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BIOL 3350 Unit 4 Review

1. What are the two parts of the respiratory system? Airways !on"#!t air$%as passa%e
respiratory tiss#e !on"#!t %as e&!han%e' (#n% %as e&!han%e o!!#rs in the respiratory
)ron!hio(es * a(veo(ar str#!t#res

+. What is the f#n!tion of the m#!o!i(iary )(an,et? -(eans air )y trappin% parti!(es
remove them' a(so moistens air as it passes over it.
3. What is the p#rpose of the moist#re in the !on"#!tin% airway in re(ation to
temperat#re? As temperat#re in the airways rise. more moist#re is a""e" to the air
4. What is the p(e#ra( eff#sion? 1it#ation in whi!h the p(e#ra( f(#i" )#i("s #p in )etween
the (ayers of tiss#e that (ine the (#n%s an" !hest !avity /p(e#ra0 so )asi!a((y /a)norma(
!o((e!tion of f(#i" in the p(e#ra( !avity0
5. What are the symptoms of inf(#en2a? List at (east three. fever. !hi((s. an" %enera(
3. What is the p(e#ra? 4iss#e that (ines the !hest !avity an" s#rro#n"s the (#n%' "o#)(e
(ayere" sero#s mem)rane to re"#!es fri!tion of (#n% movement.
5. What is spontaneo#s pne#mothora&? -o((apse" (#n%' o!!#rs witho#t !a#se norma((y
"#e to e&terna( fa!tors.
6. 7efine tension pne#mothora&. 1hift in the me"iastin#m to the opposite si"e !a#ses
a (#n% to !o((apse' !an a(so )e "#e to the !ontin#o#s )#i("8#p of air within the p(e#ra(
spa!e. !an )e !a#se" )y in9#ry or other o#tsi"e inf(#en!e.
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:. What a%ent !a#ses pne#monia? 1. /1trepto!o!!#s0 pne#monia
10. 7efine hyperventi(ation. hi%her than norma( venti(ation rate /Rapi" or "eep
)reathin% that o!!#rs with an&iety$pani!0. 4his !a#ses (ow (eve(s of -O+ in the )(oo".
11. What is empyema? An a)norma( p(e#ra( eff#sion' in whi!h the p(e#ra( )e!omes
fi((e" with p#ss.
1+. What is ate(e!tasis? part of (#n% "oes not e&pan" !omp(ete(y
13. What happens to the resi"#a( (#n% vo(#me "#rin% an asthmati! atta!,? In!rease'
air !annot !ontri)#te to vita( !apa!ity as air is trappe".
14. What is (#n% !omp(ian!e?
a)i(ity of the (#n%s to inf(ate. an" !han%e vo(#me reasona)(e press#re.
15. What is the f#n!tion of the (aryn&? List three or more. 1pee!h. !on"#!ts air
passa%e to (#n%s. ;rote!ts (#n%s from thin%s other than air.
13. What is the %(ottis? Openin% at the (aryn&. )etween the vo!a( !hor"s.
15. Why is the ri%ht )ron!h#s more prone to o)str#!tion? Be!a#se it is wi"er an" this
ma,es it more (i,e(y that somethin% !an enter into it an" o)str#!t the passa%e.
16. What s#pp(ies )(oo" to the !on"#!tin% airways? Bron!hia( !ir!#(ation

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1:. What is the re(ation )etween the s#rfa!e area of the a(veo(i an" the rate of %as
"iff#sion in the (#n%s? "ire!t re(ation of s#rfa!e area an" rate of %as "iff#sion. <reater
the s#rfa!e area of a(veo(i. the hi%her the rate of %as "iff#sion.
+0. Remova( of a (#n% wo#(" !a#se what in re(ation to "iff#sin% !apa!ity? Be!a#se the
s#rfa!e area is re"#!e" the "iff#sin% !apa!ity of the (#n%s is a(so re"#!e".
11. Bi!ar)onate !arries what in the )(oo"? -ar)on "io&i"e' it a(so !hare%es p=
transporte" #sin% the )i!ar)onate )#ffer system.
++. A pro(on%e" fever !an initiate "ehy"ration )y? =i%her temperat#res !a#se f(#i"s in
)o"y to evaporate an" (eave the )o"y. >ever in!reases respiratory rate so there is a
(oss of water vapor thro#%h the (#n%s.

