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Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents

A Review of the Past 10 Years

Gail A. Bernstein, MD; Carrie M. Borchardt, MD; Amy R. Perwien, BA
Accepted September 7, !!".
Dr. Bernstein is Associate Pro#essor and Director and Dr. Borchardt is Associate Pro#essor and
Director o# $npatient Ser%ices, Di%ision o# Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, &ni%ersity o#
Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis. Ms. Perwien is a 'rad(ate st(dent in the Department o#
Clinical and )ealth Psycholo'y, &ni%ersity o# *lorida, Gaines%ille.
Dr. Bernstein+s e##ort on this man(script was s(pported in part by ,$M) 'rant R-! M)./"0.. 1he
a(thors ac2nowled'e 3ois 3aitinen, M.B.A., M.M., #or man(script preparation.
Reprint re4(ests to Dr. Bernstein, Di%ision o# Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Bo5 !" &M)C,
.-6 Delaware Street S7, Minneapolis, M, ""."".
89&R,A3 9* 1)7 AM7R$CA, ACAD7M: 9* C)$3D ; AD937SC7,1
PS:C)$A1R: !!/;0"<6=!
Objective. 1o critically re%iew the research on anxiety disorders in children and
adolescents, #oc(sin' on new de%elopments in the past 6 years.
Method. 1his re%iew incl(des recent articles which contrib(te to the
concept(ali>ation, assessment, and treatment o# childhood anxiety disorders.
Results. $n#ormation was or'ani>ed into a de%elopmental #ramewor2. Anxiety
disorders research has shown steady pro'ress.
Coclusios. More research is needed, partic(larly in the areas o#
ne(robiolo'ical basis o# anxiety disorders, lon'it(dinal st(dies, and treatment.
8. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, !!/, 0"?!@<6=!.
!e" #ords$ anxiety disorders, an5iolytics.
Aith the arri%al o# DSM=$B ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D, anxiety
disorders in children and adolescents are de#ined 4(ite di##erently. 1he only
disorder remainin' o# the three anxiety disorders o# childhood and adolescence
in DSM=$$$=R ?American Psychiatric Association, !E7@ C"D is separation anxiety
disorder. Most cases o# o%eran5io(s disorder will now be s(bs(med (nder
'enerali>ed anxiety disorder, and a%oidant disorder has been concept(ali>ed
as social phobia.
1hese chan'es may pro%e ad%anta'eo(s. Research will now concentrate on
disorders seen in both children and ad(lts, there#ore decreasin' the
de%elopmental 'ap #rom earlier in%esti'ations ?Bernstein and Borchardt, !!@
C.D. 1his article re%iews what is 2nown abo(t anxiety disorders in childhood
and adolescence, #oc(sin' on the literat(re o# the past 6 years. $n#ormation is
presented #rom a de%elopmental perspecti%e.
Se%eral epidemiolo'ical st(dies indicate a hi'h pre%alence o# anxiety disorders
in nonre#erred children. $n a sample o# 7!- ele%en=year=olds, Anderson et al.
?!E7@ C7D #o(nd the #ollowin' rates o# anxiety disorders< 0."F #or separation
anxiety disorder, -.!F #or o%eran5io(s disorder, -..F #or simple phobia, and
.6F #or social phobia. Bowen et al. ?!!6@ C-0D reported a 0./F pre%alence o#
separation anxiety disorder and a -..F pre%alence o# o%eran5io(s disorder in a
sample o# -= to /=year=olds ?, G ,E/!@. $n .= to 7=year=olds ?, G ","!/@, the
li#etime pre%alence #or panic disorder was 6./F and #or 'enerali>ed anxiety
disorder was 0.7F ?Ahita2er et al., !!6@ C7"D.
A pediatric primary care sample o# 7= to =year=old children ?, G 066@ re%ealed a
=year pre%alence o# anxiety disorders o# "..F based on combinin' dia'noses
#rom parent and child str(ct(red psychiatric inter%iews. Simple phobia, separation
anxiety disorder, and o%eran5io(s disorder were the most pre%alent, with rates
o# !.-F, ..F, and ../F, respecti%ely ?BenHamin et al., !!6@ CD.
A*+&%TY &* &*,A*TS A*' PR%SC-OO( C-&('R%*
1he relationship between early temperamental traits and the predisposition to the
de%elopment o# e5ternali>in' and internali>in' symptoms has been e5amined
lon'it(dinally in more than E66 children o%er a -=year period ?Caspi et al., !!"@
C-/D. Boys who were characteri>ed as con#ident and as ea'er to e5plore no%el
sit(ations at " years o# a'e were si'ni#icantly less li2ely to mani#est an5iety in
childhood and adolescence. Girls at a'es 0 and " years who were passi%e, shy,
#ear#(l, and a%oided new sit(ations were si'ni#icantly more li2ely to e5hibit
an5iety at later a'es. 1h(s, it appears that temperamental traits are related to
later reports o# an5iety in both boys and 'irls.
