowboy doll in Toy -toryH
A7 Tom Can3s.
&hat *azz musician got his aristocratic nic3name in high school for his
neat attire and fastidious mannersH
A7 I(u3eI @llington.
&hat tal3 show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to spea3%
according to a 111' 5-/ surveyH
A7 +prah &infrey.
&here do Ibluebirds flyI% according to a song from the &izard of +zH
A7 -omewhere over the rainbow.
&hat enduring daytime soap featured Gevin Gline% (on Gnotts and -usan
A7 -earch for Tomarrow.
&hat boo3 did @.). &hite base on personal experiences at his farm in
A7 "harlotte;s &eb.
&hat three words preceded IEand that . loveI in a 1134 .rving )erlin tuneH
A7 I:od )less AmericaI.
&hat +liver -tone movie did the &ashington 2ost dub I(allas in
A7 >=G.
&hat infomercial diet guru penned the monster bestseller I8ever -ay
A7 ?ichard -immons.
&ho was the first solo female host of the Academy Awards "eremonyH
A7 &hoopi :oldberg.
&hat happy homema3er chirps on TF7 I.t;s a good thingIH
A7 5artha -tewart.
&hat screen character i the world;s fastest ice sculptor and topiary artistH
A7 @dward -cissorhands.
&ho died last , (esi Arnaz% Eucille )all% &illiam =rawley or Fivian FanceH
A7 Eucille )all.
&hat )riton had two f the three number one singles issued posthumously
in the /.-.H
A7 >ohn Eennon.
S06( 60*( ,! )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!-5(*- #!" ,#&)-.
&ho saw his 5azur3as described by a )erlin critic in 1433 as IrepugnantI
and ItortuousIH
A7 =redric "hopin.
Cow many former )eatles had chart,topping singles from 1103 to 1104H
A7 =our.
&hat role in The :odfather did ?obert (e 8iro test forH
A7 -onny "orleone.
&hat;s the first word of the most pop song titlesH
A7 ..
&hat 111 movie;s lead character tells the motel cler3 he;s there to drin3
himself to deathH
A7 Eeaving Eas Fegas. =un trivia 6uestions answers and facts.
&hat 1141 movie has (an Ay3royd note7 I"ars don;t misbehaveIH
A7 (riving 5iss (aisy.
&hat critter is the I.ggyI short for in .ggy 2opH
A7 The iguana
&hat director earned a )ronze -tar and a 2urple Ceart during his tour of
duty in FietnamH
A7 +liver -tone.
&hat theme is central to the movies The Eost &ee3end% The 5orning After
and 5y 8ame .s )ill &.H
A7 Alcoholism.
&hat 8)" sitcom once saw two if its neurotics try to pitch 8)" on a sitcom
about nothingH
A7 -einfeld.
&hat three :odfather cast members were all up for the )est -upporting
Actor +scarH
A7 >ames "aan% ?obert (uvall% AE 2acino.
&ho;s the adopted son of Fito "orleoneH
A7 Tom Cagen.
&ho;s the TF =). agent with a penchant for the paranormalH
A7 =ox 5ulder.
&hat movie sees (anny (evito tell 5ichelle 2feiffer7 IBou lousy minx% .
ought to have you spayedIH
A7 )atman ?eturns.
&hat -aturday 8ight Eive cast member left in 1114 after being in a record
13 showsH
A7 2hil Cartman.
&hat 1142 movie had critic >anet 5aslin carp7 IThe +scar seemed to have
been mista3en for the 8obel 2eace 2rizeIH
A7 :andhi.
&hat crooner;s new line of nec3wear did (avid Eetterman suggest be
named IAlleged 5ob TiesIH
A7 =ran3 -inatra;s.
&hat song,writing duo;s hits made it to )roadway i the show I-mo3ey
>oe;s "afeIH
A7 Eeiber and -toller;s.
&ho;s 3nown in "olorado -prings as (r. 5i3eH
A7 (r. 5ichaela Duinn.
&hat movie pairs Tom Can3s and Antonio )anderas as loversH
A7 2hiladelphia.
&ho;d begun wor3 on a 1!th symphony when he died during a
thunderstorm in 1420H
A7 Eudwig van )eethoven.
&hat famed 113' war novel mentions the Tarleton twins in its first lineH
A7 :one &ith the &ind.
&ho was the first living person to become a member of the "ountry 5usic
Call of =ameH
A7 ?oy Acuff.
&hat song was heard 2! different ways in a 1114 Gen )urns
A7 Ta3e 5e +ut to the )allgame.
&hat zip code was mentioned 3!1 times in the first five years of
@ntertainment &ee3lyH
A7 1!21!.
&hat *azz style did "harlie 2ar3er and (izzy :illespie help inventH
A7 )ebop.
&hat was late -"TF star sighed7 I.;m the one who has to loo3 in the
mirror% and after a while it begins to eat at youH
A7 >ohn "andy.
&hat singer did 5ichael )olton neglect to than3 while accepting a
:rammy for I&hen a 5an Eoves a &omanIH
A7 2ercy -ledge.
&hat hipster said in 11447 &e;re a beat generationIH
A7 >ac3 Gerouac.
&hat veteran )ritish roc3 star explained7 I. smash guitars because . li3e
A7 2eter Townsend.
Cow many /.-. states border the :ulf of 5exicoH
A7 =ive.
&hat;s the ballet term for a 3'!,degree turn on one footH
A7 2irouette.
&hat did blind ban3 robber (avid &orrell use as a weapon when trying to
rob a Eondon ban3H
A7 Cis cane.
&hat :reat Ea3e state has more shoreline than the entire /.-. Atlantic
A7 5ichigan.
&hat model appeared topless on the self,penned 1113 novel 2irateH
A7 =abio.
&hich country has more tractors per capita% "anada% .celand or >apanH
A7 .celand.
&ho averaged one patent for every three wee3s of his lifeH
A7 Thomas @dison.
&hat @lton >ohn album became the first album to enter the charts at
8umber +ne% in 110H
A7 "aptain =antastic and the )rown (irt "owboy.
&hat laundry detergent got lots of mileage out of the ad line% Iring around
the collarIH
A7 &is3.
&ho% after anchoring off Cawaii in 1001% was mista3en for the god EonoH
A7 "aptain >ames "oo3.
&hat continent is cut into two fairly e6ual halves by the Tropic of
A7 Australia.
&hat explorer introduced pigs to 8orth AmericaH
A7 "hristopher "olumbus.
&hat magazine boasts the slogan7 ITest% .nform% 2rotectIH
A7 "onsumer ?eports.
&ho was billed as the IGiller of "usterI in )uffalo )ill;s &ild &est -howH
A7 -itting )ull.
&hat railway lin3ed 5oscow and .r3uts3 in 11!!H
A7 The Trans,-iberian ?ailway.
&hat is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be
considered a Ibig bandIH
A7 Ten.
&hat;s a water moccasin often called% due to the white inside its mouthH
A7 A cottonmouth.
&hat nation was bounced from the +rganization of American -tates in
A7 "uba.
&hat continent has the fewest flowering plantsH
A7 Antartica.
&hat element begins with the letter IGIH
A7 Grypton.
&hat country saw a world record 31 million voters turn out for elections
on 5ay 2!% 1111H
A7 .ndia.
&hat Eewis "arroll boo3 was banned in "hina afer censors decided7
IAnimals should not use human languageIH
A7 Alice;s Adventures in &onderland.
&hat is the least popular month for /.-. weddingsH
A7 >anuary.
&hat spot once registered 134 degrees% the highest temperature ever in
the /.-.H
A7 (eath Falley.
&hat was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live
A7 A 3idney.
&hat surname means Ison of 8ic3IH
A7 8ixon.
&hat duo survived a 11!1 shootout with )olivia;s cavalry% according to
A7 )utch "assidy and the -undance Gid.
&hat =,word is defined in physics as a Inuclear reaction in which nuclei
combine to form more massive nucleiIH
A7 =usion.
&hat;s the largest and densest of the four roc3y planetsH
A7 @arth.
&hat ingredient in fresh mil3 is eventually devoured by bacteria% causing
the sour tasteH
A7 Eactose.
&ho offered insurance against an accidental death caused by a falling
A7 Eloyds of Eondon.
Cow many months per year do residents of Tromoso% 8orway go without
seeing a sunsetH
A7 Three.
&hat )eatrix 2otter tale is the top,selling children;s boo3 of all timeH
A7 The Tale of 2eter ?abbit.
&hat national holiday in 5exico has picnic3ers munching chocolate coffins
and sugar s3ullsH
A7 The (ay of the (ead.
&hat nation;s military attached dynamite pac3s to (obermans before
sending them into 2alestinian guerilla hideoutsH
A7 .srael.
&hat was the first planet to be discovered using the telescope% in 1041H
A7 /ranus.
Cow many days does a cat usually stay in heatH
A7 =ive.
