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June 14 (Issue 5)




A positive attitude Change your life
Rajinder Singh Mann
June 14
There are many cases where our trust and belief
matters most and effect our life. Foremost, one should
have belief and confidence in self. It is half done. Our all
decisions are taken by us with or without others
intervention. But the decision we take is always that
which we think is right. It may be wrong for others, but
it is right for us therefore we take that decision. It is the
result of our choice, which we get in our life. Therefore
we should make choice carefully because it is going to
effect our present and future.

Another aspect, which effect our life is the Trust and
Belief in God. We know our past, we know our Present,
but we dont know the FUTURE, which is known to only
the GOD. Our day depends on how we think and make
choice. Our mindset and thoughts initiate us to do the
task. So the task performance will depend on our
attitude towards the tasks. POSTITUDE (Postitive
Attitude) is Must. In this issue we have included an
article on 20 Points, which effect our personal and
professional life. This will be very helpful for the readers
to get success in life.

On physical health front, we have included articles on
The Water, Importance of Fruits and Teeth Health.
Teeth effect our total digestive system, therefore should
be taken care. Also teeth are important part of our
facial look and persona. Therefore should be taken care-

Hope, you are enjoying POSITITUDE. Our main motive
is to make every person a person of POSITITUDE, i.e.,
Positive Attitude.

With Best Wishes.


June 14
The Choice 4 to 9
Two Choice of Life to be Successful or

The Rope 10 to 14
Trust the God..

The Water 15 to 18
Why should be intake ample water daily..

20 Rules of Life 19 to 23
Follow the rules and be Happy and Successful

Importance of Fruit 23 to 27
Natures first food for Human Being..

Tooth Brush Technique 28 to 29
Face Value of your Face..

Works of Wisdom 30 to 31
Some words, which will change
your life

References 32 to 32

About July 14 Issue33.

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In our daily life whatever we do is our own choice consciously or
unconsciously. Therefore whatever we get in our life is the result of
our choice. We cant blame others for the results we get in our day
today life. What we are today is what we want to be. Therefore if we
want to life a successful and happy life we should choose the same
every day every moment.

I have read a case study few years back on net, which I am reproducing here for the
Benefit of the readers. Hopefully you will enjoy the same.


The Way we start determines the end and it is all in our choice.
The strongest principle of growth lies in our choice. We have the
ultimate power of CHOICES and we cannot shuffle off our
responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must
shoulder it ourselves. It is up to our Choice.

If you want happy endings, choose. Right Start.


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Mr. X is the manager of a restaurant.
He is always in a good mood. When
Someone would ask him how he was
doing, he would always reply. If I
Were any Better, I would be twins!

Many of the waiters at his restaurant quit their jobs when he
changed jobs, so they could follow him around from restaurant
To restaurant. Do you know Why?

Because Mr. X was a natural Motivator. If an employee was having
a bad day, Mr. X was always there, telling the employee how to
Look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to
Mr. X and asked him : I dont get it! No one can be a positive
person all of the time. How do you do it Mr. X replied, Each
Morning I wake up and say to myself,
I have two choices today. I can Choose to
be a good mood and Start WELL or I can
choose To be in a bad Mood. I always choose
to be in a good mood.

Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be victim or I
can choose to learn from it. I always choose to learn from it.

Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to
Accept their complaints or I can point out the positive side of life.
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I always choose the positive side of life. But its not always that
Easy. I protested. Yes it is. Mr. X Said.

Life is all About Choices. When you cut away all the junk every
Situation is a Choice. You choose how you react to situations. You
Choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a
Good mood or bad mood. Its your choice how you live your life.

After Few years.

I heard that Mr. X accidentally did something you are never
supposed to be in the restaurant business. He left the back door of
his Restaurant open AND THEN???. In the morning, he was robbed
by three armed men. And they wanted..? Why Mr. X trying to
open The safe box, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off
the Combination. The robbers panicked and shoot him.

Luckily, Mr. X was found quickly and rushed to the hospital. After
18 Hours of Surgery and weeks of Intensive Care. Mr. X Was
released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in this
body I saw Mr. X about six months after the accident. When I
asked him How he was, he replied, If I were any better, Id be
twins. Want to See my scar? I decline to see his wounds, but did
ask him what had Gone through his mind as the robbery took place.

