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Irregular Verbs (note that the forms in bold have different meanings - see their translation, also in bold,

, and some examples on p. 3)

be was/were been A FI bleed Bled bled A SANGERA
see saw seen A VEDEA breed Bred bred A CRESTE ANIMALE
cleave Cleft /clove (US) / cleaved cleft / cloven / cleaved LIT- A DESPICA / A TAIA COPACI / A SE LIPI DE
Beat Beat Beat (US) / BeatenA BATE creep Crept crept A SE FURISA, A SE MISCA INCET
Bet Bet / Betted Bet / betted A PARIA deal Dealt dealt A REPARTIZA, A AVEA DE-A FACE
Bid Bid / bade Bid / bidden TO OFFER-AUCTION / TO COMMAND feed Fed fed A HRANI
Burst Burst Burst A IZBUCNI feel Felt felt A SIMTI
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast A TRANSMITE flee Fled fled A FUGI -LIT
Cast Cast Cast A ARUNCA keep kept kept A PASTRA
Cost Cost Cost A COSTA kneel knelt / kneeled (US) knelt / kneeled (US) A INGENUNCHEA
Cut Cut Cut A TAIA lead led led A CONDUCE
Hit Hit Hit A LOVI leave left left A PLECA, A PARASI
Hurt Hurt Hurt A RANI mean meant meant A AVEA INTELESUL DE
knit knit / knitted knit / knitted UNITE / DRAW TOGETHER / A CROSETA meet met met A SE INTALNI
Let Let Let A LASA, A PERMITE read read read A CITI
Put Put Put A PUNE sleep slept slept A DORMI
Rid Rid Rid A SCAPA DE CEVA sweep swept swept A MATURA
Set Set Set A ASEZA, A STABILI weep wept wept A PLANGE
Shut Shut Shut A INCHIDE Sit sat sat A STA JOS
Slit Slit Slit TO MAKE A LONG CUT spit spat spat A SCUIPA
Split Split Split A SEPARA
Spread Spread Spread A RASPANDI tell told told A SPUNE
Thrust Thrust Thrust A INFIGE sell sold sold A VINDE
Wet Wet / wetted Wet / wetted A UDA
Lay laid laid A ASEZA CEVA / vb. tranz
bend bent bent A INDOI lie lay lain A SE ASEZA / A STA INTINS / vb. Intranz
build built built A CONSTRUI Make made made A FACE
lend lent lent A DA CU IMPRUMUT Pay paid paid A PLATI
rend rent rent to tear sth apart with force or violence - literary Say said said A ZICE / A SPUNE
send sent sent A TRIMITE
spend spent spent A CHELTUI Beseech besought / beseeched besought / beseeched A IMPLORA - LIT
Bring brought brought A ADUCE
Burn burnt / burned burnt / burned A ARDE Buy Bought Bought A CUMPARA
dream dreamt /dreamed dreamt / dreamed A VISA Catch Caught Caught A PRINDE
dwell dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled A LOCUI Fight Fought Fought A LUPTA
gild gilt / gilded gilt / gilded A AURI Forget Forgot Forgotten A UITA
gird girt / girded girt / girded to tie something around your body Get got got A OBTINE, A PRIMI
lean leant / leaned leant / leaned A SE APLECA, A SE SPRIJINI DE CEVA beget begot / begat (old use) begotten TO CAUSE / BECOME FATHER OF CHILD - LIT
leap leapt / leaped leapt / leaped A SARI Lose Lost Lost A PIERDE
learn learnt / learned learnt / learned A INVATA Seek Sought Sought A CAUTA
light lit / lighted lit / lighted A APRINDE LUMINA/ FOCUL Shine Shone Shone A STRALUCI
smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled A MIROSI Shoe shod /shoed shod / shoed A POTCOVI CAII
spell spelt / spelled spelt / spelled A ORTOGRAFIA / A SPUNE PE LITERE Shoot Shot Shot A IMPUSCA
speed sped / speeded sped / speeded A GRABI, A DEPASI VITEZA LEGALA Teach Taught Taught A INVATA PE ALTII / A PREDA
spill spilt / spilled spilt / spilled A VARSA think thought thought A SE GANDI
spoil spoilt /spoiled spoilt / spoiled A RASFATA / A STRICA win won won A CASTIGA
tread trod trod / trodden A PASI, A CALCA IN PICIOARE
stand stood stood A STA IN PICIOARE
understand understood understood A INTELEGE
bind bound bound A LEGA arise arose arisen TO HAPPEN, BEGIN TO EXIST
find found found A GASI Abide abided / abode abided / abode accept/ live somewhere
grind ground ground A MACINA Drive drove driven A CONDUCE (MASINA)
wind wound wound A SE RASUCI, A SERPUI, A COTI, A INCOLACI Rise rose risen A RASARI, A SE INALTA
Ride rode ridden A CALARI
cling clung clung A SE TINE DE, A SE AGATA DE, A FI LOIAL Smite smote smitten LITER. - to hit hard;to have a great serious effect on sb
dig dug dug A SAPA Stride strode stridden A MERGE CU PASI MARI
fling flung flung A ARUNCA, A AZVARLI Strive strove striven A SE STRADIU, A /SE LUPTA
hang hung / hanged hung / hanged A AGATA / A SPANZURA Thrive throve / thrived thriven / thrived A PROSPERA
sling slung slung A ARUNCA (DIN PRASTIE / NEGLIJENT) Write wrote written A SCRIE
slink slunk slunk A SE STRECURA, A SE FURISA
spin spun spun A TOARCE, A RASUCI, A ROTI bereave bereaved bereft / bereaved A DEPOSEDA / A VADUVI / INDURERAT - IN DOLIU
stick stuck stuck A LIPI mow mowed mown / mowed A COSI, A SECERA
sting stung stung A INTEPA shave shaved shaven/shaved A (SE) BARBIERI