M("'&#3 #! 9(#3)9 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat;s the most fre6uently diagnosed cancer in menH
A7 2rostate cancer.
D7 &hat does I"2?I stand for in medical emergenciesH
A7 "ardiopulmonary resuscitation.
D7 &hat% along with heart disease and cancer% accounts for '4 percent of
/.-. deathsH
A7 -tro3e.
D7 &hat virus did the &orld Cealth +rganization say would infect 4!
million people by the year 2!!!H
A7 C.F.
D7 &hat do cosmetic surgeons remove 2!!%!! pounds of from Americans
per yearH
A7 =at.
D7 &hat do doctors loo3 at through an ophthalmoscopeH
A7 The eye.
D7 &hat disease accounts fr two of every three cases of dementiaH
A7 Alzheimer;s.
D7 &hat -,word is defined as Ia lateral curvature of the spineIH
A7 -coliosis.
D7 &hat substance produced by the body is counteracted by
antihistamine drugs.N
A7 Cistamine.
D7 &hat do leu3emia sufferers have too many ofH
A7 &hite blood cells% or leu3ocytes.
D7 &hat;s most li3ely to occur when your diaphragm goes into spasmsH
A7 Ciccups.
D7 &hat;s the itchy s3in condition tinea pedis better 3nown asH
A7 Athlete;s foot.
D7 Cow many times a day must you ta3e medication if your prescription
reads I6.i.d.IH
A7 =our.
D7 &hat part of the eye may be obscured by cataractsH
A7 The lens.
D7 &hat arthritic disorder occurs due t increased uric acid the the bloodH
A7 :out.
D7 &hat hereditary blood defect is 3nown as Ithe royal diseaseIH
A7 Cemophilia.
D7 &hat organ is inflamed when one has encephalitisH
A7 The brain.
D7 &here does the embryo implant itself in a tubal pregnancyH
A7 A =allopian tube.
D7 Cow many of every 1! victims infected by the @bola virus will die in two
A7 8ine.
D7 &hat brain operation was tried first on a confused '3,yuar,old female
at :eorge &ashington Cospital in 11'H
A7 A lobotomy.
D7 &hat does the ImyoI mean in myocardialH
A7 5uscle.
D7 &hat was bovine spongiform encephalopathy called by the )ritish
press in 111'H
A7 5ad cow disease.
D7 &hat;s the medical term for low blood sugarH
A7 Cypoglycemia.
D7 &hat;s the tran6uilizer diazepam better 3nown asH
A7 Falium.
D7 &hat;s the common term for a cerebrovascular accidentH
A7 -tro3e.
D7 &hat do itchy people call the Irhus radicansI they were sorry they
came into contact withN
A7 2oison .vy.
D7 &hat was =riedrich -erturner the first to extract from opium and use as
a pain relieverH
A7 5orphine.
D7 &hat was the most widely prescribe antideppressant in the /.-. in the
A7 2rozac.
D7 &hat syndrome does -.(- mean to child care expertsH
A7 -udden infant death syndrome.
D7 &hat disease is the focus of oncologyH
A7 "ancer.
D7 &here is liver bile stopped before being released into the small
A7 The gallblader.
M-'& )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-
&hat is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be
considered a Ibig bandIH
A7 Ten.
&hat musical instrument;s sales escalated from 224%!!! in 11! to 2.3
million in 1101H
A7 The guitar;s.
&hat 110' chart,topping song did )arry 5anilow sing% but not writeH
A7 . &rite the -ongs.
&hat does the .talian musical term adagio meanH
A7 -low.
&ho was the top,selling album artist of the 110!;s according to )illboardH
A7 @lton >ohn.
&hat;s the only group to claim two of the top ten best,selling singles of
the 110!;sH
A7 The )ee :ees.
&ho was the first country artist to sell over 1! million copies of an albumH
A7 :arth )roo3s.
&hat band is named after a scuplture in -eattle that hums in the windH
A7 -oundgardem.
&hat two =ran3 -inatra hits were tops for /.-. 3arao3e singers in 1113H
A7 8ew Bor3% 8ew Bor3 and 5y &ay.
&hat stringed symphonic instrument has a pedestal and a crownH
A7 The Carp.
&hat studio did the )eatles use to record 111 songsH
A7 Abby ?oad.
&hat *azz musician got his nic3name by shortening I-atchel 5outhIH
A7 Eouis Armstrong.
&hat *azz trumpeter was dubbed the I2rince of (ar3nessIH
A7 5iles (avis.
&hat did (ef Eeppard drummer ?ic3 Allen lose in a 1144 auto accidentH
A7 An arm.
&hat -outhampton *unior high school musical was cancelled in 1114 when
-hinnecoc3 .ndians ob*ected to the I /g,a,wugI songH
A7 2eter 2an.
&hat classical conductor won posthumous :rammy Awards in 1111% 1112%
and 1113H
A7 Eeonard )ernstein.
&ho;s I5on3I to *azz buffsH
A7 Thelonious 5+n3.
&hat "alifornia group waited 22 years to score their first chart,toping
single since 11''H
A7 The )each )oys.
&hat city;s opera house does I The 2hantom of the +peraI prowlH
A7 2aris.
&ho scored his first platinum album since 1104 with I The .con .s Eove I in
A7 )arry &hite.
&hat 5ichael >ac3son album spawned five chart,topping singlesH
A7 )ad.
&hat trumpeter became the oldest person ever to score a chart,topping
single% in 11'4H
A7 Eouis Armstrong.
&hat roc3 star was trying to bite the head off a bat in concert when the
bat decided to bite bac3H
A7 +zzy +sbourne.
&hat -hania Twain recording became the best,selling country music
album ever by a female artist% in 111'H
A7 The &oman in 5e.
&hat patriotic song was originally titled IThe (efense of =ort 5cCenryH
A7 The -tar -pangled )anner.
&ho;s waxed more gold and platinum albums than any other solo female
A7 )arbara -treisand.
Cow many songs from the )eatles I-gt. 2epper;s Eonely Cearts "lub )andI
were released as singlesH
A7 9ero.
&hat singer for a 0!;s )ritish roc3 6uartet changed his name from
=rederic3 )ulsaraH
A7 =reddie 5ercury.
&hat roc3;n;roll singer is memorialized by a eight,foot bronze statue in
Eubboc3% TexasH
A7 )uddy Colly.
&hat &oody :uthrie song goes I=rom "alifornia to the 8ew Bor3 island N
=rom the redwood forest to the :ulf -tream watersIH
A7 This Eand is Bour Eand.
&hat 2in3 =loyd song was banned by the -outh African government after it
became an anthem for blac3 school childrenH
A7 Another )ric3 in the &all.
&hat were the two most popular roc3 operas of 11'1H
A7 Cair and Tommy.
&hat are the two most common unbowed stringed instruments found in a
symphony orchestraH
A7 The Carp and the 2iano.
&hat legendary soul singer wrec3ed his "orvette the first time he drove itH
A7 ?ay "harles.
&hat tenor received a record 1' curtain calls at a )erlin opera house in
A7 Euciano 2avarotti.
&hat )eatles single lasted longest on the charts% at 11 wee3sH
A7 Cey >ude.
M'3')#*$ )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat mar3ed the first time since the ?evolution that the /.-. accepted
direct financial aid to fight a warH
A7 The 2ersian :ulf &ar.
D7 &hat /.-. military base was won in the last ma*or battle against >apanH
A7 +3inawa.
D7 &hat opportunistic country declared war on >apan five days before its
surrender in 114H
A7 The -oviet /nion.
D7 &hat /.-. war bro3e out the same year the federal government first
printed paper moneyH
A7 The "ivil &ar.
D7 &hat country did ever,prudent Ging =arou3 . declare war on in 114H
A7 :ermany.
D7 &hat )ill 5urray :hostbusters term did 2ersian :ulf &arriors use to
describe being hit by chemical weaponsH
A7 -limed.
D7 &hat did an enemy have to be% for a /. -. soldier to call him a
IbelieverI in the Fietnam &arH
A7 (ead.
D7 &hat trials% beginning in 114% spawned the phrase I. was only
following ordersIH
A7 The 8uremberg war crimes trials.
D7 &hat was the first war the /. -. too3 part in that was partially financed
with lottery dollarsH
A7 The ?evolutionary &ar.
D7 &hat southeastern state was the last to return to the /nion after the
"ivil &ar.
A7 :eorgia.
D7 &hat 2ersian :ulf warrior called his young ma*ors in charge of combat
operations I>edi GnightsIH
A7 8orman -chwarz3opf.
D7 &hich two nations% constitutionally barred from military actions% sent
money to support the Allied coalition against .ra6 in I 1111IH
A7 :ermany and >apan.
D7 &hat +hio city was the 111 )osnian peace accord signed inH
A7 (ayton.