Mer'in' the concepts o# temperament and ne(robiolo'y has led to the e5citin'
#indin's related to beha%ioral inhibition in yo(n' children. Beha%ioral inhibition to
the (n#amiliar ?a laboratory=based temperamental constr(ct@ has been st(died
prospecti%ely in yo(n' children ?Ia'an et al., !EE@ C.6D. 1his temperamental
characteristic is de#ined as the tendency to be (n(s(ally shy or to show #ear and
withdrawal in no%el andJor (n#amiliar sit(ations.
1wo independent cohorts o# preschool children classi#ied as beha%iorally
inhibited or (ninhibited at - or 0 months ha%e been #ollowed lon'it(dinally by
Ia'an and collea'(es ?!EE@ C.6D. 1he researchers ha%e #o(nd that the
tendency to approach or withdraw #rom no%elty is an end(rin', temperamental
trait. Children with beha%ioral inhibition are di##erentiated #rom those witho(t
beha%ioral inhibition, not only on beha%ior b(t on physiolo'ical mar2ers incl(din'
hi'her, stable heart rate and acceleration o# heart rate with tas2s re4(irin'
co'niti%e e##ort. 9ther ne(rophysiolo'ical correlates o# beha%ioral inhibition ha%e
incl(ded increased tension in the laryn5 and %ocal cords, ele%ated sali%ary
cortisol le%els, ele%ated (rinary catecholamines, and lar'er p(pillary dilation
d(rin' co'niti%e tas2s.
A 0=year #ollow=(p st(dy #o(nd e%idence that children initially identi#ied as ha%in'
beha%ioral inhibition compared with those not initially classi#ied as beha%iorally
inhibited were si'ni#icantly more li2ely to ha%e m(ltiple psychiatric disorders and
to ha%e two or more anxiety disorders ?Biederman et al., !!0@ CED.
Speci#ically, a%oidant disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and a'oraphobia
were si'ni#icantly more pre%alent in the 'ro(p with beha%ioral inhibition. 1he
rates o# all anxiety disorders in the inhibited children increased mar2edly #rom
baseline to #ollow=(p. 1here#ore, beha%ioral inhibition appears to be a ris2 #actor
#or the de%elopment o# anxiety disorders in yo(n' children.
An inno%ati%e st(dy o# mothers with anxiety disorders ?n G E@ and their
preschool children ?n G -6@ e5amined mother=child attachment patterns
?Manassis et al., !!.@ C"0D. Mothers incl(ded . with panic disorder, 0 with
'enerali>ed anxiety disorder, and with obsessi%e=comp(lsi%e disorder. All
mothers were classi#ied as nona(tonomo(s ?i.e., insec(re@ in their c(rrent and
past attachment relationships. 7i'hty percent o# their preschool children were
insec(rely attached as determined with the Stran'e Sit(ation Proced(re
?Ainsworth and Aitti', !/!@ C-D. 1hree preschool children met criteria #or an
anxiety disorder; all three were insec(rely attached. 1h(s, insec(re attachment
may be a ris2 #actor #or the de%elopment o# childhood anxiety disorders.
Despite ha%in' mothers with nona(tonomo(s attachment histories, -6F o# the
preschool children were sec(rely attached. 1his s(''ests the presence o#
protecti%e #actors that help establish and maintain sec(re attachments. *or
e5ample, mothers o# sec(rely attached preschool children were less li2ely to
report depressi%e symptoms, had e5perienced #ewer recent stress#(l li#e e%ents,
and reported #eelin' more competent in parentin'.
Si5ty=#i%e percent o# the preschool children matched their mothers+ speci#ic
attachment classi#ications, ill(stratin' that a mother+s attachment pattern may be
repeated in the o##sprin'+s pattern o# attachment with her. A criticism o# this st(dy,
which sho(ld be corrected in #(t(re in%esti'ations, is that raters o# attachment
were not blind to maternal dia'nosis, which may ha%e introd(ced a bias when
codin' attachment patterns. Replication o# this wor2 with a lar'er sample si>e, as
well as #ollowin' the children lon'it(dinally, is warranted.
Manassis and collea'(es ?!!"@ C".D also reported that /"F o# the -6 preschool
children were classi#ied as beha%iorally inhibited. 1he presence o# beha%ioral
inhibition did not appear to increase the ris2 o# bein' insec(rely attached and
%ice %ersa. 1he possible interplay between beha%ioral inhibition and insec(re
attachment pattern and how this mi'ht contrib(te to the de%elopment o# an5iety
in yo(n' children co(ld not be answered in the st(dy.
$n#ants who are ambi%alently attached ?i.e., a type o# insec(re attachment@ ha%e
more an5iety dia'noses in childhood and adolescence ?Aarren, )(ston,
7'eland, and Sro(#e, personal comm(nication, !!/@. $n this lon'it(dinal st(dy,
attachment was meas(red at - months with the Stran'e Sit(ation Proced(re
and anxiety disorders at 7 years with a semistr(ct(red psychiatric inter%iew.
