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Affixation is a word formation process

based on the addition of prefixes or suffixes

to roots or stems. A single word is conceived
as a base consisting of a single free
morpheme (pen, cat, work). A derived word
(worker) is conceived as consisting of a root
and a suffix thus being polymorphic.
Affixes should be distinguished from
inflections. Inflections do not produce new
words, but different forms of the same
word, while affixes have as a result new
lexemes, they change the class of words to
which the base belongs. Affixes are relevant
semantically, while inflections are relevant
syntactically. Affixes may have final
position (suffixes) or initial position
(prefixes). Ex workers root! suffix!
Affixes may be classified according to the
function, origin, part of speech they form,
productivity, lexical"grammatical meaning.
a) #unction governing
derivational affixes (change the
class of the word to which they
are added always suffixes)
and restrictive derivational
affixes (do not change the class
but they determine a change in
the meaning of the word
both prefixes and suffixes).
b) $rigin affixes of foreign origin
entered the English language as
parts or words borrowed from
%reek, &atin and #rench. 'he
meaning of each affix became
evident for some large group of
speakers and by analogy( they
began to be attached to English
roots. )peakers began to
combine foreign affixes with
native stems and native affixes
with foreign stems, as well
forming hybrids (%ermanic
stem"foreign prefix and suffix,
%ermanic prefix"foreign stem
and suffix, foreign stem and
prefix * %ermanic suffix.)
c) +art of speech depending on
the class to which a derived
word belongs, suffixes are
called new formatives
(nominali,ers), verb formatives
( verbali,ers), ad-ective
formatives ( ad-ectivi,ers),
formatives( adverbiali,ers)
d) +roductivity is given by the
fre.uency which the affixes use
in the language. According to
this criteria, affixes are
productive, unproductive and
semiproductive. 'he most
productive affixes can be called
to almost all categories in order
to form a new word.
/nproductive affixes are used
to derive new words.

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