+3. -ommon opport#nisti! infe!tion in !hi("ren with AI71. Is the infe!tion of vira(.
)a!teria( or f#n%a( ori%in? ;ne#mo!ystis !arinii 8 it is f#n%a( ori%in.
+4. 4he !ommon !o(" is transmitte" via?4o#!h. main(y fin%ers.

+5. What vir#s is responsi)(e for the !ommon !o("? List at (east 5 thin%s. Rhinovir#s.
para inf(#en2a. respiratory syn!tia( vir#s. a"enovir#s. !oronavir#ses.
+3. What are the feat#res of the my!o)a!teri#m that !a#se t#)er!#(osis? List at (east 4
thin%s. Ro"8shape". s(en"er. !oat of wa& retains a!i" an" re" "ye. "o not spore an"
are aero)es /whi!h re(y on the o&y%en in the (#n%s as oppose" to anaero)es0
+5. =ow "o antihistamines a"verse(y affe!t the (#n%s? @orma((y "ry )ron!hia(
se!retions' this means a person )e!omes more prone to infe!tion.
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+6. Amphysema affe!ts what part of the (#n%s? A(veo(ar wa((s. Air spa!e a)norma((y
en(ar%es with "estr#!tion of a(veo(ar wa((s an" "e!reases the e(asti!ity an" shape of air
+:. Why not %ive a person with hypo&ia a hi%h !on!entration of o&y%en? 1(ows "own
)reathin% rate )$! !hemore!eptor for )(oo" o&y%en (eve(s wi(( interpret hi%h (eve(s of
o+. 4he hi%h !on!entration s#ppresses the -O+ !hemore!eptors whi!h provi"e the
main stim#(#s for venti(ation.
30. What happens to the (#n%s "#rin% as)estosis? In9#ry !a#ses s!ar tiss#e an"
stiffenin% of (#n% tiss#e.
31. What is the p#rpose of the horseshoe shape" !arti(a%es? ;revents the tra!hea
from !o((apsin% in on itse(f when the press#re in the thora!i! !avity )e!omes ne%ative.
3+. A"eB#ate venti(ation "epen"s on?? List at (east 3 thin%s. ;atent airways.
!omp(iant (#n%s. an" (#n% atmospheri! press#re "ifferen!es.
33. What is the primary m#s!(e that f#n!tions "#rin% inspiration? 7iaphra%m is the
main m#s!(e of inspiration /others are a!!essories.0
34. =ow is o&y%en transporte" in the )(oo"? most )#t not a(( are atta!he" to
hemo%(o)in. whi!h !ir!#(ates thro#%ho#t the )o"y with the )(oo".
35. 7es!ri)e the f#n!tions of s#rfa!e tension on a(veo(i? 1(ower rate of a(veo(i
e&pansion an" a(veo(i a(( e&pan" to%ether at the same rate.

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33. 7efine vita( !apa!ity? Ca&im#m amo#nt of air a person !an inha(e an" >OR-A7
35. What is D of h#mi"ity of the air in the (#n%s? 100D at norma( temp. Air press#re
hits the ma& at 4D. 4=A AIR I@ 4=A LAEAOLI O> 4=A LU@<1 I1 100D
1A4URA4A7 A4 4=A @ORCAL BO7F 4AC;.
36. 7efine "yspnea. 1hortness of )reath. or tro#)(e )reathin%. 7F1;ARA4IA@1 4O
1OCA4=I@< 4=A4 I1 7I>>I-UL4. BA7 OR ;AI@>UL.
3:. What !a#ses a!#te respiratory "istress syn"rome? List at (east 4 thin%s.
Wi"esprea" ate(e!tasis. (oss of s#rfa!tant. interstia( e"ema. formation of hya(ine
mem)rane. impaire" %as "iff#sion.
40. What is the p#rpose of the two8step testin% of t#)er!#(osis? 4o !he!, for an over
the top response to the 1
41. 4he po(ysa!!hari"es !aps#(e of 1. pne#monia prote!ts it from what? Bein% eaten
)y pha%o!ytes.