,either temperament theory nor attachment theory alone acco(nts #or the
de%elopment o# anxiety disorders ?Manassis and Bradley, !!.a@ C"D. An
inte'rated model which incorporates temperament, attachment pattern, and other
in#l(ences ?e.'., co'niti%e #actors, de%elopmental e%ents, tra(matic e%ents,
access to s(pport systems@ has been proposed by Manassis and Bradley
?!!.a@ C"D.
A*+&%TY &* C-&('R%*
9ne o# the dilemmas in anxiety disorder research and in clinical practice is to
de#ine what constit(tes an anxiety disorder, in comparison with normal an5iety.
Bell=Dolan et al. ?!!6@ C!D, who e5amined the pre%alence o# an5iety symptoms in
/- nonre#erred children with a semistr(ct(red psychiatric inter%iew, #o(nd that
isolated s(bclinical anxiety disorder symptoms were common. *rom !.EF to
06./F o# the nonre#erred children reported s(bclinical le%els o# indi%id(al
o%eran5io(s disorder symptoms and 6.7F to --./F endorsed s(bclinical
phobias. 1he most commonly endorsed an5iety symptoms were o%erconcern
abo(t competence, e5cessi%e need #or reass(rance, #ear o# the dar2, #ear o#
harm to an attachment #i'(re, and somatic complaints. $n 'eneral, 'irls endorsed
more an5iety symptoms than boys and yo(n'er children were more li2ely to
e5perience symptoms, partic(larly separation an5iety symptoms, than older
Some children witho(t an anxiety disorder e5perience di##ic(lty #(nctionin' as a
res(lt o# their an5iety symptoms ?American Academy o# Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, !!0@ C.D. 1h(s, an5iety symptoms may be more than a transient
de%elopmental phenomenon. $n an epidemiolo'ical st(dy o# ,!7 #irst='rade
children, $alon'o and collea'(es ?!!.@ C0ED #o(nd that sel#=reported an5iety
symptoms were moderately stable o%er a .=month period. An5iety was
si'ni#icantly associated with lower achie%ement; children with hi'h le%els o#
an5iety were 7.7 and -.. times more li2ely to be in the lowest 4(artile o# readin'
and math achie%ement, respecti%ely.
A#ter #ollowin' the children o%er . J- years, $alon'o and collea'(es ?!!"@ C0!D
#o(nd that an5iety in #irst 'rade si'ni#icantly predicted an5iety in #i#th 'rade. $n
addition, an5iety symptoms contrib(ted si'ni#icantly to #i#th='rade achie%ement
test scores. Speci#ically, #irst 'raders in the (pper third o# sel#=reported an5iety
symptoms were appro5imately 6 times more li2ely to be in the lower third o#
achie%ement in #i#th 'rade. 1he #indin's o# these st(dies s(''est the importance
o# not disco(ntin' symptoms as short=li%ed or insi'ni#icant in yo(n' children.
1he most common anxiety disorders o# middle childhood incl(de separation
anxiety disorder, o%eran5io(s disorder, and speci#ic phobias. Accordin' to
DSM=$B, the core #eat(re o# separation anxiety disorder is mar2ed an5iety abo(t
separation #rom si'ni#icant others or #rom home which is beyond that e5pected
#or the child+s de%elopmental le%el ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D.
DSM=$$$=R de#ined the essential #eat(re o# o%eran5io(s disorder as mar2ed,
(nrealistic worry abo(t a %ariety o# sit(ations ?American Psychiatric Association,
!E7@ C"D.
DSM=$B de#ines a speci#ic phobia ?#ormerly 2nown as simple phobia@ as an
e5cessi%e and (nreasonable #ear o# circ(mscribed obHects or sit(ations where
the a%oidance, an5iety, or distress related to the #ear is associated with #(nctional
impairment or si'ni#icant distress ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D.
&nli2e ad(lts, children may not reali>e that their #ears are mar2ed or
(nreasonable. Children with speci#ic phobias report e5treme #ear or dread,
physiolo'ical reactions, and a%oidance or #ear#(l anticipation when con#ronted
with the phobic stim(l(s ?Sil%erman and Rabian, !!0@ C/"D.
Sociodemo'raphic characteristics in a lar'e clinic sample ?, G EE@ o# children
with anxiety disorders were e5amined by 3ast et al. ?!!-@ C.ED. 1he children
with separation anxiety disorder had the earliest a'e o# onset ?mean G 7."
years@ and the yo(n'est a'e at inta2e ?mean G 6.0 years@ compared with
children with other anxiety disorders. 1he 'ender ratio #or each anxiety
disorder was relati%ely e4(al. Most o# the children were #rom middle class to
(pper middle class bac2'ro(nds and #rom intact #amilies, with the e5ception o#
those with separation anxiety disorder who were more commonly #rom sin'le=
parent and low socioeconomic stat(s homes.