D7 &hat "ivil &ar general graduated first in the &est 2oint class of 1421H
A7 ?obert @. Eee
D7 &hat was the ),10 long,range bomber nic3named in &orld &ar ..H
A7 The =lying =ortress.
D7 &hat @nglish Ging introduced death by boiling and legalized the 3illing
of gypsiesH
A7 Cenry F....
D7 &hat two continents have never been the site of a ma*or military
A7 Antarctica and Australia.
D7 &ho returned to ?ussia from exile in +ctober% 1110H
A7 Flaldimir .lyich Eenin.
D7 &hat song was the 8avy band playing at 2earl Carbor when the
>apanese attac3edH
A7 The -tar,-pangled )anner.
D7 &hat was the first war in which one *et plane shot down anotherN
A7 The Gorean &ar.
D7 &hat so called IwarI spawned the dueling slogans I)etter (ead Than
?edI and I)etter ?ed Than (eadI in the 11!sH
A7 The "old &ar.
D7 &hat modern vehicle was invented to circumvent trench warfareH
A7 The Tan3.
O3$6/'&- )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 Cow many of "arl Eewis; +lympic gold medals were won in long *ump
A7 Three.
D7 &hat legendary strongman laid out the '!!,foot race course for the
only event in the earl years of the ancient +lympicsH
A7 Cercules.
D7 &hat /.-. athlete was Iabout a wee3I pregnant when she bro3e the
world 2!!,meter record at the 1144 +lympicsH
A7 @velyn Ashford
D7 &hat woman was the only /.-. athlete to win a gold medal at the 11'4
&inter +lympicsH
A7 2eggy =leming.
D7 &hat former .+" president wanted to eliminate team sports and the
&inter :amesH
A7 Avery )rundage.
D7 &hat /.-. team did 1 percent of American viewers root against during
the 111' +lympics% according to an @-28 pollH
A7 The (ream Team.
D7 &hat grueling +lympic event saw >osia Thugwane become the first
blac3 man from -outh Africa to win a gold medal% in 111'H
A7 The 5arathon.
D7 &hat sport did 5argaret Abbott play to become the first /.-. woman to
win +lympic gold% in 11!!H
A7 :olf.
D7 &hat future screen star was the first person to swim 1!! meters in
under a minute% in 1122H
A7 >ohnny &eissmuller.
D7 &hat +lympic champ played an C.F,infected chorus boy in the play
I>efferyI in 1113H
A7 :reg Eouganis.
D7 &hat did members of the "anadian swim team swear to give u during
the 111' +lympicsH
A7 -ex.
D7 &hat alpine city hosted the &inter +lympics in 11'4 and 110'H
A7 .nsbruc3.
D7 &hat country had a swim team that swore off drin3ing and )ig 5acs for
the 111' +lympicsH
A7 The /.-..
D7 &hat E.A. Ea3er star;s height was listed as two meters in 111' +lympic
A7 -ah6uille +;8eals;s.
D7 &hat -oviet gymnast performed the first bac3 somersault on a balance
A7 +lga Gorbut.
D7 &hat 30,year,old middle distance runner 6ualified for her fourth
+lympic team in 111'H
A7 5ary -laney.
D7 &hat sport is played with stones and broomsH
A7 "urling.
D7 &hat contest of team strength was an official +lympic event from 11!!
to 112!H
A7 Tug of &ar.
D7 &hat +lympic a6uatic event includes such positions as the =lamingo%
crane and fishtailH
A7 -ynchronized swimming
D7 Cow many athletes competed for .srael in the 1114 &inter +lympicsH
A7 +ne
D7 &hat 11'! +lympic champion lit the torch to start Atlanta;s 111'
+lympic festivitiesH
A7 5uhammad Ali.
D7 &hat apparatus do male gymnasts refer to as Ithe pigIH
A7 The pommel horse.
D7 &hat event earned 8orway;s >ohann +lay Goss three golds at the 1114
&inter +lympicsH
A7 -peed s3ating.
D7 &hat new women;s team sport was played on sand at the 111'
summer +lympicsH
A7 )each Folleyball.
D7 &ho passed @ric Ceiden to become the most decorated /.-. &inter
+lympian everH
A7 )onnie )lair.
D7 &hat was the only thing )rianna -curry wore during her :old 5edal
celebration lap through the late night streets of AtlantaH
A7 Cer gold medal.
D7 &hat decathlon champ was the first blac3 student body president at
A7 ?afer >ohnson
D7 &hat year was the first summer +lympiad televised liveH
A7 11'!
D7 &hat procedure did the .+" begin afer a (anish cyclist died during the
11'! -ummer +lympicsH
A7 (rug testing.
D7 Cow many minutes does an +lympic bas3etball game lastH
A7 =orty
D7 &hat +lympic event is about to start when a *ury director orders% I@n
A7 =encing
D7 &hat trac3 favorite donned golden shoes to capture gold in both 2!!,
and 4!!,meter 111' +lympic sprintsH
A7 5ichael >ohnson.
D7 &hat country;s +lympic bas3etball team does "hicago )ulls star Toni
Gu3oc play forH
D7 &hat part of their vehicle;s e6uipment are bobsledders only allowed to
use after crossing the finish lineH
A7 )ra3es.
D7 &ho was unable to run the 2!!,meter final at the 1112 +lympics due to
food poisoningH
A7 5ichael >ohnson.
D7 Cow many times did the -ummer +lympics feature the sport of Eive
2igeon -hootingH
A7 +nce.
D7 Cow many continents must a sport be played on before the .+" will
consider ma3ing it an +lympic event for menH
A7 =our.
D7 &hat athlete was protected by seven security guards at the 1114
&inter +lympicsH
A7 8ancy Gerrigan.
D7 &hat country competed alone in Athens; 441' +lympic 1!!,meter
=reestyle for -ailorsH
A7 :reece.
D7 &hat +lympic athlete dated the son of ?omanian dictator 8icolae
A7 8adia "omaneci.
D7 &hat wal3ing sport should be added to the +lympics% according to 42
percent of /.-. sports editors% sportscasters and columnistsH
A7 :olf.
D7 &hat +lympic event has runners wearing shoes with perforations to
allow for drainageH
A7 -teeplechase.
D7 Cow many seconds are there on an +lympic bas3etball shot cloc3H
A7 Thirty.
D7 &hat +lympic field event consists of a crouch% shift% thrust% and
A7 The shot put.
D7 &hat general stormed into the boxing ring at the 1124 +lympics to
protest *udges ruling for a -outh African over an AmericanH
A7 (ouglas 5acArthur.
D7 &hat woman won five /.-. figure s3ating titles from 11'1 to 1103% but
never an +lympic gold medalH
A7 >anet Eynn
D7 &hat country fielded 111' +lympic women;s teams that won gold in
bas3etball% soccer and softballH
A7 The /.-.
D7 &hat 111' +lympic event had two /.-. s6uads playing each other for
the gold medalH
A7 )each volleyball.
D7 &hat /.-. +lympic city did the torch relay to Atlanta start inH
A7 Eos Angeles.
D7 &hat +lympic event;s winner is considered to be the Iworld;s greatest
A7 The decathlon;s.
:9$-'&- -&'(!&( )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
D7 &hat method of arranging elements into related groups was invented
by (imitri 5endeleyevH
A7 The periodic table.
D7 &hat physicist remar3ed7 I:od is subtle% but he is not maliciousIH
A7 Albert @instein.
D7 &hat 5,word defines anything that occupies spaceH
A7 5atter.
D7 &hat do you call a substance containing only one 3ind of atomH
A7 An element.
D7 &hat teenager began studying physics after he noticed a chandelier
swinging during a 141 earth6ua3eH
A7 :alileo.
D7 &hat elementary particle;s antiparticle is the positronH
A7 The electron.
D7 &hat element comes last alphabeticallyH
A7 9irconium.
D7 &hat radioactive element is extracted from carnotite and pitchblendeH
A7 /ranium.
D7 &hat American physicist pioneered the theory of Iblac3 holesI in
A7 >. ?obert +ppenheimer.
D7 &hat;s a charged atom% with une6ual numbers of electrons and
A7 An .on.
D7 &hat theory of physics proposes that energy is not transferred
continuously but in discrete amountsO
A7 The 6uantum theory.
D7 &hat element was converted to plutonium in the first nuclear reactorsH
A7 /ranium.
D7 &hat acronyms for I&ea3ly .nteracting 5assive 2articles I and I5assive
"ompact Calo +b*ectsI do physicists use to explain dar3 matterH
A7 &imps and 5achos.
D7 &hat astronomical term gradually replaced the cumbersome
Igravitationally completely collapsed ob*ectIH
A7 )lac3 Cole.
D7 &hat;s short for Ilight amplification by stimulated emission of
A7 Easer.
D7 &hat;s a single unit of 6uanta calledH
A7 A 6uantum.
D7 &hat did scientists build in a s6uash court under a football stadium at
the /niversity of "hicago in 1142H
A7 A nuclear reactor.