4+. 7efine Le%ionaireGs 7isease. What is tho#%ht to have )een the !a#se of the initia(
o#t)rea,? -ommon in persons with !hroni! i((ness an" !o(i"ate (#n% tiss#e. ;re!e"e"
)y "iarrhea. hyponateremia an" !onf#sion. 4ra!e" to air !on"itionin% !oo(in% towers *
evaporative !on"ensers.
43. 1in#ses favor the %rowth of or%anisms )e!a#se they?have (ow !on!entration of
o&y%en. many or%anisms favor thisH
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44. What is the press#re in re(ation to the (#n%s "#rin% a tension pne#mothora&
!ompare" to the atmospheri! press#re? Inrap(e#ra( press#re e&!ee"s atmospheri!

45. What happens to the tra!heaGs position "#rin% a tension pne#mothora&? 7eviates
from norma( position.
43. 4o what "oes the ;O+ (eve( refer? ;(asma O+ (eve(s. the amo#nt of o&y%en
"isso(ve" in the p(asma.
45. What "oes positive t#)er!#(osis s,in test in"i!ate? ;erson has )een e&pose" an"
sensiti2e" to the vir#s. most pro)a)(y a forei%ner )$! s$he is imm#ni2e".
46. A!#te respiratory "istress syn"rome !a#ses what (#n% "iffi!#(ties? List at (east +
thin%s. L#n%s !annot inf(ate or fi(( #p with o&y%en an" has )e!ome stiff. Impaire" %as
4:. What are si%ns of hyper!apnia Iin!rease of !ar)on "io&i"e in )(oo"J? List a (east 3
thin%s. -on9#n!tive hyperemia /hi%h amo#nt of )(oo" in eyes0. =ea"a!hes. f(#she"
50. What is !hroni! o)str#!tive p#(monary "isease? 1ma(( airway o)str#!tion "#rin%
the e&piratory phase of venti(ations' -O;7 is a %ro#p of "iseases /!hroni! )ron!hitis.
emphysema. an" )ron!hie!tasis0 !hara!teri2e" )y presen!e of airf(ow o)str#!tion.
51. 7es!ri)e p#(monary !ir!#(ation. ;art of the !ar"iovas!#(ar system whi!h !arries
o&y%en "ep(ete" )(oo" away from the heart to the (#n%s. an" ret#rns o&y%enate" )(oo"
)a!, to the heart.
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5+. 7es!ri)e the )ron!hia( !ir!#(ation system. 1#pp(ies )(oo" to tiss#e from (ar%er
airways of the (#n% s#!h as the !on"#!tin% airways.
53. In a""ition to the )i!ar)onate )#ffer system. what other two ways is !ar)on "io&i"e
transporte" in the )(oo"? 7isso(ve" !ar)on "io&i"e within itse(f. )in"in% !a)on "io&i"e
in the p(asma an" to hemo%(o)in.
54. What are the most (i,e(y !a#ses of emphysema? List at (east three thin%s.
4o)a!!o smo,e. air po((#tion. atitrypsin "efi!ien!y /rare %eneti! "isor"er peop(e with
this "isor"er have a "efi!ien!y in an en2yme that prote!ts the (#n%s0. air )orne irritants.
55. What is the norma( arteria( (eve( ran%e of ;O+? 608100
53. What is Amphysema when p(e#ra( !avity fi((s with air.
55. 35. what is the f#n!tion of the s#rfa!tant? =e(ps ,eep the a(veo(i open
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