Selecti%e m(tism, which is classi#ied in DSM=$B (nder Kother disorders o# in#ancy,
childhood, or adolescenceK ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D, has
recently been concept(ali>ed as a type o# social phobia ?Blac2 and &hde, !!"@
C--D. 1he hallmar2 o# this disorder is the #ail(re to tal2 in speci#ic social sit(ations,
#or e5ample the classroom, while tal2in' in other settin's, s(ch as at home
?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D. Blac2 and &hde ?!!"@ C--D
systematically e%al(ated children ?7.0 LJ= -.E years@ with selecti%e m(tism ?, G
06@ and #o(nd that !6F met dia'nostic criteria #or social phobia e5hibited in ways
other than rel(ctance to spea2. Parent and teacher ratin's showed hi'h le%els o#
social an5iety, witho(t prominent ele%ations o# other psychiatric symptoms.
Altho('h this st(dy had se%eral methodolo'ical limitations incl(din' dia'noses
based on parent inter%iew only, lac2 o# a control 'ro(p, and all clinical inter%iews
completed by the same clinician, the #indin's s(''est that selecti%e m(tism
sho(ld be %iewed as a s(btype o# social phobia rather than as a distinct disorder.
A*+&%TY &* A'O(%SC%*TS
So(rces o# an5iety #or normal adolescents incl(de consolidation o# identity,
se5(ality, social acceptance, and independence con#licts. Ahen anxiety
disorder symptoms in normal adolescents were e5amined with a semistr(ct(red
psychiatric inter%iew, the symptoms that were more commonly reported by
adolescents than preadolescents incl(ded #ears o# hei'hts, p(blic spea2in',
bl(shin', e5cessi%e worry abo(t past beha%ior, and sel#=conscio(sness ?Bell=
Dolan et al., !!6@ C!D.
Adolescents can present with the same anxiety disorders that children present
with ?see pre%io(s section@. $n addition, in the perip(bertal period, indi%id(als
be'in to de%elop %(lnerability to other anxiety disorders incl(din' panic
disorder, a'oraphobia, and social phobia.
DSM=$B incl(des the dia'noses o# panic disorder with or witho(t a'oraphobia,
and a'oraphobia witho(t history o# panic disorder ?American Psychiatric
Association, !!.@ C/D. 1he criteria #or a panic attac2 incl(de a discrete episode
o# mar2ed #ear in which at least . o(t o# 0 physical and psycholo'ical symptoms
occ(r. 1he criteria #or a'oraphobia incl(de #ear o# bein' (nable to escape #rom
places in which the indi%id(al may e5perience a panic attac2 or where help may
be (na%ailable i# a panic attac2 occ(rs ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@
Panic disorder is (ncommon be#ore the perip(bertal period ?Blac2 and Robbins,
!!6; Ilein et al., !!-@ C-6,.0D. :et retrospecti%e reports o# ad(lts ha%e shown
panic disorder most commonly be'ins by adolescence or yo(n' ad(lthood
?Morea( and *ollett, !!0@ C"/D. 1he ,ational $nstit(te o# Mental )ealth
7pidemiolo'ic Catchment Area Pro'ram #o(nd the pea2 a'e o# onset #or panic
disorder was " to ! years ?Bon Ior## et al., !E"@ C7-D; howe%er, this also was
based on retrospecti%e reports.
)ayward and collea'(es ?!!-@ C0/D st(died 7". si5th= and se%enth='rade 'irls
to determine whether there was an association between the occ(rrence o# panic
attac2s and p(bertal sta'e, independent o# a'e. Res(lts showed ".0F o# the
sample o%erall reported a history o# at least one .=symptom panic attac2. ,one o#
the !. s(bHects who were at 1anner sta'e or - reported panic attac2s. Rates o#
panic attac2s increased with increasin' se5(al mat(rity, (p to a rate o# EF #or
s(bHects who were at 1anner sta'e ". 1he increasin' rates o# reported attac2s
were not acco(nted #or by increasin' a'e. 1his st(dy is an e5cellent e5ample o#
why panic disorder in yo(n' people deser%es more research attention. Research
in ad(lts has shown panic disorder to be lin2ed to ne(robiolo'ical #actors ?Sallee
and Greenawald, !!"@ C/D. Ahile spontaneo(s panic attac2s are rare be#ore
p(bertal chan'es be'in, adolescence is the pea2 period #or onset o# the disorder.
Prospecti%e st(dies o# children and adolescents are needed to pro%ide cl(es to
the biolo'ical chan'es in%ol%ed in the ac4(ired %(lnerability to panic disorder.
A'oraphobia has not been ri'oro(sly st(died in children and adolescents.
