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LabVIEW Manual

Using LabVIEW with the General Purpose Interface Bus GPIB,

(The IEEE !! Bus" # $ata %c&uisition Lab Pro'ect
(o))unicating between Progra))able Electronic Instru)ents an* the P(
LabVIEW: Virtual Instrument Environmental Workstation- is an icon software program
of National Instruments
VI or vi: virtual instrument
Notes by: Oren Zarcin! "vraam #emenkee! an$ %alp & %acel %osenbaum!
#cool of 'ysics an$ "stronomy! (el "viv )niversity!
Electronic Lab - #enkar *+,! %amat "viv- .ebruary! /++/
%+ Initial Preparations
,- Install te 0'I1 car$ into your '2 moterboar$3
/- Install LabVIEW program into your ar$ $isk3
*- 2onnect up te 0'I1 2ables between your instruments an$ te 0'I1 car$3
inspect te cable plugs - are tey O45
6- 'rogram eac of your electronic instruments to respon$ to:
a- 0'I1 or IEEE 677 bus an$ not te %# /*/ bus-
b- 0ive an a$$ress number between , to // to eac of your instruments3
remember wic instrument as wic a$$ress number-
"voi$ using te a$$resses of number + an$8or number 9! often use$ by te 0'I1
controller car$ in te moterboar$-
c- On eac electronic instrument! coose te programming comman$ language - #2'I
:#cientific 2omman$s for 'rogrammable Instruments;-
$- 2onnect up a voltage source or resistor to your $igital multimeter to confirm tat it
is respon$ing correctly to your front panel settings-
/*<*,/*=,-$oc , Version! .eb- /++/
B+ ,tarting up -our P(
,- 'ower up your '2
/- (ype in te following info::vali$ as of .ebruary! /++/;:
)ser>s Name: administrator
'ass Wor$: lab
*- 2lick on te National Instrument LabVIEW Icon to get te following Win$ow:
NO(E: .or an intro$uction to LabVIEW! rea$ te ?LabVIEW (utorial@-
N"(ION"L IN#(%)AEN(# LabVIEW New VI :Virtual Instrument;
Open VI
B"C #olutions
#earc EDamples
LabVIEW (utorial
6- 2lick on te ?New VI@ button to get te following new win$ow:
Insi$e tis win$ow appears two screens - one is te ?.ront 'anel@ appearing in te ?0rey
2olor@ an$ te secon$ screen is te ?1lock Biagram@ appearing in te ?Wite 2olor@-
<- 2lick on te ?Wite 2olor #creen@ or eEuivalently! te ?1lock Biagram@ to bring it
forwar$ on te screen- (e ?.ront 'anel@ or ?0rey 2olor #creen@ will go bein$ te
?1lock Biagram@ an$ will be partially blocke$ off by it-
/*<*,/*=,-$oc / Version! .eb- /++/
% LabVIEW Progra) to (ontrol the /ewlett Pac0ar* $igital
Multi)eter # the /P123a
45ront Panel6
4Bloc0 $iagra)6
/*<*,/*=,-$oc * Version! .eb- /++/
=- Now go to te ?.unction 1ar@ tat appears near te top of te screen:
.ile E$it Operate (ools 1rowse Win$ow Felp
2lick on te ?Win$ow@ button to get te following $ialog boD:
2lick on te G#ow
(ools 'aletteG an$
move tis 'alette to
one si$e of te
screen- We will use
it all te time to e$it
our programs
#ow 'anel
#ow .unctions 'alette
#ow (ools 'alette
#ow 2lipboar$
#ow Error List
(ile Left an$ %igt
(ile )p an$ $own
.ull #iHe
9- 2lick on te ?#ow .unction 'alette@ button to get te following:
Functions Palette
(e .unctions palette is available only on te ?Bloc0 $iagra)6- (e .unctions palette
contains te obIects you use to program your VI! suc as aritmetic! instrument I8O! file
I8+! an$ $ata acEuisition operations- #elect Win*ow ,how 5unctions Palette or rigt-
click te block $iagram workspace to $isplay te 5unctions palette- Jou can place te
5unctions palette anywere on te screen-
7- Now click on te <t Icon tat appears on te left-an$ si$e-
/*<*,/*=,-$oc 6 Version! .eb- /++/
K- "fter clicking on te <t Icon! we get a new menu $ialog boD:
,+- Now click on te Inst8Lib Icon to get te ?Instrument Brivers ?programs tat National
Instruments ave written for $ifferent electronic eEuipment :for eDample! 4eitley!