The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have
Locked the back door. Mr. X replied. Then, after they shoot me,
As I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two Choices :

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I Could Choose to live or could choose to die.

And I Choose to Live.

Werent you scared I asked?

Mr. X continued, The paramedics were
great. They kept telling me I was going to
be fine. But when they took me into
Emergency Room and I saw the expression
on the faces of the doctors and nurses. I
Really scared..

In their eyes, I read Hes a dead man. I knew I needed to take
Action. What did you do? I asked. Well, there was a big nurse
Shouting questions at me. said Mr. X. She asked if I was allergic to
Anything. Yes, I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working
As they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled,
Bullets! Over their laughter, I told them.

I am choosing to live.

Please operate on me as
if I am alive,

not dead.
- ,

Mr. X lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his
Amazing attitude.

I learned from him that Every day you have the choice either your
Life or to hate it. The only thing that is truly yours that no one
can Control or take you is your attitude, so if you can take care
Of that, everything else in life becomes much easier.

It is our attitude towards the situation, which we handle, that the
Result we gain.

Therefore every morning, we have two Choices -

To be happy or sad..
To be Successful or failure,

Rest of your day depends on it

In nut shell we all are bounded by our thoughts. Our thoughts
makes our day and life. Like thoughts like life. Our thoughts attracts
The situations. If we think of Goodness, happiness, cooperation,
Positives, all the positives will get attracted and we will get positive

And if we think sad, anger, jealous, etc., we attract negatives,

So Choice is OURs

This story is about a mountain climber, who wanted to climb
the highest mountain. He began his adventure after many years
of preparation, but since he wanted the glory just for himself,
he decided to climb the mountain alone.

He started to climb but it
began to get very late, and
instead of preparing his tent
to camp, he kept climbing
until it got very dark.
In this Universe every thing is already planned and programmed.
We all are part of that programme and have to work as per the
Plan. To work efficiently and effectively we have to have trust in
The plan/programme and programmer/planner. Without trust
In him we cant perform our part in the plan. If we deviate from
The path, we will immediately get the message and get the
Result of our deeds. To get the desired result, we should have
faith and trust in the planner, i.e., the God.

God has created this universe with set Rules and plans and we
Are here to follow those rules and plan and live our life happily.
The night felt heavy in the heights
of the mountain, and the man
could not see anything. All was
black. Zero visibility, and the moon
and the stars were covered by the
As he was climbing, only a few feet away from the top of the
mountain, he slipped and fell into the air, falling at a great speed.
The climber could only see black spots as he went down, and the
terrible sensation of being sucked by gravity. He kept falling and
in those moments of great fear, it came to his mind all the good
and bad episodes of his life.
He was thinking now about
how close death was getting, when
all of a sudden he felt the rope tied to
his waist pull him very hard. His body
was hanging in the air.

Only the rope was holding him, and in
that moment of stillness he had no other
choice but to scream: HELP ME GOD!!

All of a sudden, a deep voice
coming from the sky answered:
What do you want me to do?

-Save me God!! he screamed
Do you really think I can save you?

- Of course I believe You can, he
There was a moment of silence; but the man decided to
hold on to the rope with all his strength.
The rescue team tells, that the
next day a climber was found
dead and frozen his body
hanging from a rope. His hands
holding tight to it


In difficult situations every one need some help to come out
Of it. In that situation, one remember and try to fetch help
from the person whom he trust. But the help will come only
If you have full trust in him.

As per Srimad Bhagwat Gita, Sri Krishna told Arjuna -

Our earths surface is covered three fourth by Water and water
Constitute ~65% of our body. It is the basic chemical constituent
Of our life. Water is required by our bodys smallest part of the
Body and all of our activities consume water. Water plays an
important role in maintaining good Health and Healthy Life. It
stimulate and healing of the body.