St(dies o# ad(lts with a'oraphobia ha%e loo2ed #or childhood antecedents,
partic(larly separation anxiety disorder. Ilein ?!/.@ C.-D, on the basis o#
retrospecti%e histories o# childhood separation an5iety in ad(lts with a'oraphobia,
hypothesi>ed that childhood separation an5iety co(ld e%ol%e into a'oraphobia in
ad(lthood. )owe%er, a re%iew o# st(dies that e5amined the association o#
separation an5iety in childhood with s(bse4(ent o(tcomes in ad(lthood #o(nd
that childhood separation an5iety is a nonspeci#ic prec(rsor to a n(mber o# ad(lt
psychiatric conditions incl(din' depression, as well as any anxiety disorder
?Morea( and *ollett, !!0@ C"/D.
A recent st(dy o# !. ad(lts with panic disorder showed that ".F retrospecti%ely
reported a history o# childhood anxiety disorder ?Pollac2 et al., !!/@ C"!D.
1hose with a history o# anxiety disorder in childhood, compared to those witho(t
this history, were si'ni#icantly more li2ely to ha%e comorbid other an5iety and
depressi%e disorders as ad(lts. 9# those ad(lts with a history o# anxiety
disorders, /..EF had had two or more anxiety disorders as children.
1he essential #eat(res o# social phobia incl(de e5cessi%e an5iety abo(t social or
per#ormance sit(ations in which the indi%id(al #ears scr(tiny or e5pos(re to
(n#amiliar persons ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D. $n children, the
ability #or a'e=appropriate relationships with #amiliar people m(st be e%ident and
the an5iety occ(rs in peer sit(ations. Altho('h social phobia occ(rs in
preadolescents, onset most commonly occ(rs in early to midadolescence
?Schneier et al., !!-; Stra(ss and 3ast, !!0@ C/-,76D.
Similar n(mbers o# males and #emales de%elop social phobia. Comorbidity with
other anxiety disorders and a##ecti%e disorders is common. $n a clinic sample,
Stra(ss and 3ast ?!!0@ C76D #o(nd //F o# social phobic s(bHects had conc(rrent
anxiety disorders, and 7F had a conc(rrent a##ecti%e disorder. $ndi%id(als with
the DSM=$$$=R dia'nosis o# a%oidant disorder were similar to those with social
phobia in sociodemo'raphic and comorbidity patterns ?*rancis et al., !!-; 3ast
et al., !!-@ C06,.ED. )owe%er, the a'e o# onset is di##erent, with a%oidant
disorder presentin' at an earlier a'e than social phobia ?*rancis et al., !!-@
C06D. 1his #its with a%oidant disorder and social phobia as the same disorder on a
de%elopmental contin((m. $n normal de%elopment, #ear o# (n#amiliar people
occ(rs earlier than social=e%al(ati%e #ears. 1h(s, there was little e%idence to
s(pport a%oidant disorder as a separate entity. 1his led to the concept(ali>ation
o# a%oidant disorder as social phobia in DSM=$B.
DSM=$B 'enerali>ed anxiety disorder is characteri>ed by e5cessi%e worry abo(t
a %ariety o# sit(ations ?American Psychiatric Association, !!.@ C/D. 1he indi%id(al
#inds it hard to control the an5iety. DSM=$$$=R criteria #or o%eran5io(s disorder
were #o(nd to be %a'(e, nonspeci#ic, and to o%erlap with criteria o# other
disorders ?Beidel, !!; Aerry, !!@ CE,7.D. 1hese were some o# the reasons #or
elimination o# this disorder in DSM=$B. $n DSM=$B, o%eran5io(s disorder is
incl(ded (nder 'enerali>ed anxiety disorder. 1he criteria #or 'enerali>ed
anxiety disorder in DSM=$B are modi#ied #or children so that only one o# the si5
accompanyin' symptoms is re4(ired.
)owe%er, 'enerali>ed anxiety disorder in children and adolescents has not
been well researched. $n an anxiety disorders clinic sample, none o# the EE
children and adolescents #(l#illed DSM=$$$=R criteria #or 'enerali>ed anxiety
disorder ?3ast et al., !!-@ C.ED. *(rthermore, #amily history data, as well as data
#rom a prospecti%e st(dy o# children with anxiety disorders, ha%e not pro%ided
stron' s(pport #or a lin2 between o%eran5io(s disorder and 'enerali>ed anxiety
disorder ?3ast, !!0@ C.7D. *(t(re st(dies will determine the applicability o#
c(rrent criteria #or 'enerali>ed anxiety disorder to children and adolescents.
1he KPractice Parameters #or the Assessment and 1reatment o# Anxiety
DisordersK ?American Academy o# Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, !!0@ C.D
note important areas to emphasi>e in the assessment o# anxiety disorders in
children and adolescents. 1he onset, de%elopment, and conte5t o# an5iety
symptoms, as well as in#ormation re'ardin' the child+s or adolescent+s
de%elopmental, medical, school, and social history, and a #amily psychiatric
history sho(ld be obtained. Mental stat(s e5amination and assessment o# school
#(nctionin' are critical.