Fewlett 'ackar$! (eDtronics! .luke! ect-;- "vraam as installe$ te ?$rivers@ tat we
will use an$ nee$- If you are missing a particular $river for a particular instrument! ask
"vraam to install it-
2oose te $river program for our Fewlett 'ackar$ Bigital Volt Aeter! -te F' *66+,"
BAA or $igital multimeter :te BAA;:
,,- Now click on te *66+," $river program icon to get te new following menu $ialog boD:
p *66+,a InitialiHe-vi
p *66+,a InitialiHe wit Options-vi
)tility :for $etecting errors;
p *66+,a 2lose-vi
/*<*,/*=,-$oc < Version! .eb- /++/
Instrument I8+
Fere appear oter Icons
We will use tese
tree Icons in te
following eDample
Instrument Briver
*66+," Fere appear oter
'icture of te BAA
,/- 0o to te p *66+,a InitialiHe-vi button an$ $rag its Icon onto te left si$e of te ?1lock
Biagram@3 you nee$ first to $ouble click on te left mouse button-
Now go to te "pplication button to get te following $rop-$own (able:
0etting #tarte$-vi
#ingle 'oint Aeasurement-vi
Aulti 'oint Aeasurement-vi
Figligt te Aulti 'oint Aeasurement-vi an$ $rag its Icon onto te mi$$le ofL te
?1lock Biagram@-
Now coose te p*66+,a 2lose-vi button! igligt it an$ $rag its Icon onto te rigt
an$ si$e of te ?1lock Biagram@-
Jour 1lock Biagram soul$ ave * Icons on it an$ soul$ look like tis:
,*- We now ave to connect ?wires@ or electrical cables between tese tree Icons or
Operational 1locks of te BAA-
.irst! we nee$ te wire tool wic is calle$ ?2onnect Wire@ or ?#pool of Wire - %alpLs
name@ wic you fin$ on te (ool 'alette:
(ere are two $ifferent ?terminals@ on eac ofL te above tree
Icons wic nee$ connecting - one terminal is calle$ te
?Instrument Fan$le@ terminal an$ te secon$ terminal:s; are
labelle$ un$er te name ?Error Out@ or ?Error In@-
In or$er to connect te ?Instrument Fan$le@ terminals to one anoter! take te ?2onnect
Wire@ spool onto te rigt si$e of te ?InitialiHe@ Icon an$ various $ifferent terminals will
be $isplaye$ as you move te ?2onnect Wire@ tool up an$ $own te rigt si$e of te
Icon- .in$ te terminal labelle$ ?Instrument Fan$le@ terminal- Brag te spool to te
secon$ Icon - te ?A)L(-'( AE"#@ Icon an$ fin$ on its left si$e te correspon$ing
?Instrument Fan$le@ terminal- 2lick on te mouse to Ioin tese two terminals togeter-
)sing te same proce$ure! connect te ?Instrument Fan$le Out@ terminal on te rigt
si$e of te ?A)L(-'( AE"#@ Icon to te ?Instrument Fan$le@ terminal on te tir$
an$ last Icon - te ?2lose@ Icon-
/*<*,/*=,-$oc = Version! .eb- /++/
Bo te same proce$ure now to te ?Error@ terminals! connecting wires or cables
between all te error terminals of te tree Icons- Jour block $iagram soul$ look