Chemically water is a neutral chemical. All other chemicals are
compared with pH Value of Water. I.e. pH Value of Water is 7. Any
chemical whose pH value is less than 7 is acidic and where as the
chemical whose pH value is more than 7 is Alkali in nature. It is only
chemical in nature which is found in all three states of matter.
Liquidate, Gas and Solid. This property makes it Versatile.

Since it dissolve almost all substance, therefore it a Universal
Solvent also.

Waters Importance

Every system is our body needs water. Content of waters
Muscles 75%
Blood 82%
Lungs 90%
Brain 76%
Bones 25%.

With decrease of water in the above organs our body become
week. Therefore we need water in regular interval of time.

Major Functions of Water in our body are

Regulate the Body Temperature It is a coolant for our body. The
heat capacity of water controls the regulations of body temperature
through perspiration and sweating in Summer. This gives cooling
effect on the surface of the body and keeps the body cool. In
summer lot of intake of water compensate the loss of water
through sweeting.

Moistens Tissues Water provides a mist environment for all
mucous membranes including the ear, mouth, nose and throat
tissues. It lubricates joints and is the base for Saliva and all other

Protect Organs and tissues : Every Single living cell is made up water
and is surrounded by water. Water acts to cushion and support
organs and tissues.

Increase Overall Energy : The Chemical property of water make it
the primary energizer of all functions in the body. It manufacture
hydroelectric energy at the cell membranes all over the body,
particularly in the neurotransmitter system. Water transfer its
hydrolytic energy to elements as the are broken down so that the
body can use them. Water is also the adhesive that bonds cells
membranes. Therefore, it plays an all-encompassing role in energy
metabolism and the physiologic functions of the body.

Cellular Transmission : Through its hydrolytic properties, it break
down all the elements to their primary constituents for absorption
into the system for further use, for example, protein to
amino acids, starch to sugar, and fats to fatty acids. Water
dissolve minerals and other nutrients to make them
accessible for transport to every cell in the body.

Cellular Communication : Thoughts, emotions, nervous
system transmission thought to be transmitted by water.
Making water the primary mode of cellular communication.

Excretion of Toxins : there are a number of ways the body
eliminates toxins including urine, bowels, sweat, breath and
menses and water is the primary constituent of them all.
The Presence of water is responsible for flushing our toxins
and waster products.

(Extracted from
Our efficiency at work depends 80-90% on our attitude, mood
and interest in the job. That depends on our thoughts and
style of living. Here are 18 Rules which are beneficial for every
one at their work place.

Rule 1 On Way to office, listen light and your choice of
music, which will make you mood before entry to office.

Rule 2 Be Punctual to Office Always reach your office
before time and make work strategy for the day. This will plan
your day.

Rule 3 - Understand Priorities Start your day with checking
your official mails and note down the priorities on a piece of
paper. This will boost you start of the day. Prioritize the tasks
according to importance.

Rule 4 Audit your time Audit your time. Time waste in
gallery talks and gossiping with your colleague shrink you
effective time. Avoid time consumed in unwanted activities.

Rule 5 Make Plans Make a to do list and give priorities
according to importance and urgency.

Rule 6 Conserve Energy Take break of 2-3 minutes every
hour and review your plan. If needed think on rescheduling
the important activity. This is refresh your mind and body and
recharge you energy level.. Continuous working decrease
your productivity. Therefore to conserve energy breaks are

Rule 7 In Meetings Always talk on agenda of the meeting
with examples and data. This will support your views and

Rule 8 Do exercise Exercise makes us physically and
mentally healthy. Make habit of doing exercise daily, your
remembering power will increase and will be tension free.

Rule 9 Be Vigil and Cautious Due to more work and hectic
wok schedule, we complete all the files very fast. Before
releasing the files, recheck for vital points on which you have
given your comments and decisions. Reassure work is done in
desire manner.

Rule 10 Give Credit to others Working in a group is a team
work. It is never a single persons efforts. Therefore whenever
you get chance to appreciate other, give credit to the team for
the successes.

Rule 11 Take Help If you are unable to do any job or
perform well, take help and suggestions from others. There is
no harm in asking for help.
Rule 12 Complete difficult jobs first Many times we have
to job which we may not like to do, but we have to do them.
Therefore complete them first and then focus on the other
jobs which are easy and in which you have interest. This will
help to drain energy.

