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Relationships with
our friends and
To near our relatonships is
to being nice to new
friendship or family and ask
them why how do they feel.
The reason why we get
confict is because not lis-
tening and talk myself, mis-
understanding someone. If
someone loves girlfriend
but she likes new friend.
This makes someone mad
so it could get confict each
other. Also, it makes par-
ents feel bad when they al-
ways play with friends or
not doing homework and
game consoles.
By :Jaeyu SHIN
(June 2014)
How to survive
with puberty
Ways to manage sweat:
Take a break from
wearing socks.
Use deodorant.
Carry a towel.
Wear loose clothing or
natural fber.
Wear an undershirts
Change the underwear
Ways to manage acne:
Dont touch the face
Do not squeeze them

This is the list about why physical
change occurs.
They change because of
hormones are produced.
boys produces only one
Hormone. (called testosterone)
For the female they
produce two types of hormones.
(which are progesterone and
Oestrogen) Progesterone is
produce because to be ready for the
pregnant. (You guys only need to
know Progesterone.)

The definition of
The puberty is when your
body change into a small

What happen if we
get into puberty
When you get to puberty the
body produces Oestrogen,
progesterone and Testosterone
these are called Hormones.
Physical changes
When we get to the level of
puberty the body develops and
get more acne or pimples it
begins to have more weight and
get more muscles.
Emotional changes
Here is the dot point what
emoton is change to

We may become more
Frustratng like fghtng with mom
or dad.
The puberty changes the
mood which is when the
hormones produced. (that make
the emotonal changes)
You may more independent
When we get to puberty the
emoton changes which is in bad
conditon (but stll its normal)
also get more angry and
May more independent.
Lastly you get more

Baby toddler children teenager adolesent

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