someting like tis :see bottom part of page *;:
,6- We now ave to tell te LabVIEW 0'I1 program via te ?InitialiHe@ Icon wat bus we
will use :0'I1 bus or F'I1 or te IEEE 677 bus! all eEuivalent3 but not te %#/*/ bus;
an$ since we will use te 0'I1 bus! we must tell te program wat is te ?a$$ress@ of
our BAA! wic we presumably set earlier to te a$$ress of ?,/@-
a; (ake te ?2onnect Wire@ tool to te left si$e of te ?InitialiHe@ Icon an$ fin$ te
Input terminal labelle$ by te name ?%esource Name@-
b; #tan$ on tis terminal an$ click on te %I0F( 1utton of te Aouse! (e following
?$rop-$own@ table soul$ appear:
Visible Items
Bescription an$ (ips----
#et 1reak 'oint
Create 2onstant
%eplace Control :use$ to input $ata on te ?.ront 'anel@;
8++++ In$icators :to $isplay output $ata on ?.ront 'anel@;
Figligt te ?2reate@ button an$ you will get te secon$ ?$rop-$own@ table
sown above on te rigt si$e3 coose te ?2ontrol@ button an$ ?2lick@ it- (e
program soul$ now Iump back to te ?1lock Biagram@ an$ Iust above your first
Icon - te ?InitialiHe Icon@ tere soul$ appear a ?little win$ow or table@
$isplaying: %esource Name :?0'I1::,6::IN#(%@;-
c; We nee$ only to cange te a$$ress from te $efault a$$ress of ,6 to our cosen
a$$ress of ,/- (o $o tis! go to te ?.ront 'anel@ by clicking on te ?0rey 2olor@
panel- (ere is a little win$ow tat appears wit te name ?%esource Name@-
)sing te e$it tool ! cange te $etails of te boD to ?0'I1::,/::IN#(%@- Now
click te ?O4@ button - Lastly! go back to te ?1lock Biagram@ by clicking on its
?Wite 2olor@ panel- 2orrect te label from ?0'I1::399IN#(%@ to
,<- Now let>s program our BAA to make /+ sample rea$ings for eac trigger- (o $o tis!
go to te mi$$le Icon! te ?A)L(-'( AE"#@ Icon an$ use te 2onnect Wire tool to
scan te terminals on te bottom e$ge of tis Icon- .in$ te terminal labelle$ by te name
/*<*,/*=,-$oc 9 Version! .eb- /++/
?#ample 2ount :,;@- 2lick again on te %I0F( #i$e Aouse button to get te ?Brop
Bown@ tables of step ,6; again- 2oose te ?2ontrol@ button an$ repeat te steps of
step ,6; going to te ?.ront 'anel@ again an$ typing in te number ?/+@ instea$ of ?,@
tat appears in te little win$ow or $isplay labelle$ by ?#ample 2ount@- %eturn to te
?1lock Biagram@ again-
,=- .inally! woul$ it not be great to be able to rea$ te twenty measure$ values5 Of course!
yesM (ake te ?2onnect Wire@ tool an$ again go to te rigt an$ si$e of te Ai$$le
Icon - our A)L(-'( AE"# Icon- .in$ te terminal labelle$ by te name ?rea$ings@-
"gain use te %igt an$ mouse button to get te two ?$rop-$own@ tables use$ in step
,6- 1ut tis time! we cose te ?Indicator@ button instea$ of te ?2ontrol@ button!