D7 &hat;s the atomic number of hydrogenH
A7 +ne.
D7 &hat element begins with the letter I3IH
A7 Grypton.
D7 &hat =,word is defined in physics as a Inuclear reaction in which nuclei
combine to form more massive nucleiIH
A7 =usion.
D7 &hat @,word was the first elementary particle to be discoveredH
A7 The electron.
:*(-'"(!)'#3 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!" #!-5(*-.
&hat /.-. president;s -tate of the /nion address lasted a record 41
A7 )ill "linton;s.
&hat /.-. president was born &illiam >efferson )lythe .FH
A7 )ill "linton.
&hat 110!;s president openly discussed his battle with hemorrhoidsH
A7 >immy "arter. 2residential trivia 6uestions and answers.
&hat /.-. president had the shortest lifeH
A7 >ohn =. Gennedy.
&hat former president was on an African hunting trip when his enemy >. 2.
5organ 6uipped7 IEet every lion do his dutyIH
A7 Theodore ?oosevelt.
&hat conspirator in the Eincoln assassination was pardoned for saving the
lives of prison guards during a yellow fever epidemicH
A7 (r. -amuel 5udd.
&hat president opined7 I+nce you get into this great stream of history you
can;t get outIH
A7 ?ichard 8ixon.
&ho was the first president to utter I&e shall overcomeI before a *oint
session of "ongressH
A7 Eyndon ). >ohnson.
&hat future president was the only /.-. senator from a "onfederate state
to remain in "ongress after secessionH
A7 Andrew >ac3son.
&hat president;s mug graces a J1!!%!!! billH
A7 &oodrow &ilson.
&hat future /.-. president received the last rites of the "atholic "hurch
after an infection following spinal surgery in 114H
A7 >ohn =. Gennedy.
&hat war saw >ames 5adison become the first /.-. president to command
a military unit during his term in officeH
A7 The war of 1412.
&hat document did 2resident Andrew >ohnson want a copy of placed
under his head upon his burialH
A7 The /.-. "onstitution.
&ho was the first daughter of a /.-. president to pose nude for a 2layboy
A7 2atti (avis.
Cow many /.-. states are named after a presidentH
A7 +ne.
&ho is the only president to have survived two assassination attempts by
A7 :erald =ord.
&hat portly /.-. president was the first to be a golf nutH
A7 &illiam Coward Taft.
&hat future president;s Texas classmates ran a shot of a *ac3ass under his
yearboo3 photoH
A7 Eyndon ). >ohnson;s.
&hat day does the /.-. president traditionally deliver a wee3ly radio
A7 -aturday.
&hat horse,loving future president cheated on an eye exam to *oin the
cavalry reserves in the 113!;sH
A7 ?onald ?egan.
&hat /.-. president threw out the most +pening (ay baseballsH
A7 =ran3lin (. ?oosevelt.
&hat card game did (wight (. @isenhower play fanatically while planning
for (,(ayH
A7 )ridge.
&hat &hite Couse lawyer first revealed the existence of an Ienemies listI
and Ihush moneyI at the &atergate hearingsH
A7 >ohn (ean.
&hat date saw =(? sign the /.-. declaration of war against >apanH
A7 (ecember 4% 1141.
&hat /.-. president installed solar panels on the &hite Couse roofH
A7 >immy "arter.
&hat =irst Eady of the 114!s was shoc3ed to find Ia tremendous ratI
swimming with her in the &hite Couse 2oolH
A7 )arbara )ush.
&hat future anchor was the only female reporter to tag along with ?ichard
8ixon on his historic trip to "hinaH
A7 )arbara &alters.
&ho revealed that the /.-. had a hydrogen bomb in his last -tate of the
/nion speechH
A7 Carry -. Truman
D7 &hat date saw =(? sign the /.-. declaration of war against >apanH
A7 (ecember 4% 1141.
D7 &ho was the first /.-. president to adopt the informal version of his
first nameH
A7 >immy "arter.
D7 &ho was the first president to appear on a /.-. coinH
A7 Abraham Eincoln.
D7 &ho said7 I.;m the president of the /nited -tates% and .;m not going to
eat any more broccoliIH
A7 :eorge )ush.
D7 &ho told >immy "arter in a debate7 IThere is no -oviet domination of
@astern @uropeIH
A7 :erald =ord.
D7 Cow many /.-. presidents played a role in Fietnam;s civil warH
A7 =ive.
D7 &ho did Abraham Eincoln promote to ma*or general of volunteers after
he captured =ort Cenry and =ort (onelsonH
A7 /lysses -. :rant.
D7 &hat future /.-. president received the last rites of the "atholic "hurch
after an infection following spinal surgery in 114H
A7 >ohn =. Gennedy.
D7 &hat did ?onald ?eagan disclose he was suffering from% in 1114H
A7 Alzheimer;s disease.
D7 &hat former /.-. president showed up on dollar coins in 1101H
A7 (wight (. @isenhower.
D7 &hat /.-. president;s -tate of the /nion address lasted a record 41
A7 )ill "linton;s.
D7 &hat president was shot at while wal3ing to "alifornia :overnor >erry
)rown;s officeH
A7 :erald =ord.
D7 &hat /.-. vice president was once wanted for murder in 8ew >erseyH
A7 Aaron )urr.
D7 &hat inscription on /.-. coins did Theodore ?oosevelt try in vain to
have removedH
A7 .n :od &e Trust.
D7 &hat document did 2resident Andrew >ohnson want a copy of placed
under his head upon his burialH
A7 The /.-. "onstitution.
D7 &ho was the first president to utter I&e shall overcomeI before a *oint
session of "ongressH
A7 Eyndon ). >ohnson.
D7 &hat war saw >ames 5adison become the first /.-. president to
command a military unit during his term in officeH
A7 The war of 1412.
D7 &hat name did romantic :eorge )ush paint on his bomber during &orld
&ar ..H
A7 )arbara.
D7 &ho was the first /.-. vice president named acting president while his
boss was under the 3nifeH
A7 :eorge )ush.
D7 &hat portly /.-. president was the first to be a golf nutH
A7 &illiam Coward Taft.
D7 &hat /.-. president had the shortest lifeH
A7 >ohn =. Gennedy.
D7 &hat future president was the only /.-. senator from a "onfederate
state to remain in "ongress after secessionH
A7 Andrew >ohnson.
D7 &hat 110!s president openly discussed his battle with hemorrhoidsH
A7 >immy "arter.
D7 &hat three words did :eorge )ush say before Ino new taxesI in 1144H
A7 I?ead my lipsI.
D7 &hat former president was on an IAfrican hunting trip when his enemy
>.2. 5organ 6uipped7 IEet every lion do his dutyIH
A7 Theodore ?oosevelt.
D7 &hat /.-. president was born &illiam >efferson )lythe .FH
A7 )ill "linton.
:*(-'"(!) )*'+'#3 4(-)'0!
&ho called @isenhower% Coover and Truman in the early morning hours of
8ovember 23% 11'3H
A7 Eyndon ). >ohnson.
&ho told >immy "arter in a debate7 IThere is no -oviet domination of
@astern @uropeIH
A7 :erald =ord.
&hose 14!! presidential campaign did the Cartford "ourant offer a formal
apology for opposing% in 1113H
A7 Thomas >efferson;s.
&hat presidential candidate did ?onald ?eagan support when voting for
the first timeH
A7 =ran3lin (. ?oosevelt.
Gitty Gelly wrote an /nauthorized )iography about which =irst EadyH
A7 8ancy ?egan 2resident trivia 6uestions and answers.
&hich =irst Eady was born 5amie (oudH
A7 5aime @isenhower
.n the '!s what was the first name of >ohn =. Gennedy;s wifeH
A7 >ac3ie
&hose assassination was -am -eymour the last living witness to% until his
death in 11'H
A7 Abraham Eincoln;s.
&hat name did romantic :eorge )ush paint on his bomber during &orld
&ar ..H
A7 )arbara.
&here was >=G when he said the /.-. Inever had to put up a wall to 3eep
our people inIH
A7 &est )erlin.
&hat three words did :eorge )ush say before Ino new taxesI in 1144H
A7 ?ead my lips.
&ho did Abraham Eincoln promote to ma*or general of volunteers after he
captured =ort Cenry and =ort (onelsonH
A7 /lysses -. :rant.
&hose 1423 doctrine said the &estern Cemisphere was not open to
colonization or aggression by @uropean nationsH
A7 >ames 5onroe;s.
&hat card game did (wight (. @isenhower play fanatically while planning
for (,(ayH
A7 )ridge.
&hat date saw =(? sign the /.-. declaration of war against >apanH
A7 (ecember 4% 1141.
S/0*)- )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!-5(*-.
&hat sport used the term Ihome runI ling before baseballH
Answer7 "ric3et.
&ho was the first /.-. volleyball player to win three +lympic gold medalsH
Answer7 Garch Giraly.
