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Yarelis Daz Rohena

INGL 3102 L03

Preparatory Paragraph
Revised Draft
Date Submitted: April 28, 2014

The Importance of Developing Responsibility as a College Student
As a college student, I think that being responsible is one of my greatest strengths. First
of all, being punctual to class is a mature decision. Punctuality is a sign of professionalism,
motivation and interest. A college professor will identify the student that is always on time to
class versus the one that is late or absent most of the time. Secondly, starting assignments and
studying for tests with anticipation is a great way to properly spend time. A benefit of this is that
when I do an assignment with anticipation and then another professor assigns another one, the
work is not accumulated. In high school, I used to study the day before an exam, but in college I
cant do the same thing. One time I didnt start a presentation on time and got some assignments
from other classes. I ended up staying up all night the day before the presentation and got
stressed. Now I try to start works as soon as possible. Last of all, keeping an agenda is a
technique that helps you stay organized. It consists of a diary in which you write tasks and
deadlines, as well as important events and other things you need to remember. It helps you keep
track of the things you have to do and how much time you have left to do it. All in all, setting
priorities is a good start to prepare for the adult life and to become a responsible professional.

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