*or the assessment o# an5iety, str(ct(red psychiatric inter%iews, clinician ratin'
scales, sel#=report instr(ments, and parent report meas(res are a%ailable ?1able
@. $t is (se#(l to incorporate se%eral types o# instr(ments. Beca(se o# the
s(bHecti%e nat(re o# an5iety symptoms, it is important to incl(de meas(res that
assess an5iety thro('h the child or adolescent+s %iewpoint. Since there is o#ten
low concordance between child and parent reports o# an5iety ?Ilein, !!@ C..D,
parental reports o##er an additional perspecti%e. )owe%er, *ric2 and collea'(es
?!!.@ C0D #o(nd that mothers o%erreport an5iety symptoms in their children
related to increased le%el o# maternal an5iety. 1his hi'hli'hts the importance o#
clinician awareness o# parental an5iety le%el. Clinician ratin' scales are (se#(l
beca(se they inte'rate the clinician+s e5pertise and the child or adolescent+s
report o# an5iety symptoms. *inally, it is (se#(l to combine a str(ct(red
psychiatric inter%iew which will pro%ide dia'noses, with ratin's o# the se%erity o#
the an5iety symptoms.
1able . $nstr(ments #or Assessment o# An5iety in
Children and Adolescents
1here are se%eral limitations o# an5iety scales. 9ne di##ic(lty is the o%erlap o#
symptoms on sel#=report meas(res o# an5iety and depression ?Brady and
Iendall, !!-@ C-.D. *(rthermore, altho('h the state %ers(s trait dichotomy o#
an5iety has been considered, it has not yet been well di##erentiated with ratin'
scales ?Stallin's and March, !!"@ C/!D. As noted in 1able , only the State=1rait
An5iety $n%entory #or Children ?Spielber'er, !70@ C/ED was speci#ically de%eloped
to e5amine both state and trait an5iety.
(O*)&T0'&*A( ST0'&%S
Prospecti%e, lon'it(dinal st(dies are needed to determine whether anxiety
disorders in children and adolescents are persistent and to determine how the
symptoms loo2 at di##erent sta'es o# de%elopment. Se%eral prospecti%e st(dies
are be'innin' to emer'e. Cantwell and Ba2er ?!E!@ C-"D st(died yo(n' children
with speech and lan'(a'e disorders. *or those with anxiety disorders, the
remission rate o# anxiety disorder at .= to "=year #ollow=(p was 77F.
A 0= to .=year #ollow=(p o# re#erred children and adolescents with anxiety
disorders ?, G 6-@ showed a hi'h remission rate, with E-F no lon'er meetin'
criteria #or their initial anxiety disorder ?3ast et al., in press@ C.!D. 9# those who
went into remission, the maHority ?/EF@ did so d(rin' the #irst year o# #ollow=(p.
9# the anxiety disorders e5amined, separation anxiety disorder had the
hi'hest reco%ery rate at !/F, with panic disorder ha%in' the lowest rate o#
remission at 76F. 7arly a'e o# onset and older a'e at inta2e were #actors
predictin' slower reco%ery. 9%eran5io(s disorder was the slowest to remit.
D(rin' the #ollow=(p period, 06F o# the children with anxiety disorders
de%eloped new psychiatric disorders, and hal# o# these children de%eloped new
anxiety disorders.
Cohen and collea'(es ?!!0@ C-!D prospecti%ely #ollowed an epidemiolo'ical
sample o# 70. children a'ed ! to E years. 1he li2elihood o# ha%in' the same
disorder redia'nosed at #ollow=(p was hi'her i# symptoms at baseline
assessment were se%ere. *or o%eran5io(s disorder, the only anxiety disorder
st(died, .7F o# se%ere cases were redia'nosed at - J-=year #ollow=(p.
1here#ore, nonre#erred children may ha%e persistence o# symptoms. More
st(dies that #ollow yo(ths with anxiety disorders prospecti%ely thro('ho(t
childhood and adolescence and into ad(lthood are needed.
TR%ATM%*T O, &*,A*TS A*' PR%SC-OO( C-&('R%*
Since an insec(re bond between parent and child may be an important #actor in
the de%elopment o# an5iety symptoms in in#ants and preschool children,
treatment aimed at impro%in' the interactions between parent and child may be
cr(cial. K)elpin' an5io(s ad(lts resol%e the losses and tra(matic e5periences o#
the past may indirectly bene#it their children by impro%in' the parent=child
attachment relationship ... red(cin' stress#(l li#e e%ents, and increasin' their
sense o# competence as parents may also help these indi%id(als de%elop sec(re
attachment relationships with their childrenK ?Manassis et al., !!., p. @ C"0D.