&hat was the only team to win two &orld -eries in the 114!;sH
Answer7 The Eos Angeles (odgers.
&hat 8=E team is 3nown as the Iain;tsI when on a losing strea3H
Answer7 The 8ew +rleans -aints.
&hat;s an 8)A player deemed to be if he;s received the 5aurice 2odoloff
Answer7 The most valuable player.
&hat &ashington "apitals goalie earned the nic3names IAceI and I8et
Answer7 >im "arey. -ports trivia 6uestions answers.
&hat 8)A team plays home games in the Alamo domeH
Answer7 The -an Antonio -purs.
&ho graciously switched to number 00 so 2hil @sposito;s number 0 could
be retired in )oston :ardenH
Answer7 ?aymond )our6ue
&hat company;s logo is called the IswooshIH
Answer7 8i3e;s
&hat ?ed -ox catcher;s erect posture earned him the clubhouse nic3name
Answer7 "arlton =is3;s
&hat sport did Cerve =ilion top with a record of 14%!44 winsH
Answer7 Carness racing.
&hat team hired the 8=E;s first professional cheerleading s6uad% in 1102H
Answer7 The (allas "owboys.
&hat 8ative American language was -uper )owl LLL the first to be
broadcast inH
Answer7 8ava*o.
&hat nic3name do boxing fans call 3!!,pound @ric @sch% Ging of the =our,
Answer7 )utterbean.
&hat 111 &orld -eries teams were both pic3eted by the American .ndian
Answer7 The Atlanta )raves and "leveland .ndians.
&hat diet drin3 was hyped by "oca,"ola for having only only calorie% in
Answer7 Tab.
&hat comic actor scored huge sales with his )ad :olf 5ade @asy
instructional videosH
Answer7 Eeslie 8ielsen
&hat country fielded 111' +lympic women;s teams that won gold in
bas3etball% soccer and softballH
Answer7 The /.-.
&hat :rand -lam golf tournament has the most clubhousers sipping mint
Answer7 The 5asters.
&ho is the only tennis player to have won each of the four grand slam
events at least four timesH
Answer7 -teffi :raf.
&hat decade saw names first appear on the bac3s of 8=E *erseysH
Answer7 The 11'!;s.
&ho was able to set 8=E rushing records because of his Ibig butI
according to "hicago )ears trainer =ran3 "aitoH
Answer7 &alter 2ayton.
&hat position must college footballers play to receive the (avey +;)rien
Answer7 Duarterbac3.
&hat disorder did 5uhammad Ali develop after years of catching blowsH
Answer7 2ar3inson;s syndrome.
&hat are the only three @uropean countries to have won soccer;s &orld
Answer7 @ngland% .taly% &est :ermany.
&hat is the common term for the tennis ailment Ilateral humeral
Answer7 Tennis @lbow.
&hat racing competition became a best,of,nine series in 111H
Answer7 The America;s "up.
&ho was the first athlete to rap at a 2ro )owl musical gala in 111H
Answer7 (eion -anders.
&hat woman won five /.-. figure s3ating titls from ' to 103% but never an
+lympic gold medalH
Answer7 >anet Eynn.
&ho was the first female *oc3ey to win five races in one day at a 8ew Bor3
Answer7 >ulie Grone
&hat teams played in the first all,"alifornia -uper )owlH
Answer7 The -an =rancisco 41ers and the -an (iego "hargers.
&hat two players are tied for second behind Ty "obb in total career runsH
Answer7 Can3 Aaron and )abe ?uth.
&hat school gained more yards and scored more points than any team in
-outheastern "onference history in 111H
A7 The =lorida :ators.
&hat head coach tried to soothe the egos of (ream Team ...H
A7 Eenny &il3ins.
&ho;s second to -am -nead in 2:A Tour winsH
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus.
&hat 6uarterbac3 got stuc3 with the given names Belberton AbrahamH
A7 B.A. Tittle.
&hich two cities have the oldest stadiums in ma*or league baseballH
A7 )oston and (etroit.
&hat;s the last name of 8=E All,2ro brothers -hannon and -terlingH
A7 -harpe.
&hat baseball announcer;s 111' funeral was attended b y >oe (i5aggio%
Bogi )erra% &hitey =ord and 2hil ?izzutoH
A7 5el Allen;s
&hat position did "al ?ip3in >r.% start at for the first time since 1142% in a
>uly% 111' gameH
A7 Third base.
&hat 2ro =ootball Call of =amer was the first to get a second bust in the
Call% for broadcastingH
&hat team did Ban3ees pitcher (on Earsen blan3 when he hurled the first
perfect game% in the 11' &orld -eriesH
A7 The )roo3lyn (odgers.
&hat did an 5.T instructor add to a baseball bat to reduce its air drag by
'! percentH
A7 (imples.
&hat recreational activity is second on popularity only to wal3ing in the
A7 -wimming.
&hat;s the most common nic3name for a ma*or league baseball pitcherH
A7 IEeftyI.
&ho was the 8)A "oach of the Bear trophy named afterH
A7 ?ed Auerbach.
&hat ma*or leaguer hit 2! or more homers in 2! seasonsH
A7 Can3 Aaron.
&hat "owboy;s 11,yard run from scrimmage put him in the 8=E record
boo3 in 1143H
A7 Tony (orsett;s.
&hat did college student >oseph (eliberato swallow a record 41 of at one
sitting in 1131H
A7 :oldfish.
Cow many home run titles did ?oger 5aris winH
A7 +ne.
&hat .ndiana 2acer did Gnic3s fan -pi3e Eee anger during the 1114
playoffs by calling him I"herylIH
A7 ?eggie 5iller.
&hat two 8)A players won the 5F2 trophy three times each from 114'
through 1112H
A7 5agic >ohnson and 5ichael >ordan.
&hat shortstop holds the ma*or league records for games played% assists
and double playsH
A7 +zzie -mith.
&hat 8)A team became the first to defeat the )oston "eltics in 12
straight games in 111H
A7 The 8ew Bor3 8ic3s.
&hat baseball team;s games are announced on TF by -3ip "areyHNN
A7 The Atlanta )raves.
&hat )roo3lyn (odgers great got his nic3name for hat he called his
shooter when playing marbles as a childH
A7 2ee &ee ?eese.
&hat baseball team has a monthly newsletter called IThe FinelineIH
A7 The "hicago "ubs.
&hat;s the surfing term for a fast ride with five toes hoo3ed over the
A7 Cang =ive.
&hat three 41er have earned super )owl 5F2 honors through 11'H
A7 >oe 5ontana% >erry ?ice% -teve Boung.
&hat decade saw the 8=E ban bloc3ing below the waist and head
A7 The 110!;s.
&hat;s the last :rand -lam tennis tournament played in a calendar yearH
A7 The /.-. +pen
D7 &hat rac3et sport can be played with four balls of differing bouncing
A7 -6uash.
D7 &hat brilliant name did the Texas ?angers choose for their ballpar3H
A7 The )allpar3.
D7 &hat are sportsmen hoping to find in a creelH
A7 =ish.
D7 &ho wore shoes labeled IAir /taI during her 111 )oston 5arathon
A7 /ta 2ippig.
D7 &ho usually finished last in @dmonton +ilers strength tests% in the
A7 &ayne :retz3y.
D7 &hat pro athlete is nic3named IThe (reamIH
A7 Ca3eem +la*uwon.
D7 &hat :iant;s bone,crushing 114 tac3le ended >oe Theismann;s careerH
A7 Eawrence Taylor;s.
D7 &hat sport features stri3ers and sweepersH
A7 -occer.
D7 &hat 5ariner;s 1 homers in 5ay of 1114 were more than the entire
5ontreal @xpos team managedH
A7 Gen :riffey >r.;s.
D7 Cow many of the five boroughs does the 8ew Bor3 "ity marathon run
A7 =ive.
D7 &hat new pitch helped "arl Cubbell win 24 straight games in the
A7 The -crewball.
D7 Cow many holes are in the original &iffle ballH
A7 @ight.
D7 &hat sport accounted for five of the top ten highest grossing sports
movies% through 1114H
A7 )oxing.
D7 &hat pro sport tries to brea3 ties with a sudden,death overtime period
of five minutesH
A7 Coc3ey.
D7 &hat do you call the stic3 you use to push a shuffleboard discH
A7 A cue.
D7 &hat state is allowed to compete separately from the /.-. at
international surfing meets.H
A7 Cawaii.
D7 &hat name did the athletic teams go by at >ac3 8ic3laus; high schoolH
A7 The :olden )ears.
D7 &ho was the first African,American to win the /.-. and world figure
s3ating singles titlesH
A7 (ebi Thomas.
D7 &hat /.-. trac3 star did =rench writers dub Ea gazelle in 11'!H
A7 &ilma ?udoph.
D7 &hat rac3et sport involves bashing a birdH
A7 )adminton.
