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Cassburn United Church - A Short History

Since 1808, American settlers came to this area with circuit riders like James McNally, an
Irish emigrant, under the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States that covered the
area from Georges Lake to Pointe Fortune. Early settlers included; Allen, Bloss, Cass, Floss,
Gale, Johnson, Marston, Steele, Stone, Waters and Wells families.

The first Cassburn church, called the Seignory church, was built of stone on the present site
in 1840. Described as high, wide, long and very solid, it was a monument to the faith of the
pioneers. A parsonage was built north of the church in the foreground of what is now the
cemetery. The Methodist families of Vankleek Hill were served with religious ordinances
from Cassburn until 1865 when the first Methodist church was constructed. From 1840-
1903 the church was served by 25 ministers of the circuit of LOrignal. The stone church
was torn down in 1903 and a new foundation (moved 8 in on the north side) and the
present brick church, was built by David Steele at a cost of $2,505.68 and furnished
($614.73). The building committee included; Joseph P. Cass, Allan A. Cass, Avery Cass,
Samuel Howes and Robert Steele.

In 1925, came the church union and Cassburn congregation was now connected with the
newly formed Hawkesbury United Church and with the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church of
LOrignal. The 1
minister, Rev. Sutherland, had to be a real diplomat in order to make the
newly joint charge truly united. In 1929, the Womens association funded of the
$1,201.21 extensive renovations to the church which included moving the pulpit from the
east end so parishioners would not have to enter the church facing the congregation. The
high choir loft was removed. In 1962, electric heating was installed in the church ($1,756)
and the old furnace room converted into a kitchen ($875).

In 1973, the amalgamation of the congregations of St. Andrews United Church of LOrignal
with the Cassburn United Church took place. On Dec. 12, 1982, the new Sunday School Hall,
built at the back of the church, was officially opened by the new minister Rev. Donald

In 1990, the Cassburn church celebrated 150 years of worship at the Cassburn site. Church
members are proud of their history and their rural community. Committed to mission and
fellowship, this congregation continues to serve Christ as part of the Genesis cooperative.

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