Aor2in' with parents or the parent=child dyad may be more pre%enti%e o# an5iety
and anxiety disorders than treatin' preschool children indi%id(ally. Moreo%er,
attendin' to temperamental #actors may also be pre%enti%e.
TR%ATM%*T O, C-&('R%* A*' A'O(%SC%*TS
$n 'eneral, a m(ltimodal approach is incorporated in the treatment o# a child or
adolescent with an anxiety disorder. 1he KPractice Parameters #or the
Assessment and 1reatment o# Anxiety DisordersK recommends that, when
de%elopin' a treatment plan, consideration be 'i%en to the #ollowin' components<
#eedbac2 and ed(cation to the parents and child abo(t the speci#ic disorder,
cons(ltation to primary care physicians and school personnel, co'niti%e=
beha%ioral inter%entions, psychodynamic psychotherapy, #amily therapy, and
pharmacotherapy. 1he Practice Parameters recommends some speci#ic
inter%entions #or speci#ic anxiety disorders; #or e5ample, a plan #or separation
?e.'., ret(rn to school@ #or children with separation anxiety disorder and
systematic desensiti>ation and e5pos(re #or speci#ic phobia.
Co1itive2Behavioral Thera/"
Co'niti%e=beha%ioral therapy inte'rates beha%ioral approaches ?e.'., e5pos(re@
and co'niti%e techni4(es ?e.'., copin' sel#=statements@. Co'niti%e techni4(es
emphasi>e restr(ct(rin' an5io(s tho('hts into a more positi%e #ramewor2,
res(ltin' in more asserti%e and adapti%e beha%iors ?3eonard and Rapoport,
!!@ C"6D. Children a'ed appro5imately 6 years and older can bene#it #rom
co'niti%e techni4(es.
Iendall ?!!.@ C.D compared / wee2s o# co'niti%e=beha%ioral therapy %ers(s E
wee2s o# waitin'=list control #or .7 children ?a'ed ! to 0 years@ with anxiety
disorders. 1he co'niti%e=beha%ioral pac2a'e incl(ded copin' sel#=statements,
modelin', e5pos(re, role=playin', rela5ation trainin', and contin'ent
rein#orcement. A 'reater n(mber o# treated s(bHects than waitin'=list controls
reported clinically si'ni#icant decreases in an5iety and depression a#ter the
inter%ention. Many s(bHects recei%in' co'niti%e=beha%ioral therapy did not meet
criteria #or an an5iety dia'nosis posttreatment and at =year #ollow=(p.
Ps"chod"a.ic Thera/"
Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an o(t'rowth o# psychoanalysis ?Bemporad,
!!@ C6D. 1his approach #oc(ses on (nderlyin' #ears and an5ieties. $mportant
themes in treatin' children with anxiety disorders incl(de resol%in' iss(es o#
separation, independence, and sel#=esteem ?3eonard and Rapoport, !!@ C"6D.
1wo st(dies s(pport the (se o# psychodynamic psychotherapy in children with
anxiety disorders. A treatment st(dy o# 7= to 6=year=old boys ?, G -@ with
o%eran5io(s disorder and learnin' di##ic(lties compared wee2ly, #o(r times per
wee2, and wee2ly #ollowed by #o(r times per wee2 psychodynamic
psychotherapy ?)einic2e and Ramsey=Ilee, !E/@ C07D. Boys seen more o#ten
than once a wee2 showed better adaptation and enhanced capacity #or
relationships at the end o# treatment and year a#ter treatment, and they also
showed 'reater impro%ement in readin' in the year a#ter completion o# treatment.
$n a retrospecti%e chart re%iew o# 0"- children assi'ned DSM=$$$=R dia'noses,
primarily an5iety andJor depressi%e disorders, psychotherapy one to three times
per wee2 was compared with psychoanalytic psychotherapy #o(r to #i%e times per
wee2 ?1ar'et and *ona'y, !!.@ C7D. Combinin' the children who recei%ed at
least / months o# either treatment, 7-F showed impro%ement in adaptation.
$mpro%ement was predicted by yo(n'er a'e, presence o# phobic symptoms,
lon'er d(ration o# treatment, and more intensi%e treatment.
Ahile anxiety disorders is one o# the most pre%alent cate'ory o#
psychopatholo'y in children and adolescents, the st(dies e%al(atin'
pharmacolo'ical treatments #or these disorders are scarce. $n 'eneral, the
sample si>es o# these st(dies ha%e been small and the placebo response rates
are hi'h. Both o# these #actors limit the li2elihood o# #indin' si'ni#icant di##erences
between antian5iety medication and placebo in treatin' an5iety symptoms.
Commonly considered medications #or an5iety symptoms incl(de tricyclic
antidepressants and ben>odia>epines. A third consideration is the serotonin
re(pta2e inhibitors. 9ther choices are beta=bloc2ers, b(spirone, and monoamine
o5idase inhibitors ?Allen et al., !!" C0D, #or recent re%iew@.