D7 Cow many of every ten pro athletes in the /.-. are African , AmericanH
A7 +ne.
D7 &hat sport features such plays as the flare% fly% buttonhoo3 and postH
A7 =ootball.
D7 &hat "eltics announcer found he could hear much better after a doctor
discovered a radio ear plug in his earH
A7 >ohnny 5ost.
D7 &hat team sport was 111;s fastest,growing sport in the /.-.% up 43
percent since 1114H
A7 ?oller Coc3ey.
D7 &hat nation;s )lac3 5agic . sailed away with a five,zero America;s "up
win in 111H
A7 8ew 9ealand;s
D7 &hat team has the highest -tanley "up playoff winning percentageH
A7 The @dmonton +ilers.
D7 &hat baseball team has a monthly newsletter called The FinelineH
A7 The "hicago "ubs.
D7 &hat are the only three @uropean countries to have won soccer;s &orld
A7 @ngland% .taly% &est :ermany.
D7 &hat heavyweight was Tony ITwo TonI :alento referring to when he
said in 1131 I.;ll molder de bumIH
A7 >oe Eewis.
D7 &hat sport did Cerve =ilion top with a record of 14%!44 winsH
A7 Carness racing.
D7 &hat two continents fielded teams in the &orld Eeague of American
=ootball% in 1111H
A7 @urope and 8orth America.
D7 &ho was able to set 8=E rushing records because of his Ibig butt%I
according to "hicago )ears trainer =ran3 "aitoH
A7 &alter 2ayton.
D7 &ho was the first /.-. volleyball player to win three +lympic gold
A7 Garch Giraly.
D7 &hat movie did 5ichael @isner say was his Imar3et researchI for
(isney;s 8CE entryH
A7 The 5ighty (uc3s.
D7 &hat was the only team to win two &orld -eries in the 114!sH
A7 The Eos Angeles (odgers.
D7 &hat league was :ino "appelletti the top scorer of in the 11'!s% with
1%1!! pointsH
A7 The American =ootball Eeague.
D7 &hat position did "al ?ip3in >r.% start at for the first time since 1142% in
a >uly% 111' gameH
A7 Third base.
D7 &hat decade saw the 8=E ban bloc3ing below the waist and head
A7 The 110!s.
D7 &hat Ban3ee pitcher holds &orld -eries records for games won and
games lostH
A7 &hitey =ord.
D7 &hat baseball announcer;s 111' funeral was attended by >oe (i5aggio%
Bogi )erra% &htey =ord and 2hil ?izzutoH
A7 5el Allen;s..
D7 &hat ma*or leaguer hit 2! or more homers in 2! seasonsH
A7 Can3 Aaron.
D7 &hat baseballer said of )iloxi )lues7 I.t reminded me of being in the
Army% even though . was in the 8avy7H
A7 Bogi )erra.
D7 &hat -outh African has traveled more miles than any athlete in hisoryH
A7 :ary 2layer.
D7 &hat team had a camp so grueling it was dubbed I =ort EandryIH
A7 The (allas "owboys.
D7 &hat former )ruin defenseman was the first to s3ae on )oston;s new
=eet "enter iceH
A7 )obby +rr.
D7 &hat down,under sport is a cross between soccer and rugbyH
A7 Australian ?ules =ootball.
D7 Cow long is the longest race on the 8A-"A? circuitH
A7 '!! miles
D7 &hat /.-. college sport honors its best player with the Cobey )a3er
A7 Coc3ey.
D7 &hat horse tied% but could not brea3% "itation;s 1',race consecutive
win strea3H
A7 "igar.
D7 &ho was the first ma*or leaguer to hit home runs in his teens and n his
A7 Ty "obb.
D7 &ho was the only soccer player to play on three &orld "up,winning
A7 2ele.
D7 &hat ballplayer was dubbed I The .ron )irdIH
A7 "al ?ip3in >r.
D7 &hat does the Eindy &orm )lower allegedly enhance your chances of
A7 "atching fish.
D7 &hat pro sport was played by Eu )lue% 2ebbly >ac3 :lasscoc3 and
5ordecai 2eter "entennial IThree =ingerI )rownH
A7 )aseball.
D7 &hat pro team made it to the playloffs a record 21 straight times% in
A7 The )oston )ruins.
D7 &hat essential do trac3 racing bicycles lac3 that a recreational rider
wouldn;t be caught dead withoutH
A7 )ra3es.
D7 &hat weighty >apanese sport has participants 3nown as ri3ishiH
A7 -umo wrestling.
D7 &hat 24,year,old ice s3ater died of a sudden heart attac3 in 8ovember%
A7 -ergei :rin3ov .
D7 &hat football commentator in3ed a four,year deal with =ox for a
A7 >ohn 5adden.
D7 &hat golfer made a comebac3 from chemotherapy and radiation
treatment for lymphoma in 1114H
A7 2aul Azinger.
D7 &hat golfer beat 2or3y +liver at the 114' 2:A "hampionship to win his
first ma*orH
A7 )en Cogan.
D7 &hat multi,nic3named Ban3ees great suggested he be called IThe .dol
of the American )oyIH
A7 )abe ?uth.
D7 &hat two,time All,)ig,@ight defensive bac3 at "olorado won three /.-.
+pen golf titlesH
A7 Cale .rwin.
D7 &ho topped the 2:A Tour in earnings for five years in the 110!sH
A7 >ac3 8ic3laus
D7 &hat golf tourney banned sportscaster :ary 5c"ord for calling course
bumps Ibody bagsI and suggesting Ibi3ini waxI sped the greensH
A7 The 5asters.
D7 &hat dreaded golf shot occurs when the ball is hit with the hosel of the
A7 A -han3.
D7 &hat decade saw names first appear on the bac3s of 8=E *erseysH
A7 The 11'!s.
D7 &hat 2ro =ootball Call of =amer was the first to get a second bust in
the Call% for broadcastingH
A7 =ran3 :ifford.
D7 &hat three 41ers have earned -uper )owl 5F2 honors% through 111'H
A7 >oe 5ontana% >erry ?ice% -teve Boung.
D7 &hat )roo3lyn (odgers great got his nic3 name for what he called his
shooter when playing marbles as a childH
A7 I2ee &eeI ?eese.
D7 &hat sport was popularized by +lympic swimmer (u3e Gahanamo3uH
A7 -urfing.
D7 &hat 8)A star refuses to have the hot water turned on at his "hicago
home because he rarely ta3es showers thereH
A7 (ennis ?odman.
D7 &hat;s an 8)A player deemed to be if he;s received the 5aurice
2odoloff TrophyH
A7 The 5ost Faluable 2layer.
D7 &hat;s the most common nic3name for a ma*or league baseball
A7 IEeftyI.
D7 &ho was the 8)A "oach of the Bear trophy named afterH
A7 ?ed Auerbach.
D7 &hat;s the last name of 8=E All 2ro brothers -hannon and -terlingH
A7 -harpe.
D7 &ho is the only tennis player to have won each of the four grand slam
events at least four timesH
A7 -teffi :raf.
D7 &hat position must college footballers play to receive the (avey
+;)rien AwardH
A7 Duarterbac3.
D7 &hat 8)A team charges J'!! for a floor seal at a regular season
A7 The Eos Angeles Ea3ers.
D7 &hat;s the fastest engine,powered sportH
A7 Airplane racing.
D7 &hat heavyweight was Tony ITwo TonI :alento referring to when he
said in 11317I.;ll molder de bumIH
A7 >oe Euis.
D7 &hat +a3land Athletic hit the longest homer in "umis3ey 2ar3 history%
and followed it the next day with one twenty feet longerH
A7 5ar3 5c:wire.
D7 &ho coached the (etroit ?ed &ings to '2 wins in 111,1'% brea3ing
-cotty )owman;s mar3 of '! with 5ontrPal in 110',00H
A7 -cotty )owman.
D7 &hat team ended 4 years of frustration by winning the -tanley "up in
A7 The 8ew Bor3 ?angers.
D7 &hat Alabama,born football and baseball star was named after the
actor who played (r. )en "asey on TFH
A7 Fince @dward I)oI >ac3son.
S&'(!&( ,#&)-
&hat was the first city to be leveled by a plutonium,based atomic bombH
A7 8agasa3i.
&hat high,level computer language was named after a =rench
mathematician and philosopherH
A7 2A-"AE.
&hat 5ercury astronaut had a pulse rate of 10! at lift,off,>ohn :lenn% Alan
-hepard or :us :rissomH
A7 :us :rissom.
&hat type of vessel was powered by a hand,cran3ed propeller when first
used in combat in 110'H
A7 A submarine.
&hat creature proved to be much faster than a horse in a 1120 race in
-ydney% AustraliaH
A7 The Gangaroo.
&hat radioactive element is extracted from carnotite and pitchblendeH
A7 /ranium.
&hat organ of a buffalo did 2lains .ndians use to ma3e yellow paintH
A7 The gallbladder.