strike struck struck A LOVI show showed shown A ARATA
string strung strung A LEGA CU SFOARA / A INCORDA swell swelled swollen / swelled A SE UMFLA
swing swung swung A SE LEGANA strew strewed strewn / strewed A PRESARA, A IMPRASTIA (UNTIDILY) [stru:]
wring wrung wrung A STRANGE CU PUTERE, A STOARCE saw sawed sawn / sawed A TAIA CU FERESTRAUL
sew s sewed sewn / sewed A COASE
have had had A AVEA sow s sowed sown/sowed A SEMANA
clothe clad / clothed clad / clothed A IMBRACA
bear bore borne / born A PURTA / A SUPORTA Break broke broken A SPARGE
forbear forbore forborne stop yourself fromdoing sth that you could do Choose chose chosen A ALEGE
swear swore sworn A /INJURA freeze froze frozen .
tear tore torn A RUPE speak spoke spoken A VORBI
wear wore worn A PURTA steal stole stolen A FURA
shear shore / sheared shorn / sheared A TUNDE PAR /LANA
become became become A DEVENI weave wove woven A TESE
come came come A VENI wake woke / waked woken / waked A SE TREZI
awake awoke/awaked awoken / awaked A TREZI / STARNI
bite bit bitten / bit A MUSCA
chide chid / chided chidden / chided A MUSTRA / A CERTA shake shook shaken A SCUTURA
hide hid hidden / hid A ASCUNDE take took taken A LUA
slide slid slid A ALUNECA forsake forsook forsaken A ABANDONA/ A RENUNTA
do did done A FACE
begin began begun A INCEPE
blow blew blown A SUFLA drink drank drunk A BEA
draw drew drawn A DESENA, A TRAGE ring rang rung A SUNA
fly flew flown A ZBURA run ran run A ALERGA
grow grew grown A CRESTE sing sang sung A CANTA
know knew known A STI sink sank sunk A SE SCUFUNDA
throw threw thrown A ARUNCA shrink shrank shrunk A SE MICSORA
slay slew slain A UCIDE swim swam swum A INOTA
spring sprang sprung A SARI
bid bade bidden TO COMMAND, GIVE AN ORDER, stink stunk / stank stunk A MIROSI URAT
forbid forbade forbidden A INTERZICE
give gave given A DA fall fell fallen A CADEA
forgive forgave forgiven A IERTA befall befell befallen A TI SE INTAMPLA CEVA RAU - LIT
eat ate eaten A MANCA hear heard heard A AUZI
behold beheld beheld LOOK AT SMTH - LIT
go went gone A MERGE hold held held A TINE
The gilded dome of the cathedral rises above the city. She was clad in blue velvet. this text is totally bereft of meaning
Terriers are bred for their fighting instincts. In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and Abel. we must send a card to the bereaved husband
She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe. Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime. his voice awoke old memories
Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth. Ouch! You trod on my toe! we prayed no harm should befall him.
He fled the country Few people had trod this path before They beheld a bright star shining in the sky.
Let him go, I beseech you! The horse flung its rider. They marked the end of the war by strewing flowers over the graves of 18 000 soldiers.
He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her. They hanged that man. Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn.
Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs He hung the picture on the wall Her clothes lay strewn on the floor.
I knitted this cardigan myself. A foreign collector has bid 500 000 for the portrait. The park was strewn with litter after the concert.
Psychotherapy helped him to shed some of his insecurity/inhibitions. He bade me come closer
The trees shed their leaves in autumn. I bade farewell to all the friends
The knights girded themselves for battle (= put on their swords and fighting clothes). This is the house where he abode.
She slung her coat into the back of the car I cant abide people with no sense of humour.
I tried to slink out of the room so that nobody would see me go. A new crisis has arisen.
The final stage of the production of cotton is when it is spun into thread. Suddenly my conscience smote me.
She had strung the shells on a silver chain She was suddenly smitten with remorse.
She wrung her hands feeling worried about her son He was completely smitten by her. (in love)
You need to better wring the laundry next time. She bore the responsibility for most of the changes.
She was clad in blue velvet. The joke doesn't bear repeating
They clothe their children in the latest fashions. / Her version was borne out by him (confirmed)
In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and Abel. He was born in January.
He wanted to answer back, but he forbore from doing so
She chid herself for being so impatient with the children
Irregular Verbs (note that the forms in bold have different meanings - see their translation, also in bold, and some examples on p. 3)

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