*o(r do(ble=blind, placebo=controlled st(dies o# tricyclic antidepressants #or
school re#(sal associated with an5iety show contrastin' res(lts ?Berney et al.,
!E; Bernstein et al., !!6; Gittelman=Ilein and Ilein, !70; Ilein et al., !!-@
C-,7,00,.0D. 1he con#lictin' #indin's most li2ely are e5plained by di##erences in
dosa'es, dia'nostic comorbidity patterns, d(ration o# treatment, and conc(rrent
therapy. Case reports s(pport the (se o# tricyclic antidepressants #or children and
adolescents with panic disorder ?Blac2 and Robbins, !!6; Garland and Smith,
!!6@ C-6,0-D.
$n an open=label st(dy ?Simeon and *er'(son, !E7@ C//D #ollowed by a do(ble=
blind placebo=controlled st(dy ?Simeon et al., !!-@ C/7D, res(lts ?altho('h not
statistically si'ni#icant@ s(''ested that alpra>olam may be (se#(l in allayin'
an5iety symptoms in children with o%eran5io(s or a%oidant disorders. $n a
do(ble=blind crosso%er st(dy, Graae and collea'(es ?!!.@ C0.D e%al(ated
clona>epam %ers(s placebo in children with anxiety disorders ?primarily
separation anxiety disorder@. ,ine o# - s(bHects showed moderate to mar2ed
impro%ement with clona>epam and / o# - no lon'er met criteria #or anxiety
disorder at the end o# the st(dy.
$n addition, st(dies are emer'in' that s(pport ben>odia>epines #or teena'ers
with panic disorder. *o(r adolescents with panic disorder were s(ccess#(lly
treated with clona>epam in an open=label trial ?I(tcher and Mac2en>ie, !EE@
C."D. 1he #re4(ency o# panic attac2s and baseline le%el o# an5iety decreased. $n a
do(ble=blind, placebo=controlled st(dy, adolescents recei%in' clona>epam
showed decreases in the n(mber o# panic attac2s, in an5iety scores, and on a
school and social impairment scale ?I(tcher and Reiter, personal
comm(nication, !!/@.
Selecti%e serotonin re(pta2e inhibitors are now bein' considered #or the
treatment o# childhood anxiety disorders. *i%e children with anxiety disorders
recei%ed at least / wee2s o# #l(o5etine in open=label trials ?Manassis and
Bradley, !!.b@ C"-D. All #i%e showed a decrease in an5iety symptoms per sel#=
report and parental report. An open=label st(dy o# #l(o5etine in - children with
separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, or o%eran5io(s disorder showed
EF had moderate to mar2ed impro%ement ?Birmaher et al., !!.@ C!D. Bene#it
was appreciated a#ter / to E wee2s o# treatment. A -=wee2 do(ble=blind,
placebo=controlled st(dy o# #l(o5etine in " children with selecti%e m(tism
demonstrated si'ni#icant impro%ement on parental ratin's o# an5iety and m(tism
in the #l(o5etine 'ro(p ?Blac2 and &hde, !!.@ C-D. :et children in both the
imipramine and #l(o5etine 'ro(ps remained symptomatic at the end o# the st(dy.
An5iolytics may be considered as part o# a m(ltimodal treatment plan.
Medications are more li2ely to be considered in older children and adolescents
and in those with se%ere symptomatolo'y. Dia'nostic comorbidity and side
e##ects pro#ile are important #actors in the selection o# the class o# antian5iety
medication ?Bernstein, !!.@ C0D.
Dramatic disco%eries ha%e incl(ded the identi#ication o# beha%ioral inhibition as
an early and persistent temperamental ris2 #actor associated with ne(robiolo'ical
mar2ers, which predicts the later de%elopment o# prep(bertal anxiety disorders.
9ther e5citin' ad%ances incl(de the concept(ali>ation o# selecti%e m(tism as a
type o# social phobia and the reco'nition that the %(lnerability to panic disorder is
a #(nction o# p(bertal chan'es, th(s lendin' s(pport to the biolo'ical basis o# this
disorder. 1he de%elopment o# practice parameters, o# #oc(sed, speci#ic co'niti%e=
beha%ioral pac2a'es #or the treatment o# anxiety disorders, and the early
in%esti'ation o# selecti%e serotonin re(pta2e inhibitors #or tar'etin' an5iety are
hi'hli'hts in the treatment arena. Areas #or #(t(re research incl(de the
ne(robiolo'ical basis o# anxiety disorders ?especially panic disorder@,
lon'it(dinal st(dies, and in%esti'ation o# combined treatments.

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Copyright 1996 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. All rights reserved
Published by Lippincott Williams Wil!ins
1able . $nstr(ments #or Assessment o# An5iety in Children and Adolescents
4 A( Acad Child Adolesc !s&chiatr& 199- 6e*te(berG28(9)$111;-1119
Copyright 1996 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. All rights reserved
Published by Lippincott Williams

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