&hat optical aids was nearsighted model :race ?obin the first to show off
in 113!H
A7 "ontact lenses.
&hat creature;s fossilized leg bone did >ohn Corner discover red blood
cells in% in 1113H
A7 A tyrannosaurus rex;s.
&hat stic3y sweetener was traditionally used as an antiseptic ointment for
cuts and burnsH
A7 Coney.
&hat computer was introduced in 1144 -uper )owl adsH
A7 The 5acintosh.
&hat male body part did 5ademoiselle magazine find to be the favorite of
most womenH
A7 @yes.
&hat planet is named after the :ree3 god who personified the s3yH
A7 /ranus.
&hat fat substitute got =(A approval for use in snac3 foods% despite
reports of diarrhea and crampsH
A7 +lestra.
&hat plant;s meltdown was dubbed I?ussian ?ouletteI by nuclear power
A7 "hernobyl;s.
&hat is a single unit of 6uanta calledH
A7 A 6uantum.
&hat will fall off of the :reat -phinx in 2!! years due to pollution and
erosion% according to scholar "hi3aosa TanimotoH
A7 .t;s head.
&hat suntan lotion was developed by (r. )en :reen in 1144 to protect
pilots who bailed out over the 2acificH
A7 "oppertone.
&hat was =riedrich -erturner the first to extract from opium and use as a
pain relieverH
A7 5orphine.
&hat substance nets recyclers the most moneyH
A7 Aluminum.
&hat are you shopping for if you are sized up by a )rannoc3 (eviceH
A7 -hoes.
&hat animal travels at 2 mph under water but finds it easier to toboggan
on its belly on landH
A7 The penguin.
&hat;s the itchy s3in condition tinea pedis better 3nown asH
A7 Athlete;s foot.
&hat uncoo3ed meat is a trichina worm most li3ely to ma3e a home inH
A7 2or3.
Cow many of every 1! victims infected by the @bola virus will die in two
A7 8ine.
&hat computer company was named after a founder;s memories of
spending a summer in an +regon orchardH
A7 Apple.
&hat butterfly,shaped gland is located *ust in front of the windpipeH
A7 The Thyroid.
&hat;s short for Ilight amplification by stimulated emission of radiationIH
A7 Easer.
&hat planet is the brightest ob*ect in the s3y% after the sun and moonH
A7 Fenus.
&hat weapon did :erman gunsmith August Gotter unload on the world in
A7 The rifle.
&hat type of machine did 11,year,old =rench genius )laise 2ascal invent
to help his dad do taxes in 1'42H
A7 An adding machine.
&hat do leu3emia sufferers have too many ofH
A7 &hite blood cells% or leu3ocytes.
&hat )en*amin Colt invention was good news to farmers in 11!!H
A7 The tractor.
&hat weather phenomenon is measured by the )eaufort scaleH
A7 &ind.
&hat do itchy people call the Irhus radicansI they were sorry they came
into contact withH
A7 2oison .vy.
&hat drupaceous fruit were Cawaiian women once forbidden by law to
A7 The coconut.
S/#&( ,#&)- )*'+'# 4(-)'0!- #!-5(*- #!" ,#&)-.
Cow old is the universeH
A7 .n a study published in the *ournal -cience% a team of researchers says
the universe is between 11.2 billion and 2! billion years old.
&hat is a blac3 holeH
A7 A blac3 hole is a region of spacetime from which nothing can escape%
even light.
Cow far is the nearest blac3 holeH
A7 As of now the closest 3nown one is thought to lie at about 1%'!! light
years from @arth.
&hat is a supernovaH
A7 A supernova is a stellar explosion which produces an extremely bright
ob*ect made of plasma that declines to invisibility over wee3s or months.
&hat is a 6uasarH
A7 The scientific consensus is that 6uasars are powered by material falling
into super massive blac3 holes in the nuclei of distant galaxies.
&hat is a neutron starH
A7 8eutron stars are the collapsed cores of some massive stars.
&hat is a brown dwarfH
A7 )rown dwarfs are sub,stellar ob*ects with a mass below that necessary
to maintain hydrogen,burning nuclear fusion reactions in their cores.
&hat is a red giantH
A7 They are stars of !.4 , 1! times the mass of the -un which have
exhausted their supply of hydrogen in their cores and switched to fusing
hydrogen in a shell outside the core.
Cow hot is the sunH
A7 The core of the -un is 20%!!!%!!! degrees =ahrenheit. The surface of
the -un% is only 1!%!!! degrees =ahrenheit.
&hat is a solar flareH
A7 A solar flare is an explosion on the -un that happens when energy
stored in twisted magnetic fields is suddenly released.
&hat are cosmic raysH
A7 "osmic rays are high energy charged particles% originating in outer
space% that travel at nearly the speed of light and stri3e the @arth from all
&hat is the Fan Allen beltH
A7 The Fan Allen ?adiation )elt is a torus of energetic charged particles
#plasma$ around @arth% trapped by @arth;s magnetic field.
&hat is the most common element found in the universeH
A7 Cydrogen
&hat is >upiter made ofH
A7 >upiter is about 1!< hydrogen and 1!< helium #by numbers of atoms%
0N2< by mass$ with traces of methane% water% ammonia and Iroc3I
Cow many moons does >upiter haveH
A7 >upiter has '3 3nown satellites #as of =eb 2!!4$7 the four large :alilean
moons plus many more small ones some of which have not yet been
Cow long is a day on 5ercuryH
A7 5ercury rotates three times in two of its years.
Cow many stars are there in in the big dipperH
A7 The )ig (ipper is a group of seven bright stars% 3 which form a handle
and 4 which form a bowl.
Cow many stars are in the little dipperH
A7 The little dipper has ' stars.
&hat is a constellationH
A7 A constellation is a group of stars that% when seen from @arth% form a
Cow many named constellations are thereH
A7 There are 44 constellations.
&hat is the big red spot on >upiterH
A7 The :reat ?ed -pot on >upiter is a hurricane,li3e storm system. .t is
large enough that two @arths could fit across it.
&here is the element gold come fromH
A7 :old only comes from -uper 8ovae.
&hat is a parsecH
A7 The parsec is a unit of length used in astronomy% approximately e6ual
to 3.2'1 light years
&hich planet has the most moonsH
A7 >upiter has the most of any planet. -aturn is second.
&hich planet is the hottestH
A7 Fenus is the hottest planet.
&hich planet is the coldestH
A7 2luto is the coldest planet. .t has an icy temperature of ,4!! =.
Cow much would 1!! pounds here on earth weigh on the moonH
A7 .f you weighed 1!! pounds on earth% you would weigh only about 1'
pounds on the moon.
&hat is Titan;s atmosphere made ofH
A7 The atmosphere of Titan is made mostly of 8itrogen #4!,1!<$% *ust li3e
the @arth;s atmosphereK
&hat is the diameter of the earthH
A7 The diameter of the earth at the e6uator is 0%12'.41 miles #12%0'.32
&hat is the diameter of the moonH
A7 The diameter of the 5oon is 3%404 3ilometers.
Cow fast is the speed of lightH
A7 .n metric units% the speed of light is exactly 211%012%44 meters per
second #or 1%!01%22%444.4 3mNh$. Approximately 14'%!!! miles per
Cow many miles is one light yearH
A7 A light year is %4'%'1'%!!!%!!! miles.
&hat is a meteorite made ofH
A7 5ost meteorites contain at least some iron metal #actually an alloy of
iron and nic3el$. Bou can see the metal shining on a bro3en surface. .ron
meteorites are all metal% stony iron meteorites are about half metal% half
stone% and stone meteorites contain small flec3s of metal.
Cow long is an astronomical unitH
A7 The Astronomical /nit is the average distance between the -un and
@arth. .ts value is 141%10%40! 3m #about 13 million miles$.
F! )*#+(3 )*'+'# 4(-)'0!-; #!" #!-5(*-.
.s -candinavia in the north or south of @uropeH
A7 8orth
&hich Arctic country;s =innish name is Eapin EiH
A7 Eapland
The -traight of :ibraltar connects the Atlantic +cean with which -eaH
A7 5editerranean
&hich country is also called the Cellenic ?epublicH
A7 :reece
&hat is @urope;s most mountainous countryH
A7 -witzerland
.n 8orway% a f*ord is made up largely of whatH
A7 &ater
The island of ?hodes belongs to which 5editerranean countryH
A7 :reece
@uro tunnel lin3s which two countriesH
A7 @ngland and =rance
The Eeft )an3 generally refers to the Eeft )an3 of the -eine in which cityH
A7 2aris
+3inawa is a volcano in which countryH
A7 >apan
&hat is the largest country in -outh AmericaH
A7 )razil
&hat was the ancient city% carved out of red roc3 in >ordan% that was
forgotten by @uropeans until the 11th centuryH
A7 2etra.
