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Before starting this, or any, hypnosis induction, get the subject's permission for you to hypnotize them. A simple Do
you want to do hypnosis with me? is sufficient ! as long as you get a "es answer. Also as# their permission to
touch their hands, arms, shoulders, bac#, nec# and head.
$. %lease ta#e a good long deep breath and close your eyes.
&. 'ow, rela( the muscles around your eyes to the point where they won't wor#. And when you're sure they won't
wor#, test them to ma#e sure they won't wor#
). *ubject tries to open their eyes. +f they can't open their eyes, congratulate them and go to step ,. +f they can
open their eyes, e(plain that they are testing to ma#e sure the muscles around their eyes are so rela(ed that when
they try to open their eyes, they can't ! because they are #eeping the muscles rela(ed. -epeat step &.
,. 'ow let that feeling of rela(ation go right down to your toes.
.. +n just a moment, we're going to do this again and when we do it the second time, you're going to to be able to
rela( ten times as much as you'/e rela(ed already.
0. 'ow open your eyes. 1short pause2 3lose your eyes. 1short pause2 3ompletely rela( ! let yourself be
co/ered with a blan#et of rela(ation. 14ary the phrase for subse5uent steps, e.g. 6ore rela(ed., Deeper., etc.2
7. 'ow the third time we do it, you'll be able to double the rela(ation you ha/e. 1short pause2 'ow open your
eyes. 1short pause2 'ow rela(. +f they don't close their eyes, tell them to8 'ow close your eyes.
9. +n a moment, +'m going to lift this hand 1touch the hand you are going to lift2 and drop it and if you'/e followed
my instructions up to this point that hand will be just as limp as a wet dishrag and will just plop into your lap. :hen
you feel the hand plop, you will feel ten times more rela(ed.
;. <ift the arm by the wrist and chec# for limpness. 6o/e the arm slightly bac# and forth and up and down to
determine whether you are holding all the weight of the arm or if that the subject is helping to hold the arm up.
;a. +f the arm is limp, hold the wrist about . = 7 abo/e the subject's leg and then release your hold on the wrist >
say Deeper rela(ed. ?hen continue on to step $@.
;b. +f the arm is not limp, repeat step 0 1eyes open and close2 once or twice. ?hen do the wrist drop again. +f the
arm still isn't limp, as# the subject what is going on. Depending on what they tell you, do an e(duction, go bac# an
earlier step, or transition to another induction.
$@. ?hat's complete physical rela(ation, but you can get mental rela(ation as well as physical rela(ation. +n a
moment +'m going to as# you to start counting out loud, from one hundred bac#wards. Aach time you say a number ,
double your rela(ation, and by the time you get down to ninety=eight or so, you'll be so rela(ed there won't be any
more numbers. *tart with the idea of ma#ing that happen and watch it happen.
$$. 'ow start. 3ount slowly, and softly out loud. > *ubject8 $@@. ... Double your rela(ation and watch the
numbers disappearing. > *ubject8 ;;. > :atch the numbers start disappearing. 1*ay similar suggestions
after e/ery one or two numbers until the subject stops counting. "ou can also tell them to slow down or speed up,
spea# softer or louder, etc.2
$&. :henBif subject stops counting, go to step $). +f subject continues to count past about ;@ or so, stop them and
as# what is going on. A(plain that they can tal# easily while staying rela(ed. Decide whether to stop and do an
e(duction, or to continue the counting, or to go bac# to an earlier step, or to transition into a different induction.
$). 'ow they'll be gone. Are they all gone? +f yes, continue to step $,. +f the subject answers no, tell them
?hat's fine . . . "ou need to ma#e it happen, "ou'/e got to do it, + can't do it, you can. 6a#e them disappear, dispel
them, ma#e them /anish. 3ontinue counting and rela(ing your mind with e/ery number. *ee steps $$ and $&.
$,. At this point the induction is finished and you transition to deepeners, suggestions, etc. Then o an e!uction"

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