since we wis to $isplay O)(')( $ata an$ not to enter IN')( $ata tat reEuires using
te ?2ontrol@ button- "fter clicking on te ?In$icator@ button! go to te ?.ront 'anel@
an$ notice tat tere now appears a tir$ ?rea$ings@ win$ow tat will $isplay one out of
twenty of te measure$ values- (o $isplay eac of te twenty rea$ings use te ?an$@
tool- ! an$ position it on te ?)'@ or ?Bown@ toggle switces locate$ on te left si$e
of te $isplay ?rea*ings@ win$ow- Note tat te first rea$ing is $esignate$ by te in$eD
+ N Hero! an$ not by te in$eD ,-
,9- WeLre finally rea$y to run te program an$ take twenty voltage measurements- Fit te
run button an$ see if te BAA respon$s- We ope it $oesM If te BAA $oesnLt
respon$ ceck te following:
a- Is te 0'I1 2able connecte$5
b- Is te BAA 'rogramme$ for te F'I1 :0'I1; bus! is its a$$ress set to ,/! an$ is
te language set to #2'I :#tan$ar$ 2omman$s for 'rogrammable Instruments;5
c- If tere is no response! turn off te '2 an$ reprogram it from te beginningM #orry!
but sometimes te '2 ?angs up@ an$ refuses to respon$M
,7- "ssuming tat te BAA response! by observing te ?O@ in$icator flasing twenty times
on te front panel of te BAA! go to te ?.ront 'anel@ of your program an$ rea$ off
te twenty rea$ings-
/*<*,/*=,-$oc 7 Version! .eb- /++/
Controls Palette
(e (ontrols palette is available only on te ?5ront
Panel6- (e (ontrols palette contains te front panel
controls an$ indicators you use to create te user
interface- #elect Win*ow show (ontrols Palette or
rigt-click te front panel workspace to $isplay te
?(ontrols6 palette- Jou can place te ?2ontrols@ palette
anywere on te ?.ront 'anel@ screen- Note tat tere
are also In*icator icons as well as te (ontrol icons in
tis palette-
,o)e Useful Buttons That %ppear ;n ;ne ;f The /ori<ontal Upper 4bars6
?run@ button:
"lso tere is te ?2ontinuous run@ button:
(ere is te ?#top@ button:
(ere is also te ?'ause@ button:
(o BELE(E! bring te ?an$@ cursor on te obIect you wis to $elete- Now click on te left
button of te mouse- .inally it te ?Belete@ key on your keyboar$-
/*<*,/*=,-$oc K Version! .eb- /++/
,a=ing the Instru)ent >ea*ings on a $is0ette
#ay tat we are intereste$ in analysing te /+ $ata rea$ings tat we receive$ from our
BAA- Jou can use some of te statistical an$ matematical tools provi$e$ by LabVIEW3 or
you can coose to eDport te $ata to some program like AatLab- Let>s try to eDport te $ata
by writing it to a floppy $iskette-
(ere is a special icon calle$ ?Write to #prea$seet .ile-vi@ Icon tat $oes tis task- (o fin$
tis icon! refer to page 6 an$ inspect te ?.unction 'alette@- Notice on te >ight han* si*e
an$ on te Thir* row! tere is a icon aving a picture of a ?.loppy Bisk@- 2lick on tis icon
to get a $rop-$own table entitle$ ?.ile I8O@- (is table contains tree rows of many icons-
2oose te first icon tat appears on te Upper Left an$ corner N it is name$: ?Write to
#prea$seet .ile-vi@-
Brag tis ?Write to #prea$seet .ile-vi@ Icon onto your ?1lock Biagram@ an$ attac a
wire- cable between its input terminal entitle$ ?,$ $ata@ an$ between te output terminal of te
?A)L(-'( AE"#@ Icon3 refer to te ?1lock Biagram@ on page * for $etails- (e ?Write to
#prea$seet .ile-vi@ Icon will ask you were to ?eDport@ or to ?write@ te $ata :$iskette! ar$
$isk! sprea$ seet! ect-;-
We ope tis intro$uction to te 0'I1 1us an$ LabVIEW will elp you program more
sopisticate$ interfacing applications in te futureM In anoter write up! we eDplain ow you
can write your own driver programs using te #2'I comman$s :scientific comman$s for
programmable instruments; an$ te two special ?VISA Write@ an$ ?VISA Read@ icons of
National Instruments- 0oo$ luckM

/*<*,/*=,-$oc ,+ Version! .eb- /++/

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