Rule 13 Day of Holiday Holiday should be different from
other days. Dont get busy in checking emails and phone calls.
Do something in association with the family members.

Rule 14 Positive Attitude - Keep your mood light and work
in good note with all your colleagues and team members. If
you do your work with full interest, work will become a play
and in play you never get tired, rather you become refreshed.

Rule 15 Keep away from Negatives Always keep a distance
from the people who gossips and talk negative about others
and life. They are not going to give you anything than tension
and negativity. Dont mind their talk and them. Avoid them.

Rule 16 Never indulge in Office Politics New indulge and
hear politics in office. This will not give you anything rather
divert you from you goal and focus. Keep Focus on your job.

Rule 17 Criticism Helps Hear the people who criticize you.
They are your best friends since they tell you your short
coming and negatives. Focus on those short coming and
improve your self.
Rule 18 Continuous Learning Be a Learner always
Whenever you get time and chance to learn do take interest
and learn and improve your personal and professional skills.

Rule 19 Teach and delegate Teach your subordinate and
delegate the jobs to them. They will get motivation and will
support you to progress.

Rule 20 Take Care of your team Members and Colleagues.

Fruit is the basic and first food of human being. Fruit is provided by
Mother nature in abundant. In Vedas Fruit is the basic and main part
of Devtas food. The first man, Adam, ate an apple, the forbidden
fruit of heaven. According to Quran also, the fruits like grapes,
dates, fig, olive and pomegranate are the gifts and heavenly fruits of
God. Due to this even today fruits are being one of the main part of
offerings to Gods and goddesses during any religious function.

From the beginning of the earth and birth of human being on this
earth man has been dependent on fruits and vegetables, they no
extra efforts is require for serving it. One can just clean the surface
and eat raw. It contain many important constituents needed by
human body. They are excellent source of minerals, vitamins and
enzymes. They are easily digested and exercised a cleaning effect on
the blood and digestive tract. Person who are taking more of fruits
than unnatural food are found to be more healthy. Unnatural food
always cause ailments and these can be easily cured with the help of
fruits. So Fruits are not only food but act as good medicine also.

The main benefits of intake of fruits are mention in the next few

1) Maintain the Water Level of Body All the fruits are juicy except
dry fruits. They contains water and sugar and these are easily
digestible. So Fruits play a vital role of hydrating the human body
and its parts.
2) Provide Minerals to the body The main minerals required by
our body are Iron and Calcium for building Skeleton and muscular
system. Mainly dry Fruits like, apricots, raisins, almonds and
dates are rich in these two minerals.
3) Diuretic Effect Apart from Calcium and Iron, fruits also contain
good quantity of Potassium, magnesium and sodium, which lowers
the density of urine . Which accelerate the elimination of
nitrogenous waste and Chlorides. So fruits acts as diuretic and

4) Alkaline the Fluids When we eat fruits, organic acids in fruits get
converted into alkaline carbohydrates. These carbonates alkaline
the fluids in our body. This characteristics of fruits promote
intestinal elimination, thereby keeps the body free from toxic
wastes which creeps into the blood from an overloaded, sluggish
intestinal tract. The carbohydrates in the fruits are in the form of
sugar, dextrin and acids which are easily absorbed. Therefore these
are good for sick.

5) Cures constipation Since fruits are rich in fibers and cellulose,
therefore these aids in the smooth passage of food in the
digestive track and easy bowl action. The content of Sugar and
organic acids also increase laxative effect.

6) Tonic Fruits are easily digestible and give instant energy when
taken. Fruits like Guavas, custard apples and citrus fruits like
lemons and oranges are particularly rich sources od Vitamin C,
Mango is the richest source of Vitamin A. Fruits along can cure all
the diseases.

Fruits should be preferable eaten in Morning

1. Http://Wikipaidia
4. Medical Encyclopedia (
5. News Papers HT, TOI, Dainik Bhaskar
6. www.Kavita
7. www.Medicinenet.cim
Motivate your kids
Understand others
Body Language Matters..
Yoga and Health
Diet Control

And Many Other

**** For Private Circulation only
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