&hich of the -even &onders of the &orld was a @phesusH
A7 The Temple of Artemis
&hat was the original purpose of the leaning tower of 2isaH
A7 )ell Tower
&hat island in -an =rancisco )ay was the site of an almost escape,proof
A7 Alcatraz.
&hat was the former site of the two temples celcbrating ?amses .. and
8efertari% before they were moved because of flooding by the waters of
the Aswan Cigh (amH
A7 Abu -imbel
&here is the Falley of the Gings% the scene of a terrorist attac3 in 1110H
A7 @gypt.
&hat was Co "hi 5inh "ity before it was called Co "hi 5inh "ityH
A7 -aigon
To the nearest thousand% how many islands does .ndonesia haveH
A7 13
&hich country contains the )iblical rivers of the Tigris and the
A7 .ra6
&hat was -t. 2etersburg called for most of the 2!th centuryH
A7 Eeningrad.
&hich country lies to the north of Austria and to the south of 2olandH
A7 "zech ?epublic
&hat name is given to the popular holiday area between 5arseille and Ea
A7 ?iviera
Cow tall is the @iffel TowerH
A7 144 feet.
Archaeologists believe they have located the burial site of )oudicca% the
)ritish 6ueen who led a bloody revolt against ?oman rule in the first
century A.(. &here is itH
A7 /nder 2latform 4 of the Ging;s "ross ?ailway -tation in Eondon.
&hat 5iddle @astern country;s name includes the name of it;s first rulerH
A7 -audi Arabia. ?uler Abd al,Aziz ibn -aud unified his dual 3ingdoms of
Ce*az and 8e*d and their dependencies under the name -audi Arabia in
&hat is the name of 5oscow;s largest department storeH
A7 :/5
&hat country has more volcanoes than any otherH
A7 .ndonesia. .t has 1'0 of the 4! active volcanoes 3nown in the world.
&hat was an official language in 40 nations and territories% by 1114H
A7 @nglish.
&hat;s the third,largest continent in s6uare milesH
A7 8orth America.
&hat is the capital of GuwaitH
A7 Guwait "ity. &orld trivia 6uestions.
I&hat town name did residents of a =lorida retirement community switch
to because they found -unset (epressingH
A7 -unrise.
&hat;s the second most populous continentH
A7 @urope.
&hat finally went out of fashion in ancient ?ome% prompting people to
begin wearing short pants called feminaliaH
A7 The Toga.
&hat southwestern /.-. state has the highest percentage of non,@nglish
A7 8ew 5exico.
&hat 5,word did Texas citizens choose as a town name that would
IattractI fol3sH
A7 5agnet.
&hat state leads the /.-. with 1 tons of solid waste per citizen each
A7 "alifornia.
&hich is further from the e6uator% Tasmania% Tanzania% or TransylvaniaH
A7 Transylvania.
&hat eastern town is home for a service academy and the /.-. -liver
A7 &est 2oint.
&hat;s the /niversity of 2aris more commonly calledH
A7 The -orbonne.
&hat two =rench cities are connected by the planet;s fastest passenger
A7 2aris and Eyons.
&hat religion has the most adherent% )uddhism% "hristianity or .slamH
AA "hristianity.
&hat /.-. state boasts a town called "aptain "oo3H
A7 Cawaii.
&hat;s the :ree3 name for hellH
A7 Cades.
&hat @uropean country does Aruba maintain the strongest ties toH
A7 The 8etherlands.
&hat do the "hinese call 3wai,tsze% or I6uic3 little fellowsIH
A7 "hopstic3s.
&hat @uropean country uses its Eatin name% Celvetia% on its stampsH
A7 -witzerland.
&hat )ritish university boasts and endowment called the >ac3ie 5ason
Eectureship in "ontemporary >udaismH
A7 +xford.
&hat country did :ree3 historian Cerodotus dub Ithe gift of the 8ileIH
A7 @gypt.
&hat country is only bordered by -painH
A7 2ortugal.
&hat;s the flattest /.-. stateH
A7 =lorida.
&hat /.-. state% after much debate% made the bizcochito the official state
A7 8ew 5exico.
&hat Australian city boasts the largest :ree3 population in the world
outside of :reeceH
A7 5elbourne.
&hat /.-. state boasts the towns of :ulf -tream% Ea3ebreeze and
A7 =lorida.
&hat country has bee the planet;s largest aid donor since 1111H
A7 >apan.
&hat island nation is a must for anyone wishing to see 4! species of
A7 5adagascar.
&hat country is almost twice as large as either the /.-. or "hinaH
A7 ?ussia.
&hat -outh Asian city is the planet;s biggest feature film producerH
A7 )ombay.
Cow many :reat Ea3es do not border 5ichiganH
A7 +ne.
&hat cowboy tune is the official song of GansasH
A7 Come on the ?ange.
&hat continent boasts the most telephone linesH
A7 @urope.
&hat do Texas beef partisans call Iwool on a stic3IH
A7 Eamb.
&hat -outh American country was home to the early human ;2atagnian
A7 Argentina.
&hat &estern Cemisphere people spo3e 8ahuatlH
A7 The Aztecs.
&hat 8ew +rleans soup has a name derived from the )antu word for o3raH
A7 :umbo.
&hat 2acific atoll got its name from its location between the Americas and
A7 The 5idway .slands.
&hat state volunteered to drop the moni3er Cog and Cominy -tateH
A7 Tennessee.
&hat regional accent did Americans deem sexiest% most li3ed and most
A7 -outhern.
&hat interstate highway connects )oston and -eattleH
A7 .,1!.
A!'6#3 )*'+'# ,#&)-.
1. The first bird domesticated by man was the goose.
2. There are more chic3ens in the world than people.
3. "hic3ens absorb vitamin,( through their combs from sunshine.
4. The average hen will lay 220 eggs a year
. ?oosters can;t crow if they can;t fully extend their nec3s.
'. A group of geese on the ground is gaggle% a group of geese in the
air is s3ein.
0. A duc3;s 6uac3 doesn;t echo% and no one 3nows why.
4. "hic3ens that lay brown eggs have red ear lobes. There is a genetic
lin3 between the two.
1. The female pig is the fastest barnyard mama. 5iss 2iggy gestates in
three months% three wee3s% and three days.
1!.The underside of a horse;s hoof is called a frog. The frog peels off
several times a year with new growth.
11.The placement of a don3ey;s eyes in its; head enables it to see all
four feet at all times.
12..t is possible to lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs% because a
cows; 3nees can;t bend properly to wal3 bac3 down.
13.A female swine% or a sow% will always have a even number of teats
or nipples% usually twelve.
14.A pig is a hog ,, hog is a generic name for all swine ,, but a hog is
not a pig. .n the terminology of hog raising% a pig is a baby hog less
than ten wee3s old. -ource7 I22!1 =ascinating =actsI
1.Twelve or more cows are 3nown as a Iflin3.I
1'.The longest recorded flight of a chic3en is thirteen seconds.
10.A Colstein;s spots are li3e fingerprints ,, no two cows have the same
pattern of spots.
14.A pig;s orgasm lasts for 3! minutes.
11.A pig;s penis is shaped li3e a cor3screw.
2!.A pig;s s3in is thic3est at the bac3 ,, 1N' of an inch.
21.The IwildI horses of western 8orth America are actually feral% not
22.+ver the average lifespan of 11 years% a dog will cost you
23.&hen a female horse and male don3ey mate% the offspring is called
a mule% but when a male horse and female don3ey mate% the
offspring is called a hinny.
24.The way to get more mules is to mate a male don3ey with a female
2.A don3ey will sin3 in 6uic3sand but a mule won;t.
2'.2igs% walruses and light,colored horses can be sunburned.
20.Today;s cattle are descended from two species7 wild aurochs ,,
fierce and agile herd animals that populated Asia% 8orth Africa and
@urope ,, and eotragus ,, anantelope,li3e% Asian forest creature.
24.Corses cannot vomit.
21.:oat;s eyes have rectangular pupils.
3!.A 1%2!!,pound horse eats about seven times it;s own weight each
31.A capon is a castrated rooster.
32.A "ornish game hen is really a young chic3en% usually to ' wee3s
of age% that weighs no more than 2 pounds.
33.A cow gives nearly 2!!%!!! glasses of mil3 in her lifetime.
34.A Colstein;s spots are li3e a fingerprint or snowfla3e. 8o two cows
have exactly the same pattern of spots.
3.A normal cow;s stomach has four compartments7 the rumen% the
recticulum #storage area$% the omasum #where water is absorbed$%
and the abomasum # the only compartment with digestive *uices$.
3'.A 6uarter of the horses in the /- died of a vast virus epidemic in
30..t is physically impossible for pigs to loo3up into the s3y.
34.)rown eggs come from hens with red feathers and red ear lobesA
white eggs come from hens with white feathers and white ear lobes.
-hell color is determined by the breed of hen and has no effect on
its 6uality% nutrients or flavor.

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